
37: Fight [Part 3] & Reunion

Words were not necessary between Darius and Cerberus. Cerberus just moved and attacked as he and Darius became "one" together, Darius's thoughts were Cerberus's thoughts, and together they were fighting.

Much like how Cotton and Wally did not need words to communicate - since they had a telepathic bond - and much like Darius and Cerberus, they hoth shared thoughts and emotions.

It was the zenith of a bond-

"Cerberus!" Without telling the good boy what move to use, Cerberus knew. He opened his mouth and let out this strong gush of smoke as he used [Smokescreen]. At the same time, he also used [Poison Gas] to hide away poisonous gas inside the smoke. At the same time, Wally called out to his little floating friend: "Cotton!" The little guy floated, twirling around as he threw these varius little seeds towards Cerberus. Under Darius' thoughts, the small dog ran forward as fire pushed his paws, easily increasing jump distance between him and the little cotton Pokemon.

It is difficult to describe how one would feel when bonded to a creature... It is like you understand their innermost thoughts and desires, which is actually pretty intimate when you stop to think about it. It was like Darius could read Cerberus' soul - and it burned. It burned with the desire to be the strongest, it burned with passion for winning, and it burned with loyalty. It was all a flash, in a moment he was reading Cerberus' soul - it was very quick, almost as if time had slowed down - with incredibly accurate eyes, and in the other, everything came back to normal.

Entering the screen made by the pitch black smoke that easily hid the poison within, Cerberus could not see from within, and neither could Cotton. However, Pokemom have other senses to rely upon, and one of such senses is their ability to sense energy around them. Cerberus was inside his own move, he could easily feel the energy of his own move and know where the small Cottonee was- Darius amd Cerberus both felt a disturbance in the smoke, where the small Pokemon had breached. It was at that momenit that this pink-ish wind started to blow away the smoke with some difficulty, but it was noticeable that in maybe a minute or two using this move, Cotton would be able to blow the smoke away.

"Cerberus." Only one word was sounded out, but Cerberus already knew what Darius wanted him to do. He opened his mouth, releasing a few [Ember] small blazing spheres of fire, or to be specific, 3 of them. Each and every single one of these small balls of fire seemed to almost stop mid air before they simply shot forward, aiming to hit the small Cottonee. Darius couldn't exactly see what happened, so he had to rely on his ability to read and detect energy.

And what he felt was surprising.

Floating there was no Cottonee, but a small little puppet made of cotton that just looked exactly like said Pokemon, and even felt like said Pokemon. 'Is this... a [Substitute]?' Darius had never come across the move in this world, but from the small glimpse of what he could gather, the move made a small puppet of pieces of the Pokemon's body or energy, that was an almost exact copy of the Pokemon, but very frail. The cotton puppet turned to ash in just two [Ember] attack, after all... Maybe it's just Cerberus who is too strong and used a Fire move? Looking around, Darius searched for the small Cottonee, only to feel these small bursts of Grass energy heading towards his small hound good boy- 'DODGE' Was the thought they both shared at that moment, Cerberus' body seemed to blaze with fire energy for a split second as he suddenly moved forward in a really quick motion. That was the move known as [Flame Charge], a move known to increase the user's speed upon use, although momentarily and only upon hit in the games. However, in this world, the move gave a boost of speed to the Pokemon naturally.

Dodging the small seeds, Cerberus turned to look at where they came from, only to see three exact copies of the cotton Pokemon. "So you're taking this seriously, huh?" Darius grinned as he looked at Wally, who still had the same determined expression: "Then, let's take this seriously!" With a blazing fire, Cerberus let out this emanating wave of pure heat from his body, that reached about 4 feet around him. The heat, of course, was not harsh so as to not damage or hurt Big Boy's back, who was their battlefield.

The same couldn't be said about the three copies though. They were fragile copies made with the move [Double Team], a move which Wally most likely taught most of his Pokemon, or is trying to teach all of his Pokemon. A move like that to the annoying Cottonee, who was a Pokemon known to have the [Trickster] ability, was almost too op- If he was stronger and Wally had more experience with battling, he could've stalled for time as he pelted Cerberus with annoying moves like [Spikes], [Toxic], [Leech Seed], [Toxic Spikes], [Sleep Powder], [Stun Powder], [Poison Powder], [Rage Powder], and many other non-damaging moves that can be used quickly. Jasper is the same, seeing as Pokemon with the [Trickster] ability are naturally better at shaping non-damaging attacks with their energy, making it much quicker than any attack moves.

Some can even use various non-damaging moves at the same time!

The move Cerberus had just used was a weaker version of [Heat Wave], which was a fire move that released a lot of heat around the user to damage all Pokemon around. It can be directed by the user towards one direction only, but it requires more control over the user of the attack. And Cerberus has not even learned the move properly yet, he just released a lot of heat in a blast towards Cottonee- "Cotton, hide!" Wally shouted quickly, the real small cotton Pokemon quickly hid behind one of his small copies that were made with the [Double Team] move, Darius watched as he also - at the same time - pulled small cotton balls of his body, making this smaller copy of himself, which he used to hide behind as well, even though it didn't cover his entire body.

