
Arrival And Rain Of Chaos

And so the day to reach the main territory became 3. Family or not, no Hydreigon likes another freely passing through their territory, so we had to help each territory we passed by, 4, clear out one wave of intruders.

Which gave me 2 additional levels, level 59 hurray! Now I just need to kill a Champion or above Pokemon to level up and then from there my leveling speed is going to drop. BUT, if I can kill a Guardian doesn't that mean I can jump all the way to Guardian? Possibly can only attempt this once I'm a Senior Champion Pokemon, thereby having A- energy and being qualified to crush them.

As for my state, all have entered C+++. But it's not impossible for an attack of mine to enter A, but it's going to be costly.

At present, we have entered the main territory, and the first thing I noticed wasn't the usual cave setting. No, there was a lake acting like walls around the territory with high-level Basculins, and a few other Water-type Pokemons. In fact, based on the additional high concentration of Water-type energy here there should be Guardian Water-type Pokemon here. Also, most importantly...

"Whore, there's no bridge, how the f*ck are we getting across?" Female Zweilous asks.

"And what made you think I care? I have already fulfilled my promise,"

"Disnigga," "B*tch!" I and Zweilous said respectively. Resting down leisurely by the lake, Hydreigon watches me curiously as if expecting I got a method to cross.

And I do, but I won't. Why? This is a good place as any to try and get Water-Type Manipulation and also become Guardian Zweilous.

I already have Psychic, Dark, and Dragon, with my talent, experience in manipulating energy, and the aid of Omniscient, I should be able to get this ability in a month or 2 instead of a couple of months, which is between 10 - 20 months give or take.

Most importantly, with this place having a or multiple Guardian Pokemons, this here is an exp farm. Although, it may be a farm I shouldn't try to use, but... a farm is a farm. If they didn't want me to use it they shouldn't have placed it here.

Staring at the water, I was in deep thoughts about how to enter. Jumping in just asking to die, so fishing?... No, don't have that patience. Harassment it is.

"Zweilous get ready to roar," I told him while quickly thinking of moves to put together for perfect harassment. I have Advance Hyper Voice, Roar, and Screech. I could fuse them and top it off with Nasty Plot. Yes, let's do that... Oh, Taunt as well, but I don't have it and although I can learn it quite easily fusing it is a different story.

Unstable Fusion Move: Incomplete Fight Me = Hyper Voice + Roar + Screech.



Zweilous roar was slightly different from mine, he added Aura Voice Amplification and didn't use Hyper Voice. This led to his own being more wide range than mine but less effective, while my roar was the opposite having less aoe but a stronger effect.

While his own annoyed the f*ck out of everyone, my soundwave slammed directly into the water harassing the Water dwellers. Hydreigon's eyes widen in annoyance while female Zweilous quickly stood on Zweilous side and roars out.


Her roar was much weaker than our own only using Roar and Taunt for its fusion due to Zweilous only having a Shallow Blue talent. However, that's already impressive considering that this fusion move was just made.

"So you to choose to call them over, not the smartest option but it works I guess," Hydreigon said nonchalantly.

Yep, I f*cked my own plans up by expecting Zweilous to know what I want without fully describing it to his numbskull head! BUT to my defense, he's a part of me, literally. Therefore, I expected him to at least figure out what I meant when I tell him something.

"So how long would it take for someone to come here?" I asked sensing a group of Pokemon about to reach the surface of the water.

"Basculins and a couple of Jellicients?" Why are Jellicients doing here?... F*ck it, it's best I stop relying on my unreliable memory. Though, this is a good time as any to become a Champion Pokemon or possibly even Guardian.

"Zweilous, Rain of Chaos!" Immediately after my words rang, Zweilous instinctively rose its head and began to create a compressed ball of Dragon energy.

As for me, my mouth has already created a compressed ball of Dark energy, equal in size to Zweilous, and was fusing it with Negative Energy: Fear. By the time the enemies have surfaced I have already formed my Corruption Ball and fused it with Zweilous Dragon Ball, aka Draco Meteor.

Perfect Fusion Move: Rain of Chaos.

Shot into the air by Psychic, the ball of destruction radiating exploded into chunks of meteors all of which fell towards the lake. Strange it may seem as one notices the Rain of Chaos only fell towards the lake, but this is because of Zweilous using Psychic to shift their directions. This simple action was extremely difficult, especially with Psychic only at High-Beginner (Level 30). If not for it being our own move, I doubt we would've been able to move it with Psychic at this level.

Rain of Chaos should be able to clear out the trash Pokemons, especially with...


Hydreigon's Perfect Fusion Move, Pseudo-Intimidate. Hopefully, one of those who faint is a Junior Champion, I'm looking at you Jellicient, I'm very curious about how you taste.