
pokemon: Naruto Journey

In Sasuke retrieval mission, Zetsu captured Naruto after he was knocked out after he fought Sasuke. When the Akatsuki started extracting the Kyubi from him, the Yondaime saved Naruto, giving him a new chance in life in a new world. What kind of adventure awaits Naruto in this new world? 

Mohamed_Arshi · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


Eight years had passed since Naruto arrived in this new world. Currently, Naruto has a lean, muscular physique. The orange jumpsuit and pants he used to wear were destroyed thanks to all the hard training he did with Gastly and the fights he had with all the Pokemon that resided in the forest. He is currently wearing a white shirt, a black and orange hoodie, black pants, and black-orange sneakers. He is also wearing the first Hokage necklace he got from Tsunade. 

Naruto is currently standing in front of the ocean. He now looks like a 13-year-old boy, just like he used to look before he de-aged when he arrived in this new world.

Sitting on Naruto's shoulder was a fox-like pokemon. The fox-like pokemon was hatched from the egg that Naruto found a while back. The pokemon has a red-brown pelt with a cream-coloured underbelly. It has brown eyes, large, pointed ears with dark brown insides, and a triangular, dark brown nose. Its paws are slightly darker than the rest of its pelt and have light brown paw pads.

On top of the pokemon head are three curled locks of orange fur with bangs, and it has orange tails with curled tips. 

Standing next to Naruto is Gengar. It is the final evolution form of Gastly. Thanks for all the training and the fights it had with Naruto and the other pokemon. Gastly first evolved to Haunter, then to Gengar. However, it is twice as big as the normal Gengar.

Gengar is shadow-like, round-bodied, with two large, pointed ears and short spikes lining its back. Gengar has two red eyes and a toothy, sinister smile. It has claws on its hands. Gengar stands on its two short legs.

Right now, the trio has become the strongest in all the forest. Every pokemon in the forest respects them, and they have befriended all the pokemon in the forest.

Naruto smiled when he remembered when he first met his first human friend in this new world, a young man by the name of Lance, three years ago. Lance helped Naruto a lot in the past three years, and he was able to easily sell the evolution stones he collected by asking Lance to sell them for him.


A red-haired young man was flying on the back of a draconic, bipedal reptilian Pokémon with light orange skin. It has large, greyish-green eyes and a round snout with small nostrils. A pair of long, thin antennae sprout from the top of its head, with a small horn set between them. Its striated underbelly is cream-coloured and extends from its neck to the tip of its long, tapering tail. It has thick arms and legs ending in three claws each. The leg joints are well defined, while the arms have a smooth, rounded appearance. The pokemon's wings are small relative to its body, with teal wing membranes.

While the young man was flying above the forest, he was looking down at the forest like he was looking for someone. His eyes narrowed when he saw Naruto punching a boulder with his two fists. Vulpix was using a flamethrower at the boulder next to him, and Haunter was attacking the boulder with a shadow punch.

"It is him, Dragonite. This is the guy we are looking for. Take me down." The young man said to the draconic pokemon, "DRACOOOOO." Dragonnite roared in understanding, flew down, and landed next to Naruto, Haunter, and Vulpix.

Naruto narrowed his eyes when he saw the young man, and Dragonite landed next to them. Naruto looked at the young man, and the young man looked back coldly at him. The young man asked Naruto coldly, "Are you the one who is called the tyrant of the forest?"

Naruto sweatdropped when he heard the nickname and said to the young man in a very pissed-off tone, "What kind of ridiculous nickname is this, old man? If you were the one who came up with this nickname, you better get ready for ass kicking time.".

The young man couldn't help but chuckle when he heard what Naruto just said to him. He then looked at the Haunter, who was levitating next to Naruto. He was surprised when he saw the size of the Haunter; it was twice the size of the average Haunter. "Interesting," he said to himself.

He looked at Naruto and said to him, "I heard you beat up many Pokemon trainers who came to this forest, young man. You better give me a good explanation." When Naruto heard what the young man said, he scoffed at him and said, "Of course I will beat those arrogant kids; they use pokemon to beat up the pokemon that reside in this forest, and I end up treating the injured pokemon they leave behind.".

The young man was surprised and asked, "What do you mean?" Naruto sighed and started explaining, "Those brats battle the Pokemon who live in this forest using Pokemon that are sealed in red and white balls; they harshly beat and injure the Pokemon they battle against just to satisfy their egos. I will not stand by and let them hurt the Pokemon in this forest. for such a selfish reason.".

The young man frowned when he heard the reason why Naruto beat up the Pokemon trainers who ventured into this forest, then he smiled at Naruto. "I see. I understand now. My name is Lance. What is your name?" Naruto nodded. "My name is Naruto Namikaze. Nice to meet you.".

