
Chapter 4: Gathering of the Guard

(Luna) ALRIGHT! I caught a Weedle! Charmander and Quentin had been working on this for weeks. Before he decided he would join my son as his starter. One of the techniques that they smoothed out was. (Quentin) Charmander; Flame Charge, Let's go! Weedle zigged when he should've zagged, and got hit. (Abe) Now son, throw it! Quentin threw his pokeball and caught his first new teammate. Awesome! We have a new friend! He hugged his Charmander, thank you! I couldn't have done this alone, you're the best Gold! Return.

-DJ and Joey-

Pallet Town is really peaceful, I'm glad that this world isn't as hate heavy as our own world. I'm glad that uncle had the idea for this Brick and Mortar. Pop's Kitchen, with the battle arena behind the establishment. For those that want to battle while they wait for their food. It was really a smart choice, I have experience from the Lab and I can even catch a few battles. So I can build my own skill while they get their teams together. *Ring, ring, ring* *Ring, ring, ring* *Phone call, phone call* Hello, I said as the screen coalesced into a solid picture. (Oak) Hello my boy! (DJ) Oh, hey Professor Oak!

I just wanted to know if I could order some of those Nacho's, your father has on the menu. (DJ) you bet Professor Oak! You want all the fixings on them? What kind of meat would you like? (Oak) That shredded Swinub was delicious, let's do that. (DJ) sure thing Professor Oak, give us a few minutes and I'll have Raltz teleport that to you. Would you like a drink as well or just the Nacho's today?

(Oak) The Nacho's and one of those lime flavored drinks! It was delicious! (Ben) you bet Professor. (Oak) thank you, I'm busy enough today that I don't feel like cooking anything.

(DJ) No worries Professor, just leave it to us! That's why we're here, to take care of your culinary needs. (Oak) thank you my boy! We'll see Raltz soon. (DJ) Sure thing Professor, I'll get that stuff going for you, bye now. (Oak) Thanks again, bye now. (DJ) yeah! This is cool, simple, and without the humans from earth I could easily get use to this.

-The Shinies-

The next quadrant we chose to explore led us to. I put a hand on his shoulder (Abe) Estrella are you sure you've got this? (Estrella) I've got my partner, we will be fine and in few moments. We'll have a new friend! (Abe) I've never seen a Spearow with that color scheme before. Be careful, shiny pokemon can be unpredictable. (Estrella) Cali: Quick Attack! When the light cleared there was streak of white light rushing at Spearow. The angry little lime green and tan bird with red eyes, was obviously mad at our group for coming near his tree.

SPEAROWWW! it flexed on Estrella trying to intimidate her. Could that be his special ability? I pulled out my Pokedex and scanned the Spearow while she was battling him. (Abe) Be careful, he already knows Aerial Ace! (Estrella) I hear you, Cali: Mega Kick go! She landed a glancing blow, Spearow correcting himself mid-air for his next attack run. He dove at Pichu and unleashed an Air Cutter. (Estrella) Thundershock! Spearow now tried a series of back to back Quick Attack. (Estrella) Alright Cali, let's finish this! Hold it, a little closer. As Spearow came within half a body length from Pichu. ZAP CANNON! Spearow took the brunt of that attack right to the face.

Spearow was knocked out before he got the ground. *Flash, Ding* (Estrella) ALRIGHT! WE CAUGHT A SPEAROW! CALI! (Abe) good job love! That little sucker wanted what he got, a piece of you! I approve of the way you handled that. He will make a fine Fearow one day. We moved further along our exploring, Luna was entranced by movement in the bushes (Luna) ok Pinky, I think it's time we caught a new friend too. Just when she said that to her partner, an Oddish came out of the bushes. She patted her partner's bulb, we've got this girl.

Saur Bulba Saur *I trust you Luna* (Luna) ok Oddish you're gonna join my team today! Pinky: I choose you! Bulbasaur! Ooodd ish Oddish odd Razor Leaf came flying at her (Luna) Pinky: Tank it! Bulbasaur felt the Razor Leaf hit but it really wasn't very impressive. (Luna) Now! Send it back, Show it what a Razor Leaf really is! As Oddish tried using Stun Spore, Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf landed Oddish was cut up a bit and sent backwards. Flying a few feet away (Luna) Now Pinky, finish this! POWER WHIP! Oddish used Razor Leaf again this time misjudging what the other grass type knew. The Razor Leaf was smacked out of the way not even slowing down the Power Whip. Smashing Oddish into the ground knocking it out. Luna threw a pokeball and caught the Oddish.

