

It was Kabutops, one of three prehistoric Pokemon species accidentally found in Grampa Canyon recently. What's worth noting is that they were accidentally by Ash and his friends. A lucky but troublesome bunch, huh?


The Aerodactyl spread its wings and swooped down from its perch. At the same time, its wings were covered in white energy light as it zoomed toward the Kabutops.

"Do we need to stop them?" A guard whispered.

While the fight was going on, Hisoka and the others were hiding behind a bush, watching the two Pokemon battle it out.

Ryoichi shook his head and said, "Let's wait a little while. Tell the others to get to the position. We'll try to capture them in one go."

Professor Oak and Professor Ivy agreed with Ryoichi's decision. Although they liked Pokemon a lot, they still knew the current priorities. Such matters must be left to the professionals.

Aerodactyl and Kabutops were too aggressive compared to modern-day Pokemon. Even if they tried to capture them with Pokeballs, they might even attack them after they were released.

A few days ago, after the news about the discovery of the living ancient Pokemon, the League immediately sent Bruno to deal with the matter here.

The reason they did that was to prevent these wild ancient Pokemon from going rampant and as a deterrence to someone with bad intentions. Many people did try to steal the Pokemon, but unfortunately for them, they were quickly arrested by Bruno.

As the Pokemon who ruled the skies in ancient times, the strength of Aerodactyl was beyond doubt. Even though its body had undergone serious atrophy, after a few days of recovery, its overall strength had recovered significantly.

The Kabutops couldn't dodge the Aerodactyl attack and was caught by its talon-like feet. Aerodactyl clutched its prey tightly and carried it into the sky.

Instead of panicking, the Kabutops slashed the legs of Aerodactyl, freeing itself. Aerodactyl, in return, sent forth multiple rocks that formed behind him at its opponent.


Kabutops quickly dodged the rock while moving toward the Aerodactyl. Following that, a veil of water surrounded its body and shot itself like a rocket at the enemy.

"What a brutal fight. They really fought as it if was a life and death battle," Ryoichi commented.

"This is how they lived millions of years ago," Professor Ivy replied.

"I know this is exciting and all. But we really need to stop them," Professor Oak interrupted.

"I might be able to do something about them," Hisoka said, attracting their attention.


"My Pokemon can use Hypnosis," he released Kirlia from her Pokeball.

"Is that Kirlia from Hoenn?" Professor Oak said excitedly, taking out a magnifying glass from his pocket.


Kirlia quickly hid behind Hisoka after seeing the disturbing look on the old man's face.


"Ahem! Yes, she is. I'm sorry, but she is quite shy in front of other people," Hisoka coughed slightly.

"Nice! Quickly, tell your Kirlia to hypnotize them. We have no time to waste," Ryoichi said hurriedly.

Hisoka nodded and turned to Kirlia.

"Kirlia, use Hypnosis on them," he ordered.

Kirlia put her hands together and released a multi-colored ring at the two Pokemon.


The two ancient Pokemon slowly closed their eyes and fell to the ground. Soon, both of them were fast asleep.

Then, more than a dozen Ariados crawled out of the trees and began to release multiple white threads, tying them up.


Two fully bound Pokemon were pulled toward them by the Ariados.

"Alright, take them away. Make sure you put them far away from each other."

"Yes, sir!"

Ryoichi waved his hand, dismissing the guards.

Then, they all walked toward the area where the Kabuto and Omanyte were located. Considering the aggressive nature of Kabutops and Aerodactyl, the professors first decided to do some research on the younger ones.


"Goodbye! See you again!"

While getting into the car, Hisoka waved his hand toward the professors.

"Goodbye! If you have time, come visit my lab in Pallet Town," Professor Oak yelled out.

After that, Ryoichi started the car and slowly drove away.

As the sun was setting down, a car gradually appeared on the outskirts of Celadon City.

"So, have you decided? Are you really going to compete for Grampa Canyon ownership?" Ryoichi said seriously while driving the car toward the Pokemon Center.

"If you have already made up your mind, you'll have to see the mayor of Dark City. Then, both of you will have to write a petition to the League. I'll handle it from there," he continued.

"Yeah. I'm going to compete for it," Hisoka nodded.



Hisoka was lying on the bed inside the Pokemon Center, thinking of what Ryoichi had said during the day.

Initially, he didn't want to become a gym leader, but under Ryoichi's advice, he decided to become one. Besides, having a training base and the gym leader status would make his life easier.

He didn't expect that the life of a gym leader was quite easy. He could go on a mission once in a while and spend the rest of his time training his Pokemon at the gym.


Laughter rang inside the room.

"Not again!" he groaned.

He stretched his hand out and grabbed something behind his head. It broke free and flew in front of him, staring intently. Who else could it be if it wasn't Misdreavus?

"Are you hungry again?" he said helplessly.


She flew around in circles happily.

"Alright! But no more after this, okay?" he got up from the bed and went to his bag. Then, he took out a colorful orb and held it in front of her.


The orb shone in a multitude of colors as she sucked all the life energy emitted by it.

"That's enough. Let's go to sleep!"

Regardless of whether she was satisfied or not, Hisoka put the orb away and went to his bed. He swiftly turned off the light and covered himself with a blanket under her pouted expression.


Dark City,

"So what do you say, Mayor Chris?"

Hisoka was sitting inside the mayor's office. A few minutes ago, he had just finished explaining about the nature reserve establishment in Grampa Canyon. He was currently for the old mayor's decision.

"Of course, I agree!" the old mayor replied determinedly.

Why did he work as a mayor for nearly forty years? It was nothing more than to improve the life of the residents of Dark City. This was his lifelong ambition. Nothing would make him happier than seeing a prosperous Dark City.

