
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs


*Note: I have two important things to say, the first, today there is a double chapter because tomorrow I will surely not be able to go up and second, the schedule during the next 3 weeks will not be the same as usual because I will be on holidays, I assure you almost 100% that I can publish chapters every day but the time will be uncertain, after 3 weeks everything will return to normal, but for now I ask for your patience, thank you very much :)

In the previous chapter we see how our first heroine, Nancy, wins her sixth gym badge, coming the turn of Verity, which had it extremely difficult, Sabrina had learned from her previous mistakes and decided not to underestimate Verity, which made her battle complicated, but in the end, with a brilliant strategy and a long-awaited evolution, Verity managed to win , thus getting her sixth badge, now, it was finally time for our heroes to continue on their way.


Point of view in the third person.

Location: Lilycove City, somewhere on the outskirts.

There was a kind of what appeared to be a cave, however, if one entered, one would discover that it was not a cave, it was actually a base hidden behind the appearance of a normal cave.

There, in one of the dozens of rooms and offices that the base had, there were three people, one of them was a tall man, quite muscular and with a threatening appearance, he wore blue pants and a vest that did not cover his almost naked torso, in addition to having a handkerchief on his head with a strange symbol.

Another of them was a woman, said woman wore a uniform similar to the previous man only that this if she wore her top covered with a black shirt, she had brown hair, at least what could be seen of him because the rest was covered with the same handkerchief as the previous man, She was quite pretty and was seriously looking at the aforementioned man who was sitting on a chair behind a desk.

The last person was easy to describe, he was similar to the previous man, only he was more muscular and almost hairless and also did not wear anything on top.

The girl spoke.

"Sir, we have prepared the place as you ordered" - said the girl.

"Well done" - said the man sitting in a chair.

"Mr. Archie, I don't want to be disrespectful, but are you sure the place chosen is the right one?" – asked the muscular man.

"Do you question my choice? I don't understand what's wrong with MT. Hidden" – said the man.

"Not that there's anything wrong with it, but We can have the bad luck of being seen by a curious person " - the man said.

"I have already told you that the situation is under control Matt" - said the girl.

"and I already told you that there are always unforeseen events Shelly" - said the man.

"Enough! I have decided that recruitment will be in the MT. Hidden, Shelly, make sure that no curious people walk through the area that day" - said Archie.

"Of course sir, our best agents are working on it!" said Shelly.

"Excellent" – Archie said with a smile.


We continue in the third person.

Location: North of Lavaridge Town.

Between Lavaridge Town and the MT. Chimney there was a huge route that connected both places, many hikers, adventurers and even trainers who went to the gym to challenge the gym leader passed by, it was usually a very quiet route and devoid of any danger, but what people do not know is that there was a huge base full of hundreds of people in red uniforms.

These camouflaged their base by passing it off as a Cave that had suffered a collapse, so the most curious people did not even dare to approach.

In one of the dozens of rooms there was, there was a middle-aged man, thin, with entirely red clothes and glasses with a small stone embedded in it.

In front of him was a beautiful woman with violet hair who wore the same uniform as him only more complete, so much so that it covered part of her hair.

"Are you sure that the MT. Is Chimney ideal for the recruitment, Courntey? You know perfectly well that there is an old couple watching that stupid meteorite, if they see us, they will notify the police and we don't want that, yet" - the man said.

"Don't worry about it Mr. Maxie, it's all in my plans, to the northwest there's a big esplanade and it's not guarded by those annoying old men, that Tabitha has already taken care of that matter, iIt's the only thing it's useful for" - Courtney replied.

"Then I won't say anything else, you've always been very useful to me just like Tabitha, Courtney, don't let me down, recruitment is essential to our organization and nothing can go wrong, you got it?" – Maxie asked.

"Of course sir, but don't worry, everything will go as planned" - Courtney said.

"Perfect" - Maxie said.


Again with our protagonist Ash.

"You are really special, no one has ever been able to evade my predictions, anyway, I hope you enjoy your victory, just one more thing, be careful with Blaine" – those were the last words we heard from Sabrina before returning to the Pokémon Center.

It had been a hard day and it was already getting dark, also, during our stay in the gym, the day was cloudy and threatened with a big storm, so it was not a day to go for a walk, so we decided to stay at the Pokémon Center.

Today there was direct from e-Nigma, but only me, Pikachu and Latias saw it, the girls preferred to watch a movie on TV and yes, the rooms of the Pokémon Center have a television and a fairly large one to tell the truth.

The rest of the day passed quietly until suddenly, I received a call from an unknown number, so I showed it to the girls.

"Should I take it?" – I asked.

"I don't know... but maybe it's important, take it and if it's a joke or something then you just hang up" - Nancy nodded.

As I saw that the others also agreed, I picked up the phone.

"Hi, may I know who I'm talking to?" – I asked.

"Ash, I'm Looker" - Looker said on the other end of the phone.

Since the speaker was on, everyone could hear it.

"Hello Looker, is there a problem?" – I asked curiously.

