
Poke Era

Welcome to my world of Pokemon !! A new journey through the Pokemon world with my Protagonist. Be and stay with her to complete her journey to be one living legend of that world. I hope you support her and also this poor little me, in this first book. If you all don't like it please remind me of the changes to be made, I'll be glad. Happy Reading ~ :) - Alpha Wolf

Darkalphawolf · ファンタジー
20 Chs


My mouth opened with wonder and my surprised eyes followed the body covered with snow white silky fur and the head adorned with a majestic blue blade which stood in front of me.

Absol stood in front of me blocking the Onix from reaching me. Through normal observation he looked taller than normal Absol which should be 1.2m .

The claws were glowing at the sharpness was eminent. The beautiful mane flew with the air giving a heroic touch.

My eyes recorded this beautiful scene in my heart forever . Then I remembered something.

This is the legendary scene of the hero saving the damsel in distress!!

First impressions are always important whether to win over a boyfriend or Pokemon. After knowing this, I looked at myself and held my throbbing head.

Well, is there a second chance? And what could you expect from a damsel?

The Onix was angered again by the sudden intervention. It directed Rock Slide again at Absol but he looked prepared as white light gathered in his feet.

" Quick Attack! "

With Quick Attack Absol nimbly escaped all the boulders and hit Onix with his horn.

Onix gave out a painful mourn and it's tail glowed and looked at Absol who was close to it with a sneer in it's eye.

" Not good Absol that's Iron Tail! "

My words didn't finish and the tail hit Absol.

" Absol!!!! " I wanted to run to him but to both our surprise the figure distorted and vanished leaving white air.

" It was Substitute... "

He didn't need me to remind. It was within his expectation.

Wow. Pokemon Battle is amazing in its own dangerous way. But, then where is the main body?

While I was searching a huge black ball with black arcs floating around it flew at a fast speed and hit Onix between the joints of it's body.

" That's... Shadow Ball? It's a ghost type attack skill... Woah. This Absol should be Gym leader level? "

The attack was a critical hit and Onix fell down with a huge thud breaking many trees.

The fight between them was intense but I can see the obvious gap between the two in both power and experience.

Absol can be told to be toying with Onix?

[ Why are you here? ]

I almost jumped out in surprise . I stiffly turned around and saw Absol sitting behind me and looking at me with it's deep blue eyes.

Wow. So handsome...


The low hoarse smoky male voice was heard in my mind. I looked at Absol and he was also looking at me silently.

" Is that you? " He didn't speak but I took the silence as a 'yes'.

" You got one hell of a voice!! If you were a human - I'm damn sure you'll be lit! Even few idols have such voice. And I didn't imagine you could use Psychic to talk. "

I don't know if it's my imagination but I felt like Absol's eyebrow twitched...

As you can see I'm a pure Otaku. Chasing idols and animes were some reasons to survive. And Absol to be able to use Psychic reconfirms that it's Gym leader level.

Absol: " Awo" Why are you here?

This time he spoke in...Pokemon language? Or Absol language? Well whatever it is I somehow understood but how should I reply?

" I came here to challenge you and make you my partner to travel around the world making our new legend. "

He was silent for a long time and looked deep at me .

Absol : " Awo" You came to challenge me with that Stupid bird?

" Ah... Yes... "

Absol : " Awo" Then why did it fly away?

It was time for me to be silent. Should I be honest? To be honest I was scammed by that old man. I let my guard down, if not for Absol I'd be dead.

" Actually that wasn't my Pokemon. I was lend that Staraptor to challenge you. I want you to be my first partner that's why I don't have any Pokemon of my own. "

Absol was startled to hear this and that was for a millisecond I couldn't catch that expression as he became normal again. He thought for a while and stood up and walked away a little and turned back.

[ Then you're still not worthy of me. ]

The words continuously echoed in my brain.

Not worthy of him?

I fell into contemplation and tried to reflect on his words.

Yes, this world is not the world of games anymore where you can catch every Pokemon you want. It's real. Every character which were NPC are real every Pokemon is real. They have there own thoughts, feelings and self esteem.

Shit. I really missed the important points . I took it for granted. From transmigration I always held myself great to have survived which the previous owner didn't and overestimated myself. I thought I could manipulate that old man and use him but maybe he caught me long before and pushed me to this situation. I thought I could easily catch an Absol with his help. I came here totally unprepared.

Yes, I was wrong but I was taught.

Absol didn't go away completely it stood there and watched her every changing expression till the last determination shining in her eyes.

I looked up and stared straight at Absol.

" Thank you Absol for enlightening me. " I smiled, " But just you wait. I'll surely grow strong and come back for you. Honestly I don't want to let you stay in this Village with those hypocritical people. Till then please wait and stay well. "

I could see the confused look in his eyes but he slowly nodded anyway which was enough for me.

The Onix which was lying slowly moved his head and looked towards them. It heard the whole conversation. It's eyes were full of disdain and unwilling to give up and soon it's eyes locked on her.

" ROAR- " Hateful humans-

And with his roar it's whole body glowed with bright light.

While talking the horn of Absol also started glowing.