
A Pokemon Who's Afraid To Fight

"The more types you can use in Hidden Power the more improbable it would be to get the right one out in battle. To prevent this you need to get the move into the Intermediate stage, this stage would allow you to freely use whatever types you got for Hidden Power,"

"We don't have so much time to waste on getting it to Intermediate," I refute.

"It's not as hard as you all think, I'm a good teacher, this won't take more than an hour,"


Sadly, he wasn't wrong this also made me think of finding a competent trainer, but how lucky would I be to find one?

Learning Hidden Power has a few benefits though, I now have a fire type move. This means sooner or later I can learn Sunny Day, I'm also curious to try and get the move Hidden Power to Advance stage, Magcargo hasn't done yet.

"Now let's get back to where we were at previously," Fluffs suddenly said.

"Yesss," Am I missing something here?

"Yes, I'm fully prepared this time," Snow said. Fully prepared? Don't tell me, you all are talking about...

"Berisss, fight Snowsss," Medusa said.

"Oh hell no! Didn't you all see how bad I'm in the cold?"

"Surpass your limitsss," Surpass your mother!

"You heard master, surpass your limits," Fluffs said jokingly.

"Tsk, why don't you go and surpass your limits Fluffs?"

"I'm a Dragon, I'm weak to Ice types," he answered proudly.

"A dragon without pride, unbelievable,"

"Arceus forgot to give it to me, along with your intelligence,"




"One of these days I will become a stray,"


"You both battlesss," Medusa said.

"Or do you want Snow's parents to see you lose?" Fluffs tries to annoy me.

"Lose? All I have to do is dodge her Ice-type moves," I said while distancing myself away from them. Unless she knows Blizzard, I still have a chance to win.

'To keep yourself combat fit, warm yourself up once an hour with Hidden Power Fire, and when you go to sleep use Cotton Guard to stay warm,'

This guy is making it sound like I'll become his son-in-law.

[Answer: Who knows]

Is that a flag? Burn it!

"Ready whenever you are," I said as I wait for Snow to get ready and for Medusa and Fluffs to go a safe distance away from us

"Ready... no, I'm not ready, mommy I need you," her confidence quickly shattered and now she's whimpering for her mommy...

"..." she did say ready, so can I shoot?


Your opinion doesn't matter.

*pew* *pew* *pew* *pew*

4 seeds from Bullet Seed were shot out, but thanks to my aim they moved forward in a box formation as they moved towards Snow.

"Hey, that's not fair!" She shouted, a blue aurora surrounding her body blocking my attack.

[Aurora Veil]

Tsk, but you claim I'm cheating. Hope she can't attack while this is active like in the games. Flying over towards her with Quick Attack and an active Tailwind, I stopped midday when I saw she was not attacking.

"Why aren't you fighting? We can't test your combat ability without fighting,"

"Compatibility?" Why is she blushing? I said combat ability.

"Why aren't you fighting?"

"I... don't like fighting," she whispered.


"But, I'm great support. Aurora Veil can protect the team and I know Life Dew," she spoke hurriedly.

"If I have to assist, I know moves like Yawn, Mist, Powder Snow, Blizzard, and Ominous Wind. I can't win a battle on my own, but I can make sure you win yours with my aid," she said quietly.

"I'm sorry for not saying this earlier, please don't hate me,"


I don't know what to say without getting smacked by Medusa or getting killed by her parents. Being a support isn't bad really, but the parents are still too foolish to not properly train her to battle.

Turning my gaze to Medusa, she shrugged, well at least what I think she did, meaning you decide. You decide? Come on don't make me do this, I may have killed children indirectly, but I never killed them myself. If a child had harassed me I would shoot his father or mother, but not the child, and sadly, I'll die trying to kill her parents.

Those pleading eyes that are begging for acceptance are poison to me, especially when they are ready to cry. Oh God no, she's going to cry, System I need an answering stack.

[Snow is an Ice type Pokemon]

This isn't the answer I wanted!.

[Aurora Veil needs Hail or a snow environment to form if Hail is used it will be difficult for Host to use his full strength. Life Dew on the other hand is a healing move, you might have moves to heal but Fluffs and Medusa don't]

"Fine, you can join us," I said resigned. y prefer if we didn't have a weakness in the group, but I myself am a weakness. Let's not forget I'm technically her bodyguard now.

"Yippee," she said happily, canceling Aurora Veil before moving towards me, slowly.

Well, she's a Slugma, what did you expect?

"I'm tired, I'm going back to sleep," I said frankly, using Cotton Guard to wrap myself up in something warm, I used Rest to fall asleep.

Tomorrow is going to be a long cold day.