
Jhoto - Ecruteak City

Ash, "Now use crunch!"

Tyrantrum jumped after Shedinja and crunched down on him hard getting a shriek of pain from the bug type. Ash frowned when he saw blood ooze out of Shedinja before his eyes widened and he shouted for Tyrantrum to let go. Tyrantrum snarled and refused to release his opponent and Ash ran into the battlefield calling for Brock and Morty to help him fast.

Ash, "Tyrantrum! Tyrantrum, look at me! Look at me. Let go! Come on buddy, let go."

Tyrantrum snarled and dropped Shedinja turning to bite Ash, "RRRRRRRAN!"

Max shrieked, "Ash!"

Gou, "Get away!"

Lucario, -Stop Tyrantrum!-

Abra, -No stop!-

Casey, "Shit Ash is bleeding."

Verity, "Why would Tyrantrum do that?"

Brock, "I don't know, shit! Shedinja is in a bad shape."

Morty narrowed his eyes, "That's frenzy, dragon frenzy.... I thought Tyrantrum was a young Pokemon."

Casey, "He is young, he evolved only a few weeks ago."

Morty, "An Alpha! He is an alpha."

Shedinja agreed though winced when he tried to move his head, "Shhheee."

Morty, "Don't move Shedinja."

Ash in the meantime was using his aura to lessen the pain of being bitten by a dinosaur Pokemon of all things. Tyrantrum's eyes were glazed over with dragon aura, he knew any dragon type Pokemon exposed to aura would be stronger than normal and prone to entering a frenzy, Riley had warned him. He just was not expecting it to be so soon, he felt his blood drip to the floor from his shoulder where he was bitten.

Ash, "Hey Tyrantrum, it's me buddy, it's okay."

Tyrantrum snarled and Ash's friends tried to move but the dark haired teen raised a hand to motion to them to stop. Ash then raised the hand that was not hurting and ran it through the scales with aura whispering words of comfort. Tyrantrum snarled some more but started to calm down slowly and surely, his eyes turning to normal. Tyrantrum blinked on tasting blood on his tongue, it tasted sweet and he licked it and the source of the blood hearing a hiss.

Tyrantrum was shocked on seeing Ash in pain before realizing that he was currently biting Ash's shoulder and the blood was coming from his Meema. Tyrantrum whined as he let go and licked the shoulder, bowing his head down feeling guilty, as an Alpha he was supposed to protect his Meema and pack, not hurt them. Ash tried to comfort him but Tyrantrum shook his head and ran away despite the calls to come back. Morty watched the drama, with a lot of fascination before taking out a first aid kit and started to clean Ash's shoulder after taking off his jacket and T-shirt.

Morty, "Well I was not expecting that."

Ash hissed as the cleaning agent touched his shoulder, "I have to go after him. Dammit! I should have been more careful."

Abra, -It's not your fault Meema, Lucario had gone after Tyrantrum.-

Eevee cooed, "Vui."

Absol, "Sol absol."

Casey, "You should worry more about yourself."

Max, "You are hurt Ash."

Ash, "Part of being a trainer, a more serious part. Sometimes your Pokemon will end up with strength, more strength then they can deal with... When that happens it's up to the trainer to help them regain their momentum, balance and self worth."

Brock winced, "Still, don't you think it's a little too early for Tyrantrum to gain such high levels so soon? I remember when my Golem started having problems... It was quite a hard time for him. Will you be okay?"

Ash got up, "Thank you for Morty. I apologize for the trouble."

Morty, "Don't worry about it. It happens sometimes and my Shedinja is tough right tough guy?"

Shedinja flew around, "Dinja!"

Ash smiled, "I'm glad, I better go after Tyrantrum and Lucario."

