The plan worked; Or rather, it worked for the most part. We only had to make some minor adjustments to adapt to real-life changes. Osiris/Skellibra had to follow up with two more Rock Slides to put obstacles into Dragonite's flight path and to slow it down while creating more footholds for himself as he chased after Dragonite, BUT, he did manage to catch up with Dragonite eventually.
Once that happened, he threw out his bone shield to block the Dragon Pulse that Dragonite released at him as he jumped over it and whacked it over the head with his bone sword using Bone Club. The hit to the head caused Dragonite's Dragon Pulse to sputter out as it flinched in pain. Said headache prevented it from thinking clearly and the loss of control from the hit to the head as well as its momentum, caused Dragonite to fall out of the air.
Osiris did not let up but went after it by pushing off one of the falling rocks, and he spun around just in time to deliver a momentum-boosted Ion Tail at Dragonite's back, which practically catapulted Dragonite towards the already approaching ground, causing a much more powerful impact than the fall would have otherwise resulted in. I was pretty certain that this string of hits had knocked Dragonite out since both dragons had already been hurt quite a bit and were starting to run out of gas, so this last bit should have put it beyond the edge.
Osiris went up to pick up his fallen bone shield while we waited for the dust to settle and reveal Dragonite so that the referee could declare it unable to battle. I saw Osiris pick up his skull shield and I felt his satisfaction at having it back as I saw an orange light within the dust. I immediately warned Osiris, who turned his head just in time to see the Hyper Beam shoot out of the dust cloud straight for him. He reacted swiftly enough and managed to put his skull shield in the way of the Hyper Beam just in time to block it.
The force/power behind the Hyper Beam forced Osiris to step back repeatedly, but after enduring the attack for nearly 10 seconds, the Hyper Beam finally sputtered out, though the distress I felt ooze off from Osiris once that happened, and the rage that followed had me ignore everything else as my attention snapped to Osiris. I saw him rush furiously toward Dragonite who could be seen panting heavily while on its knees. I did not even have to use the telepathic link to ask him what happened since I could hear him mental rage/scream about the crack in his shield.
I had my "Oh, so that's why" moment, and immediately sent a potent/loud message through the telepathic link that Utopia would fix up that crack as soon as he entered it. I felt the need to do what essentially amounted to a telepathic shout because I felt the murderous intent that shimmered beneath the rage Osiris felt at that moment. Still, while my focus was drawn to Osiris, who had calmed down a lot after hearing my mental shout, Dragonite regained mobility and fired a somewhat weak Dragon Pulse at Osiris.
Since Osiris had calmed down considerably, he did not just tank the Dragon Pulse but swerved past it to deliver a Dragon Claw belly blow that had Dragonite hunch over. Everyone, Osiris and I included, was shocked when Dragonite actually started to break through to the next stage as Osiris was following up with another Dragon Claw to finish Dragonite. I could see Ryujin smile at the development, but Osiris and I were both like "Nope, we're not letting it get a second wind", so Dragon Claw hit the back of Dragonite's head just as its aura exhibited a hint of the next stage, showing the success of its breakthrough.
There were mixed reactions from the audience at the attack, but there was no doubt that everyone saw Dragonite's eyes roll back after the hit, following which it fell to the ground, where it remained unmoving. The referee waited for a few moments before declaring Dragonite unable to battle, and Osiris the winner. There were only sporadic cheers from the crowd and I could hear that more than one of the audience members was disappointed that they did not get to see Dragonite fighting after its breakthrough, though neither Osiris nor I minded them.
Osiris, who was really tired, finally relaxed after the referee declared him the victor and he allowed his shoulders to sag before he began to inspect his Skull shield. Ryujin recalled her beaten Dragonite while he did that, but before she could say anything Osiris called for my attention and pointed toward his skull shield before asking me to send him home. I got that he wanted to have his cracked shield fixed as quickly as possible, so I announced that I was withdrawing him before I recalled him and placed the ball inside Utopia, where I immediately released him so that it could start working on the shield.
Osiris was lucky for Utopia's incredible restorative ability and that it applied to his bone tools as well. Had that not been the case, he would have had to do it the old-fashioned way which depended on the degree of the damage. Small cracks could be fixed by mixing ground-down calcium-rich minerals with his blood and applying the paste to the crack. This would have to be repeated multiple times and depending on the length of the crack, it could take up to a month for the damage to be fixed/healed.
