
Mistralton City

Upon exiting the cave, the first thing that greeted Touya was a great gust of wind, pushing him back into the cave.

"What the hell, what was that?" Touya said confused and then left with more care.

Looking outside the cave, Touya could see what appeared to be a rather large airport to the left of him.

"Don't tell me the next gym will be on a moving plane" Touya said with blank eyes.

Right at that moment Touya's jacket started to move from one side to the other.

Touya reached into both pockets in confusion and was greeted by a small electric shock to his right hand.

"Ouch, I didn't know the thunder stone would do that" Touya said with a doubtful tone.

Suddenly a small white tail came out of Touya's pocket causing him to come to a conclusion.

"So he's a Tynamo, very spoiled by the way if he was only interested in the thunder stone" Touya said with a small smile.

Touya carefully took Tynamo's tail and pulled it out little by little without being attacked by him.

When he was half of his body out, he came out on his own.

"Tynamo!" Tynamo said a little annoyed with the thunder stone in his mouth.

"So you like that stone huh? You can keep it, after all I took it out of your home" Touya said calmly and putting his hands in his pockets.

"Tynamo?" Tynamo said with a bit of suspicion.

"Go ahead, I won't try anything" Touya said raising his hands.

Tynamo slowly entered the cave without taking his eyes off Touya and then went back out to check.

Touya didn't move an inch and was only amused by Tynamo's actions.

Seeing this, Tynamo felt a bit of pity and returned the thunder stone to Touya.

"Are you sure you don't want it?" Touya asked curiously.

"Tynamo" Tynamo said hesitantly.

Tynamo flew around Touya as he seemed to ponder his decision and in the end decided to go back into Touya's jacket.

"I see, do you want to be part of my team?" Touya asked in a calm tone.

"Tynamo!" Tynamo said determinedly.

Touya took out a pokeball and said.

"Touch the button in the center and you will be inside, any opinion will be heard and taken into account" said Touya holding the pokeball to Tynamo.

Tynamo put the thunder stone in Touya's pocket and touched the pokeball with his nose before being captured by it.

"Come out Tynamo" Touya said taking out Tynamo.

"Tynamo!" Tynamo said getting out of his pokeball and entering Touya's pocket happily.

"I guess you feel better there" Touya said with a smile.

After this, Touya went to the pokemon center and rested for a moment and then went to the next gym.

After taking a few steps he was intercepted by a man with light brown hair and green eyes along with a woman with red hair and blue eyes who seemed to be a few years older than Touya.

"Hey, you're Touya right? Let me see your Pokedex!" the man said with impatience and excitement.

Touya could barely get the Pokedex out when it was taken by this man.

"Ohh, you have registered 57 pokemon and also a Klink, wonderful wonderful!" the man said excitedly.

"Excuse me but who are you?" Touya asked curiously.

"Ohh, sorry, I got carried away by my passion, my name is Encina Carrasco, and the lady who gave you the Pokedex is my daughter" said Carrasco with a professional tone.

"But that doesn't matter, let me improve your Pokedex!" Carrasco said returning to his passionate attitude and disarming the Pokedex quickly.

Touya could only look at him with a bead of sweat on the back of his neck just like the red haired girl.

After a few minutes, Carrasco reassembled the Pokedex and handed it to Touya.

"Ready, now you have the record of the pokemon sighted in the different areas and you can record the variants of the pokemon" said Carrasco with pride.

"T-thank you very much" Touya said still a bit overwhelmed.

"Hey Professor Encina, you are being very disrespectful by not introducing me to this young man" said the young redhead a little annoyed.

"Ohh, sorry sorry, young Touya she is the gym leader of this city, Gerania, Miss Gerania he is Touya, a pokemon trainer and trying to help with our investigation" Carrasco said returning to his professional attitude.

"Nice to meet you rookie trainer, I guess you want to challenge my gym" Gerania said with a proud smile.

"Well, thanks for everything Miss Gerania, I hope you think about my request" Carrasco said expectantly.

"Mr. Carrasco, my plane is only cargo not passenger, plus you want to go to places like Sinnoh or Kanto as if they were a few blocks from here!" Gerania said with denial.

"Hey hey, people and pokemon should help each other, it's just a little favor" Carrasco said trying to convince her.

They both started debating about making that trip while Touya looked at them overwhelmed.

'These people are getting weirder' Touya thought in shock.

After debating for a few minutes, Carrasco gave up and said.

"Well at least I tried, goodbye young Touya and Gerania I'll go cry to the corner" Carrasco said dramatically and then left.

"I still don't know how he can be an eminence in the research world" Gerania said, confused.

"Geniuses are just crazy people going in the right direction" Touya said not knowing where that came from.

"Wow, very deep rookie, and at the same time a little funny" Gerania said with a smile.

"Well, it will be a pleasure to receive you in my gym, but there is a certain problem that I must fix" Gerania said calmly.

"Some time ago I saw something when I was flying over the Celestial Tower, it seemed to be a weakened pokemon, so it would be best to go as fast as possible" Gerania said seriously.

"You can come if you want, the Celestial Tower is on route 7, I'll be waiting for you in that case" Gerania said and then left.

"Someday I'm going to be able to enter a gym like a normal person" Touya said with determination.

After this Touya began his way to the Celestial Tower.