We kept moving as we didn't want to run out of day light. A few moments later there was a blindside attempt on Quentin.

Flash *Char mander* *what are you doing to Luna* Dee Rooki dee *The weak must be culled* Hopping into the air and unleashing a surprisingly strong Air Cutter. After a failed Quick Attack from the blindside. (Luna) you think I am the weakest? If you want to insult someone, make sure you can't be understood! (Quentin) Gold: Use Ember. NO! Let me big brother, I'll handle this bully! Suddenly Rookidee began using Steel Wing. During the last few days. Her Weedle had evolved into a Kakuna. If she could get just the right amount of experience in this fight. Kakuna will become Beedrill! She already knew all the moves she could learn in these stages. We just mastered Iron Defense, she's ready and I'm ready for my Queendrill

(Quentin) Are you sure sis? (Luna) Yes I'm sure now get out of my way! I have a bully to knock down. Kakuna: I choose you! The cocoon landed and stared menacingly at the steel type bird. Rookidee used Quick Attack and Kakuna was sent careening into a tree. (Luna) Kakuna: Use Iron Defense to tank that hit. Kakuna did as her trainer asked of her, hoping that soon she would be this Queendrill Luna kept alluding to. Now use String Shot to move around, Rookidee attempted to strike her in mid-air but the Kakuna was more nimble than the bully bird thought. Rookidee managed to land a Steel Wing attack that sent Kakuna flying again (Luna) Elelctro Web, Go! Catching the Rookidee off guard Now! Use Iron Defense and String Shot to pull yourself towards Rookidee. Smash yourself against it! (Abe) Do it! Luna pulled a pokeball, and launched it at the falling Steel/ Flying Type. The flash of the catch, when the ball hit the ground it wiggled twice. *Ding* the acknowledgement of capture. (Luna) Alright Kakuna! We caught a new friend! You're the best! She hugged Kakuna who suddenly began to glow.

The intensity of the fight causing her to evolve into Beedrill. As we moved into the last quadrant. Before moving back to the van, we stopped in a clearing between some trees. The kids were collecting stuff to eat while I made some quick flat breads for us to eat with. One of the breads was snatched by a brown and cream colored blur. The little Eevee was skinny and looked hungry. However there was a fire in its eyes. A lighter colored Eevee was hiding in the bush it was headed for.

Wattkey! *Flash* Watt *Dad* Wattkey *what is it?* I pointed at the fleeing Eevee follow them. Wattkey took off after the Eevee. Estrella came back into the clearing a few moments later. (Abe) You remember how to make this flat bread, right? (Estrella) Yeah! Ok I need you to finish these. Quentin was coming into the clearing next (Abe) Let me borrow Rookidee, I think I have an emergency to handle. Come with if you can keep up! (Abe) Kiddle: Let's get to work! Can you find your brother? Kiiiiid *Got him* We followed him (Luna) Rookidee: I choose you! *You require my services already Mistress?* Rook Rooki Rookidee. (Luna) we're following Dad, Kiddle, and Wattkey. Rookidee cawed in a way that resembled a scoff.

As we caught up to Wattkey, we found that he was being held at bay from a hollowed out tree trunk. Containing what appeared to be a sick Eevee. (Abe) Wattkey, that's enough. Thank you for not harming them. Let me handle this, Rookidee would you come here please? (Rookidee) *You are the mistress's sire, I will oblige you* (Abe) you're in a special position Rookidee. My family is favored by Arceus, that's how we came to be here. These 2 are my partners Kiddle and Wattkey. They are the first of their kinds in this world. You assume my youngest to be the weakest. But then turned around and got caught by her older brother. You're part of a team that's going to be strong!

Rookidee remained silent on my shoulder. Watching as I began something I became proficient with, while I learned at Oak Labs.

Aguana let herself out of her ball. I learned to heal by imitation, Aguana and her Synthesis. I reversed Rookidee's damage since he was in contact with me. As well as the ill Eevee in the tree. (Abe) My children will inherit these skills, as it is their birthright. Get stronger with her, you tenacious little terror. You will have powerful allies, that I promise you. I only ask you keep her safe, always. Rookidee banged a wing on his chest. *It was already decided, sire* Rookidee Rook. He took off from my shoulder and back to Luna's. He landed and saluted her with his wing over his chest Rook *Mistress*

As the Eevee healed and they listened to me speak to Rookidee. A known bully in the forest since it arrived. The way he deferred to this human, who was using a Healing move on their sister and it was working! As I was healing these 3 Eevee I was reminded that they can evolve one of eight different ways. (Abe) to have all eight Eeveelutions, that would be awesome! As I finished healing the female Eevee, I looked at the trio and said I want to battle all 3 of you. As a team, you can come at me together or one at a time, choose. The female of the group was their leader and she chose Vee! Eevee! *As a team* Eevee Eee Vee Ee vee *you won't separate our family!* I grinned (Abe) Good, one family versus another. Luna, watch!

