
chapter 16 part 1

As the five people arrive at the Aether Paradise with their ship, the workers then let them in as Ash requests to meet Lillie, Gladion and Lusamine.

 As they arrive at the office, Lillie sees Ash and says, "Ash!" She immediately tackles Ash into a hug.

 "Hey, Lillie, nice to see you again, I think the last time we met is a year, huh?" Ash says.

 Lillie sniffed and says, "Ash... you don't know.... When we see the news... I thought you were... actually dead..."

 "It is fine, I am here now, you don't need to worry." Ash says.

 Gladion says, "Hello, Ash. Nice to see you again."

 "You, too. Gladion." Ash says.

 Lusamine says, "It is good to see you, Ash. But who are they in those hoods?"

 Ash says, "Oh, they are my siblings. Mark, Minami, Insey and Trenor."

 "It is nice to meet you." The four greet them.

 "Ash, I didn't know you have siblings." Lillie says in shock.

 "We were escaping, that is why." Insey says.

 Lillie asks, "Ash, what happened to you? When you leave us, not long after Professor Oak says you are a criminal."

 Ash explains all the things to them. To say the least, Lillie and Gladion, even Lusamine are pissed. But they are glad that he is safe.

 Ash says, "And right now, me and my family are trying to create 7 more regions."

 "7? How are you going to make it?" Lusamine asks.

 "Since we are close friends, I can share our secrets to you." Ash says. "We have 7 Arceus to help us."

 "7 Arceus? Are you kidding me?" Lillie says surprised.

 "No kidding." Minami says. "We want to know if you want to help us?"

 They look at each other, then Lusamine asks, "Ash, can I have the details of it?"

 "Sure." Ash says as he talks to Lusamine.

 Meanwhile, Insey asks, "Lillie, do you like Ash?"

 Lillie blushes and asks, "Why do you think so?"

 Trenor says, "You are blushing."

 Lillie covers her face with her hair and says, "Well... yeah, thanks to him, he saves our mom and even helps me conquer my fear of touching Pokemon."

 Gladion says, "Indeed. Ash has done a lot of help to our family and Alola."

 Minami asks, "So have you confessed to him, yet?"

 Lillie says, "Well...I didn't. I am afraid that he will reject me."

 Gladion says, "If he really did, I will try to punch him."

 "No Brother. Please don't do that to Ash." Lillie pleads.

 Mark says, "Well, you better hurry. We are sure that he feels the same."

 Lillie asks, "Really?"

 As Ash comes back, he smiles and then says, "Lillie, I have a favor to ask you. If you don't mind."

 "What is it?" Lillie asks.

 Suddenly, Ash pulls her into a hug, then they are kissing on the lips. Lillie widens her eyes, but she doesn't resist.

 After Ash and Lillie breaks the kiss, Ash says, "Lillie. I have been loving you ever since I had stepped foot at Alola. Will you want to be my girlfriend?"

 Lillie has tears of joy in her eyes and says, "Of course, Ash. I love you too."

 Then they kiss again with passion, not knowing that others are watching it.

 Insey says, "So he confessed!"

 Minami says, "Yeah. I can't wait to see their marriage."

 Lusamine says, "I guess we can expect the marriage for the future."

 "Mom!" Lillie yells as they laugh.

 Then they all head back to the house where Adam and Aurora are staying, after greeting, Aurora says, "Lusamine, I am glad that you have come back to help us."

 "Indeed. Aurora." Lusamine says.

 Lillie asks, "Um...Mom, do you and Ms. Ketchum know each other?"

 "Well yes. In fact, she and Adam are the ones who give the powers of Pokemon to us." Lusamine says.

 "Huh?" Lillie and Gladion are confused, as well as Ash and the others. Adam says, "Lillie, Gladion. I am sorry, but now I guess it is time to unlock your potential."

 Adam's hands then glow white and then Lillie and Gladion glows, after it ends, Gladion asks, "What happened?"

 Lusamine says, "Adam has unlocked your inner powers, which means now you can hear Pokemon as well as using Pokemon moves."

 This causes shock to everyone, as Lillie suddenly shoots a Blizzard out from her hand.

 "No way..." Lillie says. "So are we Pokemon?"

 "Not exactly." Aurora says. "You are humans who can use Pokemon moves. You have the power as the same as us Arceus, but you can create humans."

 Adam says, "Therefore we named it Switype."

 Ash says, "That's cool. Lillie. Gladion. Now you can use Pokemon moves like us."

 Gladion says, "Maybe we will have a real battle soon."

 "Yeah." Minami says.

 After it is finished, Ash and the group of seven goes to search for their family members. They arrive at Kanto first, as Mark asks, "Why are we back here? We will be seen."

 Ash says, "I know, but I have to find my friends and tells them about Team Rocket."

 "So where are we going?" Lillie asks.

 "I have a friend I have promised to find, it is right there." Ash says as he goes towards the forest in Route 1. They see a Fearow fighting a Pidgeot. Fearow has used Drill Peck on Pidgeot, which causes her to fall.

 "Pidgeot!" Ash yells as the two birds notices him.

 "Ash!" Pidgeot says happily as she gets back up, while Fearow sees him and have his blood boiled.

 "Ash, you know that Pidgeot?" Trenor asks.

 "Yes, it is my second captured Pokemon. So he is still fighting Fearow..." Ash says as he and Pikachu are preparing for an attack.

 Fearow uses Take Down on Ash, but he uses his Spooky Plate to make the attack miss.

 "What?!" Fearow and Pidgeot says.

 "Take this." Ash says as he uses Hyper Beam and knocks out Fearow, then he throws a Pokeball and captures him.

 "Cool, I just caught a Fearow." Ash says.

 As the flock of Spearows see their leader being captured, they all fly away. Pidgeot flies down and hugs Ash.

 "I know, Pidgeot, I really missed you, too." Ash says as he returns the hug.

 "Ash, who are they and how can you use Pokemon Moves?" Pidgeot asks.

 "Oh, Pidgeot, these are my siblings, Mark, Insey, Trenor and Minami. And they are my girlfriend and her brother, Lillie and Gladion. For the second question, I am a Pokemon, too. Which is why I can understand you and use Pokemon moves." Ash says.

 "Yeah, Ash is an Arceus." Pikachu says.

 "Really? I was travelling with the god all the time before I come back here?" Pidgeot says in shock.

 "Yeah, but since some anger issues forcing me to separate with my body." Ash says. 1

 "But where is Brock and Misty?" Pidgeot asks.

 Ash, Mark, Insey, Trenor, Minami and Pikachu all have their faces dark, much to Lillie's and Gladion's confusion. "They join Team Rocket." Ash says coldly. 1

 Pidgeot can't believe what he is hearing, as she is shocked.

 "It is true, most of my companions are actually Team Rocket in disguise. They try to send me in jail so they can do their evil biddings. The reason I am here is to take you back or they get you and using you for evil doings."

 Pidgeot says, "Okay, I also want to get back to you too. But what about Fearow?"

 Mark says, "Don't worry, he will be getting along with all of Ash's Pokemon."

 Pidgeot nods and then Ash captures her. "Okay, now we should go find Officer Jenny." Ash says.

 "But you are wanted in here, are you sure it is a nice idea?" Lillie asks.

 "From what I know, this officer Jenny is nice compare to others. Let's go." Ash says.

 They arrive at the Vermillion Police Station as Ash sees Officer Jenny training with the Squirtle Squad.

 Ash and his friends walks in and says, "I see your work is still hard."

 Officer Jenny says, "Um, who are you?"

 The leader Squirtle sees Ash and immediately jumps to him, Insey says, "Officer Jenny, there is something we want to tell you." She says as she uses some Aura to let Officer Jenny sees what Professor Oak and Charles Goodshow do to Ash's mother.

 Officer Jenny says, "So Ash Ketchum is innocent all the time?"

 Ash takes off his hood and says, "Yes, Officer Jenny, long time no see."

 Jenny asks, "Ash, is what she showed me true?"

 "Yes, and I was thrown in the jail, they didn't let me attend the court and throw me in jail like I am some sort of trash." Ash says. 6

 Jenny says, "Ash, I am sorry for what happened to you. But most of my siblings say that you are guilty."

 "It is fine, the reason I am here is to ask if I can take Squirtle away?" Ash says.

 "Sure, if Squirtle agrees, that is fine." Officer Jenny says.

 Squirtle says, "Ash, I will be willing to go with you." Then he gives his sunglasses to one of the Squirtles and let Ash captures him.

 "Thanks for everything. Officer Jenny." Mark says.

 "No problem, just be careful not to let others see you." Officer Jenny says as the seven leave.

 "So Squirtle, do you want to evolve into Blastoise?" Ash asks.

 "Sure, I heard about Mega Evolution and I want to try it out." Squirtle says.

 Ash then gives him some powers and he becomes a Blastoise. Blastoise also learn that Ash is an Arceus and even bows to him. Ash says to treat him like an equal and then they hit the road.

 "And here is the next place." Ash says as they arrive at the Sakuragi Istitute. Minami asks, "Why are we going here?"

 "Because my friends that I just bid farewell are inside and I need to find them." Ash says as they enter the room. They are shocked to find the place being empty. "Strange...where did they go?"

 "Just then, they see a Yamper rushing towards them and Ash says, "Yamper, where are Koharu and the others?"

 Yamper then barks as he leads the way, then they find Professor Sakuragi, Koharu, Go, Kikuna and Renji there. "Are you guys okay?"

 "Ash." The five of them are delighted to see them. Go says, "You are back, but who are those behind you?"

 "These are my siblings, Mark, Trenor, Insey and Minami, and this is my girlfriend Lillie and her brother Gladion. Save the introductions later, what happened while I was away?"

