
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · アニメ·コミックス
129 Chs

S4E16: Fantina’s Battle

So after hanging up the phone with Dawn, Foxx walked over to the beach looking out at the ocean wondering if he should continue with his plan to head farther south to the Alola Islands or head north seeking out Dawn's location. He was so deep in thought that he'd not realized Fantina had approached him from behind and was waiting for him to turn around.

"Foxx, I'll be leaving soon thus we need to have our battle as well as you need to choose if you will be coming with me or heading farther south." softly called Fantina after a short period of waiting on him.

"Oh Fantina I'm sorry I'd just finished talking with Dawn and was no really sure what I wanted to do next." confessed Foxx with a sigh.

"You miss her don't you?" asked Fantina with a smile.

"Yes, and I might have told her my plan was to come with you back to your gym and await for her there." sighed Foxx looking back over his shoulder out to the ocean.

"Yet part of you knows you're closer to finding answers then you've ever been and really don't want to stop traveling down that path." replied Fantina, "If you choose to head south I can give Dawn a letter or message. Know this if she truly loves you she will except your decision no matter which path you choose to take tomorrow."

"I see, thanks Fantina." replied Foxx with a smile, "How do you want to handle this battle?"

"Three on three standard battle." replied Fantina with a smile as the spread out some to use the beach as a battle arena.

Now Foxx didn't really know what type of pokemon she used but figured he'd stick to the team he knew best plus one of the new pokémon. Thus with a nod Foxx got ready with Joy at his side awaiting her first choice of which Fantina tossed out gengar.

Now Foxx had the lower form of it and had easily beat it with Joy thus he looked down at her and smiled before Joy rushed into the battle field. Gangar tried to use it's shadow ball attack while dodging Joy's combination of fire and ice attacks which in turn lead to a very intense and interesting battle which in turn lead o a crowd beginning to form around them. In the end Joy was able to land just enough direct hits to cause gengar to faint.

Next up was drifblim who was able to dodge Joy's attacks a little better and actually managed to knock her out with a well planned psybeam. In response Foxx recalled Joy and sent out eevee who didn't play around as she through all of her elemental attacks at drifblim; flamethrower, water gun, tunderbolt, razor leaf, ice beam, confusion and lastly she held her ground as she fired off a powerful psybeam.

As for drifblim it dodged all of the attacks beore also firming off a powerful psybeam right at eevee. The two psybeam struck causing a ball of growing psychic energy as they pushed themselves to beat the other. In the end the ball became unstable and exploded with so much force that neither pokemon could avoid it nor their trainers or even the crowd who were all knocked off their feet. That is except for drifblim and eevee who both staggered a bit before fainting.

This left both Foxx and Fantina with one pokemon each. For her it was mismagius, her only remaining pokemon. As or Foxx he had to choose very carefully out of the larger collection of pokemon he had with him. It was now very obvious that to him that she was using ghost type pokemon but the only ghost type he had was weak and no match for her final pokemon.

As for the rest of the pokemon he'd only just began to build a bond with them and really didn't know if they would listen or even fight for him. That was when he felt an odd presence in his mind guiding his hand to one of the pokeballs in his bag and before he could even think or check who's it was he was already throwing it into the air. Just then out popped his galarian ponyta who nodded at him before attacking.

The two pokemon were almost equals in power, speed, agility and skill. Ponyta used her psychic bond and abilities to confuse and throw off mismagius' concentration and ability to focus which in turn gave her the upper hand or hoof in her case thus leading to the victory. With a smile Foxx walked over to ponyta and whispered, "Thanks" before recalling her into her pokeball.

As for Fantina she just smiled as she approached him. The whole time she knew he'd more then likely win and that he just needed to trust in himself and his pokemon. He still had a ways to go and a lot left to learn but for now it was time for celebration so she held out her hand for him to shake which he did.

"Congratulations Foxx with this victory I bestow unto you the Relic Badge. May this be the beginning of your journey closer to your pokemon and friends alike. May you never forget those you've met along the way to get where you're going and never forget to go back and visit them." congratulated Fantina as she handed over the Relic Badge for Foxx to add to his collection.

"I knew you could do it!" called Silvia as she rushed over to him and gave him a compassionate embrace to which he tried to break free of to which she whispered, "If things don't workout between you and your girlfriend you know where to find me."

"It's a good thing Joy was knocked out in the battle or she might have just flamethrowered both of us for that comment." replied Foxx after finally separating from Silvia to which he smiled and added, "Thanks for the offer Silvia but I think things will be fine with me and Dawn besides I'd rather have you as a friend anyways."