
More than truth and Ideals: Part 1

"Well well, but if here is the chosen hero, what have you come for? Do you want to prevent justice from being served and the pokemon to be happy? Did you come to destroy the dreams of N who dedicated his entire life to this as his only goal?" Ghechis said with a pained smile and what seemed to be annoyance.

"Even now you are still fake Ghechis, you can keep your comments to yourself" Touya said with an indifferent look and unaffected by Ghechis words.

"Interesting, you went from doubting to not having a shred of doubt, something common in a hero, but let me tell you that no matter what you do, at the end of the day you will lose, maybe not with plan A or B but you will finally fall after all" said Ghechis a little surprised and then return to his haughty attitude and let Touya pass without saying anything else.

Touya only entered the room with a bit of mistrust and caution from Ghechis, only to find N sitting on a throne waiting for him along with five pokemon.

The room was decorated with large pillars as well as water surrounding a combat area as was the throne of N.

"I'm finally here, in the last step to achieve my dream of a perfect world for pokemon" N said as he got up from his throne seriously and walked towards Touya with his pokemon.

"But the final fight is still missing, our fight will show who is right! And I will finally know what is best for pokemon for good!" N said arriving in front of Touya with determination and expectation.

"I do not like to hurt my friends with battles, but I am sure that I am correct and that in the end the victory will be mine and of my ideal" said N with confidence and longing for reaching his goal.

"Why don't you say anything? You have always been able to respond to my words quickly and safely, do you no longer have anything to say?" asked N a little disappointed not hearing anything from Touya.

Touya just took a deep breath and let out a tired sigh and then said.

"Haaaaa, I have nothing to talk about, anything I say will only be ignored by you at this time, but I do want you to remember something" Touya said with a slow and calm tone and then looked at N with understanding.

"N, you are a good person, better than me, even if you think that this path made you someone different, it was not like that, you understood and accepted the reality about pokemon and all you want is to make them happy" Touya said with a small smile comforting making N a little surprised.

"But you forget that, you can choose to be more than a legend, more than just an ideal, more than what Ghechis told you you are, more, than just one more page in a history book, even if you are only a black color as well that I am a white color, you were always free to choose more" Touya said with understanding making N hesitate for a second and then shake his head.

"I'm not going to detract from my goal! The pokemon will be happy! You weren't even able to make Reshiram wake up after all this, even being someone who respected and loved his pokemon in all his fights" said N with full resolution while denying all of Touya's words.

Touya took the Light Stone which lit up with almost blinding light, but still lacked one more push.

"You have two options, you can fight me uselessly and pointlessly or you can join me in a better world for pokemon" N said seriously as he looked at Touya.

"Come Zekrom! Answer the hero's call!" N said raising his right arm making Zekrom go through the wall behind the throne and stand right behind him.

"Groarghhh!!!" Zekrom roared imposingly causing an aura of blue lightning to surround him and all the surrounding water to evaporate as well as several debris to fall.

"What do you choose Touya?" N said as he looked at Touya seriously and confidently.

Touya looked at the Light Stone for a moment and then looked up at N.

"I will not join you, I will not separate the pokemon from their families just because not everyone is happy" Touya said with a serious and determined look without any hesitation.

"Not all people are good, that is the truth, not all people are bad, that is the truth, the pokemon world needs a change, that is the truth, but I will stop you here and now for all the people and the pokemon that they love and deserve each other, and that one, it's my truth!!" Touya said smiling with complete assurance and determination making the light stone to shine too brightly.

And then the light stone reacted to the second hero's words.

The light stone began to levitate as he moved away, then circled many times until it formed a kind of white force field from which Reshiram emerged in a fetal position and then opened his eyes.

"Gruuaaaghhhh!!!" Reshiram roared causing an aura of red flames to surround him and causing the temperature of the room to rise rapidly.

Reshiram had the appearance of an angel, even after being named after the flame demon, as well as being completely white in color with blue eyes and having a flaming aura covering his body and mostly his tail.

Reshiram turned his gaze to N and Zekrom, making a face of complete disgust at both of them and then turning to see Touya.

At Reshiram's gaze, Touya felt as if he was looking at his soul and trying to know if he was the chosen one.

'So that's how it feels huh? I have to stop doing it with the others' Touya thought having a little cold and uncomfortable sweat.

After a few seconds of that look Reshiram opened his eyes in surprise, then nodded in front of Touya with acceptance and satisfaction and sided with him against N.

"You really were the other hero, I was sure, after all you always had the only opinion and thoughts that I could never understand" N said with a slightly relieved tone apparently but also defiant.