 "We don't know. But somehow people have been turning into Team Rocket members and they have become just like zombies...we hide here so that we won't be affected by what is going on outside." Koharu says.

 "What? Turning into Team Rocket members?" Ash says, "How is that possible?"

 "We don't know what's going on." Go clicks his teeth. "Our parents...they have been turned into one of them..."

 "Then it must not be safe here. We'll teleport you guys out here." Ash says as they nod. Using their teleportation device, they arrive at the Sevestar Island and Ash tells his parents about the situation. Aurora says, "We should explain it to you guys once you saved everyone. Right now you have some matters to do."

 "Sure, Mom." Ash says as they all leave to Kanto again.

 "The next Pokemon I think is in the forest." Ash says.

 "Which one?" Lillie asks.

 Just then, they hide behind the tree and see a man in a Team Rocket Uniform chasing 2 Butterfree, with one of them being pink colored.

 "Hey, isn't that guy the Professor's assistant?" Trenor asks.

 "Yes, it is Tracy, so he is trying to poach my Butterfree?" Ash says in anger.

 "That is your Butterfree?" Insey asks.

 "It is the first Pokemon Ash has ever caught." Pikachu says.

 Ash then goes with his hood on and uses the Protect to block the attack from Tracy's Venomoth.

 "Who are you?" Tracy asks.

 "I am here to stop Team Rocket. That is all you need to know." Ash says coldly.

 "I am not going to leave until I catch that Butterfree, don't get in my way!" Tracy yells.

 "Too bad, I won't let you capture them." Ash says as he fires Flamethrower and knocks out Venomoth.

 "How can you use Pokemon moves?" Tracy says as he recalls his Pokemon.

 "You don't need to know. Leave or I'll blast you off."

 Tracy grits in anger and runs, he says, "I'll get you back with this."

 After Tracy leaves, Ash turns to Butterfree. "Hello, Butterfree, we meet again."

 The regular Butterfree says, "Ash!" He and the female pink Butterfree fly around him.

 "Thank you for saving us." Pink Butterfree says.

 "No problem." Ash says as he and the others fill them about what happened, they are pissed at Brock and Misty, so they also join back to the team.

 "Cool, I have 2 Butterfree." Ash says.

 "Yeah, so what is next?" Minami asks.

 "I have to see Sabrina." Ash says as they head there.

 At the Saffron Gym, Ash and his friends are inside and see Sabrina.

 "I see you finally arrive." Sabrina says as she greets them.

 "It is nice to see you again, Aunt Sabrina." Ash says.

 "She is your aunt?" Lillie asks in surprise.

 "Yes." Insey says. "Aunt Sabrina, I want to know if Uncle Giovanni is here?"

 Sabrina says, "Of course. He is with my children."

 As they walk downstairs, they see Giovanni teaching his children some stuff. 1

 "Gio. You have visitors." Sabrina says.

 As they turn around, they see Ash and the others. Giovanni walks towards them and says, "Hello to all of you."

 "You too." Ash says. "I am really sorry about what PLA did to you..."

 "It is fine. I was stupid to let them using me." Giovanni says.

 Then Ash and his family introduce the 4 children to Lillie and Gladion. The first one ie Silver, a red haired boy who wants to be strong so he can avenge his father. Ariel, a top coordinator who likes to use Dark Types. Amelia, a nurse joy adopted to the family and has a great attraction of Poison Types. And Surch, a ranger that uses Bug Types.

 "So Ash, we see the news, how did you escape that sneaky Oak?" Silver asks.

 "Dad and Mom help me, right now they are at the secret island." Ash says. "We are also gathering help so we can create 7 new regions." Ash says.

 "I see." Giovanni says. "We will be willing to help."

 "By the way, this is yours." Sabrina says as she takes out a Pokeball, a Gengar appears.

 "Hey, Gengar, long time no see." Ash says.

 Gengar then takes out a bomb and explode in front of them, covering them in black smoke. Then he starts to laugh with Sabrina.

 "I guess something never changes." Ash also laughs.

 "He sure is a prankster, huh?" Pikachu says.

 Ash then sends out his own Gengar as they start to play with each other. Sabrina says, "I see you have another Gengar as well."

 "Yeah, he was abandoned and I opened his heart." Ash says.

 Then Lillie senses something. Gladion asks, "Lillie's what's wrong?"

 Lillie says, "Ms. Sabrina? Are Amelia and Surch not humans?"

 Sabrina says, "So you have found out, huh? Yes. These two are being blessed with the Pokemon powers."

 Giovanni says, "Indeed. Amelia is an Arceus but only with Toxic Plate, so Adam calls her Toxiceus. And Surch is a human like Pokemon with bug powers, so Adam calls him Evilbite."

 Trenor says, "I know. Dad says that he had chosen our family members and Lillie's members to become the new Pokemon. Some are the Alpha 20, and some are the Hearts and Evils, Alpha 20 takes the form of Arceus' forms while the Hearts and Evils take the form of Switypes."

 Sabrina says, "That is right. So we should come with you to see Aurora and Adam?" They nod and they teleport away.

 After they teleport them to Secret Island, Ash and Aurora decide to do something first. They have heard some news of a ghost girl in Lavander Town, so they decide to stop by.

 When they arrive, they head inside the Pokemon Tower, much to their surprise is that there is a Ghost Girl.

 "Play... with...me... I...am...lonely..."

 Ash says, "Hey... you are the ghost girl we met in Sinnoh! You open the portal to the Spirit World and try to suck us in!"

 The Ghost Girl smiles as she tries to do the same, but Ash uses Psychic to stop her.

 "Let go of me!" She screams.

 Ash says, "I am sorry, but we can't let you suck us to the Spirit World."

 Aurora says, "Ash, I think we should revive her into our world."

 "But how are we going to do that?" Ash asks.

 Aurora's eyes glow as a body of a female girl appears. Ash is first shocked, but then he smiles to his mother as he places the Ghost Girl inside the body.

 "Wow..." Ash is amazed at the sight that his mother creates a human body.

 The girl then wakes up, she sees her hands and says, "I can feel my body..." She looks around and says, "I am still alive!"

 Ash says, "Yes, we revive you from the death. Can you tell me your name and how do you die in the first place?"

 "Sure. I am Golly. The reason I was dead is because of Team Rocket. They murdered me in Sinnoh so they can take my partner, Dusknoir. I was so angry and lonely, so Yveltal tells me that I can take a soul to join me and we can be friends. I agreed and saw a Summer Camp. So I tried to take one soul. But the Dusknoir forces me to get back to the spirit world and close the portal. Now I was here, I saw Team Rocket trying to do something, so I came and try to send them to the spirit world."

 Ash says, "I see. But now you don't need to do it, since we saved you."

 Aurora says, "Nobody deserves to be killed for Team Rocket's ambitions, do you want to be a part of our family?"

 Golly is shocked, "Can I?"

 Ash says, "Sure." Ash then also changes her into an Arceus, then they takes her to meet others. The others are happy to have another member for the family as they welcome her.

 As they arrive the International Police HQ, which is the Battle Tower, Ash has contacted Scott to know the hidden passage that leads to the cell.

 "You know, I always wonder how Anabel and Lance couldn't handle the grunts and let them being captured?" Ash asks his mother.

 "Maybe they are tricked." Aurora replies.

 They disguise themselves as Team Rocket Grunts as they sneak in. When they arrive at the Prison Cell, they see Anabel, Lance and Looker sitting in the cell.

 Ash Teleports inside Anabel's first, Anabel is shocked and asks, "Who are you?"

 "I will answer later. Can you tell me how is the tower taken?"

 "Professor Oak and Charles Goodshow did this to us, we weren't prepared as only Scott escaped." Anabel says.

 "I see. Don't worry, we will get your tower back in no time." Ash says as he and Delia teleports away.

 When they get to the Commanding room, they see no admins and only grunts.

 "I guess they didn't really care about this place." Aurora says.

 "We just need to kick them out of the Tower." Ash says.

 Suddenly, they are surrounded by a bunch of Grunts lead by Professor Oak.

 "What do we have here...some intruders I guess." Oak says.

 "Are you sure that you are going to surround us?" Aurora asks with a smile.

 "Try to provoke us, I see. Too bad we will take your Pokemon and leave you rot in jail." Oak says.

 "I don't think so." Ash says. Aurora's eyes glowed as all the Grunts are thrown out of the Tower.

 "What?" Professor Oak exclaims as Ash uses a sword made by Aura on his neck.

 Oak says, "Who are you?" He tries to struggle, but he fails.

 "Let's just say that you knew both of us well. The ones who you framed and trying to kill at Pallet Town." Aurora says as Oak widen his eyes.

 "No way! You two are supposed to be dead! We have put you in prison and even seen your bodies!" Oak says.

 "Let's just say we have ways to fool you, old man." Ash says.

 Just then, 6 people come inside the room, which is Brock, Misty, Tracy, Gary, Damion and Harley. Gary yells, "Leave my Grandpa alone!" 1

 They try to take out their Pokemon, but Ash says, "If you move, than he will be dead. If you want him alive, then you must listen to what I must say."

 The six don't agree, but they want to save the Professor. Reluctantly, they put their Pokeballs back and Tracy asks, "Who are you two and what do you want?"

 Aurora says, "Simple." She says as she uses Psychic to send all 7 people out the tower.

 "Damn it! What just happened?" Misty says in anger.

 Oak says, "Those two, they are Ash Ketchum and Aurora Ketchum."

 The six members are shocked. "But how? We though they are dead!" Brock says.

 "And how did Aurora appear now?" Gary asks.