The blast of heat hit the copy made by [Double Team], making it fade away as the attack had hit only an illusion - immediately after, the attack crossed over to the [Substitute] made by Cottonee, hitting it and cutting through it, hitting the real Cottonee.

And like that, he went down. He had used a lot of his HP to make these copies, so his fragile form broke down under the heat ofnthe attack, knocking the Pokemon out.

Wally looked frustated.

"Wally, it's okay to-"

The boy simply looked away from him, and Darius felt like he had just shattered a child's dream- Until, of course, Wally looked back at him with this wide smile: "Thanks, Darius-" he said, struggling for a while to walk towards him, much to Darius' amusement: "-you've just shown me that I need to improve if I want to beat the champion!"

...did he just-

-Scene Cut-

Darius: K.O!

Wally: *why is you so mean to me*

-Scene Cut-

Being dragged, the boy groaned. His shoulder hurt, fuck! "Be more delicate with the object of interest." A rough female voice called out to the larger man that was holding him: "Sorry." The brute said, releasing him from his tight hold. "Ugh… Fighting Aura users…" The woman groaned before she kept walking down the dark tunnel.

As the trio approached the end of this long and dark tunnel, a door seemed to appear out of nowhere at the dead end tunnel. It had this soft purple and pink glow surrounding it, showing it was a special move made by a Psychic Pokemon, most likely a variation of a space bending or teleportation move. The door seemed to open by itself, showing the other side- A luxurious room stood before them, dark wooden floors that were darker because of the lack of the luminous light of the sun, for it was already night. The only light that could be seen was this soft orange glow of a fireplace, that illuminated a familiar face.

Stepping through the door - or rather, being pushed through the door, seeing as the boy didn't want to be there.

Sitting closer to the fireplace, being Illuminated by the orange glow, was this man. His very presence seemed to emanate power, and beside him sat this beautiful large feline Pokemon with a small, ruby red jewel on the center of her forehead. "Ah…" Holding a glass of red wine, the now revealed Giovanni simply sighed after he took a sip of his wine. "Good to have you… son." His eyes seemed almost pleased to see the red haired boy who stood between the tall brutish man and the thin but eloquent woman: "...old man." Showing no respect whatsoever, Silver simply greeted hjs father. What did he want with him now? He literally threw him in the streets of Orre and told him he was alone now, so what the fuck does he possibly want?

"You must be wondering…" Slowly, Geovanni got up from his velvet seat, the Persian at his feet nuzzled her cheek against his leg as he walked by: "Why I asked- No, why I demanded your presence here… You see, boy, you've survived what few can."

Confused, Silver just looked at his old man, who just grinned, widely, his face shifting into one of pure and unadulterated glee. Silver was scared, because in the 17 years of his pathetic life, he has never seen his dad THIS happy.

"Ah…" Sighing and letting his whole body relax, Giovanni asked a question: "So, did you enjoy the streets of your father's home region?" Wait… He wasn't born in Kanto? "To be born and raised in Orre is a nightmare. With barely any Pokemon, a giant desert to traverse, thirst and hunger to fight… Even eating your own mother's flesh is necessary to survive." He turned his back to them, his shadow now covering them all- Silver swears he saw a pair of eyes and a large grin flash at him, but as he blinked it faded away into nothingness. "Ah, well, you didn't need to eat your mother's corpse, and that's a better experience than mine I'd reckon…"

"..." The trio stood behind, completely silent as Giovanni went on his rant. They watched as he moved, practiced and elegant movements, almost like his Persian. "What do you want from me, old man?" Dilver asked, trying to make his body stop shivering for a moment.

"Patience, my child... Patience." Slowly walking around the trio in circles, Giovanni held within his hand a purple Pokeball, said Pokeball had this white M letter on it as well- It clearly was a Masterball. "I have a little test for you." With the movement of his hand, a small suitcase that laying by the table, floated towards them. "Here, pick one." Opening the suitcase, Giovanni showed his son three identical red and white Pokeballs. "These Pokeballs have some of the more... recently discovered Pokemon... Ah, this ever growing world, to be so full of secrets."

Ignoring his old man, Silver hesitated- For a moment he wanted to run, but he steeled his resolve and picked up the middle Pokeball.

"Now, this is what you will do for me..."

The scene fades into darkness as the camera view we had from the room pulls back, going through the glass of the window- We now have a panoramic sight of a beautiful large mountain, and as the camera pulls back, we slowly notice how big this mountain really is. It was not a simple mountain, but the largest mountain of the known Pokemon world.

Welcome to Mount Silver.


Author's Note:

Good news, babes, I'm making a Patreon. For now there's only 1 category (I'll post about when it's going online), 5 dollars only with access to 3 chapters in advance.

Also, will update you guys in the posting schedule.