
Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

For Cain, the promised land of the Pokémon World was not the idyllic paradise he had hoped for. Instead, he found himself cast into the depths of darkness, a captive of the nefarious Team Rocket on the infamous Purgatory Island. But even in the darkest of times, fate is not always so cruel as to deny a glimmer of hope. Through a twist of destiny, Cain finds himself back where everything began. Armed with the knowledge and experiences of his previous life, he now has the opportunity to make the most of his second chance and forge his own path in the exciting world of Pokémon. -------------------------------------------------- Support me and get early access to chapters: www.patreon.com/jeezu -------------------------------------------------- #Transmigration #Regression/Time Travel #Second Chance -------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Hibiscus Hibiscus Website: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/95449

Jeezu · アニメ·コミックス
182 Chs

Chapter 47:

As they ventured further into the island, Cain and his companions found themselves in a dense orchard, teeming with a tribe of Mankeys. These primate Pokemon were known for their fierce nature, and would attack any unsuspecting traveler who dared to enter their territory.

At the heart of the tribe stood a powerful Level 23 Mankey Chief with a green aptitude, granting him the strength and leadership to rule over the tribe with an iron fist. His presence alone made him a formidable opponent, but coupled with the endless hordes of Mankeys under his command, he was truly a hegemon of the island.

Cain's innocent mistake of allowing Murkrow to pluck a berry from the orchard, incited the wrath of the Mankeys. In their minds, any intrusion on their territory was a threat to their food supply, and they launched a merciless attack on the trio.

Murkrow and Slowpoke fought bravely, but the sheer number of Mankeys proved to be overwhelming. In the end, they were forced to retreat, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Despite the grueling battle, the experience proved to be a valuable one. Murkrow and Slowpoke had leveled up, with Murkrow reaching level 19 and Slowpoke reaching level 21. Their mastery of their respective flying and psychic-type moves had also increased significantly.

As they set up camp for the night, they reflected on the day's events. Slowpoke's talent had been gradually recovering, and after the battle, his original dark green aptitude had returned, a small order higher than Murkrow's. His control over his psychic energy had also improved, making him an even more formidable opponent.

Murkrow, inspired by his companion's progress, was eager to push himself further and requested Cain to increase his weight training load by 10kg. However, after some persuasion from Cain, he reluctantly agreed to a more modest increase of 5kg.

Cain understood Murkrow's ambition, but he knew that such drastic changes could lead to unforeseen problems and potential injuries. He had heard of cases where highly talented Pokemon were not treated properly after a battle, and as a result, they were left with hidden injuries that hindered their performance and left them unable to reach their full potential.

These types of injuries were notoriously difficult to treat, often requiring extensive rehabilitation and conditioning. And during this time, the Pokemon were unable to train or fight, meaning that even if they eventually recovered, they would never be able to return to their peak form.

With this in mind, Cain decided to increase Murkrow's load by a more manageable 5kg, bringing it to a total of 10kg. This change would have little impact on Murkrow's fighting ability while also minimizing the risk of injury.

The following day, Cain found himself facing the most formidable group of Pokemon he had encountered so far. The group, consisting of only five Pokemon, was led by a level 32 Nidoking and a level 30 Nidoqueen, with the remaining three members being their children. Despite their small number, they held a large territory that included a natural lake and an emerald green meadow, home to a variety of berries and docile Pokemon. The lake was also home to a large number of fish, which served as their main source of food.

The Nidoking and Nidoqueen's self-sufficient nature and formidable strength made them the undisputed rulers of their territory, and it was rare that they were ever bothered by other Pokemon. So, when Cain stumbled upon the group, he couldn't help but be intrigued. The fact that there was a Nidoking and Nidoqueen present in this area led him to suspect that it might be a location where the elusive Moon Stone, required for their evolution, could be found.

Determined to investigate further, Cain approached the group's home at the small lake with caution. But before he could get too close, he was discovered by the Nidoking who, incensed by the intrusion, launched an attack on Cain and his Pokemon. With the help of Murkrow's Protect, they managed to escape unharmed, but Cain knew that he would have to return when he was stronger. Nidoking alone had sent them running, and Nidoqueen, who had been busy guarding the Nidorans, had not even bothered to intervene.

It was no surprise to Cain that the Mankey tribe was too intimidated to challenge the authority of Nidoking and Nidoqueen, with such power at their disposal.

Cain and his companions arrived at a Stone Forest after crossing their territory. Checking the map in his hand, Cain muttered to himself, "As long as we pass through, we'll reach the mission site."

Cain let out a deep sigh of relief as he surveyed the rocky landscape before him. They had traveled far to reach this spot, and now the most pressing matter at hand was to prepare a nourishing meal for his trusty companions, Murkrow and Slowpoke, who deserved a well-earned rest.

The terrain was a harsh one, with jagged rocks littering the ground, and only patches of withered grass and dry straw providing any respite from the barrenness. But Cain was undeterred. He spied a large, flat boulder and, setting to work, he quickly constructed a fire using the rocks that lay scattered about. With a makeshift stove in place, he placed a small pot upon it and carefully poured in water from the nearby lake.

