
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

A man from an Earth gets the choice to start over in any Universe and chooses an Alternate Pokemon Universe. Let us see if his journey to the top is succesful and the impact he will have on his new world. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. I just use their sandbox for the plot of my MC and my OCs. This will be a "slow" paced story, in fact it's "super slow paced", so please don't expect the MC to directly start his journey in 20 chapters or so, actually multiply that by like 15. A lot is going to happen before that happens. The first 10-20 chapters or so are information heavy, depending on what kind of reader you are. I try to keep my chapter length between 2000 and 3000 words per chapter. My release rate is 4 chapter/week for now. I have a patre*n for those that want to support me with access to some advance chapters as a thank you. patre*n.com/Azrail93 This is an alternate pokemon universe so there will be differences to the games, manga and anime. So if something in the story is different it is most likely on purpose. The original sources are seen as suggestions not laws. Differences can be: Type variants, evolution conditions, strength mechanics, world building and more. If I am at some point asking for reader input I will do so but otherwise I will ignore most suggestions. So please don't spam things like catch this pokemon or do that next. I have my plot planned and external input will be considered when asked for. If I see a suggestion that I believe fit my plot flow I will use it and will credit the commentor. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome. I will try to correct said mistakes with time. Constructive criticism will be read and considered. Insult and hate comments will be ignored or deleted depending on severity. Readers naturally can comment their dislike but one worders will be ignored. If the reason for the dislike is explained I will read it. Like previously mentioned pure insults and hate comments will be ignored or deleted. The same is true for simple hate reviews or insulting ones. Reviews complaining about something I warned about, such as the slow pace, will be deleted as well.

Azrail93 · アニメ&漫画
863 Chs

CH14 (244), Academy Mission (2)

On Mewday of the second mission week, I decided to take action the next day, so here I was observing a large warehouse on the outskirts of Stylus City.

Today was payday, so all 26 underlings that I had been able to identify, which was 5 more than in the folder, were going to gather at the warehouse, which was their base of operations. I know, pretty cliche, right?

The boss, as well as his lieutenants, were already inside and the grunts were trickling in as well. My plan was pretty simple, and I dubbed it "overwhelming force".

Horus/Xatu, Mothra/Butterfree, Enji/Arcanine, Nyx/Umbreon, Parvati/Beedrill, Prime/Beedrill, Tyson/Machoke, Mars/Ursaring, Hashirama/Venusaur, Manami/Lapras, and Stan/Gyarados. These 11 were going to confront Tom, Dick, and Harry.

Horus, Hashirama, Tyson, and Stan were going to deal with Dick under the leadership of Horus. Mothra, Nyx, and Mars were going to deal with Tom under the leadership of Mothra. Parvati, Prime, Enji, and Manami were going to deal with Harry under the leadership of Parvati.

Meanwhile, Optimus/Butterfree, Hera/Pidgeot, Seb/Nidoking, Gaia/Nidoqueen, Osiris/Marowak, Abzu/Milotic, Tiamat/Milotic, Luna/Clefable, Thor/Raichu, Shino/Yanmega, Tatsumaki/Kadabra, and Moka/Crobat were going to deal with all grunts.

Optimus, Hera, Abzu, and Osiris were in group one under the leadership of Optimus. Luna, Gaia, Thor, and Moka were in group two under Luna's leadership. Seb, Tiamat, Shino, and Tatsumaki made up group three under Seb's leadership.

I had talked to all groups about their allotment and tasks before coming over. I also mentioned that lethal force was permissible if the situation called for it.

My part in all this was going to be supervision of the big picture. I was going to observe the whole battlefield and react depending on what the situation demanded.

If necessary I was willing to let out the rest of the Gyarados as well, but I honestly did not think that it would come to that. Ali/Kirlia was going to be by my side and help me move between the battles through Teleport if it became necessary, so he was not going to actually participate in the battle.