 "They probably escaped and somehow had Pokemon powers. It will be a matter of time they will defeat us. Tracy! Send Max and Iris to raise the guards in their region."

 "Yes, Professor." Tracy says as everyone leaves.

 Ash and Aurora free the members, then Anabel says, "Thank you for saving us, but who are you two?"

 Ash and Aurora take off their disguise, everyone gasps at the sight.

 "Ash? Is that you?" Lance says in shock.

 "Yes." Ash says as Anabel hugs him.

 "Wow, how did you manage to escape the prison and make the grunts leave the tower?" Looker asks.

 "Simple, we aren't humans." Ash says as he reveals everything to them. They are shocked to know that he is Arceus.

 "Aunt Aurora. It is nice to see you again." Anabel says.

 "You too. Anabel." Aurora says.

 "So you two are related, too?" Lance asks.

 "Yes. We are cousins." Ash says. "But all the things will be told later. We need to get out of this place." Ash then teleports them to the secret island.

 "Okay, the next Pokemon is at Anthony's training dojo." Ash says as the group of eight go there.

 Mark says, "I always want to go there, so is your next Pokemon a Fighting Type?"

 "Yeah." Ash says as they head inside.

 "Hello, can we help you?" A girl asks them as they get in.

 Ash says, "Hello, Rebecca. Can you call your father here?"

 "Sure." Rebecca says as she goes to call his father. Not long after, Anthony comes out from the room.

 "Well, Ash. Long time no see." Anthony says as he gives him a strong hug. "But what happened? How did you become a criminal?"

 "Team Rocket has bribed the police and frame me, so I am here to ask if I can take Primeape back." Ash says.

 "I see, since Primeape hear the news, he is going nuts about it. Here is him." Anthony says as he gives him the Pokeball.

 Ash sends him out, Primeape immediately gives a playful punch on Ash and takes his hat.

 "I guess you haven't change at all, Primeape." Ash says as everyone laughs. Then he recalls him and bids farewell to Anthony and Rebecca.

 The next is Rota, Lillie asks, "Ash, why are we here?"

 "We need to meet the Queen." Ash says, causing the two blond hair teens to be shocked.

 As they get into the castle, Queen Ilene, Ridley and a person greet them.

 "Ash we have heard the news. I am sorry that you have to suffer that." The boy says.

 "It is fine Anderson." Ash says as he introduces them to Lillie and are surprised to know that Ash is related to Queen Ilene and Ridley. They are also surprised that Anderson is a scientist who is studying the tree of beginning.

 "And Anderson is a Dialga in disguise." Ash says.

 "Dialga? The time Pokemon?" Lillie asks.

 "Yes. But I am not a normal Dialga." Anderson says. "Do you know the 19th and 20th type in the Pokemon world?"

 "What? Is it not only 18?" Gladion asks.

 "Well, Anderson a Chemical Type." Minami says.

 "Chemical?" Lillie asks.

 "Chemical is a more dangerous version of Poison Types. They are super effective against Poison and Fighting, but weak to Steel and Rock." Anderson says. "So far it is confidential, but Weezing, Electrode and Swalot are Chemical Types."

 "Wow..." Golly is amazed.

 After the talking is done, they also agree to help out as they are teleported to the secret island.

Back at Vermillion City, Ash says, "Now we need to go to Johto."

 "But how are we going to go there?" Gladion asks.

 "Well..." Ash starts to think as they suddenly hear 2 sounds. They see at the ocean, two Lapras are approaching them.

 "Lapras!" Ash says as he rushes to them. The baby Lapras immediately nuzzles Ash. "Why are you here?" Ash asks.

 The mother Lapras says, "My baby can't forget about you, so I decide to take her to find you."

 "That is so nice for you, I guess that both of you are going to join my team?" Ash asks.

 The two nuzzle Ash as he laughs, then he captures them and ride them to Johto.

 "Hello there, how can I help you?" Professor Elm asks.

 "Professor Elm, I want to know, have you heard of the news of Ash Ketchum?" Minami asks.

 "Him? He is a wonderful boy, but I can't believe that Professor Oak will try to frame him." Elm says.

 Ash then quickly shows him the memories as well as how Professor Oak is related to Team Rocket. Professor Elm is shocked, then he says, "So Professor Oak and Mr. Goodshow are the Real Team Rocket leaders?"

 "Yes. With the new champion, they have put the 7 regions under control." Ash says. "Professor Elm, no one is safe here, so we will transport your lab to our secret island, is that okay?"

 "As long as I am fine." Elm says as the group of 8 do it. After it is done, Ash leave the explaining to Lance as they head back to Johto.

 The next place they go is the Ecruteak City. Lillie says, "This is where our uncle lives."

 "Let me guess? Your uncle is Morty?" Mark asks.

 "You know him? I guess you should since he is a gym leader here." Gladion says.

 As they quickly get inside the gym, they hear a voice. "I have been waiting for you to come."

 They turn around and see Morty and Jasmine, along with 4 children.

 "Ash, it is nice to see you again." Jasmine says.

 "Indeed. So you two are married?" Ash asks.

 "You've never asked." Jasmine says. Then she introduces the children to them. First is Irena, who is like her mother, a top coordinator. She is a Irceus in disguise. A Steel Type Alpha. The second one is Shadow. He wears the Aether suit, meaning that he works there due to the relatives. He is Evilsoul in disguise. The next is Wendy. She is also a Top Coordinator.

 "Wendy is a Musiheart, a Music Type Heart." Morty says.

 "Music? So that is the 20th type?" Lillie asks. "I don't know that Mom will hide this fact to us."

 "Things are complicated, that is why. Music is weak to Psychic while it is super effective against Normal and Ghost Types." Jasmine says. "Jigglypuff, Exploud and Chatot are Music Types." 2

 "We also hide her because of Team Rocket. Right now they are very active as they finally frame Ash." Morty says as they nod.

 The fourth one is August, he is a singer that gains a lot of fame. After the introduction is over, they also move to the secret island.

 They also go to Goldenrod City, where they meet Lillie's aunt, Ada and her uncle Zach.

 "Ash, nice to see you again." Whitney is there also greets them.

 "So you two are related?" Golly asks.

 Lillie says, "We are cousins, but she sometimes get a little air headed."

 "Nevertheless, she is strong enough to beat me in a gym battle." Ash says.

 Ada says, "Lusamine has told us everything. And we are willing to help you out."

 "Thanks." Ash says. Then Zach introduces Cole, who is also a member of the International Police.

 "So where is Anthea and Concordia?" Lillie asks.

 "They are still with N. They have been hiding." Zarc says.

 "Wait, Anthea and Concordia are related to you?" Ash asks.

 "They are our children." Ada says. "I think it is better when they tell you. Right now we must go to your place." They nod as they teleport away.

 At Mt. Silver, Ash and his friends climb up the mountain and hear the attacking sound.

 "Oh no, do the poachers come back?" Ash says in a worried tone.

 "What poachers?" Trenor asks, but Ash and Pikachu immediately rush towards the sound.

 Insey says, "I wonder what is that about..."

 "Beats me, we better go, too." Mark says as they rush towards the place.

 Ash sees Brock in Team Rocket's suit using Golem to attack a Tyranitar. Ash says, "So Brock is attacking my friends, too... Primeape, I choose you." Ash says as the Pokemon is out, then it attacks Golem with the Rage.

 "Who dares to stop me?" Brock yells as Ash steps forward.

 "I am." Ash steps forward. "I see, aren't you Pewter Gym Leader? How pathetic that you join Team Rocket."

 "Who are you?" Brock asks.

 "Let's say I am not human." Ash says as he uses Stone Edge to knocks him out and Teleports him away.

 "Tyranitar, Larvitar. You are save now." Ash turns around to them.

 Tyranitar asks, "Who are you?"

 Ash takes off his hood, the two are shocked to see him.

 "Ash!" Larvitar immediately jumps in Ash's arms.

 "Hey, there buddy." Ash says. "Where is Ranger Mason?"

 Just then, the others and Mason come to them.

 "Ash?" Mason says in shock.

 "Hello, Mason, long time no see." Ash says.

 "Where is Brock, he says that Team Rocket is here to capture Tyranitar. I wait for them to appear, but nobody comes except you."

 Ash explains everything to her, she is furious including the Tyranitar and Larvitar.

 "I know that something is fishy. As I am glad that you are safe." Mason says.

 "Thanks." Ash says.

 Tyranitar then says that they should go with Ash, since they will be protected. With Mason's agreement, Ash captures them and bid leave the mountain.

 "So that is all from Johto?" Lillie asks.

 "Yes. Now we must head to Hoeen." Ash says.

 As they are at New Bark Town and about to leave, they hear someone says, "Wait, twerp!"

 They turn around and see Meowth.

 "Hey, you are Team Rocket's Meowth." Lillie says as Pikachu prepares to attack.

 "Wait, Twerp!" Meowth says. "I leave Team Rocket!"

 "Why should we believe you, last time you say that and we get our Pokemon stolen by you." Ash says.

 "Please, just listen me out!" Meowth says.

 Mark says, "Maybe we should listen this time."

 "Fine." Ash says as Pikachu stops charging electricity.

 Meowth says, "Thank you." Meowth says.

 Meowth then explains that how James and himself know that their boss is not the real boss but a fake made by Professor Oak, so they try to escape, but Jessie joins the new Team Rocket and killed James, causing him to run away.

 "So James is dead?" Gladion asks in shock.

 "Yes. I have nowhere to go. I decide to join you since you are also our boss' nephew." Meowth says.

 "Fine." Ash says as he captures him, but due to not liking the Pokeball, he then sits on Ash's shoulder.

 "What did you say? Professor Elm escapes?" Professor Oak yells as one grunt tells him.