Interestingly enough, from what I read on Skellibra in my super library, this method could cause different colored streaks to run through the skull shield depending on the color of the calcium-rich mineral used during the restoration process. Skellibra seemed to prefer to use white or at least grey minerals for the process. There was no definite answer in the notes as to why, but I felt that that assumption that a different colored streak or even multiple streaks could be seen as a sign of weakness since it would indicate that its shield had been broken once or multiple times if there was more than one streak on the shield.
Actually, I thought that finding a shield with more than one or two streaks would probably be hard unless it came from a tribe that went against the grain and saw it as a badge of honor instead since the Skellibra could always go for the second method if they wanted. The second method was usually only chosen when the skull shield was deemed beyond repair. In that case, the Skellibra will search for the remains of a Marowak, specifically its skull, and then swap the skull with its cracked/broken skull shield.
They usually preferred going for the skulls of deceased Marowak that were related to them, though if that was not possible any Marowak skull could be used. However, that was the limit, skulls from other species could not be used, though I had to wonder if that was truly the case. As far as I/we knew the Marowak line originated from the Charizard line, so I could not help but wonder if Skellibra could also use a Charizard's skull to replace the old one if it somehow failed to find a Marowak one, and if it did, what kind of consequences that would have if there were any at all.
That possibility aside, Skellibra could not use the skull they found right away. No, the Marowak skull would then be bathed in the Skellibra's blood while also being blanketed in the Skellibra's energy. The blood bath bit only had to be done once, but the energy infusion had to be kept up for up to a month before the new skull turned into a skull shield and essentially became a part of Skellibra.
Honestly, compared to all that, replacing the bone sword was pretty easy. The Skellibra simply had to find a large enough bone from any species, grind it into a bone sword, and then coat it in blood before infusing it with energy. The energy infusion had to be kept up for a while to make sure that the bone blade became hard enough, but overall, the process was just easier.
Anyway, Osiris was lucky that he did not have to worry about any of that thanks to Utopia. Especially since the original bone accessories/tools were always the most fitting ones since they were the ones that came directly from the Skellibra itself as part of the evolution. *sigh* I ended up going off tangent again, but thankfully only a few seconds had passed out there while my mind was going round and round, so the referee was just asking us to ready our next combatants. I took out Manami/Lapras' ArcticBall and watched as Ryujin plucked off a PokeBall from her belt.
*chuckle* "I had not expected that," she said with a shake of her head and a smile on her face. "I thought Draco would face at least two of your Pokemon, but I can't say that I'm not pleased with the challenge you're giving me," she followed up with a grin before letting out another short chuckle.
"I also have to thank you for pushing Draco to the next level I guess. I thought that breakthrough was going to get pushed back for another few years because Draco did not want to leave the regular Gym Roster, but your Skellibra really pushed some buttons there, so thanks for that" Ryujin finished with a laugh. "You're welcome, I guess," I casually returned with a nod and I could feel her amusement at my casualness.
"I've read your paper you know," Ryujin suddenly remarked, making me wonder what she was up to. "We've been following your method as much as possible to try and add some Skellibra to our roster. Even my gramps is interested, and having now seen one in action, I'm looking forward to that day more than ever," she followed up, casually mentioning Dragon Master Drake, which caused some hubbub in the audience.
"That's great," I returned with a smile. "Make sure to publish the news once you succeed. I'm sure everyone would be thrilled to see more proof of concept along with any personal adjustments you and your group made," I followed up which earned me a serious nod before she smiled again. "What do you think Draco's reaction would be if a Skellibra took up its spot in the future," she joked and I heard more than one person laugh at the idea, though I was not one of them.
"Well, I definitely hope that Osiris and I did not sour Draco's opinion on Skellibra so much so that he would mind one taking his place on the Gym roster," I said semi-seriously which had Ryujin wave me off. "I'm sure he'll be fine," she added, and I just nodded at that since that frankly was pretty much all I could do in this instance anyway.
*ahem* I heard the referee clear his throat, obviously trying to signal Ryujin to get on with it. "Anyway, I hope your next Pokemon is just as impressive as your Skellibra has been because this right here is another one of the dragons I added to the roster just for this challenge," Ryujin declared following the referee's signal.
Once she said that, the referee spoke up, and asked us if we were ready. We nodded at that and he began the countdown. At his signal, Ryujin and I released our next Pokemon. While Manami appeared on my side, an Altaria appeared on the other side, but it was not just a run-off-the-mill Altaria, but one at the (low) platinum stage. It revealed as much when it flexed its aura/ability to dissipate the Freezing Rain Manami tried to set up as her opening move.
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This is chapter 1/4 for this week.
***A Big Thank You to Charlie for becoming a Patron***
Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore and Pokemon Lore/Info series can be found there as well.