Lucario had run after Tyrantrum who ran into the forest that surrounded Ecruteak City, 'He is fast indeed.-

Tyrantrum ran into the forest feeling a lot of self hatred against himself. His Meema has always been kind and patient with him and how did he repay that? He hurt his Meema till he started to bleed. He was a horrible alpha, Charizard would be so disappointed in him over this. Lucario found him hiding between a few rocks, the little dinosaur looked very guilty because of what he had done. Lucario sighed as he slowly approached Tyrantrum not wanting to spook him into running again.

Tyrantrum, "Rrrrun unnnn tyrran."

Lucario, -You know? Meema doesn't hate you, he was worried.-

Tyrantrum shook his head, "Runnn tyran tyrantrum."

Lucario, -No, he wouldn't and doesn't hate you. We know he wouldn't. He was not even scared.-

Tyrantrum grunted, "Tyrantrum tyr!"

Lucario mused, -Yes, I suppose most people would be terrified... But remember to us he is our Meema first. I bet if we went evil and tried to take over the world he would drag us back to the right side kicking and screaming.-

Tyrantrum grunted amused as well, "Tyr tyran tyrantrum."

Lucario looked up at the moon coming out, -Yes, it is very lovely.-

Ash and the others were looking all over the City for Tyrantrum, 'Where could he be?'

Morty, "Will you really be okay?"

Ash looked at the Gym Leader who was following him, "Yeah, I mean, it's not that bad, it's mostly a surface wound."

Morty raised his eyebrow, "You were bleeding all over my gym floor."

Ash, "Sorry? That was not intentional."

Morty grumbled, "I don't know if you are being obtuse intentionally or pretending to be obtuse. Boy! Let me say it again, you were bleeding a lot. Most people need help when that happens."

Ash laughed nervously, "I promise I'm fine."

Morty glared and hit him over the head, "You idiotic Aura Guardians! Why are you all so blind to your own pain?"

Ash, "Ow! Okay I kinda deserved that."

Noctowl hooted above them and pointed at a direction, "Hoooooh!"

Ash, "Did you find them?"

Noctowl nodded and flew off, "Hooh!"

Morty, "This conversation is not over."

Ash, "I'm fine."

Morty snapped, "No, you are not. Your shoulder is in such a bad shape. All of your aura is focusing on healing your shoulder to the point you can't even use it to find Lucario can you?"

Ash did not say anything for a while, "Uhhhh, let's just find Lucario and Tyrantrum."

Morty sighed, "Fine! I will let it go for now but just so you know, I'm warning Riley about this."

Ash nodded, "Fair enough!"

Lucario looked up as Ash and the gym leader came through the forest, -Meema! You came.-

Ash, "Of course I did."

Tyrantrum rumbled looking down, "Tyr."

Ash went to Tyrantrum and hugged him, "I'm so glad you are okay. I was so worried."

Tyrantrum grunted, "Rrrrum."

Ash, "Tyrantrum I'm so sorry. I should have been more aware of your dragon powers becoming stronger, faster than normal. It's my fault for not being careful."

Tyrantrum shook his head in denial, "Tyran tyr tyran trum."

Ash rubbed his scales getting purrs, "Okay okay, but then it's neither of our faults. Things just happen sometimes and all we can do is try our best to adjust."

Tyrantrum grunted then noticed the gym leader and looked guilty, he knew the match was forfeit. He had ran out before the match was even over, what's more, he was now feeling embarrassed at how he had acted in the first place. As an alpha, he should have made sure that Meema was okay first, not run off and feel sorry for himself like some trouble making hatchling. Tyrantrum hid his face in his Meema's chest feeling like a fool while his Meema comforted him.

Ash chuckled, "Don't worry about the gym battle. We can have another, another time."

Morty, "Technically you already won the fight and the badge."

Lucario, -Perhaps!-

Morty, "Tell you what! You will have your ace battle tomorrow right?"

Ash, "Yeah, why?"

Morty, "If you win that then I'll give you the badge."

Ash grinned, "Thank you."

Morty sat opposite of him, "By the way, the Eevee sisters are performing tonight. How about we all go there to relax a bit?"

