
Chapter 313: Forest Guards, Defeat The Pinsir Group!

"These Heracross look so friendly!"

"Yes, Heracross's personality has always been relatively gentle. Although he has thick horns on his head that are suitable for fighting, he doesn't like to fight with other Pokémon."

At this moment, a group of Butterfree flew from a distance, heading straight for the big tree where the Heracross tribe was sitting to suck the sweet sap.

Many Heracross took the initiative to give up their good positions to Butterfree, which made Misty Serena and two people marvel.

And behind a few people, a somewhat rough voice also came.

Everyone looked for the name and saw a member of the forest guard wearing a uniform similar to that of a firefighter.

"I'm sorry, three boys and girls, my name is Sen Nan, I am a member of the forest guard responsible for guarding the surrounding forests!

Because there has been a large-scale die-off of trees recently, I came here specifically to investigate, so I'm sorry to bother you. "

Seeing the looks from the three of them, Sennan took the initiative to explain to Xiaozhi and the others.

"It turns out to be Mr. Sennan, hello, my name is Xiaozhi, and their names are Misty and Serena.

The three of us also saw the surrounding trees withering and thought that this must not be a natural phenomenon. There must be some reasons for it, so we came to investigate.

Xiaozhi said to Sennan with a smile.

"Is that so? Thank you so much!"

Sennan seemed very happy after hearing that Xiaozhi and the others came here to investigate the cause of the withered trees in the forest.

One more person means more strength, let alone three people.

Even the three of them are just Rookie Trainers who just started traveling this year.

It was enough to give him a lot of help in this investigation.

"You're welcome, protecting Pokémon's home is the duty of every Trainer."

Xiaozhi and the other three said with a smile.

Sennan was immediately in awe. There are not many Trainers who have such awareness these days.

Especially the three of Xiaozhi look like Rookie Trainers, which is even more rare.

In fact, most trainers have an attitude that it doesn't matter to them and they just care about it.

Some even hinder the work of forest guards and forest rangers.

Ask them to provide help for minor matters, or else complain to Alliance officials, which is a serious waste of their patrol power.

There has been a situation in this forest for a few days. He delayed coming here until now. It is not because of negligence.

But there are other things that need to be dealt with before.

If other Trainers had the same awareness as Xiaozhi and the other three, he could finish his work earlier and rush over to investigate.

Looking at the posture, Xiaozhi seemed to have arrived slightly earlier than him.

I don't know if I can find any useful clues.

Suppressing his thoughts slightly, Sennan asked Xiaozhi and the others with a smile on his face.

However, I didn't have much expectation that I could find any valuable clues.

More importantly, I was thinking that if a few people at Xiaozhi could help him in the follow-up work, everything would be fine.

"To be honest, we have found some clues and know the real culprit that caused the trees to wither.

But before that, there are still some things that need to be dealt with before we can go over and punish the murderer. "

Xiaozhi smiled and nodded to Sennan who asked him.

Xiaozhi's answer made Sen Nan, who didn't have high expectations, overjoyed.

Just as he was about to ask Xiaozhi what else he needed to deal with, he saw Xiaozhi shaking his head slightly at him and pointing his finger into the distance.

Following the direction of Xiaozhi's finger, the few people could only see smoke and dust billowing in the distance, and the sounds of messy and powerful footsteps could be heard in their ears.

But a group of Pinsir came running towards this direction.

Baring his teeth and claws, he flicked the pair of big horns above his head.

It is trying to drive away all the Heracross and Butterfree that are sucking the juice.

Heracross is gentle and timid by nature and does not dare to conflict with Pinsir.

Many Heracross left in fear.

The same is true for Butterfree, but there is a slower Butterfree because he is greedy for the last sip of sweet sap.

Before he could leave, he was blocked by the Pinsir group.

Just as he was about to be taught a lesson, the Heracross that Xiaozhi liked stayed behind [intending to protect Butterfree].

"Is it Pinsir? Don't they live in another forest? Why did they come here?

Are they the culprits causing tree wilt?"

When meeting the Pinsir tribe, Nan put forward his own speculation.

"Yes or no, these Pinsir are also forced to do nothing.

But before explaining this problem, let's help the Heracross tribe get rid of these Pinsir.

...Requesting flowers: 0

Xiaozhi put his hand to his waist and said.

"Come out, Croconaw!"

There are a lot of these Pinsirs, and the average level is about 20.

It can be regarded as a very good leveling target for battle.

This wave of experience cannot be wasted!

Upon seeing this, Misty and Serena also released their Cyndaquil, Fennekin and Totodile, preparing to fight with Xiaozhi.

In fact, this is what they usually do when traveling in Johto Region.

When facing hordes of wild Pokémon, Xiaozhi's Pokémon mainly deals damage, and the two of them provide assistance.

Command the battle together to raise your Pokémon's battle level as quickly as possible.

It's not easy for this boy to evolve his Earl Dervish Pokémon so quickly!


There should be a Rookie dark horse in this year's Silver Conference.

Looking at it like this, there may be hope for him to enter the top 32 as a newly debuted Trainer!

Thinking that Xiaozhi and the other two were just Rookie Trainers, they ignored Pikachu, who seemed harmless.

Sennan, who simply judged it as a cute pet, couldn't help but nodded when he saw Xiaozhi's Croconaw, expressing his affirmation of Xiaozhi's ability.


"Croconaw, Water Gun!"

"Totodile, we also use Water Gun!"

"Cyndaquil, Fennekin, Ember!"

Xiaozhi and the three of them worked together to attack the Pinsir who climbed up the tree.

Among them, Xiaozhi's Croconaw is the main C, and Misty's Totodile is assisting from the side.

Serena's Cyndaquil and Fennekin are responsible for the outer area, and Xiaozhi's attack cannot cover Pinsir.

Water and fire are in conflict, if she chooses the same attack target as Xiaozhi Misty.

Not only will they not be able to help each other, they will also affect each other.

Even a Rookie Trainer with some common sense knows this most basic principle.

After being trained by Xiaozhi, she would not make such a stupid mistake.

On the tree trunk, Heracross, who was struggling to resist Pinsir's attack, saw Xiaozhi and others helping him.

He also temporarily restrained his gentle personality and bravely launched a counterattack.

Finally, with the concerted efforts of several people, the Pinsir group left the Heracross forest in despair.

(Picture: Sennan Ten).