
Pokemon Hentai: Transmigrated to Pokemon World with Absolute Hypnosis

A Pokemon fan was transmigrated to Pokemon World in the body of Jack Hazz. He has Hypno, a pokemon having learnt absolute hypnosis, a pickachu, that knows Orgasmic Shock and many more such pokemon. He is going to live his life fucking all.

Giraan · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 2: Emma's Promises

Chapter 2: Emma's Promises

Jack opened his eyes slowly... his vision was blurry but more than that, he found his back a little warm.

He tilted his head and turned to his right a little, only to notice a fireplace.

He could feel his entire body warm due to it, not just his back...

And just then, he heard a girly voice from somewhere behind the fireplace...

"Oh, are you aware Mister!?", her voice was young and gentle... something that pleased Jack's ears.

He blinked a few times, his vision got clear but even now he couldn't look at the person he was talking to. It was because of the bright flames.

He pulled himself up and sat upright, now finally getting a good look at his Savior and my God... the moment he looked at her, he was at a loss for words.

It was a green-eyed young girl who seemed all too mature. Her brown hair cascaded down her back which was tied together with a hair tie, to make it easier to move.

The tight-fitting of her T-shirt made her breasts look full on her. The leggings and a shirt that she wore made her low half look Sexier.

"Mister?", the girl was confused as to why he was staring at her intently.

"Ahem, can I get some water...?", Jack asked as he coughed once or twice.

"Water? Just a second.", she immediately pulled herself a little up and turned backside, where she placed her bag. Like a baby, she crawled towards the bag to get a bottle of water.

This almost created a mess for Jack.

He couldn't take his eyes away from her premium-grade hips. The outline was clearly visible even through the skirt... the linings just made him thirsty.

He had yet to look at her face clearly... his vision had betrayed him, but the body was already approved!

Regardless, his gaze was fixated on her buttocks as she pulled out a water bottle and turned behind.

She stood up and walked over to Jack as she gently handed the bottle. There was a hint of embarrassment in her eyes and somewhat reddened face which Jack noticed.

"H-here Mister.", she said shyly, leaving the bottle in his hands and turning away, back to her camping bed.

"...?", Jack was confused at first but then as he looked at the bottle, his gaze also fell to his lower half.

He was naked since the start and even now he was the same. The difference was, that he was covered with a white cloth, but just now, when he pulled himself up, the clothing slipped a little and the edge of his long sword, quite pink, was visible.

He covered it out of little embarrassment and then drank the water, drops of it drizzling down his chiselled face.

Although Jack was a skinny man with huge bangs covering his eyes and almost half his face, his jawline was quite sharp.

"Ahem Ahem.", he finished drinking the water and closed the lid.

Then he shifted his gaze towards the young miss who had been turning the other way. Once again, his gaze landed on her curvy waste and rounded buttocks that were visible due to tight fitting.

He said, "Thank you so much for saving me!"

He expressed his gratitude for having saved from the onslaught of the bees.

"Haha, you're welcome.", she said in a soft voice.

He looked left and right, noticing that there were trees around. It was somewhat dark, too dark. Along with that, Jack noticed the woman's shoulders shuddering a bit. Interested, he asked, "Uh, it's a genuine question, are you perhaps scared?"

"Eh!?", she turned instantly when she heard him say that.

"No. It's... it's just cold that's all.", she shifted her gaze away once again.

Finding this funny, Jack asked, "Hmm, true. It's somewhat cold... Either way, miss, can you tell me your name? You are my Savior after all."


"Emma? Quite the good name... so Emma, can you tell me something about yourself? Are you a Pokemon trainer? Aiming to be a champion someday!?"

"Yes.", her reply was short but to the point.

"Where are we by the way?"

"Viridian Forest."

Jack found it hard to continue with the conversation. He already knew she was probably afraid of the dark, but seeing how she didn't seem interested at all, he decided to play a trick.

"Thanks for the info. I'll get going then."

"EH!?", she turned almost instantly towards Jack, staring at him intently.

Surprise and fear along with hesitation were clearly visible on her face.

"W-why? Why are you leaving?", she asked, clenching her fist that was placed on her lap.

"I mean, I have work to do. So I need to get going.", Jack said as he stood up, wrapping the white cloth around his lower half.

Emma's gaze was lowered when she heard that but then, as if gaining some confidence, she asked, "C-can you not stay for the night?"

She was flustered, clearly flustered as she asked this. Her eyeballs were dancing and her body was trembling slightly.

'LOL, she is indeed afraid of darkness... or perhaps, being alone scares her?', Jack licked his lower lip as he scanned her behaviour.

"Hmm, well, here's the thing, I have to go and collect some badges. I can't waste any time."

"B-but, it's dark. You might get lost in the way... and you won't know if any pokemon will attack you..."

'Well, she is right.', Jack agreed inwardly with what Emma said.

"Ha... I mean, I can stay behind, but the moment it's morning or when you find out that I'm useless, you will just ditch me, isn't that right?", Jack asked with one of his eyes closed.

Emma, upon hearing that, instantly stood up with a loud, "No!"

"I'll never do that.", she almost banged her chest with her left hand in the process of proving herself.

"No matter what happens, I'll never tell you to go away. Trust me, I- I can even accompany you to gyms so that you win badges!", she made a whole lot of promises.

"I'm someone who doesn't break promises!", she banged her chest yet again, this time, with her right hand.

"Hmm, don't break promises? Are you a kid? Who believes in promises nowadays!?", Jack bent a little as he said this.

"I'm not a kid, for your information, I'm 19!"

'19? With such tits!?', Jack had almost been controlling himself not to use Hypno. He didn't know if she was a minor for he had a strict law - he never watched porn related to minors. He had a sister who was a teen so it felt inappropriate... but now after knowing that she was nineteen, he almost started salivating.

'System... I want to use Hypno, how do I do that?'


[You can bring out the Pokeball from inventory.]


A Pokeball appeared in his palm from the inventory just as he thought about it. He was ready to use the pokemon just when...


"I even promise to let you be my LOVER!", Emma said with a flushed face.



Note: Guys, just a few dollars would help. Come to patreon and read chapters ahead.
