
Pokemon: Jordinio Version

A Pokemon Self Insert story. So there I was enjoying myself at a bar about to try my luck at picking up a pretty girl and then bam! I'm on Route 1, short as shit and somehow twelve again. Oh well, at the very least I can get that Charizard I always dreamed of. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · アニメ·コミックス
168 Chs

Chapter 36

'Twelve huh?' I couldn't wipe the smug grin off of my face as I sat upon a bench within one of the training rooms within the Pokemon Centre. It wasn't really anything special beyond a wide open gym hall, and there was little equipment as well, but it was wide open, and it served my purposes.

I brushed my hands over the pokeballs on my belt, all twelve of them. It wasn't enough for all of my pokemon, but by sending Poliwrath, Beedrill and Raticate back to chill out at Viridian City for a little while, I had all of my pokemon bar those three with me now.

Well, besides Smeargle but he wouldn't be my pokemon for much longer.

I set my bag down and grabbed a certain little thing I bought earlier, before grabbing one of my pokeballs. "Come on out girl." I said, still grinning.

In a flash of light, the pokeball burst open and Feebas formed into existence in front of me. She blinked, looking around and taking in her surroundings, before looking up at me and smiling, wiggling her little blue fins happily, "Feeee!"

Laughing, I reached down and picked her up, "Heya girl, how've you been?" I asked as I held her up to my face and nuzzled my nose against her moist scales, "Sorry it took so long, but I wanted to make sure I could bring over a bunch of you guys at once and not just a few."

"Feeb Feebas!" she nuzzled me right back, it appeared she didn't mind.

Lowering her down to set her in my lap, she looked up at me curiously and I held up the Prism Scale I grabbed from my bag, "So girl, how would you like to evolve right now and become a Milotic?" I asked.

Feebas blinked, looking at me for a bit longer, before her eyes widened and she rapidly nodded her head up and down so fast and hard she almost splashed right out of my lap.

"Alright then," I replied, standing up, I lifted her up and set her on the ground in front of me, "Here we go!" I leaned down, and pressed the Prism Scale gently to her head.

For a moment. Nothing happened, and I just about panicked, thinking my meta knowledge was wrong in this case.

But then, Feebas exploded into blindingly bright light and I had to take a few steps back as within just a seconds, she ballooned in size massively, her body turning from fish, to serpentine, and in just a few blinks of real time, she who only came just above my ankle, towered above me.

And when the light disappeared, in front of me was a beautiful cream scaled and majestic Milotic. And her size just could not be underestimated. Nearly thirty feet long, with a graceful, serpentine body easily twice as wide as my own, if not more so. Not quite the same bulk that giant Gyarados I saw had, but not far off it either.

I noticed then as well, that the Prism Scale in my hand, had disappeared.

"Miii." a trill left Milotic's mouth as her elegant crimson red eyes settled on me. And then the massive water serpent slithered forward and coiled around me, happily rubbing her head against my face.

"A happy girl huh?" I laughed, rubbing my face back against hers. Her scales were room temperature, but smooth as silk.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, pulling it out so I could check out her information on it.

A whistle left my lips when I looked over her profile. Her ability was Marvel Scale, which according to the pokedex was a bit different here than in the games. It apparently gave Milotic a larger resistance to attacks, making her more defensive. 'Good to know.' I thought. And she'd even gained a few attacks.

Water Pulse, Disarming Voice and Life Dew.

I'm not going to lie, that's fucking amazing. That meant Milotic could now heal others as well alongside Clefable who knew it as well, and Chansey.

I continued to hug Milotic a bit, before I stepped away from her, so I could bring out the rest of my pokemon and greet them.

Shiftry and Metapod were the next two out. Both were pretty stoic, Shiftry giving me a nod and a bow of his head in greeting, while Metapod merely stared at me, before grunting. I probably wouldn't find out more about him until he evolved.

Oddish and Bellsprout were very affectionate. Immediately upon me bringing them out, they jumped into my embrace to hug and nuzzle me, which I happily returned. Bellsprout felt a bit weird, but a cool weird, while Oddish just smelled amazing.

Clefable greeted me with a perky smile and happily took a seat to wait for any orders from me. While Graveler grinned and flashed me a thumbs up. The rock and ground type was practically jonesing with energy, so I let him roll around as he pleased. He really loved going fast. He was like Sonic, only, made out of rock. I'll need to find out a way to teach him Rock Polish, he'll love that.

Zubat stared at me for a bit..I think. It was hard to tell when he had no eyes right now. But he listened to whatever I told him, so that was enough for me right now.

Charmander on the other hand...was very shy. As I released him from his pokeball, in amongst the huge circle of me and all my other pokemon, he practically shrunk in on himself, vibrant green eyes darting from side to side nervously.

I crouched down to his level and smiled, "C'mere mate." I said, opening my arms wide.

The little fire type eyed me hesitantly for a moment, before slowly making his way over to me. When he was right in front of me, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him gently to me, making sure to avoid his burning, flame tipped tail, "Don't worry," I kept my voice gentle as I stood up with him in my arms, "I'm nothing like that scrub Cross."

"Chaaaarr." Charmander mewled a bit and began nuzzling me. And for a moment, I stood there and trembled. Awe, excitement, amazement, disbelief and more shot through my body together and meshed into a cocktail that made it hard to breathe for a few seconds.

'I have a charmander in my arms. This is my charmander.' I thought to myself, and it just didn't feel real. A dream since childhood, and..I had accomplished it.

'Get fucked Cross you fucking tiny balled, limp maggot dicked scrub!' I laughed internally. It wasn't a nice laugh either. It was a pleasure filled vindictive laugh of victory.

Whatever happened from now on. It would all work out. And you know why? Because I would have a fucking Charizard in the future. Mewtwo? The Birds? Kyogre and Groudon? The Creation Trio? Arceus? Fucking bring it on, I'll have a fucking Charizard soon!