

In the previous chapter we see how at last our heroes arrive in Celadon City, the City with the largest Shopping Center in all of Kanto, determined to be rested for their next battle, our heroes decide to go the next day, but unfortunately, Erika's mother is sick and is not in the Gym, So our heroes decide to help her.

With Ash.

We tell her the story Luciana told us.

"I see, exactly, Luciana is right, but there is something she has not told you" – said Erika.

"The what?" – I asked.

"That, if my mother doesn't get the poison from a Shiinotic resident of the Glimwood Tangle within a week, her body won't be able to take it and... will die" – Erika said sadly.

A deathly silence filled the room, at least until Nancy decided to speak.

"But I don't understand, why not order Shiinotic's poison online?" – Nancy asked.

"Why for this, they would need to go to said forest, find a Shiinotic and extract the poison and if it were not difficult enough, the shipment would only take a week, there is not enough time" – explained Erika.

"And that's where we come in, we'll go to Galar and collect the poison ourselves," I said seriously.

The girls nodded, apparently they thought the same, but I was the first to say it.

"But why, why would they do that for me? We just met" - Erika said bewildered.

"Why can't I ignore someone who needs it, someone who needs help so desperately and if I can do something to help, I will" - I replied.

Ash didn't know, but at that moment, Erika's heart jumped and blushed briefly.

And now back to our hero.

"G-Thank you, I didn't really know what to do, I can't go to Galar myself why can't I leave my sister and my mother alone" - Erika said as she shed a tear.

We all let her cry a little, at least until she calmed down, but at that moment, someone appeared through the door.

"Sister, I've arrived" - said the person.

When I looked at her I must say that I was surprised, she was a girl of about 12 years of age, she had blue hair tied in twin pigtails, she wore a school uniform similar to Koharu's and, not to give more unnecessary descriptions, her appearance was equal to Wendy Marvell from Fairy Tail.

"Oh, who are our guests?" – the girl asked curiously.

"Let me introduce you, this is my sister, Wendy and she will become a coach in a month, also participating in the Indigo League, Wendy these are Ash, Pikachu, Nancy, Verity and Koharu and they are here to help us" – explained Erika.

Is her name really Wendy, how is such a coincidence possible?

*Important note: Wendy is not a reincarnation nor can she use magic or anything like that, I just put her here because I like it, but as I mentioned she is not the Wendy of the anime, she only looks like her and has the same name, this fanfic is exclusively of Pokémon and there won't be crossover with another anime.

"Oh, nice to meet you" – Wendy introduced herself.

Then Wendy sat down and stared at Pikachu and would swear I was too.

"Brother, are you challengers too?" - asked Wendy.

"Except Koharu we are all challengers, yes, plus I have 3 badges already" – I nodded as I showed him my three badges.

"Wow, I'm looking forward to going on a trip! But I don't want to leave my sister alone, especially in this situation" - she said a little sadly.

"Don't worry, that's what we're here for, we'll save your mother, without a doubt" - I said as I stroked her head.

But I quickly pulled her, shit, I was impulsive and I did it, that's rude, at least I hope she doesn't get angry.

"Sorry, it was a reflex act" – I apologized.

"It doesn't matter, it was nice..." – Wendy said.

Ash didn't know this either, but Wendy's heart was also startled.

And again, we go back to Ash.

*Note again: neither of them is in love with Ash anymore, it's just a seed, I mention it in case anyone believes otherwise.

"Back to the subject, what's the plan?" - asked Nancy.

"Since I am the one who commands you, I will pay for the trip, first you will have to take a plane in Saffron City, you will land in Wyndon City where you will have to take a taxi to the entrance of the Glimwood Tangle and then find a Shiinotic, you will have to do it walking because cars are not allowed in Ballonlea Town" – explained Erika.

"But what we still don't know is how to extract the poison" - I said, raising an eyebrow.

"That's the easiest part, you just have to make him feel scared and it will expel the poison by itself, then you have to pick it up from the ground and put it in a bottle quickly or it will lose its toxicity" - Erika replied.

"How will it lose its toxicity?" - asked Verity.

"Since it only uses the poison in case of emergency, the poison is temporary if left outdoors, so it has to be put in a bottle, so it will last longer without losing its toxicity" - Erika continued.

"Yes, you are well informed" – I said surprised.

"It's not like that, that's what the doctor explained to me, I just repeat it" – smiled Erika.

"You still have to have a good memory" – I insisted.

"Thank you" - he nodded.

Then we basically kept tweaking the last details and decided that tomorrow we would leave for Galar, who would say that he would visit the Galar region so soon, even if it is for a short time.