 "We need to find a way to stop them before it is too late." Goodshow says.

 "If they left Johto, they will be likely to go to Hoenn. Then I'll ask Max to raise the guarding." Professor Oak says as he left.

 At Littleroot Town, Ash and others head inside the Professor Birch's lab, only to find that he isn't there.

 "Somebody help me!" They hear a scream as they quickly rush outside, Professor Birch is being chased by Team Rocket with Poochyenas. Then Professor Birch hides behind Ash and says, "Can you please chase them away?"

 "Sure." Golly says as everyone fire their attacks and knock all the Pokemon out.

 "No way...our Pokemon!" One grunt says.

 "Who exactly are they?" Another one says.

 "You won't need to know." Ash says as he knocks all of them out. Then all of them show themselves to Professor Birch.

 "Ash? Is that you?" Birch asks.

 "Yes Professor. They are Team Rocket and they are led by PLA and Professor Oak. It is dangerous to stay here." Ash says.

 "I know. But they have captured Steven and Wallace." Birch says.

 "We will save them, right now we will teleport your lab to our place." Ash says as the Professor nods, then the whole lab disappears.

 The place where Wallace is held was guarded by Max, Morrison and Brock at the former Aqua Base.

 "Do you think that Ash Ketchum will come?" Morrison asks Max.

 "Professor has tried to warn us about him, but we don't know if he will come." Max replies.

 Just then, in the prison, Wallace is sitting besides three of his children. Reisa, a singer and a Top Coordinator. She is also Watheart. Reshow, a captain of a ship called S.S. Rainbow, he is Splaceus in disguise. And Owen, a wedding planner. Wallace says, "If only Aurora and Adam can save us..."

 Reisa says, "Dad, don't worry, Ashy will come."

 "Yeah, we heard that he saved Lance, so he will also come." Owen says.

 Just then, Ash teleports himself inside the prison cell with Lillie. Both of them had their hoods on, so The four don't know them. Wallace asks, "Who are you?"

 Ash says, "Not to loud, let's get out of here fast." Ash says as he teleports them away and places 2 fake bodies.

 As they arrive at Ash's bedroom. Ash takes off his hood with others.

 "Ashy! Everyone!" Reisa says. "It has been a while."

 "It sure has. We haven't met since how many years ago." Ash says.

 Wallace says, "It is great to see you again. Adam, Aurora."

 Aurora says, "Indeed. Wallace. Although I am shocked that you have been captured."

 "I know. I want to protect my kids since Kahili is also captured in Alola." Wallace says.

 "Kahili is also related to you?" Lillie says in shock.

 "Yes. She is my aunt." Ash says.

 Then Ash and Lillie leave to save Steven.

 they head to the Magma Base, which was guarded by Harley, May and Drew. Like Wallace, they sneak inside the prison cells and teleports Steven Stone, Winoa, their four children and Mr. Stone away from the base to Ash's room. 2

 "Sister Aurora!" Winoa hugs her as she hugs back.

 "Winoa, it is nice to see you." Aurora says.

 Steven says, "Ash, thank you for saving us. I am really shocked that they will try to kidnap us."

 Ash says, "It is fine."

 Then Steven introduces the children to others, first is Lisia, she is a famous Top Coordinator with her partner Ari from her mother. Next is Area, a Windeart in disguise, she is a pilot of a zeppelin. Radium, she is Stonceus in disguise, she likes to help reviving fossils. And Lisa, she is a great ice skating ballerina.

 After knowing where they are, Mr. Stone agrees to lend the equipment from the Devon Corp to help build new regions.

 The next place Ash and Lillie are going is the Seaward Cave northeast of Mosdeep City, as they arrive at the place, they see a family with the adults and 4 children.

 "Aunt Glacia." Lillie hugs her aunt as she hugs back. "Uncle Sidney, it us good to see you, too."

 "Indeed. Lillie. Nice to see you again. And you must be Ash, right? Adam and Aurora's son." Sidney asks.

 "That is me." Ash says, "But why are you hiding here? Is it because of Team Rocket?"

 Glacia says, "Yes. Since they captured Wallace and Steven, we are hiding."

 Then she introduces some of the members, first us Frost. He is a good fisher and a Evilice in disguise. Wyree, a Dragon Tamer and a Dragheart in disguise, Yuki, a great ice sculpture maker, and Felix, a training coach and a Ficeus in disguise.

 Lillie says, "So you three are also Pokemon?" Lillie asks.

 "We were asked to, but since Yuki doesn't want to." Wyree says.

 "Indeed. But it is so cool to use Pokemon moves." Frost says.

 "I see. Right now let's leave the region first." Ash says as they teleport away.

 Max says, "I think something is fishy here." We have been waiting for Ash Ketchum, but he didn't show up."

 Morrison says, "Yeah, and Wallace is quiet somehow."

 They go to check out the prison, Brock opens the prison door and checks the sleeping two bodies, Brock then shouts, "We are tricked! Wallace has been saved!"

 "What? No way!" Morrison says. 1

 "Ariel, let's go check out the Magma Base." Max says as the three go there.

 While they arrive, May asks, "Max, shouldn't you guys guarding Wallace?"

 "He was gone, maybe Steven is gone, too. May, Drew, Harley, have you checked it out?" Max says in a hurry tone.

 May and the others are shocked that Wallace has escaped, they go to the prison cell and find out the Steven also escapes.

 "No way! Where did they go!" Harley asks.

 "Ash Ketchum must have done this, but the question is how?" Drew says. 1

 "Let's report about this, it will be no time that even other champions got missing." Max says as the 6 head to the HQ.

 After the reporting, Charles Goodshow asks, "How come Wallace and Steven escape and they didn't know about it?"

 Oak says, "I guess it is because of the Teleport. Ash has been reborn as a Pokemon, and maybe a strong Psychic Type."

 Charles Goodshow says, "We need to be careful. They will probably head to Sinnoh to save Cynthia next."

 "I know." Professor Oak says.

The news of Ash and his friends heading to Kalos has got to Professor Oak's ears. He asks Misty, "Clemont, Miette, Drew, Hydrogen and  Stephan are ready?"

"Yes, Professor. They are at the Lumiose Base and they are setting the barriers." Misty replies.

"This region should be wary since most members of Ketchum are from there." Oak says. "Tell them to also be aware of the Human Pokeballs."

Misty nods as she leaves, Professor Oak asks Goodshow, "How is the 5 who lost the Unova Region?"

Goodshow shows them inside the tube sleeping as he says, "Wonderful. They are just finished being injected."

"Good, once they wake up, send them to the Hoenn and Johto Region. Knowing the Ketchums, these two and Kanto will be the last to conquer." Oak says as Goodshow leaves the place.

Oak smiles as he looks at the tubes, "Soon, you shall face the true terror. Ketchums."

At the same time, Ash and his friends are now at Vaniville Town. "Since the Professor's Lab is unable to reach, we should start here." Ash says to Professor Sycamore.

"It is fine." He says. Then they are spoted by the Team Rocket as they start to fight back.

Ash has Greninja and Shrimking ready as Lilie uses Mega Shrimking while Ash uses the Bond Phenomenon. Greninja uses its mega shruiken while Shrimking uses its signature move Descending Wave. They cause great water disaster to the grunts.

The others also fight hard as well. Alain and Professor Sycamore has mega evolved their Charizard and Garchomp as they defeat some Golem and Victreebel.

Reisa asks, "Hey, Ash."

"What's up? Reisa?" Ash asks.

"About that new form of Greninja, can we also have one as well?" Reisa asks.

Ash looks at his brothers and sisters, they all give a nod as Ash says, "Sure, why not?"

He then changes Reisa's and Terry's Greninja into the new ability Battle Bond, causing them to in awe at the sight of using the new form.

"This is kinda awesome." Bonnie says. "Ash-Greninja can be used by everyone now."

"Of course." Ash says. "But now we have some grunts to sweep."

Then Aria and Serena also use their Delphox to defeat the upcoming Machamps with style.

Diantha uses her Gardevoir to use Shadow Ball on Arboks while Seibold uses Blastoise to Hydro Pump the Rhyperiors.

Valerie uses her Trick Room trick to power up Aromatisse while Wulfric uses Mega Abomasnow to use Blizzard on Krookodiles.

Olympia is using Future Sight, which helps defeating a lot of grunts.Korrina is using Lucario to fight using Close Combat.

Once Ash and Lillie defeat the ones by their side, Ash creates a Delphox with his power, much to Lillie's confusion.

"Ash? Why are you creating Delphox?" Lillie asks.

"Watch this." Ash smiles as he and Delphox raise their hands. Delphox is covered in a ball of fire, after it disappears, the wand on its tail becomes red and she has red marks on her body that looks like Ash.

"Wow...so not only Greninja...you can do it with Delphox as well?" Mark asks.

"Of course." Ash says as he calls Serena, Aria, Pina and Helen. The four of them are given the ability to use the Battle Bond.

"Thanks Ash. We really need it." Aria says.

"It is no big deal." Ash replies as he commandes Heabra and Delphox. Heabra uses its signature move Fire Stare, which burns the enemy as well as giving a handful of damage. Delphox also uses the mega Majistic Flare to burn down all the enemies.

After the whole Vaniville Town is saved, like in Unova, they set up the barriers immediately.

"Now I got my home back!" Serena cheers.

"Good for you." Mark says.

Once having Grace and Arata stay there for a while, the group now invade the Aquacorde Town. At that town, they as well encounter the grunts.

Ash, at the same time, also creates a Chesnaught in order to fight along with Herpeed.

Lillie says, "Ash, can you let me try the Battle Bond?"

"Sure, Lillie." Ash replies.

