
Chapter 234: Why Did You Provoke Him?

Oops, Trainer/Mall Leader has hit a brick wall this time!

The impression given by Psychics has always been that they are powerful and mysterious.

And because I have received strange looks from others since I was a child, my temper is also not very good.

Why did you say you provoked him?

You can't even invite someone's girlfriend to dance in front of others!

The Pokémon who stopped dancing and saw Trainer being humiliated immediately wanted to save Dayton.

As a result, he was also hit, and the big blue Confusion hand transformed by Xiaozhi using Psychic grabbed his neck and made him cold.

Hanging in a row together with their Trainer Dayton, it looks quite strangely harmonious.

At this time, the staff member who came in with Xiaozhi and his party winked at the other person.

Then he quickly came to Xiaozhi and bowed at 90 degrees.

"Dear challenger, I'm sorry, our host was too impulsive and offended you. I apologize to you on his behalf."

"Brother Challenger, my brother didn't do it on purpose. He just lost his mind for a moment. Please let him go, okay?"

At this time, the staff member who had just left walked in with Marie from Dayton.

When Marie arrived at the ballroom, she glanced at Dayton, whose face was getting redder, with some concern. 08 pulled Xiaozhi's trouser legs, raised his head and begged Xiaozhi.

Feeling the trousers sliding down, Xiaozhi calmly reached out and lifted them up.

If you point a gun at someone later, it would be rude to face the door!

Although he often refers to Misty Sundae, Marie is still a little lolita.

Although he is an artist, he is not as good as him.

Misty Sundae and the others, who were the same age as his body, were already the limit he could accept, and anything less would not be acceptable.

Although he is a loli/girl/royal sister/young mistress, he is not a pervert.

The corner of his mouth was slightly pulled, and he grabbed the back of Marie's neck, which was holding on to his pants.

Throw her over to Misty and Sundae and let them watch.

"Whether you let your brother go or not, your apology doesn't count, it depends on your brother's attitude.

After hearing Xiaozhi's explanation, Marie looked anxiously at her brother Dayton.

"Brother, please say something!"

Dayton, whose consciousness was gradually blurring due to lack of oxygen supply to his brain, heard his sister's words.

I almost couldn't hold it back and fainted.

No, do you think I can talk like this?

At this time, it felt like his eyes were getting darker and darker, and Dayton seemed to be about to leave this beautiful world. He let go of his pride as a gym leader and a wealthy young man.

He put his hands together and made a gesture of please and begging for mercy to Xiaozhi.

After seeing the other party begging for mercy, Xiaozhi withdrew Psychic.

Dayton, including the Pokémon under his hand, fell off like dumplings one by one.

Relying on the body's balance and coordination skills developed through long-term dancing.

Dayton, who was lucky enough not to fall flat on his back, steadied himself and rubbed his neck, which still had some bruises and bruises.

Panting heavily, I felt that I had never been so embarrassed in my life.

The word "sex" has a knife on his head, and his dead father will not bully him!

After so many years, my heart was moved just once, and I almost lost my life.

At this time, Dayton couldn't help but look at the goddess Misty, expecting to see the condemnation of Xiaozhi's violent behavior and sympathy for his miserable experience from Misty's face.

However, there are no eggs!

On the contrary, Misty looked like he deserved it.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my heart.

After calming down for a while, he turned to look at Xiaozhi, with a trace of fear and fear flashing in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand as if he wanted to shake hands with Xiaozhi.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't notice you Xiaozhi just now. How offensive it was. I'm really sorry!"

"It's okay, now Gym Leader Dayton can we start our gym battle?"

Xiaozhi stretched out his hand to hold his hand with an indifferent expression. He noticed that the force coming from the other person's hand was getting stronger and stronger. He wanted to regain the ground in this regard and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Are you brave, young man?

The strength in his hands increased silently simultaneously.

Visibly, Dayton's expression became a little unnatural.

He held back his cry and quickly took his hand out.

"Very good!"

"Brother, brother Xiaozhi is so generous, you have to be more cautious when you fight in the gym later!"

After seeing his brother Dayton, Xiaozhi not only let him go, but also shook hands and made peace.

Marie, the little lolita, jumped up happily and broke away from Misty's arms.

He took three steps and two steps at a time, came to Dayton, took his arm and said.

The hand that Dayton was holding Xiaozhi's hand behind his back was trembling slightly, and a forced smile appeared on his face.

"Of course, brother will be "good" in letting go later!"


Hope your Pokémon is as tough as your Psychic!

He doesn't know how to hold back!

Even if he doesn't get the goddess, he will give Xiaozhi a hard blow in front of the goddess.

I think the gyms in the Kanto Region are too difficult, and think their Orange Alliance is a soft persimmon?

Sorry, they Southern Cross are not that easy to mess with either!

At this time, Dayton already considered Xiaozhi to be a Psychic, but a poor Pokémon Breeder.

He couldn't survive in the Kanto Region, so he came to a small place to act arrogantly.

This is also the consensus of Orange Group Alliance Gym Trainers regarding challengers from other regions.

I haven't seen many powerful trainers from other regions play in low-level Alliance events like Orange Alliance!

The Orange Alliance Southern Cross and the Victor's Cup are basically just enclosures for self-entertainment and self-entertainment to meet the needs of Trainers starting from the Orange Islands.

"Normally, challenging the Southern Cross Gym requires a certain test first.

We at Trovita Gym are going to test the challenger Pokémon's skill accuracy and reaction speed.

In view of the ability you showed just now, Xiaozhi, this test will be omitted and we will go directly to the battle arena!"

After comforting his sister Marie, Dayton turned his attention to Xiaozhi again.

"Shall we get straight to the point?"

"It's okay to be direct, then let's go!"

Xiaozhi nodded.

He also criticized Orange Alliance for having to pass various tests before challenging the gym.

There are not many challengers from Orange, Alliance and Southern Cross. Is there any need to set such a threshold?

The gym in Kanto Alliance has so many challengers every day, but why haven't they all been accepted?

The temple is small, the wind is strong, the water is shallow, and there are many tortoises.

The place is not big, but there are many rules!

The battle venue of Trovita Gym is not inside the gym, but on a huge flat rock above the sea around Trovita Island.

The group arrived at the battle platform in a hot Air Baloon.

Xiaozhi and Dayton are on both sides of the battle platform.

As for the referee and the audience, Misty, Sundae, and Marie.

Instead, two different thermal Air Baloons are mounted directly into the air, away from the battlefield.

"The battle rules are 3v3, and both sides use Pokémon with the same Attribute to fight.

During this period, neither the Gym Leader nor the challenger is allowed to change Pokémon. "

"The battle begins!"

In Arnold's hot Air Baloon, the referee announced the rules.

(Picture: Trovita Gym battle venue, Dayton sister Marie).