I could use telepathy if I needed to give out any order, so I was not worried about losing control of the overall situation. This whole operation was going to be a good test for the leadership capabilities of the leaders and a good cooperation test for everyone involved.

I was bringing out 24 of my Pokemon for this operation, and among them were ones that had not been officially registered yet. However, I was going to bring them out despite knowing that the academy, and most likely the alliance, were going to learn of them since I was sure the academy would cover for me.

I already had a suspicion that the academy knew I had more Pokemon, so I decided to reveal a great part of my Pokemon. Of those participating in the mission, everyone besides Hashirama, Tatsumaki, and Moka was at the (high) silver stage, while those three were at the (mid) silver stage.

Well, Ali was only at the (high) bronze stage, but he was not joining the fight so that was okay. Once all criminals had arrived and their meeting began, I called out everyone involved in the plan.

I ordered Stan and Mothra to blast the roof away with a Hyper Beam, which should destroy any teleportation blockage the warehouse had. The roof held out for a bit before crumbling before the might of their Hyper Beams. While those inside were no doubt panicking and calling out their Pokemon, I gave the signal to move in.

Horus, Tatsumaki, Ali, Mothra, Luna, and Optimus teleported everyone inside the warehouse. Everyone immediately began to engage the enemy. Horus, Mothra, as well as Parvati, along with their groups directly attacked the leader and his lieutenants.

The others moved in their teams, and faced three different directions, each taking care of one side. They directly attacked the grunts in front of them. Optimus released an enormous cloud of Sleep Powder that Hera pushed towards the enemy using a Gust.

Luna used Gravity to immobilize their foes and Thor shocked them into unconsciousness using a Thunderbolt. The final direction had Tatsumaki immobilizing the enemies, while Tiamat doused them with Water Gun. Seb finished the combination by shocking them unconscious with a Thunderbolt.

The more alert ones of the grunts had barely managed to react to the situation and already had their Pokemon out by the time we teleported in, but still, only those that were strong enough succeeded in enduring the initial assault.

Out of the 26 underlings, only 4 remained conscious and with their Pokemon out. They only had 10 Pokemon in total and unfortunately for them that is, I doubted that their Pokemon were as strong as mine.

So, not only were they weaker, they were even outnumbered. Still, I directly made telepathic contact with the group leaders and told them to not let up their vigilance.

They probably would have chosen among themselves who got to fight, and who had to watch, but due to my warning, they remained serious and just knocked out the opposing Pokemon through a combined assault.

Honestly, I was most likely being overly cautious since there was only a single (low) silver-stage Pokemon among the beaten 10 Pokemon while the rest was only at the bronze stage but during operations like this being cautious was good.

Just take the boss fight for example. That one had a surprise since they had indeed more Pokemon than identified in the file. Dick had three more Pokemon beside his (high) silver-stage Hitmonlee, (high) silver-stage Shiftry, (high) silver-stage Pangoro, and (high) silver-stage Skuntank.

The first was a (high) silver-stage Weezing, which made me wonder if that one was actually the reason for his Smog title. The second was a (mid) silver-stage Electrode, and the third was a (mid) silver-stage Ariados.

Tom had two more Pokemon besides his (high) silver-stage Sandslash, (high) silver-stage Toxicroak, (mid) silver-stage Raticate, (mid) silver-stage Fearow, and (mid) silver-stage Mightyena. A (high) silver-stage Muk, and a (mid) silver-stage Forretress.

Harry on the other hand had only one more Pokemon besides his (high) silver-stage Primeape, (high) silver-stage Scrafty, (mid) silver-stage Arbok, and (mid) silver-stage Beedrill. His extra was a (high) silver-stage Escavalier befitting his title as impaler.

As soon as my offensive team moved toward those three, Mothra used a barrage of Air Slashes to force Tom to dodge towards the left side along with his Pokemon, which cut him off from the potential supportfrom the other two.

