
Pokemon: Aichi Sendou

Aichi Sendou a guy chosen by the gods not because of his circumstances but because of him meeting the gods so called “requirements". Has now been to the world of Pokemon in the humble area known to him as Twinleaf town. A new adventure for a person given another a chance in life, how will he grasp his fate? Let’s find out! ()()() No harem! Sinnoh Region! Dawn Supremacy! This will have no Update schedule as this is a fanfic I will be typing when I’m bored or when I can’t use my pc to make a Naruto chapter. I can’t write on my other fanfic without using a pc to search stuff up as I don’t want to get stuff wrong. But for a Pokemon fanfic I should be fine as I’ve been playing Pokemon since I was five. ()()()

Ruos · アニメ·コミックス
52 Chs

Truck-kun (1)

"Aichi, you have to buy Pokemon Violet now!"

A loud voice can be heard through the computer's speakers.

"Kamui you gotta chill man, why Pokemon Violet though?"

I ask without processing what he said. Before Kamui could respond though I realised what he meant.

"It's so we can trade the version exclusives."

We both say at the same time.

Thinking about buying the game I get a frown on my face. Realising that I only have cash and can't buy the game online I start to contemplate a little.

"Kamui I'm not sure if I can buy the game online right now, I might have to visit the shops."

I honestly dont want to get out of the house right now, I'm pretty exhausted and feeling lazy right now.

"If you go to the shops and don't find a copy I'll just buy it for you, aight?"

Hearing Kamui say this I sigh to myself.

'He must be pretty excited to play the new games.'

I mean Kamui is a mate that would normally do this as we trust each other but today he seems to really want to play.

I may as well get a move on then, I want to play the game too after all. It's better to play side by side with a friend than by yourself, but playing solo always has a place in my heart.

Hiding my Nintendo DS under the pillow when mum would enter the room in the middle of the night. Those were the days man, and when I would adjust the screen angle, the noise was fucking loud as hell.

'I'll get it myself I dont want Jake to spend his own money because of me being lazy.'

I say to myself as I get up from my gaming chair.

"Aight bet, I'll keep myself deafened alright? For now feed our dinosaurs in ark you retard, knowing you our baby dinosaurs are starving." I say with an amused expression seeing Kamui's face get a surprised look knowing the guy forgot to feed hi- our dinosaurs.

'Wait, we are in the same tribe.'

I paled remembering that I was breeding two argies.

"Wait a minute, my baby Argentavis better not be dead you cunt."

I say before deafening and preparing myself to head out.

Heading towards the nearest EB games shop I quickly look down towards my phone to see some YouTube shorts real quick.

Scrolling through some shorts I start to chuckle to myself.

'My recommended goes from Soccer, Basketball, Ark, Rocket league, Val and a few others and then I randomly get Andrew Tate in here talking about an emerald watch.'

I think to myself with a little envy seeing that a guy can splash all that money on a watch. Going past a few streets going by an Aldi and Coles on the way I go by a side walk.

Now in front of a gap between me and my final destination I look around.

"It should be fine, there aren't any cars near."

I say to myself looking left and right before going forward.

Hearing a notification from my phone while walking I quickly look down to only hear a loud beeping noise to my left.

"The road was empty as hell."

I think to myself, looking to my left I see a truck heading towards my direction in record speeds without any ways to stop itself.

"What the shi-"

Before I could react.

Everything went dark…

(Somewhere Far Probably?)

'Okay where the fuck am I? This is so creepy!'

I start to panic after regaining my consciousness?

Looking at my new surroundings the only thing I can see is the pitch black.

'Bro I'm a white orb, what type of weird stuff is this. Hopefully I can get out of here, I've already lost count of how long I've been here after counting for 20 seconds.'

Realising I have no voice or a body I start to calm down and think to myself for a bit.

'I've got nothing to do here but wait I guess, I mean the only thing here is the white orb and that old man over there.'

'Wait a minute? Where in Gilgameshes ass did he pop up from.'

Looking at the old man I started to stare at the guy, my view of him getting clearer every second I start to realise that I'm drifting closer to him.

'Hello! Hello!'

I think but not say as I don't have a mouth. Drifting slowly towards the old man, time seems to have been a factor that wasn't on my side or maybe it was I'm not sure.

A few minutes?



I'm not sure but I'm finally in front of the old guy now and with a slight mental ache that I don't know how I got, but I should be fine.


[A/N: The next couple like 4-7 chapter will be typed on phone so I will fix mistakes later, this was written on my phones notes xD]