Ash, "Eevee sisters? Ah, Brock is a big fan."

Morty chuckled, "I don't blame him."

Ash gave him a smug grin, "You like one of them yourself, don't you?"

Morty, "Maybe, who knows?"

Tyrantrum was rumbling feeling better as he circled Ash and cuddled with him listening to him talk with the gym leader. Lucario was right, his Meema was not scared of him at all, despite the fact he had hurt him. Ash was sitting with him and Tyrantrum could feel from his pulse and heart beat, his Meema was content just staying like that with him. After a few minutes the rest of the group turned up asking if he was alright.... He really did make them worry about him, didn't he?

Lucario smiled, -See, what did I tell you?-

Tyrantrum nodded, "Rrrran."

Ash, "Hey buddy, what do you say we return now? Eevee, Absol and Abra were really worried about you back there."

Tyrantrum nodded agreeing to return with them and went to the Pokemon center first where he met Shedinja. The Dragon type apologized to the ghostly bug and Shedinja pat his shoulder showing it was not a big deal and sometimes things happened. Morty took out the tickets to the show given by the Eevee sisters and their eeveelution. Verity was very excited and they went to the old fashioned tea house which had a built in stage inside. The act was very fascinating and the Eevee sisters reenacted the story of Ho oh and Lugia.

They met the Eevee sisters after the show with Morty who gave one of the sisters, Tamao a bouquet of flowers. Tamao accepted the flowers with a happy smile while Brock tried to keep himself from doing anything stupid. Misty and Ash's scolding still fresh inside his head from the last time, also he didn't want to disappoint Yellow. The five sisters invited them to the tea ceremony which would happen the next day and the group accepted it.

Satsuki, "Our tea ceremonies are special."

Koume, "It's not just us who perform it but also our Pokemon."

Sumono, "It is one of the best ways to relax."

Tamao, "You and your Pokemon must attend."

Sakura, "You will not regret it."

Ash, "I suppose it will be a good way for Tyrantrum to relax and become more confident in himself."

Koume hummed, "Ah! I see, I'll prepare the ceremony for you and your Pokemon Ash."

Ash, "I appreciate it."

The next day however they had to deal with a group of Murkrows who were obsessed with shiny items. They took Ash's badge case, Verity's lucky charm and one of Sakura's crystal tea set glasses. Casey was surprised to see a crystal set and the youngest explained she was interested in learning about other cultures tea times too. They ran after the Murkrows and came across their nest situated at the top of a large tree.

After a little bit of back and forth, they got their stuff back, though Sakura was a little miffed they had to put off the ceremony for half an hour. Koume took Ash, Lucario and Tyrantrum to a private room separate from the others and they had a tea ceremony. The Dragon type was still fidgeting a bit but as time passed and he drank the tea, which was a mix of chamomile and lavender, Tyrantrum calmed down. Lucario nodded satisfied by it and relaxed as well as the tea ceremony came to an end.

Ash, "Thank you for this Miss Koume, I appreciate it a lot."

Koume, "It was no trouble, besides a friend of Morty is a friend of ours."

Ash smiled, "I see, it's always good to make more friends. I wonder if the others are done with their ceremony."

Koume, "We can go check."

The two met Verity and Max outside with Sakura as they were finished with their tea ceremony. Sakura was telling the two about her routine for her Pokemon for the next Pokemon contest. Verity shared tips with her and Ash wondered if she was taking part in any contest in Jhoto. Come to think of it, she never said if she did or if she was taking a break the same way Jessie took one before.

Casey, "Alright I am all pumped up for my Ace battle."

Brock chuckled, "You'll do great."

[A. N.: Hope you all are doing well.

I was rewatching Pokemon the first season and I realized there was a lot of drama surrounding Ash's gym challenge in Kanto.

I wanted to add it, a little bit to my book. XD

Take care my dear readers.]