
One-Shot test

Ch 1. Pilot

On a bright sunny morning, Professor Samuel Oak was walking through the fields surrounding his farm. Peculiarly, he found that the whole place was quiet, usually all the Pokémon that live nearby are busy kicking up a ruckus some way or another.

"This is odd… where are all the Pokemon?" Oak scratched his head and kept walking. A small brown bird Pokémon, a pidgey who was flying towards the nearby forests saw him and landed on his shoulder. "You wouldn't happen to know where everyone went?"

Deep inside the forest where the sunlight barely touched the forest floor, a huge group of Pokémon all crowded around in a circle. What was it that they were all watching so curiously? Two young boys lay fast asleep in the middle of the forest. All the rustling and cries of Pokémon around woke them up.

The first to rise was fair skinned with thick short-cut eyebrows and long wild brown hair that reached his lower back. "Whoa… are these real Pokemon?! What's going on?" He said as he sprang up in shock, scanning the crowd with his big dark eyes.

"Keep it down will ya, I'm sleeping" the other said without opening an eye. "…wait REAL POKEMON?!" he jumped up and looked around too.

"No way!" The boys looked similar enough to be brothers, they even wore matching white kimonos with black magatama on them. However, this boy was more round faced and had tanned skin. His hair was also cut much shorter and very messy. "Cool!"

He exclaimed starting to run into the crowd but the first kid grabbed him by the collar of his robe and sat him down. "Hey what gives?!" He asked as he looked up at the long-haired boy from the ground.

"Haven't you ever read a pokedex entry? Just running up to Pokémon you don't know is a quick way to become a past tense. (Do I know this kid from somewhere? He looks familiar)."

"Fair, they do get kind of dark…" the spiky haired one said as he got up rubbing his neck. "(That hurt so I'm going out on a limb to say this isn't a dream…but why do I feel like I've seen him before?)"

They both sat in silence for a moment thinking intently, then at once their faces lit up with a sudden epiphany.

"You look just like Asura Otsutsuki!"

"You look just like Indra Otsutsuki!"

They said at the same time pointing dramatically at each other.

"Since we look like them, how about I go by Indra and you can be Asura." The long haired one proposed. "I don't actually remember my real name if we're being honest…"

"Ehh me either. I can remember a bunch of fun facts, but nothing about who I actually am. I'm ok with that, I probably died or maybe I met a wizard offering adventure I don't really care. What bothers me is, why am I the younger and far less talented brother?!" The boy now called Asura exclaimed.

"Maybe you sucked, and I was awesome. Maybe you have friendship powers in your last life. Maybe I'm actually older. It doesn't matter, what matters is what we're going to do next." Indra said calmly, still half lost in thought. "Considering who we are, I think we should have chakra at the least."

"Try a jutsu," Asura suggested.

Having a clear memory of the hand signs Indra quickly weaved a series of them and held his hand out as lightning began to dance in his palm, followed by the sound of a thousand birds chirping at once.

"Chidori…so we do have Naruto Powers!?" Asura looked more excited than Indra to see the technique performed. "I better have wood style!" Clasping his hands together, Asura strained himself, but nothing happened.

"Please stop before you hurt yourself," Indra said.

"So, you've decided to strip me of talent too, eh Rob?! It's cool, there's some Hashirama power slumbering in me somewhere! Just watch me awaken my potential!" Asura said shouting towards the sky, even the Pokémon looked a little weirded out.

"Are you going to be ok?" Indra asked with growing concern. "(Maybe there is a reason I'm the older brother here…)"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just don't think I'll need to team up with a bunch of people to beat you up." Asura said regaining his composure.

"Why are you concerned with beating me up? Since we're brothers now shouldn't we be working together?"

"Says the one with the sharingan and prone to soloing the world."

"Then don't cross me" Indra's whole demeanor went dark for a moment before changing to an innocent smile, which sent a chill down Asura's spine. "And we'll have nothing to worry about. OK?"

"(He might actually be a psycho…)" Asura thought. "…Ok."

"Good. Moving on…if we're Indra and Asura does that mean we're going to be tasked with fighting Kaguya?"

"Or Otsutsuki's in general?" Asura suggested.

