
POKEMON: Guardian Heart

MC transported to the WORLD OF POKEMON and lives his life how he wants to. Traveling the world, fighting Bad Guys with Pokemon, Investigating his Parents Deaths. while helping to support his Little Sister and her dream of being a Pokemon Master. Frustrated with the different types of Pokemon Fanfics out there that are all about just completing Pokeleagues and such. I decided to make my own that hopefully won't fall into the same ideas as others.

The_Runic_Chef_457 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Oak Laboratories (1)


[ A few days Later in Pallet Town]

The two siblings were walking into the small farm town where the air was fresh and the surroundings were berry trees and Herds of Pokemon and small houses. Lan finds himself enjoying the relaxing atmosphere. It was not as chaotic as their rundown Lab back on the island.

If anyone would see Lan right now he seems to not have a care in the world. He had a white t-shirt and floral shorts with his weathered backpack stretching his arms while Noibat sat on Lan's shoulder with Alice and Zeraora walking at either side. Today he wore a short-sleeve shirt along with his favorite pair of shorts. Since Alice had repeatedly said, " You need an outfit that complements your eyes and you have to make a good impression on people".

Lan "Why do I have to we are just returning to the Lab? I don't have to impress people, they will think of me however they want." Alice just snorted at his remark but silently thought 'Daisy this is the most I can do he just doesn't get it' They both knew he was never good with styling clothes but mostly he just didn't seem to care.

Turning down the road they looked up the hill. There was a large simple House / Lab combination that seemed to fit into the scenery of the town with a large windmill. Looking at the fence at the bottom of the hill. They weren't sure what to do knockdown here or go up to the Labs door.

<sigh> ' why does this have to be so troublesome'. He decides to jump the fence and go knock on the door.

Walking up the hill they all heard many roars and noise coming from the forest behind the Lab. He suddenly felt a slight mental probe and instinctively turned on guard showing a fierce glint in his eyes. He glanced over to Z who had felt the same thing and was getting ready for a fight.

Alice, who didn't feel anything, kept walking up the path to the Lab.

"Noibat Noi Noi" Noibat started to act up and touched Lan on the head while he and Z got a telepathic message from the young dragon pokemon.

[ka - zam, friend, no danger]

A smile crept on Lan's face but it returned to normal as quickly as it came. He understood that Alakazam was checking to see if the new arrivals had any intentions to start trouble. To normal people, they will not feel the examination by the psychic Lab guardian.

During his years in Aloha Lan was barely able to grasp the first level of Aura allowing him to use it in his body and heal himself somewhat. Both he and Z meditate each day to increase their power. He knew now that his work was paying off. Getting out of his thoughts the two quickly caught up to Alice who was already at the door.

Knocking on the door of the lab three times.

A rustling could be heard behind the door. The door swung open a girl a couple of inches shorter than him came into the doorway. She had long brown hair and a charming face with a gentle aura that completed her look. She was dressed in a white blazer and purple top with jeans that seemed pretty stylish.

Before anybody said anything Alice yelled "Daisy! " and ran over and embraced the girl in a strong hug.

Daisy responded with "Alice? I thought you were going to be here in four weeks until the sendoff!!??"

Alice had a playful smirk "Now that's what I told you didn't I"

Lan just laughed and did a short wave "Hey Daisy, Nice to see you again. You get more beautiful by the day."

Daisy blushed "Ahh you big flirt" and Lan just laughed. That was the extent of his interactions with Daisy as he enjoyed making her somewhat embarrassed. Daisy looked curiously over at Zeraora and Noibat who had now climbed onto Z's shoulder and started to snuggle in its fur.

The girl started to laugh while covering her mouth at the two pokemon's antics of messing with each other. Lan could tell Z was keeping an eye on Daisy and was high alert. Lan put a hand on his pokemon's shoulder in reassurance. He had known Z's preference for vigilance towards humans other than Alice and himself and truth to be told Lan didn't blame him as he was the same way. It was just he didn't show it on the outside. But this place was like a home to him and the people here are family so he was relaxed.

Daisy: "Pfft sorry … Let's go to Grandpa he is outback in the forest. We have so much catching up to do"

Lan and Daisy nodded.

All of them entered the Lab.


"Wow" was all Lan and Alice had to say.

As they entered the lab Lan looked around at a large amount of the cutting edge equipment everywhere in the lab.

Lan recognized advanced Transfer machines, incubation machines, health restoration machines, and some that he even did not know. The lab featured many large work stations most of which were disorderly and had layers of books and paper sprawled across the top of them.

A huge map of the Kanto and Jhoto region was hanging on the sidewall. It had many notes on it along with the locations of cities and such were highlighted.

