

The trainers were fighting with the healthy Pokemon they had against the grunts. Brock didn't know how much longer they could do this, not to forget Ash looked exhausted. Even Misty was starting to look tired although not as bad as Ash did. He helped in covering for the trainers who had hurt Pokemon so they could get them to Seymour for help. He was pretty relieved when Seymour called his Chansey to help in caring for the hurt.

Ash, "Lucario, use shadow ball on the locks that are holding the cages. Pikachu, electro ball on the bigger cages that have electric locks. Short circuit them."

Lucario nodded and crouched as he took aim and shot at the locks breaking them, while Pikachu after watching Magnemite in action got an idea of how to destroy the machine without wasting energy. Once the cages opened the wild Pokemon which consisted of Onix, Geodude, Graveller, Sandshrew, Clefairy, Zubat and Paras rushed out making some of the grunts scramble to recapture them. Ash pat them on the job well done, as it would get them time and a very a small amount of relief.

Ash, "Kakuna, Metapod, harden, agility and tackle to break the chains on the young rock types. Pikachu already short circuited the machines."

The two bug types did that and destroyed the chains holding the Pokemon making them run after the others once they were free. If they managed to knock out two grunts well, you can't blame them, they were in the way. Also hurting baby Pokemon is unacceptable in their book. It's the one rule Ash wants them to remember if they come across young Pokemon be they are normal or a shiny.

The executive however was annoyed, "That's it, little girl, you and your freaky psychic boyfriend are going down."

Brock, Misty, James and Jessie were quite before they snorted and burst out laughing much to Ash's embarrassment and annoyance, "He's not my boyfriend, he's family."

The executive sneered, "So you have a freak of a brother, well isn't that swell?"

Ash's eyes twitched, "What did you just say?"

Misty got angry, "Hey! That was uncalled for. The only freak here is you and your goons!"

Jessilina, "I agree, honestly have you seen the mirror?"

Executive, "Grunt, are you betraying us?"

Jessilina, "Maybe I am, after all who wants to work for a what's the new word? Oh yes! Dunderhead! You just have to love Professor Snape."

The executive's glared at her, "Kill her!"

Jessilina gave her the finger, "You can try!"

Misty looked at her friend worried, "Ash, this is bad! You don't look so good."

Ash was worried and terrified, "I know! They are willing to murder, unbelievable. Actually I can believe it. What do we do?"

Just as Ash said that a flamethrower landed between Jessie and the executive's Pokemon separating them. Red walked in and he looked very angry, he looked around and didn't see Ash anywhere so he sighed in relief before he started to order the trainers out and battled with Team Rocket. The executive cursed as she called her own Charizard to battle against the shiny one.

Red, "Arrianna, why am I not surprised? You look old too."

Arrianna's eyes twitched, "You little brat, you cost me millions when you interfered in the SS Anne and Silph Co. How did you get here?"

Arrianna turned to the orange haired Jessie, "It was you, wasn't it? I will deal with you personally after I'm done with him."

Jessie snarked, "Flattered but I don't date or sleep with psychos."

Arrianna, "Charizard heat blast!"

Red, "Dragon rage!"

The two powers collided and they battled against each other while the trainers got up and battled with the grunts and stopped those who were trying to recapture the wild Pokemon. Ash and the others protected the wild Pokemon before they were met by Blue who did a double take at their get ups. He snorted before smirking and helped them save the Pokemon, Arrianna seeing her men and women down got pissed. The fact that one of her women betrayed her pissed her off.

Arrianna, "You better hope you run girl. I'll not forget this."

Jessie, "Nice to know I'm unforgettable."

Arrianna glared before she had her Alakazam teleport her and some of the grunts who were still standing out of the mountain. Red looked at Jessie dubiously at the blatant goading and wondered if she was just plain crazy. Jessie ignored him and went to check up on James and the others taking off her wig, mask and eye lenses. She found them sitting exhausted mentally and physically by the corner with a few other trainers.

Jessie, "Are you guys okay?"

Misty got up taking her wig off, "Are we okay? Are you okay? What in the world was that?"

Brock, "Yeah Jessilina that was dangerous."

James, "I have to agree with them."

Ash, "I get you have a disguise on but what if it had fallen during battle? You would have been exposed!"

Red, "Whaaaaat? That voice? Ash?"

Ash turned to his cousin a little pink, "Yeah, we didn't want to risk them bothering us if they knew how we looked sooooo."

Red, "Huh? Not a bad idea and you look cute."

Ash, "Asfdjhl! Red!" >///////////<

Misty sat down, "I'm tired, that was terrifying and exhausting and I never thought I would run into them a second time."

James blinked, "Second time?"

Ash nodded, "Ran into Team Rocket back in Viridian city, they threatened to take my Lucario just because he was not common here. Bastards!"

Red, "Are you okay? You look pale."

Ash nodded, "Now that the adrenaline is over, it's just dawning on me. That was terrifying, straight out terrifying. I thought for a sec we were done for. Then you came and we are okay."

Red picked Ash up, "Let's go, the clean up crew will take care of this. Trainers, do all of you have your Pokemon? All of your Pokemon?"

Red led the way out after the trainers nodded with a lot of whispering on who the girl was and why Red was so close to her. One said, maybe she was his fiance, she's definitely a talented trainer like Red, Ash hid his face in Red's shoulder in mortification. Misty made a gross out noise and loudly told the gossipers they were siblings so shut up and stop making themselves look like idiots. Ash shot Misty a grateful smile which she returned with a thumbs up, Brock was too busy helping Seymour care about the injured Pokemon to pay attention to the gossip.

