
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

ender181 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

the battle of nightmares pt 4

as we start to make our way to darkrais last location we ready ourselves mentally for what's about to go down.

"Kalitta" you ready once we start if we lose we won't make it back will be killed either by darkrai or hoopa"

I know which is why I'm sure we can do this we can't give up we will make it home and ill get to see Lapis again and the others but for now lets focus on the battle. As we make it to the last sighting of darkrai the area looks desolate and barely living from when we were last here but as I go to see why from the shadows rises darkrai. "Darkrai" so I see you have made it alive and in one piece I'm assuming you are ready for the challenge I have laid out?"

we are me and Kalitta have prepared our teams and our ready for hoopas challenge.

"darkrai" well that's a surprise I don't remember telling you it's name maybe you might survive this battle I wish you luck"

as he vanishes from sight a portal is left where he was standing and through a pokemon is sitting absorbing power.

"Kalitta" let's go the longet we wait the more power it gains"

as she's says it's she rushes into the portal where I'm am forced to quickly follow as it starts to close. As we enter the atmosphere is dense and evil can be felt as I look around I see behind the Goliath that is hoopa unbound is hoopa chained up being drained as well as the land itself losing energy. Hoppa can you hear me I've come to save you hang on. "hoopa" I don't have the power to help you I'm sorry please stop him"

as I nod I look over to Kalitta and we start. Agislash I choose you

,"Kalitta" Dusknoir it times to battle"

Agislash use kings blade "Kalitta Dusknoir use phantom force"

as the attacks connect the Goliath awakens and the battle begins "hoopa unbound" you dare enter my space and attack me you fools for this I will end you" as it attacks portals open up and out of it step hoards of ghost pokemon Kalitta I think we have to pull out all of tricks other wise we won't make it she nods as we attack go grace rotom,frost rotom,rotom heat, haunter and panteon. "Kalitta" go trevenant,shedninja,wash rotom,mow rotom,zap rotom"

grace rotom moon blast, rotom heat fire pledge,frost rotom ice beam,haunter fire pledge phanteon shadow ball, aegislash kings blade. "Kalitta" dusknoir iron head, shedninja bug buzz,wash rotom scald, zap rotom fury cutter,mow rotom energy ball,trevenant wood hammer"

as our attacks connect with the hoard we knock out around 50 or so of the hundreds pouring in but with how many keep coming were losing what little ground we have phanteon and agislash use shadow ball but aim for hoopas hands haunter you and grace rotom use moon blast and shadow ball aiming at the portals and frost rotom and rotom heat use flamethrower and ice beam aiming at the hoards coming at us. "Kalitta" Dusknoir absorb the attacks coming at us we need sprit Armour trevenant use grass knot on as many incoming pokemon as possible shedninja use shadow to hit the incoming wave of pokemon zap rotom use thunder at the hoard wash rotom use surf and mow rotom leaf tornado". as the attacks go hoopa hands get hot and the pokemon enter the through the two portals get knocked back in as they close and the attacks our team blast most of the incoming pokemon away leaving only a select few standing. "hoopa unbound" you are more of a nuisance then I thought although not damaging me your annoying insects and I guess what they say is true if you want something done do it yourself"

as it starts to stand it opens it hands as what looks like a massive shadow ball is being charged then with no time to dodge its launched at us. Phanteon I know this is risky but intercept the attack then use pain split as soon as it hits you on hoopa. Without question it nods and jumps in to intercept the attack as it does it immediately uses pain split but gets knocked out immediately after bit not without causing an immense amount of damage to hoopa. Keep it up agislash use swords dance haunter use curse and rotom grace and heat use moon blast and fire pledge frost rotom use scald as the attacks connect they do little damage besides curse. "Kalitta" it defense is high our best bet is using moves that use its own power against it as it seems to be the only thing affecting it" but the only pokemon who had a move on either team was phanteon and it's down.

"Kalitta" false shedninja has endeavor it will bring the pokemon it fights down to the same hp as it shedninja can't normally learn this move but mines special" ok but that would require you to not only get in close and land it but shedninja would need to be within one shot range.