"Let's go Chesnaught!" Lillie says.

As Lillie and Chesnaught raise their hands, Chesnaught starts to cover herself with leaves, as it disappears, Chesnaught has red things like Ash and a Giant Grenn colored Shell on its back.

"Wow...I did it!" Lillie cheers.

"That is amazing, Lillie." Gladion cheers for her as well as Emily.

Lillie says, "I can see what Chesnaught is seeing, so this is how Ash feels when he is with Greninja."

Ash says, "Yeah." Then he made some for Flora, Konomi, and Bonnie, who has her brother's.

Chesnaught uses the giant version of Spiky Shield, which makes the great amount of Pokemon hurt by it. And Herpeed uses Armoa Dash, it charges through the Pokemon and defeat them.

Ash also sends out Destrucary, it waves its wand and creates bombs to destroy the rockets. Making them flying into their human balls as well as stopping them from moving.

Lillie also has Gigaworm to help. But some idiots hurt Gigaworm's body, causing it to be angry and charge towards them.

"Watch out! The Gigaworm is rampaging!" Insey yells as the good guys step out of the way to watch the grunts being binded by string shot or stomped by the angry worm.

Emily says, "That is hilarious."

Gladion says, "I agree with you."

Once Aquacorde Town is finished, they decide to end the day off there as they set up camps and booked hotels.

Ash is very sore as he lies on the bed, Lillie says, "It seems like you used up your energy by powering up your three starters."

"I know... since I think it is fair to have all starters use it. Or else in the Professor's lab everyone will only choose Froakie as their starters." Ash says.

Lillie looks at Ash's body and gives a smirk, she then goes up into the bed and hugs Ash.

"Lillie, what are you doing?" Ash starts to blush.

Lillie says, "You'll be my teddy bear for tonight, that is all."

Ash sighs and then wraps his arm around her waist and says, "As you wish, my princess." Then they fall asleep together

The next morning, Ash wakes up and sees Lillie still snuggling in his arms and her head resting in his chest, he thinks, "Man, she is such a cutie...I really want to be like this, but...why...why does Team Rocket has to ruin everything..."

Lillie slowly opens her eyes and sees Ash looking at her, she says, "Morning, Ash."

"Morning to you too, Lillie." Ash says. "How long have you been awake?"

"Since you wake up." Lillie says as she tries to snuggle into him again, but stops when they hear coughing. Gladion is standing by the door and says, "Care to explain?"

The two of them sweat drops as they quickly jump off the bed, before Gladion tries to use Flamethrower on them.

Once Gladion's anger is calmed and they have breakfast, they decide to move forwards to the Route 2. There, some rocket grunts are fighting against their group. Ash manages to save a Diggersby from the Rockets using Duplicat's duplication. It goes well as the rockets are confused and tricked into the Human Balls.

"Wow, who knows that Duplicat is a trickster." Dawn says.

"Maybe more than Meowth I assume." Naomi says.

Ash lets Auratector goes ahead to see how many Rockets inside the Santalune Forest, only only to be spotted by Stephan who is patrolling with some grunts. He prepares his fighting stance as one grunt says, "Hey. Who is this dude?"

Stephan says, "I have never seen this guy before, but chances are high that he is related to Ash Ketchum." He turns to him as he asks, "Are you related to Ash Ketchum?"

The said Pokemon just grunts and then fires an Aura Sphere, causing the said Rocket member to step backwards. "He is with them, attack him!" Stephan yells as the Rockets send out their Pokemon. Mostly the forest Pokemon. Auratector notices that he is surrounded, he just grits his teeth. But not long after, some Solar Beams, Signal Beams, Sleep Powder and a lot of Flying and Bug moves appear as they notice a giant Vivillon hovering about them.

"What is that?" "A monster!" The Rockets are running for their lives as Stephan says, "Everyone, stay calm! They are Vivillons gather into a giant shape! And they must be wild!"

They try to shoot out nets, but Ash and Lillie, who are riding a Pegastar and Pegasky respectively, uses the Wing Attack as well as the Horn Attack to destroy the nets.

"What?" The Rockets are shocked as Ash says, "Look who is here, it is Steven."

"It is Stephan! You said my name wrong on purpose!" He yells.

"Maybe I did, or you really should change your name." Ash taunts back as he turns to the Vivillons, 20 of them with different patterns leading by the Elegant Pattern one. Ash says, "Vivillon, please assist me by using the move Powder!"

As they all spread their powders, Ash says, "Gook! Ignite the fire with Flamethrower!"

The Rockets turns around and sees the chef cooking the food as it starts charge up the Fire Attack, causing them to burn until everyone is captured in the Human Balls except Steven, who yells, "We will be waiting for you at the base." And then he retreats.

"He got away!" Lillie says.

"Don't worry." Ash says as he turns to the Vivillons. They all surround Ash as Lillie asks, "You know all of them?"

"Save them from the poachers." Ash says as Gook gives them the food he cooked for them to eat, then all 20 of them join their group.

When the Forest is cleared, Mark asks, "Brother, do you have any new captures?"

"Well, come on out." Ash sends out 20 Vivillons and the group are shocked. "No fair! Where did you get so many Vivillons?" Insey asks in surprise.

"They assists us by saving my Auratector." Ash says. "And they are the ones we saved from the poacher."

"Wait, you mean all of them?" Serena says. "That is quite weird to see them all together."

"I know." Lillie says.

In Route 3, Ash sends out Runhog as he and Pikachu use Nuzzle together to defeat some enemies. And Hiport uses its Rocket Boots and the gloves in his hands to give each person a punch before sending them inside their own prison.

They finally reach the Santalune City as everyone goes to fight while Ash, Lillie, Serena, Bonnie and Insey go inside the gym. Viola is standing there emotionless as she is being controlled.

"This is Unova all over again..." Bonnie says.

"Except this time we have few gym leaders to save." Ash says as they see Viola send out Masquerain. Ash sends out Falcosky as the match starts.

Masquerain fires its Sticky Web attack, which Falcosky has no trouble dodging. Falcosky's Air Cutter is blocked by Masquerain's Protect before the former lands a hit with Steel Wing. As Masquerain attempts to counter with shooting Ice Beams, which Falcosky has a little trouble dodging, but he is hit by the Bug Buzz by Masquerain. As Viola orders a Signal Beam attack, Masquerain uses Flame Charge to finish it off.

The second Pokemon is Vivillon, Ash says, "You'll have your revenge, Talonflame!"

As the fire bird Pokemon appears, Vivillon uses Gust, Talonflame uses Flame Charge to keep up the speed. With its Gust having failed, Vivillon uses Solar Beam, which is countered and canceled out by Talonflame's Fire Blast. However, Vivillon manages to hit Talonflame with Sleep Powder and charges another Solar Beam attack. Talonflame uses Hurricane on himself, blowing the Sleep Powder away. Talonflame counters the Solar Beam just in time with a Brave Bird that breaks through Vivillon's attack and knocks Viola's Pokémon against the lamps frozen by Masquerain. With Vivillon's wing partially frozen, it is unable to dodge Flame Charge.

Insey does the honor as she places the new Bug Badge on her and says, "Respond the badges and come back to us!" She yells as Viola glows and returns back to normal.

"Ms. Viola!" Ash and his friends shake her up as she slowly awakes. "Ash...Serena...Bonnie..."

"Thank goodness you are fine." Bonnie says as Dedenne nods. Viola says, "It has been a wild dream...but what happened?"

"Long story short, Team Rocket has controlled all people in the region, you are under controlled until we saved you." Insey says. "I am Ash's sister Insey by the way."

Viola widens her eyes and asks, "Under controlled? Does that mean my sister?"

"Maybe she also fall victim to it, but we didn't see her." Serena says.

Viola frowns as Ash says, "Don't worry, half of the gym leaders here are safe. Including the Champion Diantha and her husband Seibold."

"Really?" Viola says. "Then I must help them as well."

With Viola's help in the Santalune City, they finally capture all humans and then clear the cloud in this area. Diantha says, "Viola, good to see you back to normal."

"Thanks to Ash. But you guys are lucky to escape that quick." Viola says.

"Well, you can thank to the fact that we Ketchums mostly live in this region." Valerie says.

"Ketchums? You guys are related to Ash?" Viola asks in surprise.

Korrina says, "We all are, so we escaped quick."

This shocks her and she nods. "Wow, I can't believe that Ash has so many relatives in this region." Then they decide to take a rest while Minami wants to ask photo skills from Viola.

Then they arrive at the Route 4, they have battled some Team Rocket members lurking besides the city. Ash has Robomaid as his guard to protect Lillie from any harm, as for himself, he uses Lovmaid to give all the others Teeter Dance and then capture them.


Viola says, "So all of them are being controlled?"

"Yeah." Diantha says. "It is really painful to do this, but we have no other choice since they are getting in our way."

Serena says, "But in order to get to Cyllage City, we have to get through Lumiose City, which is their grand base. What should we do?"

"We need to find another way to Route 5. But the problem is where the way is." Ash says.

"I can help you." They see two Pyroar appear in front of them. Bonnie says, "You were the Pyroar from before..."

Reisa asks, "What is the story this time?"

"You see." Ash says. "We found this one alone, but we decide to help him learn how to survive even though he is alone."

Pyroar just licks Ash's face, then he shows them the way, which is a cliff. Helen asks, "Does that mean we need to smash through this cliff?"

"If only we can make a tunnel." Lillie says as she sends out Stalion. "Stalion, can you help us dig a tunnel?"

But Stalion only sees Pyroar and growls, while the Pyroar growls back until he is stopped by his father. Stalion tries to use Stone Edge, but Pyroar dodges. Ash and Lillie then quickly try to stop both lions.