Parvati's group did the same with Harry, only that it was Enji who used Flamethrower to force Harry and his Pokemon to dodge to the right. That left Dick in the middle facing Horus's group.

Seeing that they had to face Pokemon that looked tough, the three released all their Pokemon without hiding any, which was why I knew that they had more than identified on the file.

Horus, Hashirama, Tyson, and Stan had to deal with Dick's 7 Pokemon. Mothra, Nyx, and Mars had to face Tom's 7 Pokemon, while Parvati, Prime, Enji, and Manami had to handle Harry's 5 Pokemon. My Pokemon were outnumbered, especially Mothra's group of three.

Moreover, all the enemy Pokemon were either at the (mid) or (high) silver stages. Nonetheless, the superiority of my Pokemon showed itself pretty soon.

Parvati was facing Harry's Primeape as well as Scrafty simultaneously and she was not at a disadvantage despite facing two Pokemon at the same stage as her.

She would be able to keep those two occupied for as long as necessary, giving her group members enough time to take out the others before helping her quickly finish off her opponents.

She might have been able to beat them by herself if she was given enough time, but I made sure they knew that speed was important in this mission so she chose her tactic accordingly.

Enji took on Harry's Escavalier and he was firmly suppressing the bug/steel type, that was doing its best to avoid being roasted. I did not believe that the wannabe knight would hold out for long despite them being at the same stage.

Meanwhile Prime was facing Harry's Beedrill and since it was actually weaker than Prime it was being beaten pretty badly. Manami was facing Harry's Arbok and she was serving it ice cold.

I had actually thought that Enji would finish his fight first, but Manami's fight actually ended faster. She first used Psychic to immobilize it while damaging Arbok, before she forced it to listen to her Sing.

After it fell asleep, she froze Arbok into a popsicle using Ice Beam, so it was both asleep and frozen. Honestly, I was unsure if that combination could end up lethal or not if Arbok stayed like that for too long, so it was in its best interest if we finished the operation fast.

Enji finished Escavalier just a second after Manami took out Arbok. After Escavalier's protection ran out and it failed to block Enji's latest attack. Enji blitzed Escavalier and the Flare Blitz made it open for a close-up Flamethrower.

Enji took the advice I gave him in the past to heart and double-tapped the smoldering Escavalier by shooting a Flame Burst at it and delivering Flame Wheel right after.

Enji and Manami turned to face Prime and saw him trashing the enemy Beedrill, so they focused on Parvati instead. Enji released a Roar at Primeape and Scrafty to force them back a bit to give Parvati some breathing room.

Manami directly used Psychic to attack the Primeape, leaving Scrafty to Parvati and Enji. She used the same tactic to freeze Arbok to do the same to Primeape, just that instead of using Ice Beam she directly went for Sheer Cold since Primeape was at the same stage as her.

Parvati and Enji actually tag-teamed the Scrafty, so they took it out before Manami was done with her foe. Prime finished at the same time as them, so they were the first to take down all their opponents.

As for why Harry did not try to give instructions to his Pokemon or help them, that was easy, because he couldn't. Right at the beginning of the fight while everyone was engaged with their foes, I had Ali teleport me behind Harry and delivered a haymaker at the back of his head.

He crashed face-first into the ground and I made sure that he was out cold by stomping on his head. He didn't try to get up after that so I returned to my previous position.

Parvati's group decided to reinforce the other groups after taking a moment to observe the situation.

They ultimately made their way to Mothra's group first. Like with Harry I took Tom out of the equation early on. I had Ali teleport me behind him and delivered a kick between his legs.

When he fell onto his knees in pain, I punched the side of his head knocking him out, which could be considered doing him a favor since he did not need to feel the pain caused by my kick.

I then returned to my position and continued to observe the situation. Mothra was facing Tom's Muk and Fearow, while his Toxicroak was lying on the ground without moving showing that it was out of the fight.