"I can see the future!!, my victory will be overwhelming!!" N said with complete security and determination starting the fight.

"Groarghhh!!! / Gruuaaghhhh!!!" Reshiram and Zekrom roared, starting their fight as well as they stepped away from the scene.

"Go ahead Zoroark" N said seriously causing one of his pokemon to step forward with complete determination.

N's pokemon was a kind of bipedal red-haired black fox that looked menacing and mischievous at the same time.

"I guess there is no other way, go Samurott, make him open his eyes" said Touya throwing a pokeball with determination from which Samurott came out with complete concentration and will.

They both thought about their first move and the fight began.

"Samurott use swords dance and then focus energy" Touya said quickly before N.

"Zoroark use taunt and then agility" N said half a second after Touya.

Samurott was able to finish his swords dance, but was interrupted by Zoroark preventing him from using focus energy.

Zoroark for his part relaxed his body improving his speed and flexibility.

"Samurott use aqua jet" Touya said attacking first.

N just nodded to Zoroark who got the message quickly.

Samurott approached Zoroark but he dodged it using Braviary wings from his back with illusions and then attacked Samurott with force back and forth and made his wings disappear, causing good damage in this.

"No one understands pokemon better than me, giving an order is not mandatory" N said with a confident tone at his victory.

"Not bad, but it will take more than that to beat us" Touya said smiling with determination just like Samurott.

Zoroark again used his wings to attack Samurott to which Touya quickly responded.

"Use surf friend, I'm sure you will know what to do" Touya said trusting completely in Samurott.

Samurott nodded confidently and lifted a large wave of nearly 10 feet around him.

Zoroark used the night slash as he shifted his arms to claws-like Excadrill cutting through the wave with ease.

But as he passed through it, he was awaited by both Samurott swords covered in a blue aura about to hit him.

Zoroark noticed this and was about to dodge using U-turn but Touya wouldn't let him get away now.

"Samurott use aqua jet, don't let him escape" Touya said making Samurott settle and cover himself with water quickly hitting Zoroark on the ground with great force and dealing great damage and then moving away a bit.

"How is it possible that you can hit Zoroark giving orders?" N said in shock when noticing the path of combat.

"To think that a pokemon can see everything in the field and always react in time by itself is stupid unless he is fully trained, for now, that method is weak" Touya said with a serious tone without neglecting the fight.

N gritted his teeth with a bit of concern and continued his attack without paying much attention to Touya's words.

"Zoroark use torment and then dark pulse" said N returning to the fight seriously.

"Samurott uses fury cutter" Touya said reacting quickly.

Zoroark made Samurott unable to use razor shell again, to then generate a dark wave in all directions.

Samurott was getting closer to Zoroark as he used fury cutter which helped him break through the dark wave.

"Zoroark use night slash alongside foul play" N said seriously, noticing Samurott's closeness.

Zoroark used the same claws as before as he traded attacks with Samurott making the two of them almost equal.

Even so, Samurott was better at handling the sword and managed to make small blows more and more often causing his attack to become stronger and stronger.

"Zoroark use night daze!" N said noticing Zoroark's disadvantage in close combat.

"Hold on friend! Use aqua jet!" Touya said with total seriousness in combat.

Zoroark released a large wave of night black energy to which Samurott covered himself with water using aqua jet to mitigate the blow a bit as he kept hitting Zoroark harder and harder.

"Now Samurott use revenge!" Touya said with complete assurance and determination.

"Samurott!!" Samurott as a war cry, then used both swords.

"Use protect Zoroark!" N said with concern at Samurott's attack.

Zoroark managed to create a barrier in front of him to stop Samurott's attack.

Samurott used all of his strength in his attack, breaking through the barrier and hitting Zoroark still with great force knocking him out of action and falling unconscious a few seconds later.

I'm sorry Zoroark, sorry about this" N said as he had a look darkened by his cap and his pokémon took him away from the combat area.

"I'm proud friend, just like always" Touya said returning Samurott to his pokeball with a small smile.

Reshiram and Zekrom were still in their combat launching dragon pulse, flamethrower, lightning, etc. But neither managed to do any significant damage to the other while canceling each other completely.

N clenched his fists and teeth due to the helplessness of losing after all this.

"Even as a hero and a chosen one I keep losing, I'm an idiot, I thought than I was invincible" N said with disappointment in himself.

"But I can't give up! Not now that I'm so close! I'll give everything to make my ideal come true!" N said with complete assurance and determination.

"Go ahead chosen one, you will be beaten by the trainer Touya!" Touya said with complete confidence and will as well.