"Actually yes, Team Magma and Team Aqua have begun to make their moves, my spies say that a recruitment is going to take place, you have to come tomorrow to the Hoenn region, specifically to the Pokémon Center of Lilycove City, there I will explain in detail the situation, it is not convenient for us to continue talking on the phone " - explained Looker.

"Well, we'll go" – I nodded.

We committed to it, so, although we are lazy and believe me that we have plenty of it, we have to go, I hope it will at least be entertaining and with some action.

"Nice, I wait for you tomorrow at the Pokémon Center, there you will meet your partner in this mission" - said Looker.

"What companion?" – I asked curiously.

"On the phone I won't say it, tomorrow you'll know, goodbye" - Looker said.

And then he hung up.

"Why can't we have a single day of rest?" - asked Koharu lying on the bed.

The others also complained and it's understandable, but I can't do anything.

"Don't worry girls, I'm sure at least there's some action, I don't like to say this because it's an important mission, but it will be fun" - I said, trying to comfort them.

"Okay" - they all said.

After discussing a bit about what time we were going to leave tomorrow, we decided that we would get up early since Looker seemed to be in a hurry on the phone and making him wait may not be the right thing to do.

After this little talk, we continued our day until finally the night came and therefore, bedtime, the bad thing about all this is that I could not have sex today, seriously, I do not say that I am not excited about tomorrow, but could they let me have sex?

We could do it, but tomorrow we would be so tired that we couldn't even walk to the taxi.


The next morning.

We all got up very early even Latias came out of his Pokéball and and that always tends to sleep a little more, as for Pikachu ... He decided to sleep a little longer, so guess who had to carry him in his arms.

Anyway, not everything was as bad as it seemed, Looker paid us the tickets to Hoenn, the bad thing is that there was no ticket for Latias since Looker's happened a little before we met, so he had two options, or leave it in his Pokéball until the end of the trip or pay an extra ticket ... Don't judge me, he gave me puppy eyes and I'm weak to that...

Anyway, the trip was very quiet because all of us, including myself, fell asleep the whole trip.

Once we arrived in Lilycove City, we decided to take a taxi to go to the Pokémon Center, but when we looked at its location in the Rotom Dex, we realized that it was better to walk since the Pokémon Center was only 20 minutes walking and almost in a straight line so it was difficult to get lost even if you did not have the Rotom Dex.

Along the way we were observing the City, so you can compare it, Lilycove was as big as Celadon City, it was also a very beautiful City full of people with their Pokémon everywhere and numerous shops, I would swear I saw a Kirlia attending a store when we passed in front of her.

I must say that the weather was very pleasant and warm, maybe it was because it was a coastal city.

After arriving at the Pokémon Center, we went in, however, we didn't see anyone, so I decided to ask Nurse Joy just in case since Looker didn't leave me a way to contact him.

"Excuse me, have you seen a middle-aged man in a brown jacket?" – I asked.

"Ah, you are Mr. Looker's guests! Please come with me, ihe is in a meeting room" - said nurse Joy.

We were all surprised to hear this, a meeting room? What's more, do all Pokémon Centers have one of those and what are they used for?

While I was asking those questions, we arrived at the site.

"Please come in" - said Nurse Joy.

I nodded and grabbed the handlebars of the door, opened it and we walked in.

Indeed sitting there was Looker talking to another person, when I said to myself in the person, I instantly recognized who she was, her name was Lira, the female protagonist of Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, but this girl was originally from Johto, why did Looker bring her here?

As if feeling us, Looker looked in our direction and greeted us.

"Good morning everyone, you arrive early, I'm glad for it" – greeted Looker.

"Our plane arrived a little earlier, that's the reason" - I said.

Actually, it was not a lie, he arrived about 15 minutes early, something rare, but not impossible.

"Perfect, then we can start... wait a minute, who's that young lady over there?" - asked Looker, raising an eyebrow.

"She's my girlfriend, her name is Bianca, I know you said not to tell anything, but we have a formal relationship and she won't say anything" - I said calmly.

Well... Don't judge me, it was the only way to make Looker believe it.

"If you have a formal relationship then that's fine, sit down, I'll do the introductions in a moment" - Looker said, pointing to several seats.

We all nodded and sat in our respective seats.

"Well, now that we are all gathered I will introduce you, this nice young woman here is Lira, one of the best trainers in all of Johto and one of the three trainers we have in that region, unfortunately the rest could not come for certain reasons, but she was very kind to accompany us" – explained Looker.

"My name is Lira and I am from the Johto region it is a pleasure to meet you all" – Lira said with a smile.

"Delighted Lira, my name is Ash and this is my best friend and partner, Pikachu and already present my girlfriend Bianca" – I said with a smile.

"My name is Nancy, I'm his first girlfriend by the way" - Nancy said.

"Verity and I am the second, delighted" - said Verity.

"My name is Koharu, nice to meet you and by the way, I'm the fourth" - Koharu said.

"Pika pi" – and Pikachu, finally.

Seriously, they didn't need to introduce themselves that way, now Lira is looking at me with a weird expression on her face, I just hope she doesn't see me as an enemy of women or something, otherwise, if so, it will be difficult to get close to her.