"Possibly, good to know you've gotten that far." Indra said, relieved he wasn't going to do all the thinking here. "It'll be hard to say for sure, but we should take some time to get used to our new bodies and gather some resources before we do anything too ambitious. The Pokémon world is a lot crueler than the animes would suggest."

"Spreading chakra with ninshu couldn't hurt. If we're fighting fake gods, we're going to need help."

"There goes that Asura friendship mind at work," Indra says mockingly. "Relax it was a joke" he said seeing Asura had rolled up his sleeves ready to fight. "It's actually a good idea, and it makes me wonder how Pokémon would grow with chakra?"

Asura was excited by the prospect. "We'll make some monsters among pocket monsters! Hahahaha!"

"First things first, we need to get ourselves Pokemon." Indra said.

Asura merely waved to the crowd around them. "We've got a good selection right here."

"I'm sorry but these pokemon belong to other trainers who work with me." The two of them were startled to see that someone had gotten so close to them before they noticed. How much had they overheard? Attacking crossed both of their minds, but then they quickly recognized who it was.

"Professor Oak?" Indra and Asura said in unison.

"That would be me." He responded casually.

"I can't let you take them, but I can provide you with starter Pokémon of your own to begin your journeys. Take a walk with me back to my lab… Oh and if you don't mind me asking, what was that about chakra and Otsutsuki?" Asura and Indra looked at each other with looks that said 'you and your big mouth'.

Before either of them could respond everything suddenly stopped, frozen in place. The professor and all the Pokémon were stuck mid stride, and even the falling leaves stayed put. Asura and Indra however, were still able to move freely.

"Umm Professor Oak?" Indra waved a hand in his face but got no response.

"Heheh. Prank him John," Asura giggled.

"What? Who's John?" Indra turned to him looking confused.

"Oh, never mind," Asura said disappointed Indra didn't get the reference. "What's going on though? This is almost like-"

"Time itself is stopped." Indra finished. "Look at that." Indra directed their attention up above as a golden rift opened up illuminating the sky.

"What's that? It looks cool!" Asura said without being able to close his mouth. The golden light meant something interesting would happen. "Let's get a closer look," Asura found that scaling the tall trees with nimble jumps was pretty easy.

"That idiot…" Indra grumbled following after him. When the two boys burst through the treetops, they were greeted by the sight of a great Pokémon who descended from the rift with sublime grace and majesty. A white four-legged Pokémon with a golden ring around its waist stared down at them with deep red eyes. "Is that Arceus?" Indra asked shocked he could see something so powerful so soon.

"Woooaah, pokegod…" Asura was dumbfounded.

Arceus gave them a moment to calm down, waiting patiently and silently for a moment. "Indra, Asura, welcome to the world of Pokémon."

"Did you bring us here? What-"

Arceus knew what Indra was asking and wasn't worried about it. "Do not worry, your original lives had already run their course. Now is your chance to begin anew with bodies born from the chakra of the original brothers Indra and Asura. I'm sure you know how to make good use of their abilities. However, I have a request of the two of you."

"(I knew it…) they thought at the same time.

A certain individual, a member of the Otsutsuki clan has made his way from his own dimension to here. He intends to turn this tree into a chakra fruit and eat it for himself. He is currently hidden away making preparations to do so."

"So we gotta take him out?" Asura said. "Sounds simple enough."

"Buuuut?" Indra continued, well aware that there would be some kind of extra problem. it can't ever be that cut and dry.

"This Otsutsuki has been here in the world for some time now, he has had time to amass a fortune, as well as a number of Pokémon and allies."

"What Otsutsuki is it?" Indra asked, trying to see if it was one shown in Boruto. It'd give him an idea of where to start.

"His name is Minashiki Otsutsuki" Arceus answered.

"He wasn't in Boruto, was he?" Asura asked.

"No, he was not…" Indra answered with a sigh. "We're fumbling in the dark here, anything you can tell us about him?"

"He is very cautious and elusive, choosing to have his followers act on his behalf rather than showing himself…so no there is not much more I can tell you."

"Great, this will be fun." Indra said sarcastically. "So, it's safe to assume we won't the only ones with chakra out there," Indra commented.

