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Chuck's gaze stood unwavering amidst the chaos caused by the Ghost Pokemon, Haunter. There was a sure chance that if the Psyshock attacks hit, Primeape would faint but Chuck wasn't going down without a good fight and apparently the same thing went for Primeape.
As Primeape neared the ground, the balls of Psionic energy got closer and closer but much to Sabrina's annoyance, Chuck stood unwavered.
Sabrina could see into the future of this match and there was no revelation that Primeape would be able to dodge the Psyshock attack… but as an experienced Psychic, she knew that the future was just one of possibilities- there was always a chance, a one in a million chance that it could change…
And Primeape exhibited that one in a million chance!
Chuck reared his fist backward and gave a roar, one that vibrated through the podium as he yelled out Primeape's next attack.
"Sucker Punch!" Chuck exclaimed as he threw his fist forward and Sabrina's gaze stiffened, Primeape instantly disappeared and the future… changed?
'How does it have so much speed?!'
Her eyes could barely keep up with Primeape's movements as it leaped around the icy battlefield nimbly like a fox, its eyes on the target of aggression: Haunter. The Psyshock attack had long since collided with the ground and kicked up frigid particles into the air but Chuck wasn't affected in the least, his eyes were focused on winning.
'It's still preparing its sucker punch attack and it's going to be super effective… Even a regular punch will still damage Haunter because of the Foresight of earlier but I don't understand how Primeape gained so much speed,'
"You must be confused at how Primeape became so fast!" Chuck bellowed, his voice deep and thick as it echoed through the battlefield, "In the last moments before Psyshock connected, Primeape loosened every bit of restriction on it, weights that made it heavier,"
Sabrina's eyes relaxed, they were more focused now.
'The weights made it heavier but also made it's punches stronger and now that the weights are loosened- The power of such punches will be reduced,'
She could see the future again, it was clear and the path to victory was shown.
'Haunter, Double Sneak,'
Sabrina wasn't eager to lengthen the battle, as strong as Haunter was, Sabrina wasn't sure she would win in a lengthened battle.
Before Primeape's confused eyes, Haunter split into multiple illusionary copies and each of them submerged into the shadows. The Primate was confused on what Pokemon to follow while Sabrina saw that clear path to victory grow evidently brighter, it was so bright that it was within the grasp of her fingers… she felt like she could reach it.
And then it suddenly vanished, that glowing brightness vanished but Sabrina wasn't surprised this time.
'How can he… change the future?'
Chuck was different from any other gym leader or even Elite 4 member she had faced, with the exception being Agatha… he could change the future, and her ability was rendered useless. It was almost like she was playing into his hands.
"Primeape, Earthquake!"
Primeape let loose a roar as it raised it's right fist up ready to pummel the ground only for the Haunters to push out of the ground- Sabrina could swear she saw a smile tug at the tip of the Pokemon's lips.
The Earthquake attack was canceled out and Primeape moved forward, golden sparks of lightning surrounding it's feet as it weaved through the icy battlefield with adorning grace. Primeape appeared in front of the real Haunter and quickly vanished, much to Haunter's surprise.
Haunter was propelled into the air the next moment as a Sucker Punch was effectively landed. Chuck took a glance at Sabrina and saw her clench her fist.
"You should have never picked a fight with me, Little girl," Chuck taunted but Haunter vanished into thin-air instantly.
'It's time to end this,' Sabrina relayed to Haunter and the Pokemon gave a little nod.
The Referee, after witnessing such a great battle where the two Pokemon were seemingly equally matched… he was able to recognize that the climax was going to arrive soon and he clenched his fists, he felt excited.
Primeape moved to Chuck's side of the battlefield and planted it's feet deep into the ground, Both Pokemon and trainer spread their legs wide and a glamorous light emanated from Primeape's left palm.
"Charge up that Aura Sphere!"
Aura revolved around Primeape's palm and slowly but surely, it took shape.
Sabrina was not going to be outmatched, a purple aura coated her entire figure as she pushed her right hand forward, pointing toward Primeape.
'Let it be consumed by Darkness…'
The Aura Sphere was fully created and Primeape started moving forward, heading toward Haunter with the revolving sphere of aura but Sabrina was prepared for such an outcome.
'Seeing the future does not secure the battle, It only secures a pathway and the path to victory could be altered at any moment… So there is only one thing to do, To strike before the Future can change, secure the future can morph itself- Strike before this man can defy the future,'
'Alright Haunter, Move with the shadows!'
Sabrina was excited, she was being pushed to the limit.
Primeape slammed the Aura Sphere into Haunter only for the Pokemon to dissipate into darkness, Chuck's eyes widened, he could not comprehend what had just happened.
'Did the attack not land?' Chuck thought, he was confused and Sabrina decided to use this confusion to her advantage.
'Shadow Strike!'
Upon battling with Agatha, Sabrina went in having the advantage with her Psychic Pokemon but she was quickly put in her place by the Elite 4 member, who portrayed a control over Ghostly energies beyond what Sabrina had ever imagined.
Combining Ghost and Psychic energy into a singular attack, something similar to a scythe- That was what Shadow Strike was about and it took Sabrina and Haunter a total of 6 months after their challenge to perform it, and it still wasn't as powerful as the original.
The shadows that Primeape went through suddenly burst to life, revealing Haunter again and the Ghost Pokemon moved, striking Primeape with a blade of shadows that caused Primeape to slump over, drained of its own energy to battle.
The audience was left in surprise, they hadn't expected such a turn-up from Sabrina… she had spun the battle in her favor despite Chuck's repeated attempts at disorienting her. The Referee thought she deserved an award but the battle was not over, till it was ov-
"Do you really think we will let you win like that?!" Chuck's bellow sent shivers down Sabrina's spine as suddenly Haunter was sent flying and crashing into the gym wall, it was so fast that she barely had any time to react.
All she could see was the figure of Primeape, the aura sphere still spinning in its left palm… until it's knees gave out and the sphere of aura instantly vanished, Primeape landed face-first into the ground.
"It's a draw!" The Referee gave his final announcement.
Author's Note:
Heh, did you expect me to give a winner?
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