
Chapter 881 There Is Another Mastermind Behind The Scenes!

"Damos, you want to revive this land, right?"

Arceus saved the land of Midina from the destruction of Meteorite, and Damos collected the scattered tablets of the source of life. This bond is already very strong!

However, the land in Midina was seriously damaged and was already dying. If it continued like this, it would not survive the next winter.

Sensing Damos's heart, Arceus decided to help him. Its whole body shone with the holy golden Lucas, and 17 stone slabs of the source of life appeared from its body.

"This is the thing that protects my life. It is a part of me. The power of land, water, grass, and the power of thunder merge the three powers together, and use the power of dragon to enhance its power! Use the power of this life gem Power, let this earth revive!"

Regardless of his own safety, Arceus handed over the source of life to Midina!

"However, if I lose this gem, my life will be limited! Damos, I will trust you and entrust my life to you!" Arceus entrusted Damos with his life just to realize Damos's wish. wish!

I also felt compassion for the dying land of Midina!

That life gem 647, like a god-level BUFF halo, promotes the prosperity of the Midina land. The land that originally took hundreds of years of reproduction to revive will be able to rejuvenate in a short time!

Under the nourishment of the gem of life, the land quickly regained its vitality. Damos also built a temple here out of gratitude to Arceus.

Midina, which originally needed to develop from ruins, became prosperous and rose up in a short period of time!

"But you!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi was so angry that he lifted Qixin up from the ground, "You actually want to take God's blessings as your own, you are such short-sighted wretches!"

In fact, it is very simple. These people have all seen the desolate appearance of Midina, and have experienced the cheating of crops here. The growth of Normal requires these people to leave the growth of the life gem and wait for the harvest once a year again, and even the cycle is longer. How many people can bear the crops?

This is how easy it is to go from frugality to luxury, but how difficult it is to go from luxury to frugality!

But doing something like this is absolutely unforgivable!

Unexpectedly, Qixin was hanging in the air, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but he smiled as if madly, "Absolutely not! We absolutely cannot let this land become barren again, even if we betray you Damos, so what? We are For the land of Midina!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi's heart suddenly tightened and he pulled Qixin over, "Did you just say 'we'?"

In other words, Qixin was not the only one who was preparing to ambush Arceus, but why did he only see Qixin next to Damos when he came here for the first time?

Xiao Zhi suddenly woke up. It was because he arrested Qixin, so the person in charge of ambush Arceus was changed?

Qixin's preparations were only electric Pokémon and a huge Rock Throw, but if it were someone else. . . .

"In addition to electric attacks, what else have you prepared?" Xiao Zhi asked him while pulling his collar, and everyone else's hearts tightened, thinking that the next step would be smooth.

Qixin has been imprisoned, and Damos can get out at any time. As long as he finds the life gem and returns it to Arceus, the dungeon mission can be successfully completed.

Just now, Xiao Zhi was still proud of his intelligence, but this time he brought the strongest Trump Card team to the table.

But after all calculations, I just ignored that there were still people hiding behind the scenes. No wonder they were so quiet all the way here just now. It turned out that someone took over the operation. While Xiao Zhi and the others were being brought by Qixin to find Damos, they were hurrying up. Decoration!

"Haha, that guy Yin is much crazier than me. He specially prepared the silver water for Arceus. I'm afraid he has completed mass production now!"

Qixin looked so power trip that I was so angry that I slapped him again!

"Oops, Yin and Qixin can be said to be my right-hand men. Yin is especially good at formulating medicines. I (befe) did hear that he recently concocted a silver slurry that can dry quickly and has extremely high hardness after condensation. It can improve the construction of houses in Midina several times. Not only is the construction speed fast, but the strength after completion is also very impressive!"

Damos' expression also changed, "If you use this to attack Arceus, I'm afraid even it will be buried alive!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but complain, "How on earth did you select your helpers, your most trusted right-hand man, how come there is no one who can share your heart and mind with you?"

"What do you know? We are doing this all for Midina!" Qixin expressed his dissatisfaction, but what he got in return was another slap from Xiao Zhi!

"Don't make excuses for your selfishness and narrow-mindedness. The land of Midina has been revived under the influence of the life gem [you just don't want to work hard!" Xiao Zhishi is not polite to teach you!

But as soon as he finished speaking, everyone clearly felt that Soaring in the sky was slowly getting dark!

"Soon, the sun will be covered by the moon, and we don't have much time!" Xiao Zhi and Damos reacted the fastest, and immediately ran out side by side, imprisoning Qixin here, and handed it over to Heatran to guard!

"First we must confirm the life gem!" Xiao Zhi looked at Damos, "Mr. Damos, Miss Xina, the life gem is handed over to you, you must make sure it is real!"

The life gem is not on Qixin's body. This fact cannot be hidden from Xiao Zhi. Then I'm afraid the life gem is on that silver body, so it must be confirmed!

"Dawn, Xiaogang, take Pikachu and Eevee to check those electric Pokémon just now!" Xiao Zhi looked at Pikachu, "Pikachu, it's up to you!"

It's up to Thor Pikachu to take care of those electric Pokémon!

Everyone nodded quickly, but found that Xiao Zhi's body flashed with blue light, and his figure suddenly accelerated again. He wanted to rush to see Arceus as quickly as possible!

Sure enough, when the sun began to be obscured by the moon, Arceus arrived again as promised!

This time, no one went out to greet it, but it floated into the cave on its own. After all, there were torches outside to guide it. The God of Creation still has this kind of intelligence, "I'm here to retrieve the gem of life!"

"Arceus, get out of there!" Xiao Zhi rode the Dragonite of Extrreme Speed ​​and rushed over as fast as possible. When he saw Arceus standing in the trap, he immediately roared!

But the God of Creation turned his head so cutely and looked at Xiao Zhi curiously, "Who are you?"

Seeing Xiao Zhi coming, Yin, who was hiding in the dark, gave the order decisively. The Pokémon came to the mountain wall one after another and used electric attacks to devour Arceus!

"Presumptuous!" Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly turned red. He hated himself for being too young and thinking too simply! But now he still has a chance to make up for it. This is why he brought the strongest Trump Card!

"It's up to you, Charizard! Arceus, Fire Type!"