"If you want to know who is the strongest, then how about digging a tunnel?" Ash asks. The two lions then nod as they start dig as fast as they can.

Pina asks, "How do you know it will work?"

"Well, both are prideful I guess." Ash says while rubbing his hair.

Then the tunnels are done, and both Ash and their large group decide to take a rest inside.

"It is sure is dark in here..." Golly says while looking around.

"I know." Mark says. "If only we can have a source of light..."

As soon as he says it, Lillie sends out Diaglow and Rocewel, the rainbow light produces by the Pokemon lights up the tunnel and Minami says, "Good thinking."

"Thanks." Lillie says. "And because we just dug this tunnel, so we didn't need to worry about hurting Pokemon."

"Yeah." Ash says.

That night, Ash is asleep in the cave with Lillie resting on his shoulder. In his dreams, Ash is looking at the destruction made by Team Flare two years ago. He sighs, "At least Team Flare is gone...but now it is Team Rocket."

But then, he sees a man who is over 9 feet tall, the man is looking at him. He says, "There once was a man who had a Pokémon he loved very much. A war broke out in Kalos, and that Pokémon went to fight in the war, where it was killed. The man received the body of his beloved Pokémon some time later, and out of unspeakable grief, he built a giant device to restore it to life. He succeeded, but he was unable to overcome his despair and turned the machine into a weapon, with which he destroyed both sides of the war to bring it to an end. His Pokémon, disgusted with the fact that the machine was powered by the life energy of other Pokémon, left him."

Ash says, "Why are you telling me about this?"

The man says, "The weapon...it is in possession of Team Rocket...one of their plans is to use this to destroy all Kalos... I want you to save us all."

Ash is silent, he says, "Team Rocket has the weapon? How do you know about it?"

The man says, "I want to atone my mistake for this mess...I am just a spirit that can't be free until the weapon is truly destroyed... Arceus, my god. I hope you can help me stop this mess." Then he starts to fade away.

Ash bolts awake after the dream ends, it also wakes Lillie up. "It is morning already..." Lillie rubs her eyes and yawns. "Ash? What's wrong?"

Ash says, "Oh, I will tell you once everyone wakes up."

After everyone is up, Ash decides to gather all of them. Ash asks, "Aunt Diantha. I want to know, do you know about the war in Kalos?"

Diantha is confused, she says, "You mean the war about a king that creates the ultimate weapon to save a Pokemon, but it also destroy a lot of people to end the war? Why do you ask?"

Ash says, "Team Rocket plans to activate the weapon in order to kill us." This causes gasp to everyone in the cave.

"How do you know?" Dawn asks in confusion.

Before Ash can answer, Olympia screams, and she says, "I see it...the flames, the war...and the weapon...they are targeting south, white glow will devour the whole planet if we didn't make it."

Valerie says, "Then we might be in trouble if the weapon activates..."

"We have to stop Team Rocket fast or we will get destroyed." Ash says as they immediately go out of the cave to continue their war.

Now at Route 5, Ash and Lillie are seen using Florges, Merking, Merqueen, Vinish and Etar to destroy the enemies in the way. But much to their surprise, some Team Rocket Grunts have Roller Skates, which makes them easy to dodge the Human Balls thrown to them.

"Instead of getting those balls, they try to dodge as fast as they can..." Insey says.

"Now what should we do?" Ash asks.

Then much to their surprise, a herd of Gogoat are running towards the Rockets, and they use their horns to stop them, sending them to the ground of the tree.

"Wow, a herd of Gogoat?" Serena is shocked.

"I brought them here from the Ranch." They see Grace and Aurora in front of them.

"Mom?" Minami asks in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Grace wants to save Kalos, so I bring her here as well as Arata."

"I see." Serena says as she hugs her parents. Then they continue to fight.

In Route 5, Ash and his friends are still trying to capture the humans who were controlled by Team Rocket, this time Ash and Lillie send out their four new Eeveelutions, Rockeon, Spookeon, Inceon and Toxieon to defeat them.

Rockeon quickly uses Accelrock, which knocks down all the grunts onto the floor, and then he uses Rock Tomb to trap them. Spookeon uses Wrap to wrap the enemies and then uses Shadow Claw, knocking them down with nightmares. Inceon uses String Shot to capture the members and then uses X Scissors to defeat them, as for Toxieon, it uses Toxic to poison them and then using Venoshock to defeat the rest.

"So that is all of them?" Ash asks.

"Yes, we have completely capture them all." Lillie says. "We should take a rest."

They decide to rest in Champier Town, which is also cleaned up. They see three Pangoro coming towards them, much to the others' confusion. But the three Pokemon gives Ash a hug.

"Wait, you guys are..." Ash says as they nod.

"You met them before?" Aurora asks her son.

"Well, you see, when we were having lunch last time, we saw these two, who were once Pancham, they were hungry and then we gave them food to eat, but then Team Rocket tries to ruin anything again and they destroy this one's bamboo, so we helped him get it back."

"I see. Who knows that you have befriended a lot of Pokemon beforehand." Dawn says.

"Though I never managed to capture them and also have fun...so I assume that you were here to help me out?" Ash asks, and they nod. So he captures the Pokemon.

The next capture is a Furfrou, who was looking at them curiously. Wondering why the three Pangoro decide to join the human. But his presence is being spotted by Naomi.

"Look, guys, there is a Furfrou!" Naomi yells as they look at the shy Furfrou, who turns around scared and hides behind a wall.

"You don't need to be shy, what are you doing here?" Lillie comes towards the Pokemon and asks.

The Pokemon says that he feels different from them, so he wants to come with them, but he is too shy to say so. Ash agrees and lets him join the team, then Ash comes up with an idea. He takes out a style case, Golly asks, "What are you doing?"

Ash says, "I want to give him a style. Since we saw a lot of Furfrou having one."

He turns to Furfrou and asks, "Furfrou, do you want me to style your fur?"

"You can do that?" Furfrou asks in shock.

"I can try." Ash says as he shows the forms from the Pokedex. "So?"

"Then I want a Star Trim." Furfrou says.

Ash then takes out the scissors and the dye color to help him. As Ash is doing so, Serena says, "Wow...I don't know Ash can groom, too."

"Well, although I am his brother, but he never did this before. Right? Pikachu?" Trenor asks.

"Yeah." Pikachu says as he nods his head.

Luke says, "I wonder what he couldn't do."

"Who knows?" Serena says.

After Ash finishes it, Furfrou looks at his reflection in the fountain. It really is a Star Trim and he says, "It is perfect!" He then licks Ash.

"Hahaha...stop it, Furfrou, it tickles." Ash says while laughing.

After having a rest in the Champier Town, they decide to head to the Parfum Palace first, there, Ash rides a Musiride together not only that they can be high above the grass, but also that they can attack with the new Music Type move Sheet Dash.

As for Lillie, she is riding a Ganpeed and a Spihorse is besides her, she uses both horse Pokemon to battle and escape the attacks. Since escaping the attacks is Ganpeed's specialty, so Spihorse is the one that delivers a lot of attacks.

Once they arrive at the Parfum Palace, they see a boy leading the Rockets trying to rob the palace items.

"Well look what we have here, if it isn't Ketchum himself and his group?" The boy mocks.

"Drew, I knew something is wrong with you ever since we met and I see it why." Ash says. "You are going to be stopped here."

"I will like to see you try." Drew says as the others come to attack.

As the battle goes on, Minami says, "So he was a Coordinator that you met in Hoenn?"

"Yes, and he is May's boyfriend, so it is possible that he will join Team Rocket." Dawn says.

Lillie uses Fightbot to do the Metal Fight, which destroys a lot of Pokemon in the way. Then she asks, "But what should we do? We can't attack the Rockets or else that the things they stole will fall onto the ground into pieces..."

"You are right, what should we do?" Diantha asks.

"What's wrong? Scared?" Drew smirks.

But then, the things they stole floats into the air, much to their surprise, and then they see two Meowstic in the air.

"Meowstic?" Serena asks. "Ash, did we ever met these two Meowstic before?"

"I don't know, Aunt Olympia, are they your Pokemon?"

"No, my Meowstic are close to me." Olympia says as two more comes besides her.

The two Meowstic floats towards Ash and Lillie, saying that they want to come with them, and they hear the problem and decide to help, so Ash and Lillie capture the Pokemon.

"Damn it...we can still attack! Don't let them get to this palace!" Drew yells as the rockets try to attack again, but Ash uses Rattlviper to make them confused with a Super Sonic.

"Now use Earth-" Before Ash can command, a sword appears and it sweeps through the Rockets. "What?"

An Aegislash appears out of nowhere and it is slashing through a lot of grunts, causing them to fall down onto the floor and captured.

"An Aegislash?" Ash asks, then the said Pokemon tells him that he was asked by the Meowstics to come assist, so Ash captures him again.

Drew sees that the army is gone, he grits his teeth and says, "This isn't over, as long as we still have the base, the destruction of Kalos is inevitable!" Then he runs away.

"Damn it...he escapes..." Geo says in anger.

"It is fine, we can ignore him for now." Luke says as they go put the things back to where they belong.

With the Pafrum Palace being back to normal, Ash and his friends set up a base here as they are now training. Once they have rest for a day, they continue to stop Team Rocket from Route 7.

Ash and his friends see that the Rockets are coming and they aren't ready when they get to Route 7, Ash says, "Guargate, come on out!"

As the house Pokemon appears, the Rockets are confused as why there is a house like Pokemon.

David says, "It seems like they are confused."

"Yeah, Guargate, Gyro Ball!" Lillie yells as the Guargate's door suddenly opens and then a giant bowling ball appears and knocks all the grunts down to the ground.

