The noseless one, its like saying gryfindor the brave, raven claw the clever, slytherin the cunning, hufflepuff the kind and voldemort the noseless lmaooooo
Wow, he was quick to decide on that🤣 well what if it was a blacksmith who had a couple of beers after crafting an excalibur???? Is he a criminal
STAB moves
Sense and body... i wud increase those two... no one even cares abt sense nowadays... sensing ill intentions, sensing like spiderman these can save your life
Whenever a fanfic has over explanations it is chinese….
In the initial chapters he does not have organic webbing… why?
the chinese are dominating when it comes to trashy fanfic
Bruthah ughhh… chinese cringe
was gonna comment the same thing lol
Whats a stack?