
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · アニメ·コミックス
129 Chs

S4E20: Almost There

Over the next few days Foxx and Joy explored the ship even though Joy refused to go up on the deck or at least no where near the edge out of fear of falling in. On a few occasions they even participated in a battle or two one of which is a team battle with Fantina where they whipped the floor of all who challenged them. It didn't hurt that they were to two strongest trainers on the whole cruise.

After a day filled with fun Foxx yawned as him and Joy entered a small poke shop seeing as they were almost to port and he had to still figure out some kind of gift for Dawn yet the ship poke shop was mostly full of souvenirs and battle things nothing he really thought Dawn would like even though they did have lots of cool things and multiple decks to the store.

One deck was underwater themed and had all swim and dive gear along with water pokemon plushies, toys and decorations. Another deck had a forest theme and was filled with grass and bug pokemon plushies, toys and decorations along with camping gear. Then there was a deck with a rocky theme that had a rock wall challenge, all kinds of hiking gear along with rock and ground type pokemon plushies, toys and decorations.

There was also a jewel themed deck that was filled with all kinds of pokemon jewelry, all of the evolutionary stones, as well as steel and fairy type pokemon plushies, toys and decorations. Yet another deck was was themed as an city themed with electrical components and tools, along with electric and normal pokemon plushies, toys and decorations. Then there was a deck that was dark and psychic themed with all sorts of fortune telling things along with psychic, ghost and dark pokemon plushies, toys and decorations.

Joy's favorite deck was the one with was a giant cave and had two giant dragons blasting each other with a special attack. The one with a blizzard like attack which met the other's flamethrower in the center of the room thus splitting one half into ice and snowy while the other fire. There was all kinds of books on legends and myths from throughout all of the regions along with fire, ice and dragons pokemon plushies, toys and decorations. Now Foxx was tempted to get a few of the books on the legends but really had no where to store the books besides he was looking for a gift for Dawn.

The last two decks where not pokemon type themed nor had they any plushies, toys or decorations. No these rooms were set up with items for either pokemon battles or pokemon contests depending n which deck you were on. It was on the contest deck that Foxx found himself bumping once more into Fantina having forgot she liked to participate in pokemon contests. He also found a whole section of costumes both for humans and pokemon alike.

"Now this is the last place I would've expected to find you. In fact I'm surprised you're not on ether the electric deck or the legends deck." teased Fantina with a smile after bumping into Foxx in the pokemon contest deck.

"Oh yah I was really tempted to check both of them out but first I have to get a gift for Dawn and this was really the only deck I think she'd like something from, but I really don't know what to get her and I already got her a contest ribbon box." sighed Foxx.

"Hmmm, if I remember correctly Dawn really likes to dress up as well as dancing with her pokemon. So why not get her a costume or some thing like that."

"I see thanks Fantina." replied Foxx as him and Joy headed over to the costume section and searched for the best costume to get her.

It was about that point that he found a duo costume for a trainer and a piplup that made the piplup look like it was the pokemon trainer while the trainer was in a piplup costume. Now Foxx remembered their Christmas conversation about her favorite pokemon to us was puplip. Thus he grabbed the suit and took it to the cashier to ring up the costume before waving bye to Fantina and returning first to the city themed deck.

Looking around at all of the different components Foxx eventually got himself a few new bits and pieces to work on his new gauntlet hat would have heat shielding as well as house a prototype Pokecenter system. Thus in theory he would be able to heal one of his pokemon just by holding the pokeball and activating the healing system, yet he does have a few bugs left to work out.

Now he wanted to check out the legends deck but by the time he'd selected the components he'd needed and paid for them the shops were closing to give people time to get their things packed for the ship would be pulling into port soon. Thus Foxx and Joy just returned to their room with all of the things they bought and began to pack their room up.

Jut then they heard a knock on their door yet when he opened it no one was there. Then just as he closed it he heard a knock again except this time it was followed by, "Wrong door it's me?"

"Oh come on in then." replied Foxx as he returned to packing his things.

"Thanks just wanted to get with you before we reach Pastoria Port." replied Fantina as she entered the room.

"What's up?" asked Foxx as he cleared a spot on his bed for her if she wished to sit down as he continued to pack.

"I think you should challenge the gym when we get there before we head north to my gym." suggested Fantina with a half smile.

"I figured I hit up a few of the gyms I come across in my time here and something tells me that you partially knew that so what else did you want to talk about?" asked Foxx urning and looking at her with a grin.

"You are more preceptive that I had originally thought." confessed Fantina letting out as sigh before adding, "I wanted to give you something as a thank you."

"Oh you didn't have to." replied Foxx turning to face her.

"Well I still did so give me your tablet so I can install it." teasingly ordered Fantina holding out her hand waiting.