Alice: " This is so much nicer than the lab back home. I forgot how large this Lab was and ... (Looking at Lan) this is how a productive lab should be"

Lan just whistled not paying attention to his sister's sharp comments

Daisy hearing what Alice just said replied " Yeah It's pretty roomy in the lab but when grandpa has all of his assistants in here it gets pretty cramped. Based on my experience this is as clean as it is going to get "

Lan "Still this is amazing "

"You still haven't seen the best part yet. Follow me"

Daisy grabbed the two's wrist and proceeded to drag them to the back of the laboratory where there was a large metal double door.

As soon as they went through the door Lan was greeted by a huge greenhouse filled with many large trees plants. There was a large number of pokemon that were resting and playing on the lawn in the middle of the facility.

Lan was amazed he had never seen such a large isolated habitat in a research facility.

Daisy looked at his gaping face and laughed. "You should see the look on your faces. HaHa"

Lan realized what he was doing at the moment and blushed with shame.

They eventually composed themself and they all made their way through the greenhouse and exited it bringing them to a large field.

Daisy suddenly yelled to the open field, " Grandpa the Wilders just arrived!!!"

Lan looked at her questioningly and she just shrugged her shoulders. " This is how I usually find him since he normally gets immersed with his research and doesn't respond to my normal calls."

Lan nodded in understanding because it was the same thing that he did when he was training with Z or out exploring the islands in Alola. Alice suddenly asked in an eager voice, "Daisy you have been winning a lot of Pokemon contests Right?"

Daisy "Yeah I have been participating in contests since I got my first pokemon. They are really fun and I love them! It is just that I just won a couple of large contests here in Kanto a couple of months ago and now I usually get recognized and surrounded by people who want autographs. It makes it such a hassle to run errands.


But now after you, all start your journey I am leaving on an internship with a professional groomer to finally complete the last part of my Intermediate Groomers license. That's why I am glad you all are here in Kanto to take care of Grandpa."

Both of them looking at her and questioned "Take care of ?"

Daisy seemed to realize her mistake and blushed in embarrassment at her blunder and corrected herself "Sorry I meant to accompany him here in Kanto, I don't want him to get lonely."

Lan "I doubt that will happen. He is not a frail old man and there are always the assistants and Mrs. Ketchum down the street."

The two girls nodded in understanding.

Suddenly a man could be seen walking towards them. He had a head full of messy silver hair and wore a white lab coat and a satchel on his side. In his hands was a pokemon. It was brown bug pokemon that had many tiny feet with a single white horn on its head.

Lan recognized the pokemon as a Weedle. He then looked at the equally as stunned girls and asked: " That's a young Weedle right?".

Daisy replied subconsciously "Yes"

Alice " They are poisonous right? and all Bedrill parents are overprotective of their babies."

Daisy "Yep"

Lan " I think you were probably correct when you initially said " Take care of "


The Wilders settled into the laboratory very quickly. Gary was preparing for his final exams in school. Daisy and Alice spent most of their time with Dragonite and Mrs. Ketchum calling it "Girl Bonding time" or something along those lines.

Lan and Zeraora spent their time training in the Forrest along with Noibat and interacting with the numerous pokemon there. He and Zeraora challenged many strong pokemon winning some and losing some. This frustrated Zeraora who ended up going into the forest for secluded training leaving Lan to train with Noibat who was rapidly improving. Lan had not previously trained Noibat because he wanted him to grow up a little more physically instead of rushing to make quick progress. He wanted to lay a strong and healthy foundation to build on. Lan knew that dragon types are generally slow growers and need a proper diet in order to develop their life energy before they evolve.

Currently, Lan can be found taking care of the feeding and medicine for some of the baby grass and bug pokemon that have recently hatched on the Lab grounds.

???: "Hey Lan you over there? Gramps said for you to come back to the lab. He has something for you to do."

Lan: " Thanks" while getting up and brushing off the dirt off of his pants.

Gary: " No problem."

They start walking back to the lab

Gary looking unsure constantly squinting and contemplating something.

He eventually asks "Yo, Lan you know in a couple of weeks I am going to choose my first Pokemon." Pausing for a bit "I am still deciding on which one to choose. I was wondering if you can help me?" Gary has always heeded Lan's opinion since his Pokemon was really strong and he acted like an older brother to him.

Lan: "Mmmm" thinking for a bit and smirking " Well I am not going to tell you which Pokemon to choose as it is not my choice to make. Also, you will be competing against my sister." Lan smirked.

Gary groaned as Lan continued "First off I believe there is no such thing as a weak Pokemon it is just up to the trainer to pull out the Pokemon's full potential. BUT I would say that you should make sure to consider a Pokemon's personality to see if it goes and fits in line with your goals. Maybe something along the lines beating your rivals, Ash or Alice."

" They are not my rivals!!! I am going to be the champion and show both of them just how weak they are. They are going to be crushed under me and you will too." He snorts and stomps off.

Shaking his head Lan just smiles and keeps on heading towards the lab to see the Legend himself.

Another Day where your power stones are much apprectiated. Any pokemon people want specifically for the team?

The_Runic_Chef_457creators' thoughts