
Chapter 520 The Moment Of Separation! Goodbye, Manaphy

The time to say goodbye is finally here!

The protective Barrier of the Sea Temple is opened again, and it will soon sink to the bottom of the sea and continue to drift in the sea. Countless Wingull surround it and bid it farewell!

"I wonder if there will be a chance to meet again!" Xiao Sheng is still young after all, so he always feels very lonely when we have to say goodbye!

"This is Jack Woka. The mission is completed. The mission report will be uploaded later!" Jack couldn't help but admire Xiao Zhi as he looked at Xiao Zhi who could not suppress his excitement while holding the Ultra Ball!

The sea surface returned to calm again. Seeing the Sea Temple sinking into the sea again, May couldn't help but feel a little sad, and softly called out, "Manaphy...

At this time, there was movement on the calm sea, and a petite voice jumped up from the sea, "Mana! Mana!"

Seeing Manaphy swimming over, May hurriedly ran to the side of the boat, and saw Manaphy cheering "Maybe" and jumping into her arms!

May hugged the little guy she loved so much, and the moment of separation finally arrived. Although she had already made up her mind, her feelings would not diminish!

"I like it!" Manaphy expressed his love for May without any politeness! 360 May hugged it, "You must protect your companions! And don't forget me!"

Hearing this, Manaphy nodded slightly and said word by word, "Scare! Haruka!"

It understands May's real name. Reading it now means that it will always remember this name and this mother who loves it and loves it!

Hearing Manaphy finally call her name, May was moved to tears, but finally said goodbye, "Goodbye, Manaphy!"

"Goodbye! May! Goodbye!"

As Xiao Zhi said, Manaphy understands her responsibilities very well. It is also because of Xiao Zhi's support that May and Manaphy can cherish this precious time together! Instead of alienating each other because of fear of separation!

Watching May and Manaphy say goodbye, Jack finally felt relieved and was truly impressed by Xiao Zhi. This was the Pokémon Trainer he called!

After saying goodbye, Manaphy burst into laughter, screamed with joy, jumped back into the sea again, and soon disappeared!

This time, May has no regrets!

Xiao Zhi came to her side. She was already a trainer who could take charge of her own business. He didn't need to say anything more. A pat on the head to represent encouragement was enough!

This mission has been successfully concluded. Xiao Zhi has also received a reward from the ranger Alliance. The Chansey will follow Xiao Zhi to the Sinnoh Region to start a new journey!

Before that, Xiao Zhi only needs to complete the promised battle with Mr. Brandon!

With the help of Guangmei's family's boat, Xiao Zhi and his group came to the Harbor closest to Fennel Valley! When saying goodbye, Guangmei also gave May the token bracelet of the Water People!

This bracelet will accompany May instead of Manaphy!

"Xiao Zhi, I have heard that you have done a very good job this time, and the Pokémon Alliance awards are already being collected!" After finding the Pokémon Center and making a call, Professor Oak was packing his things and preparing to go to Fennel Valley to meet Delia. Come together and support Xiao Zhi to challenge Battle Pyramid again!

Jack's report was copied to Professor Oak. He already knew the whole process of this operation, and of course he also knew that Xiao Zhi conquered Kyogre!

This time, Xiao Zhi took the initiative to take out the Ultra Ball without Professor Oak's instructions.

After receiving the Ultra Ball, Professor Oak smiled and said, "Xiao Zhi, complete the challenge of Battle Pyramid. Your journey in Battle Frontier is over, right?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi nodded, "I plan to go to Sinnoh next. I'm planning to ride Kyogre there. It won't take a day to get there!"

"I was about to tell you about this!" Professor Oak knew how well Xiao Zhi was thinking. When he learned that he had conquered Kyogre, he had already guessed that Xiao Zhi had this idea.

"I want to entrust you to go to another Region to do something. You ride Kyogre back and forth as quickly as possible!" Professor Oak entrusted Xiao Zhi with something that he would certainly not refuse.

There's another mission!

Xiao Zhi also received many tasks from Professor Oak, such as delivering the G S Ball to Mr. Oreburgh in Johto Region. As a result, the G S Ball is now hanging around Xiao Zhi's neck.

It seems that this time is also a courier mission, Xiao Zhi happily accepted it, just so he can spend some time with Kyogre and take a vacation!

After teleporting Kyogre to Professor Oak, Xiao Zhi exchanged Pokémon and teleported the newly conquered Aipom, Chansey, and Bagon.

The last Pokémon is the one that is about to complete its evolution, Xiao Zhi's absolute strongest Trump Card, Dragonair!

Since evolving, Dragonair has been training with Rayquaza, and its combat effectiveness has been rising. Now even Xiao Zhi's old class will have to work hard to defeat it. [We are looking forward to what it will look like after it evolves. !

It has become Bagon's target, and it must become such a powerful Mega Dragon in the future! Both of them were conquered by Xiao Zhi with great effort, and both possess extremely pure and noble dragon blood.

In the future, this Bagon will definitely become Xiao Zhi's next strongest Trump Card, but now, it requires a lot of Xiao Zhi's energy to Breeder!

"Xiao Zhi, dinner is ready!"

Starting from that town, it was not far to the Fennel Valley! Now the group came to a beautiful jungle full of flowers, enjoying the lunch made by Xiaogang!

Dragonair has not been with Xiao Zhi for a long time, and he is very happy, and his appetite has doubled. Bagon secretly competed with it, trying his best to stuff food into his mouth in order to quickly increase his strength and reach the height of it!

Dragonair seems to take great care of this little brother, and just now took it to fly around in the air before eating. Bagon, who has been living deep in the ruins, has an even deeper love for Soaring in the sky!

"Hey, where's Aipom?" Xiao Sheng found that Aipom was missing. This little monkey was too lively and disappeared after eating.

Xiao Zhi looked and saw that the little monkey had finished eating his food and was playing in the flowers!

It made a garland for itself, put it on its head, and ran back to show off to Xiao Zhi!

Seeing this, May smiled and said, "How cute, Aipom is indeed a little girl!"

Xiao Zhi knelt down and patted Aipom's head, took out a silk scarf from his backpack, and tied it around Aipom's neck. The little guy jumped up and down and seemed to like it very much!

This is the Silk Scarf that Xiao Zhi redeemed from the system. It feels very good and matches Aipom's image very well. It can also increase the power of its Normal-type moves!

The little guy ran up to the little sister Chansey to show off. When he saw Chansey's gentle smile, he ran away again!