
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · アニメ·コミックス
129 Chs

S3E20: A Roof Top Chat

"So Joy why do you hate me?" mentally asked Dawn as Joy looked up at her awaiting her first question.

"I don't hate you per say as much as I don't like the way Foxx is constantly looking at you as well as the way you're always looking at him." mentally replied Joy as she slowly climbed into Dawns lap.

"Why don't you like the way I look at Foxx and he looks at me? Don't you want him to be happy?" mentally asked Dawn confused.

"Because he doesn't look at me that way" mentally sighed Joy as she looked over at Foxx who was almost in his own world staring up at the stars. "Besides he was happy before any of you came along and it was just the two of us."

"So you're jealous of what's building between me and Foxx and are afraid he'll forget about you." mentally explained Dawn, "But what you don't see is that Foxx cares about you just as much as me, and his parents if not more. You where his first friend he wants you to be happy too."

"You're just saying that so I like you." huffed Joy turning her face away from Dawn. "I don't even know why you bothered saving me from the sailors."

"For starters I'd be a horrible Pokémon trainer let alone person to just stand by and do nothing when you needed saving and I was capable of doing so." mentally replied Dawn starting to get tired of Joy's attitude, "But more importantly I saved you because I want you to be my friend and because I know Foxx would be devastated if he lost you."

"Still his parents have taken a part of his heart, now you want to steal a part of it for yourself leaving me with none." mentally huffed Joy.

"Joy you don't understand. Those are all three different types of love. First off Foxx's love for his parents is family love. The love of mother to son, son to mother, father to son and son to father. It's something not really seen with many Pokémon because of the fact that you don't really spend much time with you parents if you ever get to know them." mentally explained Dawn as she began to pet Joy. "As for the love that I wish me and Foxx cold one day have is mate love a love you know of as a Pokémon because it is the love that draws two together in hopes of forming their own family."

"The last love is the one you have with Foxx and that's a close friend love. You're not actually family but you're close enough to be considered family." mentally continued Dawn, "You see Foxx has placed you in a special part of his heart that no one can ever take you out of. You're not family that has and could always abandon him. You're not a mate who could one day walk away from him. No you're a friend who will always be at his side no mater how hard things get."

"You humans have too complex of a love thing. Why can't you be more like Pokémon and just have one kind of love which is bound with the loyalty to never leave nor abandon those we love?" mentally asked Joy finally looking up to make eye contact with Dawn.

"We're just made different I guess, but if we only had one kind of love then there would be more battling and bloodshed because we'd fight over everything because we'd only have one level of love. In other words it helps to have more then one level of love. We are able to form special bonds with our Pokémon as well as other people." mentally explained Dawn with a smile. "It's what allows me to love Foxx as well as you. Now I'll never get you to love me as much as you love him but I hope you'd allow me the chance to get to love him."

"So you can break his heart when you leave us?" mentally asked Joy as she glared at Dawn.

"I don't want to hurt him yet I want to finish traveling with Ash. I really don't know what to do." mentally sighed Dawn as she glanced over at Foxx and smiled not knowing that Joy could see her thoughts and daydreams like the one she was currently having.

"I recommend you two sit down and discuss this because I'm tired of having to see your daydreams about each other in my head." half mentally teased and half seriously replied Joy as she licked Dawn's hand to snap her back to reality.

"Oh sorry. Wait he has these same daydreams about me?" mentally asked Dawn looking down at Joy with a smile.

"Not exactly that one but they seem to be close enough to each other that it really makes me hate you some. I just wish he'd daydream about me like that." mentally cried Joy as her eyes started to tear up.

"One that'd be weird for any human to daydream about their Pokémon like that but I do need you to do something for me until I get a chance to meet back up with Foxx. That is if you're really okay with me and him loving each other as well as you." mentally replied Dawn as she whipped away Joy's tears.

"What is it sister? I do owe you for saving my life after all." mentally teased Joy with a little wink.

"First make sure he doesn't forget about me and second keep him safe." mentally replied Dawn with a smile as Joy also could see a great deal of love and compassion in her eyes as the sparkled.

"I also wont let any other girls near him." mentally replied Joy, "If any human gets that part of his heart I want it to be you."

To be Continued...