Kiddle, Wattkey, Aguana: Let's get to work! As soon as those words left my mouth, there was a barrage of Swift stars headed in our direction. Along with a Shadow Ball, and a straight forward tackle. Kid: Headbutt, Watt: Dig, Agua: Roll Out! Aguana and Kiddle both dodged the attacks and landed their own, right when they got hit. Wattkey came bursting out of the ground right under Eevee's chin. She corrected in mid-air and dove for the ground attempting to dig. She had a beautiful dark ash-gray coat and the cream accents were bone white. More swift and Shadow Balls came from the boys. (Abe) Wattkey: Iron Tail on the ground! The concussion made Eevee come out wobbly from underground.

(Abe) Now, all of you! Quick Attack Barrage! The Eevee attempted to hit us with one last Shadow Ball from all of them. As they were vying for position, I made my final moves. (Abe) Kid: Horn Attack, Agua: Dragon Tail, Watt: Brick Break! As they moved around, the boys struck first. The Horn Attack that struck was sped up by the Quick Attack that I had already called out. He pushed one of the Eevee boys all the way into a tree. Knocking the air and consciousness out of him. (Abe) Pokeball go! Kiddle: Return. The brother sister duo were shocked that they were down a sibling. That shock only lasted long enought for Wattkey to get the other boy's blindside.

Instant KO with a well placed Brick Break empowered by Quick Attack. As the sister moved to protect her brother there was already a pokeball flying at him. When she felt the impact from the suddenly there Aguana. She cratered the ground with Eevee, as her brother disappeared into the pokeball. Aguana flipped backwards roaring after the ground shattering impact. I tossed my last pokeball catching the sister this whole mess started behind. (Luna) WOW! Daddy that was amazing! We need to use the mobile transport, Sam can take care of them. While we map the next quadrant of our trip through these woods. As we made it back into the clearing where I left the kids.

(Quentin) Daddy is awesome! He just beat 3 Eevee at the same time he was controlling all 3 of his Pokemon at one time! (Abe) it wasn't as easy as you're making it sound. Eevee come on out! 3 flashes revealed the beginning of my team Eevee. The girl was the biggest of the trio and she always sat in such a regal manner. The boys were just that boys, and protective of their big sister. (Luna) they're so cute when they're not snarling and shooting Shadow Balls. (Estrella) yikes, you guys ok? (Abe) oh we're fine Rookidee got a lesson and these Eevee got to stay together. I am not fond of tearing families apart. It rubs me the wrong way, I shrugged at the group.

I'm gonna heal you a little bit before I send you to Professor Oak. He's a kind man, I want you 3 to behave for him. A chorus Eevee was heard *yes sir* I used that healing energy again, I noticed that the more I use it the more natural it feels. I wonder if I study things like Heal Pulse, Sweet Scent, maybe Chancey's abilities? Rest even! Maybe I can figure out a full spectrum healing method? I sent them on because I wanted all my pokemon to know who Sam was. He was our largest benefactor after all. The fact that I could carry my brainchildren around as living breathing beings is my actual reward. (Estrella) Don't you think that was kind of reckless Dad?

(Abe) I had everything I under control, it was something that needed to be done. Plus that little family wasn't going to accept being separated, and I've always wanted all the Eeveelutions. They're all strong, not an aura under a lime green. They will fit into my team just right. I know it! We moved on to the next quadrant and began setting up camp for the night. As breakfast was done and I was cleaning up the cooking supplies. There was a flash of navy blue, sky blue, and crimson. When I turned around, I was looking at shiny Pidgeotto.

One who's aura had the clear feeling of Fire Type. The yellow and orange in the chest feathers made it look like fire on his chest. PIDGEOTTO! He flared his aura at me and puffed up his body. Making himself as large as he could, unleashing a Heat Wave instinctively. Ok have it your way Wattkey: Let's get to work! Pidgeotto used Quick Attack, to which I answered Watt: Quick Attack. They bounced off one another 3 times before they backed away. This Pidgeotto was using Ember! (Abe) Fuck! Wattkey: Discharge!

