
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs


With Ash.

Once up the waterfall.

"Thank you Serperior, it's time for a break" – Nancy said returning Serperior to his Pokéball.

"You too Chikorita, it's time to rest" - Verity said.

After this, we continued walking through the water until we reached a kind of pond, where in the middle of everything there was what seemed to be a small house of triangular appearance, surely altered by crystallization.

We kept walking until, at that moment, my Rotom Dex sounded.

"Who is it?" – I asked.

"It's me" - said Professor Cerise.

"Ash, I just saw you on TV, can you tell what you're doing by putting yourself in danger like that?" – Professor Oak asked somewhat angrily.

"Sorry Professor Oak, but there was no other way to access, everything is affected by the glass except water" – I replied.

"Okay, be careful, we'll talk about this when you come but now you have to concentrate on something else, getting your mother out of there" - Professor Oak said.

"Thank you Professor" - I nodded.

"Ash, I'm Skyler, have you seen any Unown?" – asked Skyler suddenly.

"Until now we haven't see anything" - I denied.

"Perfect, Ash, girls you must hear something, Professor Oak and I have reviewed more thoroughly the documents that Professor Hale sent us and I think we have discovered why all this is happening" - said Professor Cerise.

"And what is that reason?" - asked Koharu.

"The Unown have the ability to read the minds of other life forms" - said Professor Oak.

"Also from humans?" – I asked.

Although now that I think about it, that question does not make much sense because in this world there were only humans and Pokémon, no other race.

"Yes and not only that, we also believe that the Unown can create new realities by altering the world through thoughts and dreams, they could have entered IN the mind of Professor Hale's daughter, that crystal fortress could be one of Molly's wishes that the Unown have made come true" – explained Professor Oak.

"Thanks for the explanation professor" – I nodded.

"You're welcome" - said Professor Oak.

"And be careful" - said Professor Cerise.

And then, they hung up the phone.

"Ash, I think we should try to see if we can melt that crystal" - Nancy said suddenly.

"Okay, Cyndaquil use Flamethrower" - I said, pulling Cyndaquil out.

"Cyndaquil!" – Cyndaquil nodded.

And a powerful Flamethrower shot out towards the glass house making a huge hole.

"Well, it seems that we can do it" Verity agreed.

But I knew the truth.

The hole regenerated almost instantly.

"It's a fact, we have to go through there" – I nodded.

"Are you sure? We can go another way" - Koharu said.

"No, I have that feeling" - I said.

The girls just nodded.

I actually remembered that you had to go through here because in the film they did but I can't tell them that, I can only say them that this was a hunch.

"Perfect, then let's make a bigger hole, Victini I choose you!" – Nancy said.

"Empoleon it's your turn!" – that was Verity.

"Vaporeon I choose you!" – said Koharu.

"Manaphy help them!" – and finally me.

"Let's get started, Flamethrower/Searing Shot!" – that was Nancy and me.

Two huge fire-type attacks broke through the wall.

"Next up, Hydro Pump!" – and that was me, Verity and Koharu.

A huge jet of water pierced the house preventing it from closing.

"Come on Pikachu, try it!" – I said.

Pikachu jumped straight and went through the water without problems.

"Well, it worked, Cyndaquil return" - I said.

"You too Victini" - Nancy said.

Then one by one we jumped into the water entering the hut or whatever.

"Guys!" – I said from inside.

Quickly the three Pokémon ran towards the hole while still releasing water and achieved it perfectly.

"Well done Manaphy, you deserve a break" - I said.

"You too Empoleon" - said Verity.

"And you too Vaporeon" – and that Koharu.

Then we ran out down a corridor in front of us.


Minutes later.

We continued walking until we found ourselves facing some stairs covered with glass, surely it was the mansion, the problem is that when we set foot in it, everything around us disappeared and was shown as a strange landscape, the only thing left were the stairs now very rare while it seemed that if you stepped outside them you would fall into the void.

"What happened?" - asked Koharu somewhat frightened.

"They must be Unown, the professor said they could create other realities!" – Nancy suggested.

"I see, it makes sense" – I nodded.

Then I looked around, took a deep breath, and we continued walking.

"We will not stop, if the Unown believe that we are going to leave just for this, then they don't know us" – I said seriously.

"Yes, we will save our family no matter what" - Verity nodded.

We climbed dozens of stairs until, finally, we reached the end, it was beautiful, it was a huge field all covered with beautiful flowers and in front, there were stairs that led to another floor.

"What is this, where are we?" - asked Koharu puzzled.

"It must be part of Molly's dreams that the Unown created" - Nancy said.


Meanwhile elsewhere.

Team Rocket decided not to give up and went ahead with the intention of investigating the place.

Soon, they came to a kind of room, surely belonging to the mansion.

There, in front of them were dozens of Unown were flying in perfect sync and in circles.

"Oh my God, what do we do now?" - asked James frightened.

"Are they Pokémon?" – Jessie asked puzzled.

"They look like letters..." – said Meowth.

"Yes, you have the reason Meowth" - James nodded.

"Come on, if we don't make noise they won't see us" - Jessie said, starting to walk carefully.

Then they continued to walk very carefully.


With Molly.

"That child and his pokemon must be inside the house" - Molly said.

"Do you want me to kick them out?" – asked Entei.

"No, I want to do a Pokémon battle mom... but I don't know if I can..." – Molly said.

"You can if that's what you want" - Entei nodded.

"Do you really think I can? That would be great mom, being a Pokémon trainer, I can imagine..." – Molly said snuggling with Delia.

Suddenly, Entei got up and left the place under Delia's watchful eye.

Entei began to descend while on his back another figure began to form, it was Molly.

"Daddy, what if I'm not old enough to have my Pokémon?" - asked Molly.

