
Chapter 979 Wanli Sunshine! Off To Unova!

Kanto Region, Wanli Sunny Island!

After separating from Dawn and Xiaogang, Xiao Zhi came here directly, where Delia, Misty, and Professor Oak were all waiting for his triumph in the newly built Pokémon Center!

This place was originally called Pokémon Park and was an important source of funding for Team Rocket. Now it has become Xiao Zhi's exclusive island. The rewards from Alliance will also bring a lot of income to Xiao Zhi's family!

Xiao Zhi plans to transform this place into a Battle Park, but requires it to be divided into areas to arrange different scenes, such as icebergs, forests, ponds, rockeries, sandy areas, etc. Therefore, the layout of the island will take a lot of time, but the Pokémon Center has been completed , although it is still an empty room, it just happens to be a celebration party for Xiao Zhi!

"Xiao Zhi, congratulations, you have won another Alliance Conference championship! When are you going to leave for the next Region?" Misty was the first to come up to her, accompanied by Togekiss and Croconaw!

After not seeing each other for such a long time, Misty has become taller, more beautiful, and more charming! She really knows Xiao Zhi very well and knows that he will not be able to stay at home. His journey ended with the election!

Xiao Zhi patted Togekiss's head and said, "Thank you, Misty! I plan to stay at home for a while, waiting for the initial completion of the Wanli Sunshine, and take my mother on a sea trip! Take advantage of this time to take a vacation and go together. Want to play for a while? Go to the Islands!"

Xiao Zhi has decided on the travel route. Between the Kanto and Unova Regions, there is a series of islands named Jecolola Islands. Unlike the Orange Islands, they are just ordinary sightseeing regions, which is perfect for traveling with Delia. .

And traveling to the archipelago is what attracts the mermaid Misty the most!

Not long after, Xiaogang came with his nine younger brothers and sisters, and brought good news. Forrest passed the test of Alliance Inspector Nurse Joy and has officially become the Gym Trainer of Nibi Gym!

Good news came one after another, Dawn also came to contact her. After such a long time as a Breeder, especially in the month of Battle Frontier, her Cyndaquil also experienced a lot of battles, and has successfully evolved into Quilava, and also learned Eruption. Big move.

The purpose of the call was that she decided to travel to the Hoenn Region, the birthplace of the Pokémon Contest!

Later, May also found Xiao Zhi's battle page. She had arrived in the Sinnoh Region and was about to start a new journey.

So, Xiao Zhi instructed her to challenge Ms. Johanna, a senior, in the hope that she could win this Grand Festival and become a Top Coordinator!

Until the end, Xiao Zhi finally received contact from Mr. Yaxida and learned that the Wanli Sunshine was undergoing final debugging and that the modification of the Giratina fighter jet had been completed and successfully mounted on the ship.

Whether it was the debugging of the machine or the loading of Miss Yinfuyi, it would take a week, so Xiao Zhi waited patiently.

During this period, in addition to accompanying Delia, Xiao Zhi also went to Cinnabar Island and Seafoam Islands to visit all his Pokémon, until the Wanli Sunshine finally arrived at Harbor on the island!

"Are you ready, Pikachu, Eevee?"

At home in Pallet Town, putting on the new equipment prepared by Delia and carrying Gible's Poké Ball, Xiao Zhi's journey is about to begin again!



"Right, I'm looking forward to it too. I've been planning to travel with my mother for a long time!" Xiao Zhi picked up his backpack, let his two partners climb on his shoulders, and held the Ghost Pokémon egg in his arms. Finally ready to go again!

"Xiao Zhi, Professor Oak is here to pick us up!" Delia dragged a big suitcase with Xuemei lying on it, "Xiao Mo Jiang, Xiao Jam, please look after the house!"

When I walked out of the house, I saw Professor Oak driving an off-road vehicle and wearing beach clothes. Misty was also wearing a swimsuit and a shawl.

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, "Professor Oak, Misty, what is going on with you?"

Professor Oak happened to have work and was going to the Unova Region. Since he was not in a hurry, he planned to travel with Xiao Zhi and others and entrusted the Laboratory to his assistant Xiao Jian.

"I want to have a more traveling atmosphere!" Professor Oak seemed to look much younger. "Anyway, I haven't been to Unova for a long time!"

"That's right, and we are all on board this time, so be more relaxed!" Misty smiled and said, "Xiao Zhi, I heard that you have a big swimming pool on board!"

"Yes, the Flying and other functions are not yet complete, but the forest, water, rock and ice battle arenas are the core, and they are all completed!" Xiao Zhi pulled Delia into the car, Delia took the passenger seat, Xiao Zhi and Misty Right in the back seat.


"But Professor, you're going to work, right?" Delia asked with concern after getting in the car.

"When you don't have to attend the academy, you have free time!" Professor waved his hand, "Are you all seated? We are about to set off!"

Driving from Pallet Town to Wanli Sunshine Island, Xiao Zhi's boat was already waiting there!

"Welcome back, Master Xiao Zhi!" After everyone boarded the ship, Miss Yinfuyi appeared in front of everyone and began to report on the various conditions on the ship, and had completed preparations to set sail!

"It's really convenient!" Misty stood in front of Yinfuyi, "In this case, we can come back by ourselves, right?

"Yes, Miss Misty, I will be responsible for bringing you all back safely!" Infuyi bowed to Misty again, but used the word "hungry" again!

Misty didn't care either, the ship left the port, the forest field on the deck was slowly opening to both sides, and the water field slowly rose up. This was the huge swimming pool that she had longed for!

She couldn't wait and threw out several Poké Balls, Starmie, Croconaw, and Phione. . .

So Psyduck drowned again!

Professor Oak and Delia moved the beach chairs, held the drinks prepared by Infuy, and lay down under the shade of the tree. This scene was really warm!

"Xiao Zhi, do you think there are many water Pokémon in Unova that I haven't seen before?" Misty carried Psyduck to the bow of the ship. Xiao Zhi was standing on Entei's head at the bow. The Giratina fighter plane was behind the bow. In Entei's mouth!

Hearing Misty's voice, Xiao Zhi jumped back to the deck, "Of course, when we get to the Unova Region, we can dive into the Underwater to have a look!"

Little Zhi didn't know that the Rockets trio, who had disappeared since the Alliance competition, had actually returned to Kanto long ago. They once again took the credit for destroying Team Galactic and attacking Pokémon Hunter J and reported it to them. It really got Giovanni's attention.

Before that, they went to the Rockets headquarters to meet Giovanni to fight the BOSS, and received a period of rigorous training!

Now they are on their way to the Unova Region. I am afraid that their subsequent travel in the Unova Region will not be peaceful!

New volume sets sail!