The electric out put keeping the embers away from camp Aguana: Use Water Gun on any flames! In a flash Aguana was seeking out anything that was burning and put it out. Keeping an eye on our battle, I could feel her apprehension. She was agitated watching me handle a Flying Type with Wattkey alone. (Abe) Wattkey: into the trees! He virtually disappeared into the trees (Abe) NOW STONE EDGE! only the slightest flashes of Yellow allowed me to see where to attack from. Pidgeotto used Air Slash at Wattkey making him come into view. (Abe) Wattkey: Roll Out! Speed it up with Quick Attack! You can do it!

Pidgeotto answered with a quick attack of it's own. The Quick Attacks were on equal terms, but that Roll Out sent Pidgeotto spinning out into a branch the only thing that hit the tree was Pidgeotto's head. I flinched for him, it looked like it hurt. As he was falling towards the ground I launched my pokeball. *Flash* before it was done bouncing *Ding* Yes! Watt you're the best We caught us a firebrand, this is awesome! I made my way back to camp as the kids were finishing coming out of the tent. That sounded rough! (Abe) It was, I shrugged, caught me a Pidgeotto with one fire type as a parent.

He used heat from his wings and Ember as well as Air Slash and Quick Attack. Strong sky blue aura, He's gonna be a powerhouse! I know it. (Estrella) I hope we find at least one more of his kind! I want one! She said with fire in her eyes. (Quentin/ Luna) I want a Pidgey too! I think that we can catch some more family. I said grinning, we had breakfast and cleaned up our tent. We explored the quadrant, we got about half way through. When we came across a large tree, a few dozen Caterpie of all colors. Most had deep orange auras, I walked around the tree and there it was.

The one with the deep indigo aura. (Abe) Sentience! Incredible, Caterpie. I spoke to the one I was looking at. He looked at me Pie? *You're talking to me?* This Caterpie was golden with emerald colored eyes (Abe) I am, I think you are the one I want to join my team. What do you say? You can join me without a fuss, or we can battle it out. Either one is good with us, I shrugged, Caterpie understood. Caterpie piiiiie cater *What would we do?* *What is your team's goal?* I grinned (Abe) We are Team Guardian chosen by Lord Arceus. Come out you guys, *flash* I healed them all throughout the night. I healed Pidgeotto too, as I was doing this Caterpie watched with intent. Cater pie *You are a healer?*

(Abe) Not quite, I am learning how to do it better. Caterpie piiiiie cater Caterpie *What are you? I have never seen your kind before* Wattkey climbed on to my shoulder. (Abe) This is Wattkey he's an Electric, Rock, and Fighting Type. She is Aguana a Water, Grass, and Dragon Type. This little guy is Kiddle a Rock, Normal and Fire Type. Caterpie cater *what interesting mixtures, is this Lord Arceus' work?* (Abe) Ours actually, they come from here I said, pointing at my head. Lord Arceus simply gave them life, and tasked me with their lives. I'm Abe Uman and I am simply, The Guardian.

So I ask again, Caterpie do you want to be a part of my team? You're strong and I want to make you the strongest we can get together. Caterpie cater cat Caterpie *I have seen and felt enough, I will go with you, no battle is necessary* from my kneeling position I bowed to him because he is already wise. Proving his Aura color was indeed indicative of sentience. I put my pokeball up to his forehead and as soon as the flash was gone the ball dinged. I stood up (Abe) thank you Caterpie, you won't regret your choice. *wiggle wiggle* the ball shook in response to my words.

(Abe) you gonna catch one? He was deep in concentration looking for another Caterpie. He couldn't see Aura color like me.

Using his Pokedex he was able to see, the scanner found one with a dark forest green aura. (Quentin) Caterpie I want you to join my team. This Caterpie was out of sight range from where I caught my own. However my son is strong in his own right. This Caterpie wanted to battle for his capture. This Caterpie was an almost neon green. Bright blue eyes that resembled sapphires. He's going to make a wonderful Butterfree. (Quentin) Rook: Let's Go! Caterpie used his String Shot to move from banch to branch avoiding Rookidee.