"You must believe that you are" - said Entei.

And suddenly, a transparent light enveloped Molly making her grow, now she looked like an adult.

"I think so" - Molly said.


With Ash.

Although the field was beautiful, we didn't have time to admire the scene and quickly made our way to the stairs, however, suddenly, Entei came down from them along with another person.

"It's you..." – I said angrily.

"All 5 of you are Pokémon trainers, aren't you?" – asked the girl on his back.

Wait, now that I remember, wasn't that girl Molly as an adult?

"You don't care about that, give me back my mother" – I said without giving importance to his question.

But these two didn't care either, and came down the stairs to get in front of us.

"I don't need your answer, obviously you are so I challenge you to a batlle" - Molly said.

"I'm not interested in a battle, what I want is for you to give me back my mother" – I said seriously.

"You're a tiresome, did you know?" - said Molly.

"I don't care what you think of me, I will repeat it again, give me back to my mother or tell me where she is and I will go for her myself" - I said angrily.

"Your mother? I think you're wrong, here it's just my mom, my dad and me" - Molly said frowning.

"Exactly!" - said Entei.

"Damn it" - I said angrily.

"Ash, I think this girl over here is Molly, isn't she?" - Nancy suddenly said.

"You guessed it right, my name is Molly Hale" - Molly nodded.

Although I already knew, Pikachu, Latias, Verity and Koharu did not, so she surprised them.

"But it's impossible, the professor's daughter was very small, this girl is almost an adult" - Koharu said.

"Don't forget the Unown, They can make everything she wants to become real" - Nancy explained.

"Now that you know, shall we fight or what?" - said Molly.

"Okay, I'll do, I'll battle with..." – I tried to say.

But I was cut off by Nancy.

"Why waste your time with Ash when you can battle against me?" – Nancy said with a smile.

"Ok then" - Molly said.

"Are you sure?" – I asked.

"Didn't you see those stairs? They came down from there, so surely your mother is there" - Nancy said.

"Come on Ash, let her fight we have to go get your mother, plus it's Nancy, nothing will happen to her" - Verity said.

"Well, come on Koharu, Verity, Latias, Pikachu" - I said.

And then we went for a run.


With Nancy.

How about a 2 vs 2?" – I suggested.

"That's fine with me" - she nodded.

Then Molly and Entei jumped and a battlefield formed.

"Combusken it's time to fight!" – I said.

Molly raised her hand and a crystal Pokéball formed in it.

"Good luck, I choose you Ampharos!" - said Molly.

And an Ampharos came out of his Pokéball ready to fight and also had a very strong look.

"Let's get started, Combusken use Flame Charge!"

Combusken quickly approached Ampharos engulfed in fire.

"Dodge it and use Thunderbolt!"

Ampharos dodged the attack with ease and launched a powerful attack on Combusken.

"Use Protect and then Double Kick!"

Combusken managed to successfully protect himself and then hit two kicks in Ampharos, however, he grabbed him.

"We won't lose, use Thunderbolt!"

"Neither do we, use Flamethrower!"

Both attacks collided and both Pokémon fell to the ground weakened.

"You did well Ampharos" - Molly said as Ampharos disappeared.

"You too Combusken, it's time to rest" – I said returning Combusken to his Pokéball.

"So this is real battle? I love it!" – Molly said cheerfully.

"I'm glad, but this has only just begun, Quaxwell I choose you!" – I said.

"Then I will choose... Ursaring is your turn!" – said Molly.

Both Pokémon took to the battlefield ready to fight.

And then we started fighting again.


Meanwhile Team Rocket.

They had managed to pass through the Unown and had reached the same place as our heroes, where they saw Nancy fight.

"Use Aqua Cutter!"

"Dodge it and use Slash!"

Team Rocket saw how they were distracted fighting and also began to climb the stairs.

"This looks like a little boy's tale!" - said James frightened as he climbed up.


With Molly, little Molly.

She woke up and look Delia.

"Molly, have you seen this?" - asked Delia, looking at a book.

"Yes, it's the book that Dad always read to me" - she nodded.

Then she smiled and spoke again.

"I'm glad you're here mommy" - Molly said happily.

Delia smiled and then looked at the pictures in front of her, they were the same ones she had in her fridge.

"You spend a lot of time alone, don't you Molly?" - asked Delia.

"Yes" – she nodded.

"Do you feel lonely?" – she asked again.

"Well... maybe a little" – she nodded.

Delia looked at her sadly.

"But I don't feel that way anymore, now I have a mommy and a daddy" - Molly said with a smile.

Delia also smiled and began to pat her back as she fell asleep.


With Ash and the others.

These had arrived at a kind of beach.

We had arrived at a kind of beach, but that could not matter less to me, so we started looking for the stairs to go up to the next floor, when suddenly, a figure was formed, it was Molly.

"Well, who wants to battle with me?" - she asked.

"Nancy lost..." – Verity said in surprise.

The truth is that I am too, but then I remembered that the Unown can make any of their wishes come true.

"The Unown had to strengthen their Pokémon, that's why she lost" - I said.

Verity and the others also nodded, even Pikachu.

But suddenly, Entei appeared beside him.

"No one can beat Molly" - Entei said.

"It is likely that Entei is also part of this whole illusion" - Koharu said.

"Well, Who of the two is a better trainer than your friend?" - asked Molly.

I was already going to say me, but suddenly, Verity interrupted me.

"Me!" - said Verity.

"And you are?" - asked Molly.

"I'm Verity, a Pokémon trainer with 7 gym badges!" – said Verity.

"I will stay too, my name is Koharu and although I am not a Pokémon trainer I am also very strong!" – said Koharu.

"Koharu, you don't have to..." – I said.