We were already going to leave when Wendy, who had remained silent until then, spoke.

"Sister, I want to go with them too" - she said suddenly.

"No, it's very dangerous" - Erika refused.

"But they're going to do so much for us whom they barely know, I know you can't move from here, but I want to do something for mom, even if it's just this!" – said Wendy.

"Wendy..." – said Erika surprised.

"Let her come with us, we don't care, do we?" – I said looking at the girls.

"Not at all" - Nancy said.

The others just nodded.

"Then thank you very much for everything" – Erika said with a grateful tone.

After clarifying who would take us to Saffron, we concluded that Erika herself would pay us for the taxi and the plane, we would leave early in the morning to return that same night if possible, the good thing is that it is to paid expenses, so we do not have to pay absolutely nothing.

During the rest of the day we simply commented casual things about the Galar region, a region that the original Ash did not review thoroughly, but in the future, I will travel through Galar, anyway, we decided to leave the Mall for when we get the medals and for that, we will need to find a Shiinotic tomorrow in Galar.

We went to sleep early, without kissing session this time because tomorrow we had to catch the 7:00 plane in Saffron City so we had to get up around 5:00 in the morning, from here, by car, it takes an hour or so and since you have to be an hour before at the airport, We arrived just right.

The next morning.

With a spectacular sleep, we got up and got dressed, we did not even have breakfast because it was very early and also, Pikachu did not want to wake up and I had to carry him in my arms, at this time I envy being a small Pokémon and that they can take you, but anyway.

As promised, we went to Erika's house, who was already waiting with her sister and the taxi.

"Good morning" – said both sisters.

"Good morning" – we answered.

Then we approached the taxi and before leaving Erika mentioned one thing to us.

"I already gave the tickets I booked online to Wendy, and I also paid the taxi and gave Wendy the money to pay for the taxi in Galar, good luck" - Erika explained.

"Isn't it too much money? I feel bad accepting so much" - I commented.

The girls were half asleep in the taxi and didn't find out what I said, in fact, Koharu was asleep.

"It's the least I can do, besides, don't worry, have you ever wondered how much a gym leader charges?" – smiled Erika.

"How much?" – I asked curiously.

"Enough that I don't mind paying for all this" - Erika explained.

I didn't mention it again because she didn't seem to want to say it, so Wendy and I just said goodbye to her because the girls were asleep and headed straight to Saffron.

By the way, the order of the seats is as follows, me in the middle, Wendy on my left side and Koharu on my right with his head on my shoulder, behind, in the armchair of those that are coupled in the trunk was Nancy who did not seem to care too much about her place and in front, next to the taxi driver, Verity who had already fallen asleep.

"Actually, Gym leaders earn like 50,000 Pokedollars a month, but don't tell them I told you so," Wendy said with a smile.

Unlike the game where 50,000 was not a big deal, in this world, with 50,000 Pokedollars a month you could live a life full of luxuries, so I was surprised that, despite earning all that money, Erika lived in that house.

"My sister doesn't like luxury, she also uses all the money to help us, my mother is a little older and can't work and I... well I want to be a trainer, so I need a starter Pokémon and a Rotom Dex that aren't exactly cheap" - Wendy explained.

If you believed that all trainers started with an initial in a Pokémon lab and with a Rotom Dex given by a Professor, you were wrong, most novice trainers had to pay their own expenses, do not misunderstand they do not buy Pokémon, but they must have someone to capture a Pokémon for them and if they can, buy a Rotom Dex that were not cheap at all, the good thing is that, once you become a participant in the Pokémon League, you save a lot of money as I mentioned on other occasions.

During the journey not much happened, only that Wendy and I deepened our relationship and now she looked much closer to me, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary.

A few hours later.

On the plane trip nothing spectacular happened, only now Nancy claimed her place next to me, apparently she already remembered where she had to sit this morning and was not very satisfied, while Verity was on my other side and, in front of us, were Koharu and Wendy.

But apart from that, nothing happened and in a couple of hours we arrived in Galar, specifically in Wyndon City, then we had breakfast at a nearby bar and took a taxi to the entrance of Glimwood Tangle.

After paying the taxi, we entered the forest.

"Wow, it's so beautiful" - Nancy commented.

"Just look, how is it possible that those mushrooms emit light?" - asked Verity.

"I don't know, but Nancy is right it's beautiful" - Koharu said.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu nodded.

"The truth is that I would like to enjoy the scenery, but unfortunately we can't do it now" - added Wendy.

We all nodded and went into the forest, on the way, what we saw was a lot of Ponyta form Galar, Impidimp and some Morgrem, but no trace of Morelull or Shiinotic.