
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

ender181 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

the pokemon from beyond pt 3

as we sit down me and Kalitta start to talk, so what pokemon should we catch next our teams are at 3 and we both need 3 to make a team of 6?

"Kalitta" well unfortunately the rules of this place have changed now we might not have the time to catch more then 1 more each darkrai may not have stated it but were on an even bigger time crunch then before we need to train our teams that we have now and focus on them mine already fully evolved I just need to focus on power your gastly won't be enough as it is your only true hitter is your phanteon and your honedge needs an evolution once that's done I have a dusk stone to fully evolve it to aegislash however the best your gastly can do is haunter I don't have a trade machine here however I do have the item needed for evolution if we make it out of here you can have it however we need to train now if we encounter a new pokemon great if we don't we have to strike soon either way training starts now".

as we move to the training grounds I can tell Kalitta is on edge if her words didn't give it away her actions are, as we enter the field its surrounding a junk yard however the thing that catches my eyes are the junk in it, A refrigerator,a fan, a oven a lawn mower And a washing machine. These are "Kalitta" items for rotom this is rotom junction where they live they are quite a lively bunch extremely powerful and diverse in type coverage if used right were going to train but also were to both catch one and make put teams at a good standing if were to beat the pokemon darkrai described we need coverage and here where we only have ghost pokemon rotom can switch between electric/flying, electric/fire, electric/ice,electric/grass electric/water and the base type electric/ghost the goal we each catch 2 I get wash rotom fan rotom and regular rotom you get heat rotom frost rotom and mow rotom to finish your 6 I know before I said we might not get a full team this might be the only way for us to do with a coverage of 6 types plus are already owned pokemon you in or out?"

Well with what limited time we have although ide like to see more of the pokemon of this world if this is what you think our best option is I'll follow it let's do this. As we head in the zapping of electricity is everywhere the rotom are everywhere as I send out gastly and the other the arking stops as several rotom stop and enter machinery as the 5 machines lay out more machinery appears a music box and an electronic bug zapper. What I thought you said rotom had 5 forms I count 7?

"Kalitta" rotom does but it's also been seen able to enter other technology as seen with pokedexs and computers its extremely handy however it seems here it's learned how to do more then just go inside more technology these rotom have adapted and they have new types if I had to guess the music box is fairy the bug Zapper is bug along with the electric type we have options spread out and catch 3 whatever we don't catch defeat there's about a hundred plus of these rotom here fight or die"

As gastly heads in the fairy type rotomblasts a moon blast that is narrowly dodges before he gets hit with a bug buzz from the bug type as honedge goes in to attack the frost rotom it changes with heat rotom as it gets blasted by flamethrower as takes heavy damage phanteon goes for the mow rotom and gets teamed up on by grace rotom and bug rotom along with fan rotom and gets hit by gust, bug buzz and moon blast as it goes flying. Where not doing very good gastly, phanteon and honedge come back we need ro regroup, As we do I look over to see all 7 rotom ganging up on Kalitta whos holding her own but barely the 7 v 3 is still alot for anyone to handle especially when the opponents are in perfect sync and your not.

"Kalitta" Dusknoir absorb the attacks we need phantom Armour now shedninja feather dance and trevenant use wood hammer on the wash rotom now"

gastly hit mow rotom with a flamethrower honedge use swords dance and phanteon use phantom force on the fairy type. As the battle rages on honedge gets blasted by flamethrower and as it trys to hold it ground its starts to lose out but in a last ditch effort it screams as it glows and starts to change as it finishes it comes out and splits the flames in two as honedge is no more in its place is doublade, doublade use shadow cutter and gastly back it up with shadow ball phanteon join in with your shadow ball. as the attacks collides heat rotom is down as I catch it with a dream ball, alright 1 down 6 to go as I look over Kalitta has caught zap rotom and wash rotom making it 4 left as we gather together the 4 unique rotom gang together with the many other regular rotom making a shield as they look to be planing an attack.

"Kalitta" hey if I make an opening do you thing your doublade can get through?"

Not really its super weak from the flames we would need more power to do it.

"Kalitta" then here take this"

as she hands me a dusk stone I remember what she said doublade evolves via duskstone wasting no time I throw ut the dusk stone as the evolution occurs with doublade who wasent around long in its final form agislash, Agislash use sacred sword. as Kalitta had just started the distraction agislash using its full power hit the majority of rotom as as we charge for the ones in the center gastly use shadow ball hit as many ad you can agislash use kings shield and block as many attacks as you can. We start to charge as gastly is blasting rotom after rotom away as we reach the center the 4 rotom left blast there signature moves moon blast ice beam razor leaf and gust as the attacks connect gastly is losing. Gastly come on push we need you as phanteon jumps in its uses pain split with gastly absorbing some of the damage as gastly starts to push through glowing in the process as the attacks dissipate and the smoke clears gastly is gone and kirian haunter stands in its place. looks like the training worked haunter phanteon agislash attack haunter use fire pledge phanteon use phantom force and agislash kings sword. as the attacks connect the rotoms go flying as I catch grace rotom and frost rotom and Kalitta in the nick of time catches mow rotom finishing our squads as we turn around fan rotom is down and the remaining rotom look at us and start to flee as me and Kalitta start taking them down after about 2 hours we are left standing in a junk yard amof defeated rotom as far as the eye can see. That was awful we need to rest and so do our pokemon. "Kalitta" yeah but first we should get out of here before the rotom get back up once done will regroup to camp then rest and I'll heal our teams but on the bright side your teams as prepared as it can be the battle ahead won't be easy but it won't be as difficult now".

your right, As we head to camp send out our teams and we heal them up before nearly fainting of exhaustion as I hit the ground I'm quick grabbed by haunter as it helps carry me to a safe spot as I rest I see a pokemon in my dream like what darkrai described however there's two one looks scared as the other seems to frighten it. What's wrong?

"hoopa" I can't control him anymore he's taken over and hurt so many I need help please save me"

who are you? where are you?

"hoopa" my names hoopa and where I am I don't know all I do know is with my unbound form in control no ones safe please save me"

as I jolt up Kalitta is watching me and quickly grabs me before I can yell cause I forget where I am.

"Kalitta" ark your safe remember your here don't be scared you'll be fine what happened you look like something has happened?"

The pokemon darkrai was talking of I've learned it's name it goes by hoopa and it's also in danger the threat is what's known as hoopa unbound it's alternate more dangerous form it can't control from the way it talked were not the only ones in danger if this thing gets out everyone here is doomed.

"Kalitta" so what do we do?"

what we do best fight and win I think i know where we need to go the valley of the forgotten when your ready let's go.