
Arceus Strikes Back

Artic was previously just an Articuno one that somehow or another managed to become Mike's friend and has not died yet. In fact, Mike and their friendship aren't the best of friends, with his only friend besides Artic being Medusa, who force him to accept her friendship through battle.

She had died in the war to claim the Universe as their own (V6). Her reincarnation was preset by Mike. One she had first thought to be overpowered.


"Unown?" Artic asks unsure as she stood in front of Mike (Deoxys).

"Yep, got a problem?" Mike asks.

"Aren't they only good when together?" Artic asks knowing full well a level 100 Unown isn't that powerful.

"Yeah, but if our plan fails you will be their leader," Mike said. "Mostly because Unown D is a part of the Universe Spirit," he whispers the last part.

Unknowingly, Mike had said a part of a secret only known to Arceus.

"Unown D?"

"I think an intelligent Unown, either way you dying would most likely mean our defeat. Once I die, everyone else who fails to escape will also die," Mike announces. "Feel free to escape if such an event occurs and if so find a hidden corner and kill yourself,"

"Tsk, easy said than done," Artic snorts.

"If you're anything like me, you did get use to it," Mike shrugs.

"Thankfully, that's far from the truth," she sighed.


"Bored," she mutters.

'Follow the instructions of whoever calls upon you, until the Ouroboros faction is ready,' Mike voice sounded.

Besides staring at nothing or strangely the horde Unowns constantly protecting her, she had nothing to do. She didn't even get a chance at action, each time Unowns are called upon them all flood the gates before she can react.

Years like this would've been a toll on anyone, just look at Mike... though I suppose his personality was always like this.

Artic despite being bored, didn't feel any such toll. Even though aware years have passed by, she it didn't feel longer than a second. It's just the lack of action is boring.

Luckily for her, she didn't need to wait any longer.

A large gap in Space opens before her and directly pulls her and every Unown around within it.

Appearing among her siblings (Unowns) she stares at the battlefield ahead.

'Now let's see... dead humans... Ummm... M-mewtwo? and Arceus,' If she's not mistaken, Mewtwo was the Pokemon Mike had once gotten crush by and Arceus is his enemy.

Which means this isn't her time to shine yet.

"As the servant of the Ouroboros faction's vice leader, Mike Saiko," Artic only picked up the words Ouroboros faction and Mike from Arceus words.

'My time has come,' Finally her moment has come at last.

"Beings of the beginning, bless me as the Magistrate of the Universe," Sei announces.

"Did you think by just asking as Arceus is enough? The only way to gain this right currently is with the aid of the Universe Spirit," Mewtwo mocks.

'Siblings, let's start this blessing thing,' Artic commands as she flew towards Arceus along with her siblings following behind.

Magistrate of the Universe. The one who maintains the order of the Universe, something Progenitor Arceus is born as.

Sei the Arceus however wasn't. Sei was born from the egg of Progenitor Arceus and Shub and not from Unowns themselves.

As for the benefits of being the Magistrate? Most of which aren't worth mentioning without being connected with the Pokemon System (since it carries the most control over the Universe). What was important right now was the gift given, and the gift Unowns would give to Sei wasn't hard to forecast.


Such a event couldn't happen otherwise the difficulty of this fight would only increase. Therefore, the prevent a possibility at defeat, Mewtwo would kill Sei now.


Pity, it had already started. Unowns were already dancing around Sei and the Universe border has already been formed around this ritual.

"If ERRORs can slip through, then I'll make an attack that can," Mewtwo announces.

The very thought of Mewtwo attempting to enter would be foolish, from what has been confirmed only extremely weak (low energy) life and objects were able to slip through and even then with luck.

The only creature that has forcefully broken through the barrier had long since died in the hands of Progenitor Arceus.

Mewtwo's best bet is to somehow create an low-energy attack that can get through the barrier and still be able to kill Arceus. As impossible as it should be, Mewtwo is determined to give it a try.


Sei's mindscape.

"Once the rituals are completed, I would need to ensnare Mewtwo temporarily, reclaim the Soul Plate, and retreat," she mutters.

"Mewtwo has already reached a stage where it's close to impossible to crush him. Such an opponent is better left in the hands of Mike after awakening his Instincts,"

"Indeed," She agreed with this... voice!!!

Quickly, she turns around to see Progenitor Arceus.

"The egg and ritual combined is your reincarnation ticket," Sei exclaims.

"Looks like your backing is a lot weaker than I expected," Arceus mutters, his transcendent gaze causing Sei to freeze.


With his all-knowing powers, there was nothing that can be concealed nothing he didn't know about his world.

"And you're alot smarter than I expected too," he added.

Now he can take over his new body and unrestrainedly complete his task.

"Very well, I agree to your terms," He had already understood everything, and with his thought clearer than ever he already knew whom he cared for the most.

It wasn't the world nor his creations but the life within his world. The Pokemon within his world

"Do note, there's no longer a you or a me,"


"Soul spear," Mewtwo voice sounded.

A soul spear had stabbed through both of them.

Originally, Sei would've moved out of the way in a well-timed manner resulting in only Arceus getting stabbed. However, Arceus had already expected this and managed to restrict Sei's movements dominantly even in this state causing both parties to get stabbed.

In Arceus current state even moving was trouble and restricting Sei shouldn't have been possible much less his current actions.

"Only a we," Steadily, he walks towards Sei the spear going further into the spear until their 2 head lightly touches.

"This is the best choice,"


Arceus could've indeed dodged. Later you did see why, he claimed this was their best choice.


Unown D -> A fragment of the Universe Spirt consciousness.

Something the Universe generated to secure its well-being until its awakening. Once awaken the fragment would fuse back with its whole.