Arceus nodded. "Precisely, there are also those affected by the influence of previous chakra users called to this world to destroy the Otsutsuki."

"Previous chakra users? What happened to them?" Asura asked.

"They failed…" Arceus said plainly. "Be it to the dangers of this world or the Otsutsuki and his followers, many of them have all fallen. There are none of them left alive." Indra and Asura looked at each other nervously. This one would be tough for sure. "Are the two of you capable of doing this?"

"Did you even have to ask?" Despite how big their challenge sounded Indra was confident in his ability to overcome this enemy.

"No one is ruining my chance to explore the Pokémon world!" Asura was fired up at the prospect of their mission.

"Good. Do whatever you must to ensure your victory, for failure spells your demise along with this world. Take these to assist you on your paths." As he finished speaking, a golden poke ball dropped into each of their hands. "Good luck." In a bright flash they were back in the places they were when time froze.

"What the- How?" He looked to Indra for an answer, who merely nodded, showed the golden Poke ball and put it away. Asura also tucked his away. They had their mission now. Suddenly everything started moving again.

"What was that about chakra and Otsutsuki?" Professor Oak asked.

"Lets talk about that at the lab." Indra said. He needed a minute to decide what all he was going to say.

Professor Oak led the two boys out of the forest and across a large field that had several installments to make the different Pokémon more comfortable. The mob of Pokémon followed along with the group still curious about the new arrivals. Indra and Asura watched the fantastic creatures around them with wonder.

Knowing they weren't dangerous Pokémon, Asura had already jumped on the back of a Rapidash, a unicorn Pokémon with a flaming mane and tail. It raced back and forth across the fields. "Hahahahaha! Faster! Faster!" At that moment he didn't have a care in the world.

Indra walked alongside the professor observing the Pokémon. He made note different little details about the Pokémon around him like their breathing patterns, the nuances in their cries, traits of their anatomies and musculature and etc. He was lost in thought when the Professor suddenly spoke to him. "Fascinating, aren't they?"

"Oh yes, they really are," Indra responded petting a fluffy flame colored dog Pokémon, a growlithe, that walked alongside him. "There are so many possibilities that lie within them. Pokemon are a wellspring of untapped potential," he continued, thinking aloud more than conversating.

"That they are, in my research I'm constantly discovering new things about them." Professor Oak said.

"Look no hands!" Asura rode by with his hands flailing in the air. Despite the pokemon running at full speed Asura held on with his legs, but when rapidash suddenly stopped and bucked it sent him flying forward.

"Are you alright young man?" The professor ran over to Asura.

"Idiot…," Indra sighed.

"Alright, I'm done… lets go to the lab…"

Asura wheezed.

A short walk later and they reached a large building atop a hill in Pallet town. Behind the building a single windmill stood, spinning slowly in the gentle breeze. "Well here we are, my research facility." He said leading them inside to a lounge room. The boys sat down on one of the two couches, looking around the walls were lined with all sorts of books on pokemon. There were also photos of many different people and pokemon, along with souvenirs and awards from years of research and adventure. Professor Oak set two cups of tea on the table, before sitting down in across from them. "Ok we will be able to talk privately, I asked none of the other researchers to disturb us. Is it safe assume this Otsutsuki business is sensitive information?" The professor got straight to the point.

"(How much should we tell him…)" Indra thought to himself.

"(I don't know. He's cool tell him everything.)" Asura thought in response. They looked at each other.

"(You can hear my thoughts?)" Indra asked.

"(No way! What number am I thinking of?)" Asura asked thinking of a number.

"(Interesting, we can communicate telepathically. This will be very useful in the future…and four)."

"(Cool... So what are we going to say?)" Asura thought.

"Is everything alright? It's taking you quite some time to answer." Professor Oak snapped them out of their mental conversation.

"Have you ever even heard of chakra before today?" Indra asked.

"I have," he answered as he got up to retrieve a photo from the wall. It appeared to be pretty old as the Professor's hair had yet to grey. He was pictured shaking hands with another adult trainer. He was wearing round dark lensed glasses, open toed sandals, and most distinctly he wore a bandana on his head with a leaf symbol engraved on the metal forehead protecter. A hidden leaf shinobi, one they recognized as well.