(Quentin) Use Air Cutter, now Quick Attack! The last blade of the Air Cutter was avoided but the Caterpie's vision was filled with an angry Rookidee. (Quentin) Quick Attack again! The attack sent Caterpie into the trunk of the tree he was behind. Quentin threw his pokeball, *flash* the ball hit the ground wiggled and *ding* Rook you're awesome! Thanks buddy. the little bird flexed for him. The other Caterpie were on guard now since Quentin made noise. Luna was near a string of Caterpie all with leaf green aura. She simply touched her pokeball to the Caterpie she wanted. A dark green Caterpie with Ruby colored eyes, and a lime green aura tinged with sky blue.

Estrella on the other hand was talking to a fushia pink Caterpie. (Estrella) you're beautiful I love your color, don't you think so Cali? Chu *yup* she was starting to open up to her pokemon. The words were becoming easier to understand by the day. Caterpie piiiiie *this Pichu, she is your servant?* Chuuuuu *Watch it missy* Pichu said sparking her electric sacs. (Estrella) calm down Cali, she doesn't mean any harm. Isn't that right Caterpie? Pie Caterpie *I am simply curious* (Estrella) No, I raised her from an egg.

My Dad saved her from, a bad fate. He entrusted her to me and I accepted that responsibility. With all my heart, she said rubbing Pichu's back Chaaa *that always feels so nice* Caterpie pie cater *I would be interested, is she strong?* I walked up to the pair, my own Caterpie on my shoulder. (Abe) This little one I said, petting Pichu. Yes, she is strong, a bright blue aura and overdeveloped electric sacs. You are strong yourself little one. I said to the Caterpie, Estrella was trying to get her on her team. Caterpie!? *You can see Aura!?* (Abe) One of my many abilities, I shrugged.

This is one of my children, my oldest daughter. She is special, wise beyond her years, large presence. I know you can feel it (Gold) *Sister, you should go with her. This is the way to go* (Fuscia)*Are you sure?* (Gold) *I am sure* (Fuscia) *did you battle with him?* (Abe) He did not, he watched me heal one of my pokemon and I introduced him to my children. Wattkey, Kiddle, and Aguana came out of their balls to meet the bright pink Caterpie. My own Caterpie and this one had the Compound Eyes ability.

(Estrella) Thanks Dad, I think she is the right choice. I can feel it right here, she said putting a hand over her chest. (Fuscia) *I will go with you, we will grow strong together* (Estrella) Thank you, tapping the ball to her head, Fuscia. The flash and ding were almost simultaneous. I hope you like your name *wiggle* the ball moved in acceptance. Awesome! she said in a loud whisper. (Abe) Gold: Return, Pidgeotto: Come out PIDGEOTTO He came out flaring his aura and puffing himself up. Two things, 1) is there more of your kind? and 2) I want to give you a name. I will call you P, simply P. For Pidgeotto, and for the Pidgeot you will eventually become.

*I like it* *I have one brother and I believe mother hatched a Pidgey that last from my sire* (Abe) one more question P, what kind of Pokemon is your sire? Pidgeotto *A Talonflame* (Abe) Estrella, we're getting some more fire power! Follow us, P, show us the way! (P) *Follow me!* As we were approaching the Pidgeotto nest, we were greeted to concussive force. (Abe) What the hell was that!? P! We've gotta protect your flock. Aguana: Water Gun, let's go! Keep the fire down!

PIDGEOTTO! *Mother, Little brother, sister!* P flexed on the incoming attackers. A group of Spearow led by a Fearow. (Abe) Fearow! Why are you ganging up on the Pidgey, and Pidgeotto!? FEEEAAAAARREOWWW! Leave human or you will be culled with this trash. (Abe/P) TRASH!? *Cracking of knuckles* P: I'm gonna need you to be as fast as you can be! Quick Attack go! P got within a body length of Fearow (Abe) P: Ember into Air Cutter go! The flame cloud came rushing at Fearow as it reacted. The Air Cutter absorbed the flame cloud as it struck.

Fearow! Fear, FEEAAAARREOWW. *You little shit, I'll kill you like your sire!* PIDGEOTTO! *Sire? You'll pay for that!* Suddenly the heat index became dangerous for those who couldn't handle it. When I looked up at P his internal flame sacs finally hit critical mass. Flame Charge exploded over his form. Pidg otto Pidgeotto *Thank you sire, this is for you* with a savage grin (Abe) P: Flame Charge, go! P almost teleported into Fearow's personal space. Sending him flying backwards wrapped in flames. P was still wrapped in fire, P: Air Cutter again!