Ash soon fell asleep, he didn't know if it was the mental exhaustion or the presence of safety but the next thing that happened was, he woke up to a bright morning. He looked around and saw all his Pokemon sleeping by his side in various places around the tenth, someone had changed his clothes too. He noticed Lucario was sleeping on his left, Pikachu on his stomach, Kakuna and Metapod were at his feet, Primeape by his right and Fearrow was by the entrance. The bird Pokemon was sleeping keeping vigilance again.

Pikachu woke up feeling movement, "Pikapi? Pi pika pikachu Pikapi pikachu!"

That woke everyone up and they all looked Ash over making sure he was okay and unhurt, Ash calmed them down saying he was fine. He had just felt exhausted all of a sudden once the battle ended.

Ash, "Where are we? How long have I been asleep?"

Lucario, -We are at the medic camp with big brothers Red and Blue. You fell asleep yesterday evening and didn't wake up. You had aura exhaustion.-

Ashes eyes widened, "What? How? I don't even know how to access aura!!!!"

Lucario, -You were doing it instinctively, which was very dangerour, if the battle had gone on much longer, you would have entered in a best case scenario a year long coma or worst case scenario be dead!-

Pikachu, "PIKA?"

Primeape, "APE?"

Metapod, "META?"

Kakuna, "KA?"

Fearrow, "ROW?"

Jigglypuff that had followed Ash after he had helped her and her friends, "JIGGLY?"

Ash, "Eh? Where did you come from? Wait, not now! How do I avoid that?"

Lucario, -Training, you need to control it's output.-

Red rushed in hearing the noise, "Whats going on? Ash? You are awake! Thank Mew! I was worried when you fainted all of a sudden."

Red hugged him and Ash returned the hug, "I am okay. Lucario says, it was aura exhaustion and that I was unknowingly using aura. I need to learn to control it or it might put me in a coma or worse."

Red looked at Ash, "What's worse?"

Ash looked away, "Using aura without training might kill me?"

Red's grip tightened, "I see, you better train hard then. I'm guessing Lucario will be teaching you?"

Lucario nodded, -I will, it can't be avoided, not after it has been accessed once. Locking it up again could prove to be detrimental. It will be no different from a wall-less prison.-

Red nodded, "I'll leave my baby brother in your hands then Lucario. Take care of him."

Lucario nodded, -Always, we are family, we'll all help him.-, the Pokemon around them agreed.

Ash blushed and mumbled, "I'm not a baby."

Ash, "You don't mind?"

Red, "Is it because that woman called psychics a freak?"

Ash looked away making Red sigh, "Having extra abilities does not make you a freak. I know it's not common for humans to have abilities like Pokemon but it's not rare or unheard of either."

Red sat on the chair next to the bed, "For example there are Aura Gaurdians, yes they are real and the most famous of them is Sir Aaron. He is the Patron saint of aura users, even an old friend of mine, Yellow can use aura. She can heal Pokemon using hers and there's her cousin Riley who uses his aura for battle. Kinda like you did earlier today if I'm being honest."

Ash looked at Red, 'Yellow is here! Riley and Yellow are cousins, didn't see that coming.', "Huh, the two teens with the long hair? I remember them, they were the ones who helped Professor Oak at the ranch after you became a Champion."

Red nodded, "Team Rocket wanted to well force them into marriages and make them produce kids with the same ability."

Ash, "Just say they wanted them to become breeding machines. I'm not that soft."

Red, "Right, okay. So that's why they were with the Professor for a while before the Aura Guardian guild from Rota picked them up. I wonder if I should send you there actually."

Ash shook his head, "No I want to train by myself first but if it gets too much then maybe."

Red, "That's fine. It's still early, do you want to wash up? Or stay here and rest a bit more?"

Ash, "Wash up, my face feels itchy like hell."

Red smiled, "Alright, your friends are training outside."

Ash, "How are they?"

Red, "They are alright a bit shaken but they are alright. They were worried about you when you didn't wake up last night."

Ash, "Ah! I will wash up and join them."

Red, "I'll see you at breakfast."

Blue walked in, "Red.... Ash you're awake. Thank sanity. You had us all worried."

Ash, "Hey Blue, sorry if I scared you all, wasn't planning on it honestly speaking."

Blue nodded, "Good, Red you are needed the meeting will start right after breakfast, so you might as well get ready."

Red sighed, "I made Lance my representative for a reason."

Blue, "He's in Kalos right now."

Rex grumbled, "Fine, fine! I'm coming."

Red turned to Ash, "Do not push yourself Ash, rest for today. Once the Doctor gives you a clean bill of health you can get back to training."

Ash nodded "Okay!"

Red kissed his forehead, "Great, I'll see you at breakfast baby brother."

Red left with Blue and Ash decided to wash up using the water provided in the basin which Lucario commented he had filled in the morning. Ash thanked the Aura Pokemon and brushed and washed before changing into proper clothes, which made him question who had changed him. Lucario informed him, he and the other Pokemon had at Red's request, as he was busy with the clean up. Ash made an 'Ah', sound and went to find the others once dressed with his Pokemon around him, not yet willing to let him out of sight. He saw Misty and Jessilina were battling each other while Brock was over by the camp kitchen making food. Jameson and Seymour were talking with the other trainers who waved at him when they noticed Ash. Misty and Jessilina stopped their battle and hugged him welcoming him back, followed by the other trainers who it seems were worried as well.