
Poke Era

Welcome to my world of Pokemon !! A new journey through the Pokemon world with my Protagonist. Be and stay with her to complete her journey to be one living legend of that world. I hope you support her and also this poor little me, in this first book. If you all don't like it please remind me of the changes to be made, I'll be glad. Happy Reading ~ :) - Alpha Wolf

Darkalphawolf · ファンタジー
20 Chs


Glowing of Absol's horn means 'Danger' and the degree of danger has to be very high for it to glow like that.

A women's sixth sense told me that I'm in great trouble. I perceived the danger as if all my body cells are attracted to it.

I quickly turned my head towards Onix whose whole body was emitting light and gradually the heat was warming the surrounding.

Absol also perceived it but it was too late to stop it.

" It's using Explosion... What will happen now? "

『 An avalanche is inevitable. 』

" What?! Why? "

An Explosion can do damage to surrounding but not an avalanche atleast.

『 Because it's giving up it's life in that attack. 』

" ... "

I rubbed my eyebrows in tension this was one of my habits. If this goes on the village down will also be affected.

Absol could be seen hesitating to leave me alone and inform the villagers. My conditions were not good enough in any way.

" Absol you go and inform the villagers and try to stay far away from them if they try to hurt you. Go! Don't think anymore. I'll try to escape somehow. "

I forced my body to stand up to prove my words. Absol was still not sure but was forced to decide from a bigger view.

The time to decide seemed to be over as the light bursting from Onix's body illuminated the portion of the forest and the shock wave was coming very fast.


The trees broke and half of the forest fell down with a thundering roar shaking the mountain region nearby.

Many types of Pokemons voice were heard from every portion of the forest like they are warning their kins.

Absol looked at me for the last time and I waved at him. He nodded and ran way fast stepping on the rocks like a flexible bird.

" Goodbye... Absol... Stay safe. "

My heart felt empty like something important went away. This empty feeling was really irritating.

I shook my head and looked at the way to run. This farewell was indeed not good and I forced my leg to run.

The ground behind me is breaking off with every steps I take and I tried my best to outrun and soon gained a few minutes to catch some breath.

" Haah... Haah.... Fuck this... " My heart was thumping like crazy , craving for oxygen like an addict.

" Tweet - tweettt- tweeeettt" The sound carried by the air entered my ears and it was filled with despair.


I tried to look for any flying Pokemon who could possibly tweet like that but saw nothing.

" Tweet-tweet-tweet tweet -tweet "

" ? " As I was going to move the sound came again. " Hey, where are you? I can't see you.. "

" Tweet tweet tweet! " This time the sound came more loudly and it desperately tried to tell it's presence to me but I couldn't understand.


" Shit. " The ground was breaking faster and it will reach my position in two minutes. I was forced to run again.

" Tweet tweet- tttwwet..." ╥﹏╥ the voice was mixed with crying.

Aghhh!!! What should I do?!

Time is running away.

I can't help but look around desperately and my eyes was paining and itching as I tried to stretch my view as far as possible to search for that Pokemon.

My eyes fell on the roots of the tree which was shaking , I ran upto that place to see a Bird Pokemon size upto 0.5m? It's so small.

" Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! " It was so happy to see me and it's eyes we're filled with water. Though it was completely filled with mud and stuck in the root I could help but grin. The wings were cut and blood stains were seen.

" You're no better than me. "


But still...So cute ~ (ˊ˘ˋ*)

The unfavorable conditions couldn't stop it's cuteness.

Fuck. It's not time to appreciate moe.

I tore off the roots and ran out to cut more but destiny really doesn't want to save me because as I cut the last root the land got loose.

Before my brain could register the change I found my body free falling and few cuts appeared on my face and hands due to air current.

I felt like my conscious was fading...



Oh... Before falling by reflex I caught it in between my arms. It's continuously nudging it's head and chirping so that I could stay sober.

" Don't worry I'm soobberr... "

Um. My voice sounded like a drunk telling he's not drunk.

Yes, as thought instead of reassuring this made it more tensed and saw it's beak shining...

" Fuck! If you use Peck in this body then I'll be drilled out... "

Listening to my words it seems it makes sense so it stopped.

Thank god... I was about to die in over concern...

As this went on I could gradually see the destroyed mountain road with big debris and broken trees with pointed branches.

Gulp. If I fall in those... Adios. I'm done.

So I closed my eyes and counted till 100 as I fell down...

" Fuuuccckkk-" My voice got hoarse and the rest got stuck in my throat. My back is on fire.

The immense pain from the Spinal cord makes me think, I lost one-third of my live. Tears rolled down as the old sprain in my left knee revitalized...

God knows how many bones I broke this time...

" Tweet ~" (´•ω•`)

" Ha.. Ha.. I'm al-right... Just cursing few gods... "

The matter could have settled there but my eyes fell on the snow white body which was now covered with red...

" Awooo-" as it howled to the sky.