"I once met a man by the name of Ebisu. He was from a land far away where they practiced something called ninjutsu. Techniques that are fueled an energy called chakra…I believe he said that it requires a mixture of spiritual and physical energy to create. Unfortunately, he didn't give much more details than that, I haven't been able to figure out how to do produce chakra myself."

"Oh well that makes this simple." Asura said.

"Long story short, chakra comes from a race of aliens who destroy planets by letting chakra flourish across a world and then absorbing all that energy leaving the planet and it's inhabitants dried up husks to grow stronger. They can easily become more powerful than legendary pokemon too. That's our Otsutsuki problem, particularly one named Minashiki." he summed up before burning his tongue. "Ow! It's good though…"

"That- that's a lot to take in." This was a heavy revelation and Oak could tell by looking at Asura who's face was dead serious until that last part anyways. Still he'd need some kind of proof to go on. "If you don't mind me asking, could you demonstrate some kind of use for chakra?"


"No problem," Indra answered cutting Asura off. He had already shown he needed practice, it'd be stupid to let him attempt another jutsu he couldn't do now. Making a cross with his fingers a puff of smoke appeared beside Indra and there was suddenly two of him. Then with another hand sign the clone transformed into professor Oak in another puff of smoke. "These are two basic jutsu called the shadow clone jutsu and transformation jutsu. A little underwhelming but there are many more uses for chakra. Does this work?" The clone asked.

"Incredible..." The professor was thoroughly impressed with just that. Seeing his work was done, the other clone vanished into a puff of smoke. "So what exactly do you two plan to do about this Minashiki?" He asked after seeing it was all real.

"Nothing for now," Indra said. "What can two inexperienced children hope to achieve?" Professor Oak was taken aback, he didn't expect such a realistic answer. "If chakra isn't commonplace yet, Minashiki isn't really in a position to go forward with his plans, that should mean we should have ample time to prepare ourselves. I doubt Minashiki is too worried about us right now. But we umm…"

"But we came from a really far away place. Sooo we're basically broke and homeless at the moment." Asura cut in.

"That's a crude way of putting it…but yes."

Indra said. "Could we stay here until the time comes for us begin our league challenges. It would be an excellent opportunity to learn and prepare. Don't worry we can pull our weight around here, and we'll even teach you about chakra in depth." Indra didn't want to sound like he was a mooch.

"I was going to suggest you two to stay here anyways, I imagine you didn't have anywhere to go at the moment, did you?"

"Nope," Asura said already looking at home.

"Then it's settled you two can stay here for now. Well not here exactly there isn't much room here at the lab, but I can arrange a place for you in town. I'm sure you'll be more comfortable that way."

"Perfect," Indra said.

"That works," Asura said.

"Great, I have just one more question. Do either of you have any pokemon of your own?"

Remebering the golden pokeballs Arceus gave them, they both produced their pokeball and pressed the button silently hoping they got something cool. Red light flowed out of the open pokeballs and took the shape of two small pokemon on the coffee table. In front of Indra a baby chick pokemon with feeble little wings and three large feathers atop it's head. It's plumage was shining with a brilliant gold luster. As for Asura a little white rabbit pokemon hopped back and forth on it's two large feet. It had what looked like a bandage on it's nose and the ends of it's ears and feet were a bright orange.

"A torchic, I can work with that." Indra nodded coolly as his pokemon jumped into his lap.

"Scorbunny!" Asura hugged his pokemon "you're so warm and fluffy!"

"Torchic and scorbunny? Those are both fire type starter pokemon from distant regions, and very rare. What's more they are both shiny! They say shiny pokemon grow to be more powerful than normal ones.

Indra and Asura both knew that fun fact, and while they were both extremely happy about it there was a more pressing matter dominating their thoughts. "You ready to battle?" They asked each other at the same time.


"Wait!" professor Oak retorts from the side.

"Why" both boys ask in unison.