Bonnie looks at the fallen grunts and she says, "I could call that a Strike."

But one rocket grunt dodges the ball and tries to charge forward, but Guargate's Flash Cannon stops him and he falls down.

"Or maybe a Spare." Bonnie quickly adds.

"Very funny." Bolver says with a laugh.

Then Umpour also goes in front of the rocket grunts and then use Rain Dance, causing them to soak wet and then captured in the human balls.

"I see that sometimes Umbrella isn't as good as it use to be, maybe it will have a negative effect." Reisa muses.

"Um...guys, you do know that we are fighting, not joking." Diantha says.

"Can't you take a humor? Mom?" David pouts as they laugh.

But as they get to the Battle Cheteau, they see a man standing in front of them. "So you guys are here, it is time to kill all of you."

"Hydrogen..." Aurora mutters as the others gasp.

"He is the brutal Rocket member?" Serena asks.

"Now Electrode, you Self Destruct on them!" Hydrogen says.

Ash changes into Ghost Type and then forms a barrier to protect everyone, but he sees that Hydrogen carries a knife and tries to stab Ash, but failed.

"What?" Hydrogen is shocked. Ash smirks, "How about I return the favor?" He gives him a Focus Punch, causing him to fall into the ground.

"Grr..." Hydrogen says as he tries to switch other person, but Ash sends out the Terramummy and then it creates a wall with the bandages to prevent him from getting closer.

"Trying to stop me with bandages? Easy!" He cuts through the bandages, but much to his surprise, after the wall is cut, all he sees is Confuse Ray made by Fealord, then he falls down to the floor.

"Good work, Fealord." Ash says as the Pokemon bows to his master.

Golly says, "So what should we do with him? Capture him with a Pokeball?"

"That will be too easy..." Lillie says. "We should send him back to Lumiose City to scare them."

"But what if he comes back?" Valerie asks.

"If he did, then we just defeat him again." Ash says as he sends him away.

Once the Battle Cheteau is finished, they head outside and both Ash and Lillie save a Spritzee and a Swirlix from the rockets, after capturing them, they do a mock trade and both Pokemon evolve into Aromatisse and Slurpuff.

Inside the connecting Cave, Ash has Dracubat inside so that it can scare the Rocket grunts into fainting. With its help, they complete the cave easily.

"After this place, it will be the coastal Kalos..." Aurora says.

"Yeah. But we should have a rest after we arrive at Ambrette Town." Minami says.

As they are outside of the cave, Ash and his friends are surrounded by Team Rocket, but this time, the Rocket grunts stop attacking and they are acting weird.

"What's going on?" Serena asks. "Who did this?"

Just then, they see a Malamar floating to them, Ash says, "A Malamar?"

The Malamar then says, "Do not fear, Twerp. I am here to help you."

"Wait...if you called me twerp...you are James' Malamar?" Ash asks as the ones who know are shocked.

"My master is dead thanks to Team Rocket, so I will join you to this quest." Malamar says. "You will be needing my hypnosis."

"Sure." Ash captures the Pokemon, and true to his words, they finally reach the Ambrette Town with ease.

"Great...now our clothes are tattered thanks to the rockets..." Dawn says as everyone looks at their clothes.

"Well, it is a good thing we have Pointsew with us." Lillie says as she sends out the Pokemon, who helps them with the clothes.

"Since we are here, why don't we take a little swim while the clothes are fixed?" Mark asks as they agree.

Ash and Lillie are walking along the beach, then they find a Binacle walking towards 4 more Binacles, causing them to become one as a Barbaracle.

"So that is how Barbaracle evolves..." Lillie says. "It looks so amazing."

"Yeah. I wonder how its strength is?" Ash says as he goes to fight the Barbaracle himself, and in the end he wins it and captures the Pokemon.

"Geez...Ash, you are now a mess..." Lillie says as she sees sands on his body, then she drags him to the ocean for cleaning up

 As Ash, Lillie, Minami arrive at Sinnoh, they quickly go to Lake of Verity to find Professor Rowan, Dawn, Johanna and a man Ash doesn't recognize surrounded by Team Rocket. Dawn yells, "Why? May? Why are you doing this?"

 May says, "Simple, Ash Ketchum needs to be dead. I want you guys to join us, so you will be safe."

 "We won't never joined an evil team that Oak is the leader of." Rowan says.

 "Then so be it." May says. Before she can call her Delcatty to attack, a Judgement suddenly falls from the sky as the Pokemon are all fainted.

 "What?" May says as they all look at the sky, two Arceus are on top of them as it uses Sing to make the Rockets sleep.

 "Two Arceus?" The man says in shock. One Arceus then floats down and changes back to Ash, much to others shock.

 "Ash? You are Arceus?" Dawn says surprise.

 "We can talk later, right now we need to leave." Ash says as they are Teleported away.

 At the Island, Dawn and Ash share a high five. She says, "Wow, Ash. I can't believe that you are Arceus."

 "Yeah." Ash says as he tells the truth to all of them. Then Dawn introduces her father, Professor Berlitz to Ash and the others while Ash does the same. Dawn is shocked to know Ash has siblings and that he is the one who destroyed Michina.

 "Right now we are going to save my relatives and then bring them here so we can make new regions." Ash says after finishing the explanation.

 "Can I come with you? I am curious about your relatives, too." Dawn says.

 "Sure." Ash replies as they leave to the next area.

 When they get to Mt. Cornet, they see Tobias and Cynthia are protecting their three daughters while Darkrai and Garchomp are fighting the Rockets.

 "They are really persistant..." Tobias curses.

 "I know. but we need to fight them until we get help." Cynthia says.

 "There is no one going to help you." The commander, which is shown as Brock, says. "Why don't you surrender."

 "Those words are not in the dictionary of Ketchums." Tobias says.

 "That is right." Ash says as he uses Rock Throw to hit Brock, making him unconscious. As for the other Rockets, he, Minami and Lillie uses Stone Edge to knock them out.

 "About time you come." Tobias says as Minami goes to hug him.

 "Ash, it is been a while." A girl says with Piplup also greeting Pikachu.

 "You too. Verity." Ash says. 1

 They quickly leave the place as they arrive at the island. Cynthia and Tobias are talking to their siblings while Dawn asks, "Ash, why didn't you tell me that Cynthia and Wallace, even the founder of Contests, Aurora are related to you?"

 Ash says, "Well, we promised to keep a secret."

 Then they introduce Emily, a girl who wants to be like her mother, to protect others, and Nora, an Eartheart in disguise and a Archiologist. When everyone greets them, Emily is stunned to see Gladion. She feels that he is handsome and her face is blushing. Gladion asks, "What's the matter?"

 "No, it is nothing." She quickly turns away.

 "Well, now that it is over, we should go find others." Ash says.

 The next place is Lake Valor. Anabel also wants to come, much to Dawn and Lillie's surprise. As they get there, they see the Elite 4 member Lucian and a girl being surrounded by Team Rocket that is leading by Damien.

 "Why don't you just give up?" Damien says with a yawn as he commands Fearow and Aerodactyl to attack the girl. Who uses Protect to defend them.

 "Who is he?" Dawn asks.

 "That is Damien, I remember he is the one who abandoned my Charizard..." Ash says.

 "I never knew that..." Minami says.

 "Well, it is in the past. We should go save them." Ash says.

 Ash uses Hurricane, which then hits the Grunts as they are sent flying.

 "Who goes there?" Damien yells. Ash says, "You don't want to know." Ash says as he uses Aerial Ace, then Damien is sent flying, too.

 "Dad! Are you okay?" Anabel quickly rushes to Lucian. He says, "I am fine, Anabel." Lucian says. "Ash, Minami. Nice to see you two again."

 Then Lucian also introduces the girl, Naomi, to Dawn and Lillie. She is Kindheart in disguise and she has a Ph. D for Teaching.

 "Minami, you go take them to the base, Lillie and I have something to do, too." Ash says as she nods. After the place only has Ash and Lillie left, they quickly dive under the lake. They find debris of a ship. Inside are bodies that Ash recognizes as J's henchmen. Lillie finds J's body and then they take her onto the shore.

 "I still can't believe that J is related to you." Ash says.

 "I didn't know, either. But since I am a Switype, I can revive her." Lillie says as she uses her powers to summon the soul back to the body, after some minutes, J wakes up and looks around.

 "How did I..." J says as she sees Ash. "You–"

 "Is this your first words for your savior, J?" Ash asks.

 "I don't know why you are here, but I won't let you..." J says, only to be stopped by Lillie.

 "Please, J. Don't." Lillie says.

 "Lillie? What are you doing here?" J asks.

 "We don't want you to do bad things because of your father." Lillie begs, "Team Plasma is defeated, your father's innocence is proved."

 "Really..." J says in surprise. Then Ash tells her about everything. Then they take her to the island so she can learn the truth from Lusamine.

 Dawn is shocked to see her here, she asks Ash, "Why is she here?"

 "She is Lillie's cousin. That is why. We need to bring all the relatives here. Also, J does bad things because of her father. But now her father is saved, she doesn't need to hunt again," Minami says.

 "I see..." Dawn says.

 The next place is Sunnyshore City, they see Volkner, Candice and four other people fighting the grunts leading by Tracey. Who is using Scizor to attack them.

 Ash and others use X Scissors and Signal Beam to make them blast off. Then they quickly go to find them.

 "Lillie! It is so great to see you again." Candice says as the two hug. "It is nice to see you, Ash. Dawn."

 "You too, Candice, Volkner." Ash says. "So Candice is your daughter?"

 Volkner says, "I guuss we never tell you, huh?"

