
30: Influence

[Timeline: Chapter 15 - 2 Days after the events of said chapter]



Face to face, the two students stared right into each other's eyes without blinking. Both crimson irises glistened in the pale white light from the lightbulb above. "It seems you've survived." 

Ah, the good ol' school rivalry taken to the heights of manslaughter... Such a dreamy state between madness and sexual tension. "Of course I survived... Thank you for such a warm greeting, Blazen, it makes my heart bleed." 

Meet Blaze, or rather, Ken Blaze, of the Blaze family. Much like the Zaro family they also have Fire in their blood and bones. They are very arrogant, seeing as their family originated from Unova and they were considered nobles there... Still are, technically speaking. However, contrary to the Zard family of Kanto, the Quill family of Johto, and the Zaro family of Hoenn, the Blaze family has members that don't have only Fire affinity. The Blaze family has many members with Water and Rock affinity, which made members of their family particularly good at fighting against those types. That, in turn, made into one of the most powerful families with Fire affinity.

So much so that their method of training - also known as fucking beating the shit out of children with the glove of hardship and reality - was copied by many other families. They put their children through various trials, most of the time they are encouraged to fight against opponents that are stronger and have at least one type advantage over their own Pokemon. Why? For the struggle, or course!

Nothing grows without effort, from humans, to plants, to Pokemon, and even relationships. 

Talking about relationships, Azzaro and Ken had a... case? Well, they dated for about 7 days, 13 hours, 15 minutes and 33 seconds. Why the specific timing? That was also an important day where Azzaro learned that his beloved older sister had her entire Pokemon Contesting Career was destroyed - something she built with her bloody bare fucking hands, she cried so fucking much when it all came crashing down - by word of the Blaze family. "Ah, yes... My concern for you... Ah, regardless, congratulations for getting your... stater." Blaze obvious looked at the small Pokemom beside him! Meet his Pokemon! 

This small bipedal crocodile with a red skin and a white stomach coloration stood beside the young Azzaro. It had three tuffs of yellow on top of his little head as he looked up: "Fue!" Meet Fuecoco, the Fire Croc Pokemon. This little thing might be small and adorable, but they grow and evolve into a very scary Skeledirge, a dual Fire/Ghost type. 

"Thank you for your kind words."

Most people, if they really focused, could practically see sparks flying as they made eye contact... Oh, right.

Welcome to Jurra- No, wrong script.

WELCOME! To the Regional Pokemon Trainer school named High Dreams, where you learn how to become a better person and grow as a trainer. Here you're going to learn the basic knowledge necessary to become a Pokemon Trainer and even advanced techniques if you pay attention in class. There are 7 classes! F, E, D, C, B, A, and S! Regardless of origin or blood, everyone has to take a test to see which class they're going tobbe in - of course I never said this test could be rigged. In fact, a lot of "nobels" and rich people do cheat and go to better classes, so they can bring prestige to their family and shit like that... 

There is hierarchy in this school amongst the students, where the higher in school rankings (counting on which class you are), the better. Corruption and greed has fucked up this school a long time ago, seeing as teachers for the F, E, and D classes are completely incompetent nutjobs contracted and paid to be completely useless and teach almost nothing. 

"You're welcome..." Blaze simply turned around and walked away, his two goons followiny him. Azzaro and his brother Johazzo were on the A class, with Lavazza staying in the B class, which were good classes, but considering the monthly rank up exam that everyone has to do to increase their rank (As in, lower classes have a chance to go to higher classes) and test their knowledge, she would stay there in that class for at least a few months. 

As Blaze walked away, Azzaro softly sighed and looked down at his small baby - the small Fuecoco had this vacant look on his face, almost as if there was nobody behind his eyes.

Huh, cute.

-Scene Cut- 

Fuecoco: *No thoughts, head empty, only baby*

-Scene Cut-

Darius had to reconsider his actions... Why did he act so out of character? He liked teasing, but he teased Wally in a very sexual way... and he liked it. 'Okay.' He knows he's Bisexual. He has had sex with women and men, he has dated a girl for two months before she cheated on him and he simply ignored her and broke up with her quickly... He has been very chill in his previous relationships, he never really pushed others for sex, and he has never done what he did to Wally... And he liked it. 

What changed? He came to the Pokemon world, and because of it, he unlocked a Dark type affinity. He saw Wally as his prey, but not in a cannibalistic way, but in a sexual way. And he loved cornering him, his sadistic tendencies grew stronger as he saw Wally just... being. He was adorable, sure, but then Darius started to notice little things that made him attractive. His small hands, how small would they look wrapped around his cock- OKAY! 'Gotta stop right there.' Darius softly sighed to himself as he got up from his bed, where Wally also laid. He was sleeping still, with clothes on still. Why was Darius here, then? Because Wally was having troubles breathing, and to make sure he was going to sleep, Darius helped him with a little bit of medicine and his Flying type energy. Flying type energy is like a mixture between the wind and this fast energy... Kinetic energy? Not really, but similar. 