"Have you even had them checked by ? Do you know they're age? Or even their nature or abilities? From what I hear you boys have a great duty, as children it shouldn't be thrust upon you but as it is you boys must mature faster than normal, be wiser than normal, and definitely be prepared!" Says professor Oak releasing the aura of the old Champion of Kanto. The boys flinch at his words and aura, Indra bothered by his own recklessness, and Asura mad because he feels that he didn't care for scorbunny enough. The nature of their bodies on full display, the only difference now is the experiences of the soul.

"Sorry Torchic. I won't be recklessness anymore so follow me, my partner." Says Indra squatting down in front of the Pokemon.

"Torrrr." Torchic responds happily, it is to young to fully understand, but it can feel it's trainer's intentions.

Asura didn't say a word and just put scorbunny on his head.

"Scorrrrrr" Scorbunny, says happily.

Professor Oak notes the difference in the actions of the two boys. 'The elder too not be misunderstood explains to his Pokemon, while the younger trust that the Pokemon will understand him via actions.' The professor stores this in his mind this gives him an inclination to the nature and desire of both boys.

"So, you going to help us or just make us feel dumb?" Says Asura looking at professor Oak.

"Right! He's the adult, how are we supposed to know?" Says Indra, gladly blaming everything on the professor.

"Ugh, you two are going to be brats' aren't you?" Says the professor looking glum, he already has a grandson and grand-daughter now he has added responsibility 'Oh Arceus' he laments to himself.


After the check-up the boys having been getting aquatinted with the professor's lab.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! When can I get a Pokemon?" Says a kid walking in looking just like a young photo of the professor, he is followed by another quiet boy looking determined with his hat down, and a young girl with long brown hair in a blue shirt and red skirt. The kids immediately notice the new Pokémon, one jumping up and down a white rabbit looking creature with orange ears trying to reach the arm of a short light brown haired kid and the other sitting a orange chick sitting obediently in the lap of a long darker brown hair boy, in the professor's lab.

"Grandpa! What Pokemon are these? How come these kids have Pokemon before me?! Who are these kids anyway?" Says the kid leading the pack.

"Blue don't be rude, these are Indra and Asura and these are their own Pokemon, I'll be looking out for them for a while so be nice." The professor says with a smile thinking about how to explain this situation to his family.

"What? I thought you had to be 10 to own Pokemon?" says the other kid in the hat excited.

"Red I never said you had to be 10 get a Pokemon, but 10 to start your training journey. I don't in intend to change that rule either." He said the last part looking back at the two boys.

"Hey don't look at me I love free stuff?!" Says Asura with his hands up looking innocent.

"I think I may actually be 10 already so… ?" Indra says looking at the professor.

"We have ways of knowing, and even then you still need to learn the ways of the world right?" Asked the professor again with a smile.

"I guess?" Indra responds.

"Grandpa grandpa! Who are they?!?" the boy interrupts again.

"I thought he said we were brats?" Asura leans over to ask Indra.

"Your breathe stinks!" Indra says covering his face and leaning away from Asura.

This leads to Asura trying all ways to smell his own breathe and finally looking at Indra trying not to laugh realizing he'd be played.

"Your going to die!" Asura says throwing a blow at Indra. He was expecting so he blocked with his forearm grabbed his arm and put him an armbar.

"Ahhh hey let me go!!" Asura yells.

"Hahaha Nope!" Indra laughs leaving Asura getting more angry, Scorbunny jumps on Indra's head.

"Scorrrr" Scorbunny shouts while it is jumping on Indra's head this action angers Torchic who jumps into the now cartoonly chaotic crowd of dust, smoke, and fist. Torchic shoots at an ember but this attack hits Indra.

"ouch my robe is hot! Ow ow I'm on fire!" Indra screams as he runs around the lab stripping off the flaming clothes.

Professor Oak watches this whole scene with the children present realizing despite their knowledge and maturity they are in fact just children. At this point he has hands over his eyes, shaking just head realizing he may be in trouble.


After some time and carefully placed white lies the professor has somewhat explained to the kids how Indra and Asura came under his care. He tells a story of his old friend leaving two kids in his care, after departing from this world, leaving nothing for the kids to look into.

"So are they going to be living with us now?" asks blue slightly happy about having more kids his age around.

