

作者: Erick_Llamas
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  • 6 章
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Reborn into pokemon but with a twist, how will the mc cope with the drastic change

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Chapter 1In pokemon

As I open my eyes all I see is darkness I try look around but I couldn't move my body. I start to think about where I am. When suddenly at that moment I remember a cliché from the isekai novels. where the main character is reborn on its mothers womb. I must be in a similar situation but I can't hear anyone or the heart beat of my mother like the mc of the novels described it. It must've been fake.

Well wherever I hope that it doesn't take long for me to be born.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 weeks later

I am bored I have been in this dark space for at least two weeks. While being here there is noting much I can do but think. So I started to think about what pokémon I want in my team. there's noting I can do about what region I am born in. So I need to have some backup choices. While thinking about pokemon I suddenly hear a weird noise and saw a bit of light I think I am being born.

Finally I was so bored being there. I waited to be pushed out but nothing all remained the same. I started to get scared maybe I was not being born but I was getting aborted. I started to shake around in panic. but there was something I realized the more I shake the more light I can see more. Realizing that I started to shake madly.

I keep shaking madly for a couple minutes until all I can see was light. Finally I was able to look around. The first thing I noticed was that I was on a forest. I continued to look around then looked down at my feet I was standing inside a broken eggshell that covered the bottom half of my body

It was then that I realize that I was not a human but a pokemon. That dam ROB turn me into a fucking pokemon. Well at least it was not all bad he could've send me to AOT or Another. I really hope at least I was a strong pokemon. I start to look at my body to find out what I became.

I have blue paws black feet and a blue tail. this information really didn't help me much because I don't really know all pokémon. I need to look for a lake or a river to get a better look. as I was thinking my next step I suddenly got a headache and information started to enter my head. When the headache stopped I started to reorganize and digest the information. After a while I began to understand what the information was it was moves.

I was give four moves the first is really easy to describe I just bite but with some type of energy added to my bite. The next two are also easy to describe is just a high jump kick and a cross chop with energy added. The last one is the hardest to describe is like a punch but with metal energy it think it was called bullet punch.

After finishing assimilating the information I began to think about what to do next. I need to find a lake or river to find what pokemon I am after that I need to find what region I am on.

And lastly I need to find a trainer. Why a trainer you might ask. because I am to lazy to look for food myself and if I get hurt he or she can take me to the pokecenter which I can't do in the wild. Besides I really want to try the moves I got and what better way then to do gym battles.

Ok enough thinking and more action I don't want to be wondering in the dark. I start wondering around the forest looking for a lake. It took me an hour or so to finally find a small stream. Good thing to as I was starting to get thirsty. I bend down to look directly at the surface of the water and what stares back at me is a small blue and black pokemon.

After staring at the water for a little while I finally figure out what pokemon I am. I am a riolu not the most powerful of pokemon but hey at least I was not a magikarp or a meowth or worst the meme god bidoof. I drank a bit of water from the stream then started exploring the forest again.

After an hour or so of exploring I got lost not that I know where I was in the beginning either but I can't find the stream anymore. after another hour it started to get dark and the forest became ominous as fuck. Suddenly I heard some voices and got scared as fuck. I mean who wouldn't when they suddenly hear voices in the middle of a dark ass forest. I was about to run because I thought it was a ghost type pokemon. Not because I was scared but because I was a fighting type pokemon wtf can a fighting type do against a ghost type yeah that was the reason definitely not because I was scared.

But as I was about to run away I hear someone screaming for help and as any other fan fic mc I started running to the direction of the screaming. Sike that scream gave more reason to get the fuck out of there. Unfortunately not every goes according to plan because as I was thinking about running away a running girl jumped out of the bushes. Following that girl was a giant ass honeycomb looking pokemon.

The girl looked at me for a second and continued running away but although it was only for a second I could recognize that girl right away she was one of the main characters in pokémon xy Serena. Well I think I just found my trainer. She was my go to choice from the begging what you thought I was going to choose ash who only knows how to fight. Naw bro Serena is much better because she takes better care of her pokemon and knows how to make pokepuffs. well to be honest I only want to be her pokemon because of the pokepuff. But hey who would you prefer someone who only made you fight (Ash) or someone who gives you treats (Serena).

But anyway back on track time to save my future trainer. I had to be very careful about how I defeat the honeycomb looking pokemon. Because using pokemon game terms I was level 1 and the other pokemon was at lest level 30. but I was not in a game and anything can happen in real life. Besides is not like I had to beat it I only need to disable it and I got just the plan for that.

Leaving my train of thought I put my plan in to action. When the pokemon got close to me i use high jump kick to get me close to its head then I opened my mouth to use bite not on its head but on its wing right next to its head. Having succeed my attack the honeycomb pokemon started to fall because of the hurt wing. While that was happening I landed back on the ground and started running away.

While I was running away I suddenly felt air hit my back and push me away. Shit must've been gust well wherever with this I can get away faster have fun flying with one wing bitch. As I thought that I suddenly felt an impact from the front. shit I was so focused on the honeycomb pokemon that I didn't realize a big ass rock was in front of me. That was the last thought I had before everything went dark.


all the pokemon and character pictures will be in the comments