She had actually been facing those three at once, but by the time Parvati's group arrived she had taken out Toxicroak and had Fearow on the verge of defeat as well. Only Muk was relatively okay, but that would probably have changed after Fearow got taken out as well.

Meanwhile, Nyx was battling both Mightyena and Raticate at once. She had the upper hand due to being stronger than them individually, but her two opponents were keeping up by working together surprisingly well.

Mars was fighting Sandslash as well as Forretress, and he was doing pretty good as well. When the reinforcement arrived Manami joined Mothra and they both used Psychic and took out Muk.

Enji ran up to Nyx and crashed into the Raticate she was facing using Extreme Speed. This left Mightyena alone facing Nyx, which she used to finally take it out. Enji also took out Raticate with relative ease, since it was already somewhat tired due to facing Nyx.

Before they could go help Mars they heard Tom, who seemed to have regained consciousness, squeak out an order, after which Forretress went up in an Explosion.

Thankfully Mars reacted fast enough and used Protect to shield himself. Sandslash was less fortunate and got taken out by friendly fire. Still, the situation angered my Pokemon so Parvati rushed up to Tom and attacked him with a Poison Jab sending him back to la-la-land.

Whether he would survive the aftermath of the attack or not, well, she didn't care about that. Since Forretress's Explosion caused it to lose consciousness there were no more Pokemon left to fight on this front as well, so both Mothra's and Parvati's groups turned towards Horus's group.

Hitmonlee had been taken out by Horus, who was currently fighting Weezing. Pangoro had been taken down by Tyson, who was fighting Shiftry right now. Stan was taking on Skuntank and he had it on its last legs.

Or rather the only reason it was still conscious was that it ran in between the other battlefields and actually used the Pokemon there as shields disregarding if they were friend or foe.

Stan had hit Hitmonlee and Pangoro once or twice during those times. Meanwhile, Hashirama was keeping both Electrode and Ariados busy and my boya was matching them without falling to a disadvantage.

Anyway, while I had presumably knocked Dick out at the start, and I can tell you that the guy had put up a fight since he managed to react to my appearance behind him.

After fighting for a bit I managed to get him into a choke hold and squeezed him unconscious. External Aura Manipulation actually came in handy since I coated the areas Dick tried to hit to escape while being choked.

Honestly, taking him down was easier than I had expected, but that was probably because he had not much knowledge on aura due to being a rogue, despite making it past Tier 1 as an aura user.

Still, after seeing what Tom did I ordered Ali to bring me to him to make sure he was still unconscious. I did not want him ordering his Weezing or Electrode to Explode.

I mean he could even order them both to do it, so it was better to prevent that from happening. As soon as I stepped closer to him to check up on him, Dick sprang to his feet and tried to stab me with a dagger, but my training kicked in and I reacted automatically.

I side-stepped him, pulled his outstretched arm unbalancing him slightly, and gave him a throat chop, causing Dick to let go of his dagger and reach for his throat due to pain as well as the difficulty of breathing.

I hit him in the back of the head sending him back into unconsciousness before taking a look at the overall situation. It seemed that during the few moments I was handling Dick, the others had reinforced Horus's group and they had taken all opposing Pokemon down.

This meant that all targets were taken down, and I only had to liberate any potential captives and secure their illegal gains. However, I first decided to make sure the criminals had no chance to escape while we were busy, so I told Hashirama to sprinkle some of his Sleep Powder on all criminals to ensure they stayed unconscious/asleep.

Then I had Luna put on a Sing(ing) performance as well just to be sure, in case some managed to resist the Sleep Powders effect. Following that, I went up to each sleeping person and tied their hands behind their backs with a rope. Only after that did I begin to check out the warehouse.


Advertising plug-in:

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of June the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8. Those want access to them can find them on my patre*on.

If the second goal gets fulfilled, the lowest number of advanced chapters available will be 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters will be 10.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 3/5 for this week.

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of June the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on. An patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


Azrail93creators' thoughts