Lance nodded with a smile, then he asked Naruto, "Where are your parents, Naruto? I am sure they are worried about you." Naruto shrugged. "I am an orphan. I grew up in this forest.".

Lance sighed in sadness. He could see that Naruto was a good kid. "I am sorry, kid," Naruto shook his head and said. "Don't worry about it, you didn't know, and I am not alone. I have a family now. My family is Haunter and Vulpix.".

Haunter started dancing around Naruto with joy, "HAUN, HAUNTER," and Vulpix started jumping up and down in happiness, "VUL, VULPIX.".

When Lance saw this, he smiled softly, and then he decided to offer his help to Naruto. "Say, Naruto, how about you come with me? I will support you for the time being until you can support yourself one day, and if you want to become a Pokemon trainer, I will help you become one.".

Naruto was surprised at what Lance offered him. All his life, no one offered such kindness to him. However, when Haunter heard what Lance just said to Naruto, it levitated in front of Naruto's face and said to him, "HAUN, HAUNTER, HAUNTER, HAUN.".

Naruto was surprised at what Haunter said, and he asked, "So you are telling me that in order for us to compete in the competitions you told me about, I will need to be a Pokemon trainer?".

Lance was stunned at what he saw and asked Naruto, "Wait a second, can you understand what Haunter is saying?"

Naruto turned to Lance and nodded. "Yeah, whenever the Pokemon talk to me, I understand what they say.".

Lance was surprised, then he chuckled and thought to himself, "This kid is very interesting." He then looked at Naruto and said to him, "Say, Naruto, how about we have a Pokemon battle?"

Naruto looked at Lance with a wide smile on his face and said, "You want to fight me; you better don't disappoint me because I am really strong." Lance smirked at Naruto when he heard what he just said.

Naruto charged at Lance with incredible speed. "BAAM," he punched Lance straight in the face. Lance was sent into the air violently and fell to the ground.

"AAAHH, that hurt. What was that for you, brat?" Dragonite, Haunter, and Vulpix sweatdropped at what they saw, and Naruto looked confused at Lance. He then said to him, "You said you wanted to battle against me, so of course I will punch you. How will you expect us to fight then?"

Haunter palmed his face, and Vulpix looked to the ground in embarrassment when it heard what Naruto said to Lance. Dragonite looked at Naruto like he was looking at an idiot. Lance burst out laughing when he heard what Naruto just said: "HAHAHAHAHA, kid, you are so amusing." Lance stood up with difficulty and rubbed the blood from his mouth. He then asked Naruto, "Tell me, Naruto, do you know what a Pokemon trainer is?"

Naruto looked confused and shock his head. "No, I don't know." Lance nodded to him and started explaining, "Pokemon trainers are the ones who raise, care and train their pokemon; they also catch wild pokemon by using pokeballs." Then Lance took out a red and white pokeball from his pocket and said, "These are the pokeballs.".

Naruto nodded in understanding and pointed at the pokeballs that Lance was holding: "It is the balls that seal pokemon inside the snotty brats that I beat were carrying the same balls.".

Lance chuckled and nodded. "Yes, the pokeballs were created to make it easier for the trainer to carry their pokemon, while at the same time, the pokemon inside the pokeballs feel comfortable.".


Naruto nodded in amazement, and Lance smirked at Naruto. "Now, Naruto, let me explain to you about pokemon battles. In a pokemon battle, the trainer and their pokemon battle like a team.". 

"A team?" Naruto asked, and Lance nodded his head. "Yes, a team, for example, Haunter and Dragonite, will battle against each other while me and you will help Dragonite and Haunter by telling them what they need to do to win the fight. Like coming up with strategies to win the battle. Do you understand now?"

Naruto smiled and nodded. He then looked at Haunter and Vulpix and saw them very excited about battling by his side. Lance smirked and took two pokeballs from his pockets, which he then gave to Naruto.

"These are two empty pokeballs. You can use them to catch Pokemon to be a Pokemon trainer, but to be an official Pokemon trainer, you need to take a written test and pass the written test." Naruto groaned mentally when he heard about a written test. "Damn it another written test, but I will not do the same mistake I did when I was living in Konoha. I will study hard this time.".

Vulpix jumped on Naruto's shoulder, and Haunter flew around Naruto joyfully. "VUL, VULPIX", "HAUN, HAUNTER", 

Naruto widened his eyes. "You want to team up with me?" Vulpix and Haunter nodded with a smile on their faces. Lance too smiled when he saw this and said to Naruto, "Just tap them with the pokeballs, Naruto, to capture them. Usually, to capture a wild pokemon, you will need to battle it first to weaken the pokemon, but Haunter and Vulpix want to come with you, so you will not need to weaken them.".

Naruto nodded, and he tapped Vulpix and Haunter with the pokeballs. Lance noticed that the pokeballs didn't wobble at all, and after a few short moments, both Lance and Naruto heard a loud "DING" from the pokeballs.