"In fact, there's no need to write the petition at all. I'll head to the League myself. Annie! Book me a ticket to Indigo Plateau as soon as possible!" he called out to his assistant.



Hisoka was jogging around in his gym, followed by Weavile and several Poochyenas. A few meters away behind him was Ran, his gym deputy. Although she was panting heavily, she kept following Hisoka at a slightly slower pace. Beside her were her Pokemon, Beedrill, and Ponyta.

Beedrill seemed to struggle a little bit too. After all, Beedrill was only known for its speed, not stamina. Meanwhile, Ponyta looked the most relaxed of them all. He had already run several laps ahead. For him, running was simply his second nature.

"Good! It seems you haven't slacked on your training while I was away," Hisoka said, wiping the sweat off his face.

"Here! Catch this!" he tossed a bottle of berry juice to Ran.


She quickly opened the bottle and poured it into her mouth.

"Oh yeah! Did someone come to challenge the gym?" Hisoka sat next to her while sipping some water.

"Yeah!" she nodded excitedly.

"A trainer came to the gym yesterday, and I won!"

She pumped her fist in the air.

"Good job!" Hisoka smiled as he gave her a thumbs up.

"Now, get back to training!" he pushed her up.

"Aw! Can I take a break today?"



"Hisoka, the League has sent an official invitation. They allow you to join in the competition for the Grampa Canyon Nature Reserve."

Ryoichi said on the screen, showing a paper document in his hand.

After breakfast, Hisoka went to relax in his garden while feeding his Feebas. She looked much better recently. Every time she jumped out of the water, the scales on her body gleamed in the sunlight. Not only that, she seemed to be much more confident in herself.

Hisoka frowned slightly.

"What is the competition exactly? Can you explain it to me?" he caressed Feebas head a few times.

"To put it bluntly, the three gyms will have a Pokemon battle. Do you get it now? Whoever wins will be able to get the nature reserve. That's it." Ryoichi explained patiently.

Hisoka nodded in understanding. He felt there was nothing wrong with this.

The competition would begin a month later after the reserve had been completed.

Ryoichi had specifically collected some information about Celadon Gym and Fuchsia Gym for him.

Gym competitions have been around for a long time. Usually, if there was a dispute between two cities, the winner would be decided between the two gyms of each city. To ensure the interest of the city they were in, the gym leader would do their best to win the fight.

After the video call was over, Hisoka fell into deep thought. He wasn't worried about Erika from Celadon Gym. On the contrary, he was more worried about Fuchsia Gym.

There was very little information about Koga on the internet. The only thing everyone knew was that he specialized in Poison-type Pokemon and came from a ninja family.

But there was one thing that many people didn't know. Ryoichi had just said to him that Koga had gone to challenge the Elite Four three years ago.

Not everyone was qualified to challenge the Elite Four. You must at least let the League recognize your strength and pass a few tests before being able to challenge them.


"So, this is the new gym, huh? Not bad at all."

A red sports car was parked in front of the gym. A brown, spiky-haired young man stood next to his car, looking at the signboard that read Dark Gym.

Five beautiful girls were standing behind him. All of them were dressed in cheerleader clothes.

"I'll win this match! Just watch me!"

The young man declared while crossing his arms together.

"Gary! Gary! He's the best!"

The five cheerleaders waved the pom-poms in their hands as they cheered for him.

Then, they walked into the gym with Gary in the lead.

At the same time, two figures were hiding behind the trees outside the gym. They were secretly observing the gym.

"Aunt Aya, it's that guy again!" One of them whispered, pointing toward Gary.

The one who said that just now was a purple-haired girl. She was dressed in a black ninja suit with some bracers on her legs and arms.

"Janine, calm down. There must be a reason why Koga decided to lose the fight," Aya, a woman with green hair, explained calmly to her niece.

"I think that annoying guy is going to challenge the gym. Should we sneak inside?"

Both of them are Koga's family. Aya was Koga's younger sister, while Janine was Koga's daughter.

They weren't only a gym trainer but also a ninja. They had received strict training since childhood. Jumping over the walls was just a small matter to them.


With a light push, both of them arrived on the other side of the wall. They quickly hid in the trees, sneaking inside the compound. Both of them were full of confidence in their skills. But they didn't know someone else was following them in secret.

"Hey, is there anyone here?" Gary shouted with one hand on his mouth.

"I'm Gary from Pallet Town. I'm here to challenge the gym!"


Ran was running toward them. She was cleaning the house just now, and when she heard a call, she came over immediately.

"Are you the gym leader?" Gary asked, surprised to see a young girl.

"No, I'm just a gym trainer. If you want to challenge the gym leader, please come with me."

She quickly led them toward the arena. A man was sitting on the stand, watching them.

"It's you!" Gary narrowed his eyes.

"Aren't you the gym leader of Cerulean City? Why are you here?" he said with surprise.

"Gary? Long time no see!" Hisoka slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

"Never mind! I'll defeat you this time!" Gary quickly walked to the opposite stand and took out his Pokeball.

"Oh well. Let me see how far have you improved. Our gym's rule is 1vs1. If it is a draw, it will be your win," Hisoka explained the rules.

Among the gyms in Kanto, there was only Dark Gym, which offered a 1vs1 challenge mode.

"The gym battle will begin soon. Gary from Pallet Town will battle against Hisoka from Dark Gym! The trainers may release their Pokemon now. Once a Pokemon loses its ability to fight, the battle is over."

Ran stood outside the arena, holding two flags.

"The battle begins!" she quickly brought the flags down.

"Come out, Weavile!" Hisoka threw the Pokeball into the arena.


Weavile appeared in a flash of red light.

"Weavile? Is it a Sneasel evolution?" Gary murmured to himself.

Although it looked a little different from what he remembered, he was a hundred percent sure that it was the same kind of Pokemon that he battled last time.