"Kalitta" Thats the thing shedninja is a special pokemon that only has one hit point bit its ability wonder guard makes it so only super effect attacks can hurt it if we can land it on hoppa we just need someone to land one more move and we can end it" ok then we need all our pokemon to give you the opening you need. You hear that gang make room attack everything that gets in shedninjas way. As all our pokemon start to rush in hoppa opens portals laying waste to everything in front of it with attacks after attacks causing massive damage the first to go down is rotom grace shortly after trevenant and zap rotom follow it. Keep charging as they press on haunter and rotom heat fall as hoopa sends an attack of swords flying down some manage to hit agislash and frost rotom mow rotom and wash rotom go down. Hold on just a bit farther. As the attacks keep raining dusknoir and phanteon go down leaving only shedninja as it charges in and uses endeavor landing it on hoopa but as it does hoopa swats it away knocking it out. "Kalitta we landed the attack but now we have no pokemon to finish it off what do we do?" looking around I see a bunch of the swords hoppa used earlier to knock some our pokemon out laid across the battle field and with no time to waste I rush in and grab one of the katanas in the earth around me and brush off the debree and rush in I start to run as attacks lay waste around me I start to take heavy damage but keep rushing hoops not giving up swats me making me fly in the air as I look around I see the ground from Below and know once I land it's over for me accepting I won't be able to go back I lay my eyes closed and accept my fate but just as I have given up I hear a voice in my head ring don't give up as I open my eyes I see regular hoopa break a hand free from the chains and a portal opens below me as I fall into it I appear above hoopa unbounds head and as I land I stab full force into my katana as I hear it cry as i remove the blade it starts to collapse as I'm teleaported by hoopa to it side and free it as I do it go over to a corner and pulls out a jar that looks similar to hoopa unbound and opens it as the Goliath returns to where it came as it does hoops seeks the vase once more and opens a portal tossing it inside as I look towards it heals my and Kalittas pokemon then summons a sieth for the sword in my hand I put the blade away and then put it on my back as I look towards hoopa but before i can speak darkrai appears "darkrai" so hoopa it seems you been set free old friend "hoopa" yes I have thanks to you heros you picked

"darkrai" yes thanks to you two realm and friend is safe is there anything I can do besides return ho.e to thank you?" there is one thing actually I become attached to the team I made here is there any chance I can take them back with me? "darkrai" a simple request like that can be done with ease is there anything else?" Well honestly I just want to make sure hoopa will be OK "darkrai" hoopa now being free will be able to choose what it wants to do "hoopa" I do have something ide like to give you I you don't mind handing me that sword you used"

I quickly hand hoopa my sword as it seems to do something to it as it glows for a brief moment then stops almost as quickly "hoopa" i made it so that sword can produce ghost type attacks it can use shadow slice shadow ball open my portals when needed and will be non leathel to pokemon in case you get into a confrontation" "darkrai" if you don't mind letting me see that blade?" i quickly hand it to darkrai who instills other energy into it "darkrai" i instilled dark type energy in it so it can use dark type attacks as well but it can do other tricks as well" i dont quite hear the lasr part darkrai said before handing me my blade as it seemed he whispered it under his breath but i take my blade graciously "hoppa"also ide like to join you on your journey however I want you to know that if you do accept Mr Ark I will not join you immediately I first have some things around the world I need to see and you also need to prove you can handle the power of a mythical pokemon like myself before I'll

join you is that ok" I understand your terms and that is fine by me after all is Said and done hoppa summons a ball and gets caught then immediately after I send it out so it can do what it needs and I can eventually prove my self to it then after that me and Kalitta say our goodbyes for now as darkrai returns me to the living world with my new pokemon and sword with me as I return my pokedex chimes in 'current team exceeds the limit of 6 choose witch pokemon go back to professor evergreen I look at my team and keep Haunter and the other well sending all the others I caught back to my grandfather and keep hoppa ball in my bag as I look around I see Lapis in a chair asleep by my bedside I look around to see I'm in a hospital and am quickly shocked back into reality were I quickly wake Lapis up to ask what's happening. "Lapis" Ark you awake its been two weeks when I woke up the last night I saw you before I went to wake you up but got no response after calling nurse Joy they brought you hear where you've been unresponsive for two weeks but first off where did those clothes come from that new pokebalk on your belt and most importantly that sword?"

oh do I have some news for you and woth that we chat for hours as i catch her up and get ready for the day ahead I'm back world and now more powerful then ever.