
Pokemon: A Legendary Journey

What if one day you were suddenly thrown into the world of Pokemon, sounds fun right? well it's far from that, our main character "Jayden" was transmigrated into this world of bizarre elemental creatures. Watch as he grows to become the strongest, while also surviving in this world. (this story won't follow the Pokemon plot,meaning ash and all the other characters won't be here, I'll be making my own characters for this story, but the Pokemon we all know and love will still be here of course) join da Patreon if you want early chapters I have already written (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Patreon.com/EternalKings planning to stockpile atleast 10 early chapters over there discord https://discord.gg/KB95R2Sq8a --- none of the characters were created by me, except for the protagonist and any Oc 200 stones: 1 extra chapter 400 stones: 2 extra chapters daily 600 stones: 3 extra chapters daily 800 stones: 4 chapters daily 1000 stones: 5 chapters daily

EternalKings · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

29: Ancient Genes

While the creature slept atop the tree branch, Jayden finally moved.

with a small leap he was able to quickly climb the tree and approach the creature which had been inhabiting this isolated area.

Jayden's eyes landed on the creature and finally realized what it was.

it was actually a Dragonair.

but it wasn't any ordinary Dragonair.

this Dragonair seemed exceptionally large and magnetic, just being a few meters around it gave Jayden the idea that he was next to a source of divine power.


Host has met a Pokemon with ancient Genes, it is recommended to catch it as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity] the system suddenly appeared and said.

"ancient Genes?" Jayden widened his eyes in shock, he knew what ancient Genes meant, these were pokemon who had genes of their ancient ancestors, they were usually stronger than anyone else in their race.

and this was a Dragonair.....

Jayden was conflicted and just watched the Dragonair from a distance as it laid down on the huge tree branch.

"system, what's the origin of this ancient Pokemon? and why is it here" Jayden asked the system, expecting a reply, but he was left disappointed.

[host, I can't answer that, but with your aura abilities you can definitely read its memories and find out] the system replied robotically.

"ah, that's right" Jayden had a lightbulb moment, with his new aura powers, he could now look through memories of Pokemon and any other living creature.

the real question is, how could he approach this Dragonair.


Gyarados who was laying down like a log released a roar before it continued to sleep.

this roar seemed to startle the Dragonair and it raised it's long serpentine neck in confusion before looking down.

after it didn't see the human, Dragonair began looking around desperately and circling the tree branch.

it wasn't long before Dragonair spotted Jayden.

"thanks so much gyarados'" Jayden glared at the shiny red Gyarados which was beneath the tree and frowned.

the majestic Dragonair was now looking at him curiously.

it seemed scared of him and stepped back a little, almost as if it was ready to bolt out of the area in a second.

"Is it scared of me?" Jayden felt the dragonair's feelings with just one look, he found it amusing.

Stretching out his aura, he enveloped the Dragonair with it and calmed it down.

"I'm not a bad guy" Jayden said while communicating with Dragonair through his aura, he had even put up his hands to show he was unarmed.

Dragonair released a cute little cry before moving slowly towards him, even though it was still slightly hesitant.

the aura that Jayden released was just irresistible to it.

Jayden was now face to face with the huge Dragonair, he didn't notice how big it was before since it was small compared to the large tree, but he finally realized that it was monstrous in size and length, almost comparable to Gyarados but a lot smaller.

Jayden pulled out a hand and reached out to rub the dragonair's smooth head.

Dragonair seemed to enjoy it and released cute little cries while happily moving around with Jayden's hand on its head.

"System, Can you show me this dragonair's stats" Jayden asked, he wanted to see the status before looking through its memories.

[Dragonair (Ancient Genes)]

Type: Dragon

Level: 31

Bond: 75%

Item: Dragonite'inite (X)

Ability: Shed skin, Marvel Scale

Moves: Leer, Thunder Wave, Twister, Wrap, Dragon Tail, Agility, Slam, swift, Aqua Jet, Dragon Breath, Extreme Speed.

seeing this status screen, Jayden was at a loss for words.

This Dragonair had so many powerful abilities, it even had dragon breath and extreme speed which were both basically broken abilities.

and what the f*CK was up with the held item bullshit? it actually had a Dragonite mega stone with it.

Jayden felt like his whole world had shattered, a Dragonite could actually mega evolve?

how much stronger could the pseudo-legendary pokemon get.

Jayden took a few minutes to calm down his thoughts, but he kept his aura roaming around the huge Dragonair, causing it to release cries of excitement.

Jayden didn't know what it was but he felt as if this huge Dragonair was like a little baby that had just been born.

using his aura abilities, Jayden surrounded Dragonair with it before entering its mind.

with the power of aura he was able to see everything that the Dragonair had been through.

the more Jayden looked through its memories, the more his view of this world was broken apart even more.

He now remembered a scene from the Pokemon episode.

season 1, episode 13.

there was the appearance of a huge Dragonite which was the size of a towering lighthouse.

as much as Jayden didn't want to believe it, he had no choice but to.

this Dragonair was actually the offspring of that huge Ancient Dragonite which had appeared during that episode.

the huge Dragonite was on its deathbed, after discovering this cave it gave birth to a young Dratini next to the huge tree inside the cave.

Dragonair had been inside this cave all its life practically, it hadn't been in any battles nor had it even eaten any food other than the berries that grew around the large tree.

it was due to this tree that this Dragonair had already become so strong, the influence of the tree's spiritual power had been soaked into the core of this Dragonair since birth, causing it to have terrifying strength.

Jayden didn't know where the Dragonite mega stone was, but he didn't dare to ask the Dragonair to hand it over, afterall the mega stone was the only item the poor guy's mother had left behind.

Jayden sealed his thoughts and decided to take this Dragonair with him.

"do you want to come with me?" Jayden communicated with the Dragonair using aura.

but the Dragonair didn't respond, instead it moved towards the huge tree and looked at it for a little while before it released a cry towards Jayden.

Dragonair could actually leave this cave if it wanted to, it had the ability to fly due to its ancient powers, but it had been attached to this tree.

thinking that one day its only family member would return and take it away from this place.

Jayden didn't know what to say to Dragonair, in dragonair's memories, the old Dragonite already seemed like it was about to die, perhaps it was already dead by now since it still hasn't returned.

noticing dragonair's solid attitude on looking for its mother, Jayden felt sympathy for the creature.

even pokemon had such feelings.

"how about this, leave here with me, I will help you find your mother, perhaps she is somewhere out in the world right now" Jayden said while rubbing the dragonair's head affectionately.

he didn't know what it was but he felt extremely close to this Dragonair, the ancient aura which it got from the mysterious tree seemed to uplift his spirit and put him in a blissful mood.

Dragonair released an excited cry and looked at Jayden, as if asking him if he was telling the truth.

"of course, I'll help you find your mother, trust me" Jayden said confidently, as long as Dragonair became his Pokemon, he would help this creature find its mother no matter what, the tragic story of its birth story and circumstances had touched his heart deeply.

Dragonair rushed towards Jayden and embraced him gently.

"now then, before finding your mother we have to get out of this cave first, will you help me?" Jayden said and pulled out a PokeBall.

Dragonair was confused, but after sending Jayden's intentions it slapped the PokeBall open with its tail and went inside the PokeBall.

one roll!!!

two rolls!!!

three rolls!!!

Dragonair was captured!