 The other woman, who introduces herself ad Persephone, says, "Yes. She is our daughter. And these are my children. It is a pleasure to meet the boy who manage to make Volkner enjoy battling again."

 "No problem. Ms. Persephone." Ash says.

 Persephone then introduces the children, Bolver, a famous Talk show host and the Evilbolt in disguise, Drandon, a breeder and a Draceus in disguise, and finally Skelo, a Giratina in disguise.

 "You are Giratina?" Dawn says in shock.

 "Well, I am." Skelo says, "I really don't like my space being polluted by those two cousins."

 "Indeed." Ash says. "I remembered that you were trapped, too."

 Then they quickly leave the region and go to the island.

 The fifth family they are finding is at the Hearthome Pokemon Center, where Jessie and the Team Rockets are fighing against 6 people, one of them is a Nurse Joy.

 "This is getting harder than I thought. Seviper. Use Poison Tail!" Jessie yells. But Seviper is fainted due to the upcoming Venoshock. And the Team Rocket also blast off thanks to the Sludge Bomb.

 "Uncle Dragus! Aunt Joy!" Lillie says as she rushes to them.

 "Lillie, is that you?" Dragus says in surprise. "You have grown so well."

 "Thanks." Lillie says, then she introduces Ash, Minami and Dawn to them.

 Dragus is a doctor in the Hearthome Hospital while his wife is the Nurse Joy in Hearthome City. They have 4 children. Tox, who wants to be a doctor and a Evilrug disguise, Noah, who is the strongest Kanto Elite 4 member that uses Normal Types. Raid, a pilot and Dracy, who also wants to be a doctor.

 After the introduction, they head back to the Island.

 The last place they are heading is the former Team Galactic Base, Lillie immediately knocks the door, then a man comes out.

 "Uncle Cyrus!" Lillie says as she greets them.

 "Lillie, is that you? Please come in." Cyrus says as the others are also welcomed. Dawn asks, "Isn't he the Team Galactic Boss, the one who disappeared after Dialga and Palkia's incident?"

 "This is a different one, just like my Uncle Giovanni, his alternate version comes to our world and do evil things." Ash says.

 Cyrus' family contains 6 members, besides Cyrus, there is Min, who is also a Professor with a license, Amo, an astronaut and a Mindeart in disguise, Helen, a Fiheart in disguise and a good cook, Ben, a watcher of explosive and dangerous objects, as well as an Evilatom in disguise, and finally Tera, a normal girl who is obessed with Ground Types.

 "Ash, I am sorry for what the evil version of me did to you." Cyrus says.

 "It is fine." Ash says, "It is not only you are the victim."

 Dawn then asks, "What is a Chemical Type?"

 "Oh, it is a new typing. It is like Poison, but more dangerous." Minami says.

 "I see." Dawn says.

 Then they also agrees to come to find Lusamine and Adam, so they drive the base to the region instead of Teleporting.

 As the Sinnoh is finished, they head to Unova as their next destination. At the lab, they can see Alder and Professor Junipers defending themselves from Trip and the Rockets.

 "Why? Trip, why did you need to do this?" Professor Juniper asks in anger.

 "He is only a Boonie, and like Professor said, he needs to be destroyed." Trip says as he tells his Jellicent and Chandelure to attack, but then Trenor fires a Confuse Ray, causing everyone to get down except Junipers and Alder.

 "Confuse Ray..." Cedric says.

 "Are you alright?" Ash, Trenor and Lillie come, Aurelia says, "Ash, is that you?"

 "It is us, we must leave the place." Ash says as they get teleported away.

 After they are back at the island, Ash and Trenor immediately tell them everything, they are surprised at the news at first, but then they are glad as they find others to talk to.

 At the same time, they see some people flying towards them. Aurora says, "They have found us."

 "Who?" Ash asks. Then they see N, Anthea and Concordia greet them.

 "Hello Ash." N says.

 "N, it is great to see you again." Ash says. "So you know what we are doing?"

 "Yes. We are here to help you. And I also learned what happened to my true father and mother." N says. "I can't believe I couldn't tell apart of the real and fake."

 "The feeling is mutual." Ash says.

 Anthea and Concordia then walk towards Ada. They say, "Mother. I am sorry that we are late."

 Ada hugs the two children and says, "It is fine. Girls."

 Ash, Trenor, Lillie and N then leave to thr Unova once more.

 The next place is the Stralton City, where they see Cilan, Chili and Cress fighting Team Rocket leading by Iris.

 "Why don't you stop being a kid and give up? Cilan?" Iris asks as Dragonite now uses Dragon Pulse on Simisage.

 "I won't surrender to evil doers like you." Cilan says. "And I can't believe that you will try to do this, too."

 Suddenly, Draco Meteors appear and it starts to crush the Rocket's Pokemon. Iris yells, "Who shoots that Draco Meteor without my permission?"

 "We did." Ash says as he uses Dragon Claw to slash her, causing her to fall down.

 "Ash? N?" Cilan says in shock.

 "Hello, we can talk later." N says as Trenor helps them teleport away.

 After they are back at the island, Cilan also greets Dawn. Then he asks, "What is going on? How come Iris joined Team Rocket?"

 Ash proceeds to explain everything to the three brothers, they are shocked to know Ash has a lot of family members. Then they also agrees to help them. Cilan also wants to come with Ash, too.

 "Now Lillie, you have three family that lives here?" Ash asks as they are at Castelia City.

 "Yes. If I remember it correctly... there they are..." Lillie says as they are here, but they are surrounded by Team Rocket leading by Shamus.

 "You! You are the one who abandoned Emboar..." Ash says.

 "Ash Ketchum, the Professor has been in a headache because of you. Defeating you will be great." He tells the Pokemon to attack, but then six people comes and help them fight back.

 "We won't let you hurt my niece and her friends." The man says.

 "Who do you think you are?" Shamus asks. But before the man can answer, they are defeated by Flamethrower and Fire Blast.

 "Uncle Paris, Aunt Jane. Good to see you again." Lillie says.

 "You too. Lillie. And you must be Ash, right?" Paris asks.

 "Yes. Right now this isn't a good plce to talk." Ash says as they teleport back to the island.

 Paris is a Fashion Designer and a Top Coordinator, Jane, his wife and a great gardener. Then their children are Geo, a Evilwhip in disguise as well as a dessert maker, Luke, a Evolock in disguise and a mine digger, Marine, a Water Type Specialist and the Johto Elite 4 member, and Megan, the only member who isn't a trainer yet.

 Paris and his family greet the other members and also talk to them, while Ash and the group leaves to find others.

 In Undella Town, they can see Catlin and Grimsley protecting 4 children and fighting Team Rocket leading by Max.

 "Do you think you are a better Psychic then me?" Max says. "You might as well give up."

 "I won't lose to the likes of you." Catlin says as she uses her power to clash Max's. But it is interrupted when a Psyshock appears and hit all the Team Rocket members and a Teleport.

 "Aunt Catlin, Uncle Grimsley." Lillie says as she greets them.

 Cilan whispers to Trenor and asks, "So they are related?"

 "I guess so." Trenor replies.

 Catlin also notices Ash and says, "Hello, Ash. It is good to see you again."

 "You too." Ash says.

 Then they introduce the family members, Terry. A member of the International Police and a Evilost in disguise. Tyke, a Pixiceus in disguise and a painter. Kaite, an Inceus in disguise and a Forest Watcher. And Walt, a Palkia in disguise and an explorer.

 "So all four members are Pokemon?" N asks.

 "Yes. Thanks to Adam and Aurora." Grimsley says.

 As they head back to the island, Minami and Terry lock eyes as they both blush at each other. Then they decide to chat together as the others do their work.

 The final destination is at the P2 Laboratory, before they head there, they meet the Team Rocket led by Gorgia, much to their surprise. But Ash and the others manage to escape by freezing them.

 "Here they are, the last place." Ash says as he knocks the door, then a woman opens it.

 "N, Ash? Trenor? Is that you?" The woman says in shock.

 "Mother." N says as the woman hugs him.

 "Aunt Thrister. It is good to see you again." Trenor says.

 "Please come in, you must be having a hard time." Thrister says as they come in. Then they see Ghetsis and Colress also in the room along with others.

 "N, is that you?" Ghetsis says as he walks towards him. N says, "I am sorry, father. I thought you really become evil..."

 Lillie says, "Uncle Colress, it is good to see you again."

 "Same here, Lillie." Colress says.

 Cilan is a little shocked, he asks Ash, "You are related to Ghetsis and Lillie is related to Colress? Both of them are leaders of Team Plasma!"

 "I know you are surprised. But don't worry, the ones we faced are the fake while they are the real ones." Ash says.

 For the family introduction, from Ghetsis and Thrister's family, there is Nate, a Norceus in disguise and a writter, Rosa, a normal trainer and Jullie, a scientist and a Atoceus in disguise.

 From Colress family, his wife is Stella, she is a Top Coordinator, Flomer, a Flamceus in disguise and a instrument maker, Elena, an archiologist and a Dialga in disguise, and Earnest, a mine digging boss and a Earceus in disguise.

 "By the way." Lillie says. "Since my Switype Powers are back, I revive J from the dead."

 "You did? How was she?" Stella says while tears are forming.

 "She is now at the island, and she promises not to do illegal things." Ash says.

 Colress smiles, "That is great."

 They quickly board the Plasma ship and then quickly head back to the island. As they arrive, J is surprised to see her family.

 "Mother, Father." J says as they share a hug.

 "My sweet J, you are back." Stella says.

 "I am sorry. Mom..." J says while tears are forming.

 Ash looks at Lillie and says, "Well, now we have 2 left. The Kalos and the Alola."

 "Yeah, we have to be quick." Lillie says.