For, in the wilds, one must be ever vigilant. Drinking raw water, no matter how pure it may appear, was a risk not worth taking. The dangers of contracting an illness in such a remote place, without the proper medicine, were all too real.

As the water began to boil, Cain set about preparing their lunch. Murkrow's meal consisted of a medley of Pokeblocks and a freshly caught hare, while Slowpoke's plate was piled high with his favorite fish. Slowpoke, ever helpful, assisted Cain in preparing the hare and fish, and when they were finished, they covered the entrails and blood with mud, to keep wild Pokemon from being attracted by the smell.

The water had boiled by this time and was left to cool before Cain could refill his water bottle. As he tended to his equipment, he began grilling the meat, brushing it with oil, turning it over, and sprinkling it with spices that left such a tantalizing aroma that both Murkrow and Slowpoke couldn't stop their mouths from watering.

Cain himself needed only a leg of the hare and half a fish to satisfy his hunger; the rest was for his Pokemon companions. The meal was soon devoured, and with bellies full and spirits high, they set out once more on their journey.

The journey through the Stone Forest was a far cry from the treacherous trek through the overgrown woods, where every step had to be taken with the utmost caution, lest one fall into a hidden pit. But while the visibility was greatly improved amidst the towering stone pillars, the terrain was still uneven, and the constant presence of Geodudes was a constant reminder of the danger that lurked around every corner.

But the Geodudes seemed content to ignore the travelers, content to spend their afternoons standing motionless upon a pile of rocks. Cain noticed that most of these Pokemon were of a low level, none above twenty.

With the path clear and no Pokemon taking the initiative to attack them, the trio made quick progress, covering half the distance of the Stone Forest in just under an hour. It seemed they would soon reach their destination.

But as they say, life is full of surprises, and their path was suddenly blocked by a Pokemon. It wasn't even deliberately trying to impede their advance; it simply blocked their path due to its massive size.

Pokemon: Onix (Dark Yellow)

Gender: Male

Level: 30

Type: Rock + Ground

Ability: Sturdy

Held items: None

Egg moves: Defense Curl, Rock Climb

Basic moves: Mud Sport, Tackle, Harden, Bind, Curse, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rage, Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Gyro Ball, Smack Down, Dragon Breath, Slam

Taught moves: Iron Head

Technical Machines (TMs): None

This Onix was lounging against a massive boulder, its massive form blocking their path, and the only way to get past would be to climb over it, an action that could only lead to certain disaster.

And if they were to take a detour, there was no telling how far they would have to walk, as the path was surrounded on both sides by endless high stone walls.

Cain couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh.

The Stone Forest was known to be a resource-poor area, and as such, there were no powerful groups of Pokemon to be found in the region. Only Geodude and Onix thrived here, as they had no need for other resources as long as there were mineral-rich rocks, which were their favorite and the most abundant.

But as Cain had not encountered any high-level Geodude along the way, he couldn't help but wonder why this level 30 Onix was here.

As he studied the Onix, who was basking comfortably in the sun, a plan began to form in his mind.

"Slowpoke," he said, his eyes alight with determination, "use 'Rain Dance' on that Onix!" Slowpoke nodded and opened his mouth slightly, emitting a murmuring sound with a unique melody.

And as Slowpoke's murmuring voice reached the sky, a wisp of black clouds appeared, gathering above the Onix.

"Mo?" The Onix shivered as the temperature around him dropped. As he opened his eyes, he saw that the previously blazing sun had vanished, replaced by a dark cloud looming above him.

Onix looked around warily, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. But as he gazed back up at the ominous clouds above him, he knew that they were targeting him specifically, for the sun was still shining a few dozen meters away.

Despite his massive size, Onix was of a naive disposition, and he didn't give much thought to the situation.

As the first raindrops began to fall, the reluctant Onix finally stirred from his spot. Though this was his favorite place to sunbathe, and he had grown accustomed to lying here, it was the rain that irritated him the most.

The perpetrators of this rain, Cain and Slowpoke, hid behind a stone pillar and watched from a distance as Onix scurried away, leaving an open path in his wake.

As the rumbling faded and Onix was no longer visible, Cain signaled for Slowpoke to stop using Rain Dance. The dark clouds quickly dissipated, leaving only a small puddle on the ground to indicate what had just transpired.

After several tense minutes of waiting, with no sign of Onix in sight, Cain approached the path, with Murkrow and Slowpoke by his side.

The path ahead rose steeply, disappearing into the clouds and revealing a glimpse of the horizon beyond.

As they trudged onward, the initial warmth of the sun began to fade, replaced by a chill that seemed to seep into their bones. The air grew dry and arid, and with every step, the signs of life around them grew fewer and farther between, until there was not a blade of grass to be seen.

It was then, to Cain's surprise, that he spotted a dark and dreary cave, nestled amidst the towering stone pillars. The cave was low and narrow, no more than two meters high and three meters wide. For a moment, Cain was stunned, wondering how such a cave could have come to exist in this place, and by the looks of it, it had been there for a long time.