So, with the Flying type energy, he pushed air into Wally's lungs softly and slowly, until he was breathing without his aid. He was sleeping soon after, and Darius was tired, so he laid down as well. Watching the boy for a moment, he just sighed softly... He was so pure. Darius couldn't see on the boy's face any sign of weariness... It was just a soft, adorable face that screamed "I am a small baby, please don't eat me" and a rather vicious part of him wanted to tear the boy to pieces. 

What happens to a human once their affinity is strong enough to influence their behavior? They start to mimick Pokemon of the respective affinity. Dark types, Fairy types, Bug types, Grass types, Water types, Flying types, Electric types, Poison types... How are his affinities going to influence him? He already sees the way Dark types influence him. It makes him more primal, and it seems a lot more like a creep. "Argh..." Darius groaned softly as he got up from the bed, putting on a shirt. He looked at his hair on his body, feeling cozy. He used to shave before coming to this world, and now he doesn't really care. 

He stretched his body, feelings his muscles pop as he moved. He blinked, leaving his room and going to the kitchen, Cerberus also following him from behind, he hadn't noticed the puppy as he just had awoken... "Hi..." Darius greeted the good boy as he lifted his arms and began to get bowls, filling them with food. He cut some berries, throwing in some Pokeblocks and began to tear pieces of roasted Pidgey that they got from yesterday when Darius used his favorite blessing (only blessing, truly) of Raikou to bring down the poor bird with a "Penis Blast", as he liked to call it. 

As he began to serve Cerberus his morning meal, he felt a ripple in the air around, as the small dot of Psychic/Fairy/Grass energy slowly moved, as Wally woke up. He soon turned to look at the door as walking in was the boy- He was wearing the rather large white silk shirt that Darius used. He doesn't remember when, but in the middle of the night, Wally woke up and said he was cold, so Darius gave him one of his shirts so he could get warm before going back to sleep because he was too damn tired. And now? Looking at the small boy with a big shirt that almost looks like a dress, Darius finally saw the difference between them.

Because that shirt? It's tight on him, and if he lifts his arms, his stomach gets a little exposed. 

And Wally wears it like a dress...

"Good morning." Darius greeted him, his hands moving quickly as he began to work on breakfast. Fruits and greens as well as a small amount of meat should be enough... He quickly looked over his options here. He opened the window beside the oven (which was used to let smoke and steam leave the home safely) and looked outside. The sun Illuminated the world once again and Darius felt his body wake up. He channeled energy to his eyes and brain, soo his vision seemed to expand a thousand yards, and he could see from afar. He let his finger softly glide on the air before him as he calculated the distance between the herd and the treeline he can see from afar... "Good morning." Wally grumbled, softly sitting down on the chair close to the table, the kitchen was also the dining room for obvious reasons. 

"Today, we'll-" Before he could say anything, there was this thrill call as a long noodle boy called out to him, climbing upwards the tree and entering his home through the window. This was the long boy Linoone that appeared! "-oh, hi little one." This was the recently evolved Zigzagoon! Now the previous family of Zigzagoons turned into a family of Linoones! "Good morning to you too." Darius softly patted the long noodle boy, and to his surprise, the big Linoone lifted itself and stood on its two back paws. Soon, the big boy showed Darius a round and perfectly healthy egg.

The only issue was that it was wet, because it had been stored on the Linoone's cheek pouch, which is capable of expanding to fit entire boulders! So it wasn't really a surprise that he was able to fit a whole egg inside his cheeks. "Ah, is this who I think it is?" The Linoone simply nodded, making Darius smile. A little while back, the parents of Linoone - let's call them Linoone Father and Linoone Mother - were having another child. Contrary to expectations, it takes some time for Pokemon to lay their eggs... Sure, some species have near instant laying, while others have a quick hatching, and only some Bug types have both properties at the same time. 

The Butterfree line is a good example. 

The Linoone line takes about between one to two weeks to lay their eggs, but it takes about one to one and a half for the egg to hatch. Or so Darius' skills told him. Linoones lay between 6 to 10 eggs for each pregnancy, and the Linoone couple agreed to give him one of their eggs so he can increase his skills in how to take good care of Pokemon Eggs. "Thank you." Darius thanked the Linoone, making him smile before departing. After the good boy left, Darius softly placed the egg on the counter for a moment before laying a small, dark purple stone right beside the egg. The Dusk stone he got from the creepy ghost thing, it had Dark and Ghost energy!

'This should work...' He sighed as he used his Dark Type Energy to guide the Dark Type Energy from the stone to the egg... Why was he doing this? He knows about the existence of Galarian Zigzagoon, and he knows that they have the Dark type. So, what if he gives a baby Zigzagoon Dark Type Energy before they are even born? The results will only show in the future. 

He wants to influence the egg.

And he knows it is safe to do, because if there was any danger, his skills would warn him. Especially his [Pokemon Egg Care] skill.