
Basic Info

This is just some basic information in case anyone is curious about the changes I've made to make Pokemon more realistic. I will also be using Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire for my basis on where and what pokemon can be found, since my story is currently set in Hoenn. I have not watched much of the anime so don't expect to see Ash at all, Brock or Misty for the time being seeing as they are the gym leaders of their respective gyms in the games.

Probably the biggest changes I will make to pokemon in general is that their nature won't affect them at all. I simply don't think I'm a talented enough writer to properly portray the attitude each nature would bring about. The other change I will be making is to their abilities. I've read other people right about Charizard activating Blaze to increase his fire power, in game it happens when the pokemon falls below 30%. I kind of like the idea of a pokemon having mastered itself enough to use the ability whenever it wants. Some abilities will just always be active, like Chlorophyll. Others like Blaze, Torrent, and Overgrowth will be usable albeit with the side affect of using double the energy. So if a Charizard uses 1 pp of Flamethrower normally, than when Blaze is active it'll use 2 pp or more, balance is important so I'll have to decide this as I go.

Another change I will be making is pokemon that need to be traded to evolve, like Gengar. I simply find this to be unrealistic otherwise there couldn't be Gengar in the wild. As such I will set a 'level' limit for them to evolve. For example, Ghastly evolves into Haunter at level 25, so to evolve into Gengar the Haunter would need to be level 50, this however will depend on several factors and may or may not come into play in the story (although I think it will because there is one pokemon I am planning on the MC to have that needs to trade to evolve).

About battles. If you've read the published chapters already then you'll have noticed that I have a trainer start the battle by giving them the privilege of ordering the first command. This is simply to make it easier to read and may seem turn based because what a battle is, is two trainers responding to the other trainer's orders, by keeping it like this it becomes easier to write and/or read in my opinion. However, pokemon battles are NOT turn based in this story and as the MC progresses you will notice more and more trainers not waiting for their opponent to give commands. For now, the MC is just a beginner trainer and everyone he has fought so far have been beginner trainers as well. I would expect the battles to change and become for fierce the more badges he gets, as a way to show his progress.

The 6 pokemon on Isaac's (the main character) team have all been randomly selected using a random pokemon generator. However, 2 of them had to be rerolled because they simply can't be found in OR/AS and I didn't feel like writing in some trade or something just to get them. I did keep their typing though.

Finally, for now, they will be no levels in the story, however I will essentially be keeping track of them to estimate when a decent time to evolve or learn a new attack is.

If I can think of anything else to add here I will update this chapter in the future. Feel free to let me know in comments if you think I'm making a Pokemon to during too fast or something, or if you disagree with a change I made. I'm happy to take anything said into consideration, but keep in mind this is my story and whether I do actually make any changes or not will depend on whether I agree with you or not.

I may or may not add another Auxiliary Chapter in the future to let you guys (and girls) keep track of badges, and the pokemon team (this will be limited to who is on the team at the moment, their moves, and their abilities). Let me know if you think I should!