Lance gave Naruto a big smile and said to him, "Congratulation, Naruto. You caught your first two Pokemon. You are an unofficial pokemon trainer. Now you only need to pass the written test to be an official pokemon trainer.".

Naruto gave Lance a big smile. It felt" really good to catch a pokemon. "Thank you, Lance, it feels really good to catch a pokemon". Lance chuckled and nodded, then he asked Naruto, "Do you want to try pokemon battle, Naruto?"

Naruto smiled and nodded his head, and Lance smiled at him too. "Good, I will choose Dragonite. Choose your pokemon that you want to team up with." Naruto was confused and said, "I want to choose Haunter, but he is inside the pokeball.". Lance nodded in understanding and started to explain, "When the pokemon inside the pokeball can hear you and feel you, Naruto, you have two options: either you open the pokeball manually by pressing the button to open the pokeball or you can throw the pokeball and call the pokemon.".

Naruto nodded. He held Haunter's pokeball and threw it in the air. "Come out, Haunter." The pokeball opened, and with a flash of light, Haunter exited the pokeball. "HAUNTER".

Lance smiled, "Alright, let's begin." Naruto's eyes suddenly turned cold, which surprised Lance, and he said, "Hunter, let's start things strong. Use shadow ball full power.".

It took only an instant for Haunter to form the shadow ball, which surprised Lance, and Haunter sent the shadow ball flying towards Dragonite.

"BOOM!" The shadow ball exploded when it hit Dragonite's stomach. Lance smirked widely. "This shadow ball is stronger than the average shadow balls I've seen, and this Haunter only took him an instant to create the shadow ball. How interesting.".

Dragonite looked unscathed after getting hit by the shadow ball attack; Naruto narrowed his eyes at that, and Haunter looked surprised at "HAUNTER?"

"This pokemon is quite strong, Haunter; we will need to outsmart him use confuse ray." Hunter nodded. It's eyes glow, and a purple orb shoots at Dragonite.

Lance smirked, "Dragonite, fly in the air." Dragonnite flew in the air, dodging the confuse ray. "Haunter, use hypnosis." Lance chuckled and said, "Air Cutter Dragonite.".

Dragonite flapped its wings and sent out a razor wind at Haunter. Haunter was too slow to dodge, and he didn't have a chance to cast hypnosis at Dragonite. The razor wind hit Haunter hard, and Haunter crashed to the ground and fell unconscious.

Naruto quickly ran towards Haunter when he crashed to the ground and saw him unconscious. "Buddy, are you alright?" 

Lance walked to Naruto and Haunter. He took out a medicine from his backpack and said, "Take this medicine, Naruto, and feed it to Haunter. He will feel better after he rests for some time.

Naruto nodded his head gratefully to Lance. He fed the medicine to Haunter and returned Haunter to the pokeball after Lance taught him how to do it.

Lance then asked Naruto, "So, Naruto, do you want to come with me?" Naruto shocks his head: "No, I want to train with Vulpix and Haunter in the forest for the time being, but if you want to help me, I would like to be ready for the written exam so I can officially become a Pokemon trainer. Also, I have evolution stones I found in the forest and I would like to sell them. Can you help me sell those evolution stones?"

Lance smiled at Naruto. "It would be my pleasure." When Naruto heard his answer, he smiled at him. He gave some of the evolution stones he found to Lance to sell, and Lance said to Naruto, "I will come by tomorrow and bring with me the study materials required for the Pokemon trainers examination.".

Naruto nodded and said, "Thanks for everything, Lance." Lance smiled and jumped on the back of Dragonnite. He waved his goodbye to Naruto and flew away from the forest.

End Of Flash Back

"Well, Gengar, Vulpix, I think it is time for us to leave the forest and for me to become an official Pokemon trainer," Naruto said with a smile on his face while looking at Gengar and Vulpix. Gengar looked at Naruto with his usual wicked smile and nodded to him, "GENGAR", Vulpix nodded and smiled too at Naruto, "VULPIX".

Naruto took a deep breath and yelled, "Gyarados, come out, buddy." After a few moments, a dragon-like Pokémon that is serpentine in shape and covered in blue and yellow scales. It has white fins on top of its body, and it has a tan underbelly. It has fins on the side of its face and a large, blue crest on its forehead. comes out of a sea.

"GRRRRAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO" Naruto, Gengar, and Vulpix smiled at the huge dragon-like pokemon. Naruto then said to Gyarados, "Gyarados, can you take us north? I want to be a Pokemon trainer. To be one, I need to meet Professor Oak to take the exam." Gyarados nodded his head. Naruto smiled, and he, Vulpix, and Gengar hopped at Gyarados back then. Gyarados started swimming away from the forest.


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