The flame blades burning an x into Fearow's chest. A permanent marker left in revenge for his fallen sire. (Abe) Flame Charge again! Speed it up with Quick Attack! Pidgeotto *Abe, watch this!* A flame thrower came barrelling out of P's beak. Exploding on contact with the leader of the attack against his flock. (Abe) WATER GUN GO! Aguana doing her best to douse the flames she could get to. Quentin and his shiny Spearow causing quite bit of damage to the invading flock. (Estrella) Are you ok little one? Pidg Pidgey *who are you?* (Estrella) I am here with your older brother. He is fighting the Fearow with my Dad.

You have a few choices, one of which is joining me and being able to grow up with one or even both of your brothers. The others are pretty self explanatory, I don't want to see you get hurt and I think you will become a strong girl. But, in order to do that you must live! Spearow one of them came dive bombing at the Pidgey Estrella was trying to save. The only female from that small flock, she dived at Pidgey and curled around her saving her from the attack. Pidgey Pidg *Do it, you better be telling the truth* *flash/ding*

Pidgey I choose you, you're going to help defend your family. Let's go! Pidgey landed on her shoulder as she went running back to her Dad. FEAROW! *Die like you're sire!* PIDGEOTTO *You won't harm my flock* (Estrella) DADDY! (Abe) P: Steel Wing, Quick Attack, Let's go! Pidgey Pidg Pidg *That's my brother!* Piiiidgey *When did he get that strong!?* Quentin came across the middle brother, fighting off a group of Spearow that were attacking his mother. (Quentin) Alright Spearow/Rookidee: Quick Attack and Drill Peck right through the middle of them. Spear *Boss* Rookie *Master* like a pinball they got all of them except the one Pidgey was engaging with. He suddenly began to glow experiencing a mid-battle evolution. The color scheme of this Pidgeotto was almost identical to his brother.

As if the blue in their feathers was indicative of their aura. Sky blue, white, orange, and red. With the Talonflame markers on his beak. As soon as the light faded, the group was subject to a string of Steel Wing attacks. From a still enraged Pidgeotto, he was shocked at the shiny Spearow assisting him and his mother. As the attacking group was momentarily stunned. PIDGEOTTO *you go against your kind?* Pidg Pidgeotto *why are you helping us?* Spearow Spear Spear *Boss said to help you, that's all* *My partner is correct* he said landing on Quentin's head. He pet his friend (Quentin) good job Spearow, Rook heads up they're back! Spearow, Rookidee and Pidgeotto turned around, to see the flock of Spearow attempt to attack again.

(Quentin) Pidgeotto, I want you to be on my team! My Dad caught your brother and is fighting the Fearow with him. Let's get back to them so we can finish this! Pidg *brother!* The fire in his eyes exploded and his aura flared. PIDGEOTTO! FLAMETHROWER! Glad he looked at his Pokedex, this one would become a powerful pokemon. Pidg Pidgeotto Pidg Pidg *if you speak truth, I will join you!* Grinning wildly (Quentin) Spearow: Use Air Cutter right into the flames! Pidgeotto let out another Flamethrower into the flock of Spearow. Rook use Steel Wing all through that crowd!

Picking up the hurt mother Quentin ran back to Abe and Estrella. (Quentin) Hang on, we're coming! The flock gathered back around the Fearow as Quentin caught up to them. Noting the difference in their colors, the little Pidgey with all the Talonflame colors but the Pidgey shape. * Pidg Pidgeotto* Little sister is that you? It is, this human girl says her Sire is your trainer? He is and they are powerful, you should join them if you have a chance to. The lone female Pidgey looked at Estrella, (Pidgey) *I accept your proposal* *Your Pichu is strong* *so far you seem to be collecting an all female team* she flexed in mid-air *and I'm here for it* Estrella smiled huge and pulled a pokeball from her bag. Pidgey tapped the button on the ball herself. The flash and ding were almost simultaneous. (Estrella) Pidgey: Come on out! Hey girl, listen, so far all my Pokemon have names and, I was wondering if you'd like a name of your own? Pidgey was wondering what name this human girl would choose for her.

She stared at her trainer intently, prepared for what would be her identity from now on. She nodded at the girl in anticipation (Estrella) I was thinking because you're part fire type. That Phoneix would be an apt name for you. The newly christened Phoenix cooed at her partner. Happy with the choice of name she had been given. On my world the Phoenix is a mythical bird of great power, it is said that it is immortal. Phoenix landed on Estrella's shoulder and nuzzled up against her head. Feeling the aura of this human made the Pidgey feel safe and strong all at the same time. Anything that can feel this right, I want to remain a part of Phoenix thought to herself.