"Yes most likely, they will." The professor does not deny, but quickly agrees with Blue's question.

Indra and Asura share a look Indra's face says 'this is going to be so annoying' Asura's face says 'I can't wait to bother you big brother'. Looking at his face Indra can no longer wait.

"Hey professor, before this can we see how old we are?" Indra asks with a raised hand like a classroom student.

"Sure, come to this machine." He says leading the boys to an old machine that looks like a house phone. Indra puts his hand on one part as a light scans it.

"You are 9 years old and 8 months Indra." The professor reports to Indra.

"Nooooo." Indra wails

"Yesssss!" Asura gloats "Precious Big brother I know you didn't want to leave me hehe." Asura says with a giggle trying to look cute.

"Ughhhhh." Indra just groans.

"Heh hey it's only 4 months Indra, I can't be that bad can I?" says the professor faking sadness. This only earns him pity from 4 children, Indra looks even more disgusted.

"It's not you, it's him!" Indra Pouts for this first time in his life his pouts, pointing at Asura.


Later that day Indra and Asura reel from meeting their favorite game characters. They both have always loved Pokemon so seeing Red, Blue, and Green they were happy this was the game adapted world and not the anime. They in their room alone talking.

"So what do you plan to do?" Indra ask the boy seriously they've really only known each other for a few minutes longer then he knew Oak.

"Honestly I don't know, I just arrived in this world got superpowers, then got my own Pokemon, I'm not to sure of anything right now." Asura says looking up at the roof with a rare seriousness.

"I'm asking what is your Pokemon world dream? If you were a true fan in the past then you would have one!" Indra says to him.

"Oh! I probably won't be able to do it since this seems to be the game world." Asura says.

"Don't be a tease!" Indra says realizing Asura said everything but his dream.

"Ranger. I want to be a ranger!" says Asura with a blush.

"Why are you blushing? That's actually kind of cool, way better than your illusionary fantasy of defeating me." Says Indra looking over at his younger brother with a smile.

"Shut uppp. What is your Pokemon dream??" Asura asks the smiling Indra. " and stop smiling like that!"

"look at me." Indra replies pointing to himself "I want to be a Champion."

"Duh your Indra that's probably part of you! I know Indra tell me your dream!" Asura says looking up at him

Holding his index finger under his chin Indra begins thinking.

"Probably a chef honestly." Indra says to him after thinking.

"Ha hahahaha. That is really not something you can expect from Indra" Says Asura laughing.

"I've only been Indra for a day!" Indra roars at him embarrassed he's laughing.

" don't be embarrassed it made you human." Asura says still snickering.


The day of Indra's independence is finally upon us and the people have all brought gifts to see him off.

"Here's a hat from my mom." Says Red handing Indra a hat with an extra wide whole in the back for his hair.

"Thanks Red tell Aunty thank you for me." Indra says to the boy, he thought they'd be annoying brats which they were but they grew on him.

"I got you this!" Blue shows up jumping in front with a Ultra ball in his hand tossing it to Indra.

"That's an Ultra ball it has a higher catch rate, I will send you more when I get time." Says Blue proudly looking away.

"Haha it's fine Blue if we're fated a Pokemon will follow you without a ball." Says Indra laughing at Blue faux pride.

"Hmm whatever well I still owe you for teaching me jutsu." He says pointing at Indra.

"Mmmhmmm." Indra replies rolling his eyes.

"for me?" Indra asks as Green holds out a

scarf towards him nodding her head at him. He wraps the scarf around himself it is long but he will grow.

"Thank you Green." Indra says with a smile. Next he goes to his brother with his hand out.

"What?!" Asura says. To which Indra just stares with his hand out.

"I didn't get you anything, you traitor, you abandoned me here!" Asura yells being salty that Indra was older.

"I'm not even leaving Kanto till you become 10 don't be a baby, or do you already miss your big brother???" Indra asks looking all around Asura mischievously.

"Ugh take it and go." Asura says as he throws something at him, it turns out to be a leaf forehead guard Asura must have spent ample time working on it.

" Thank you brother." Indra says looking down at the headband he goes to see Oak before he leaves.

"So your heading out?" Oak asks the boy.

"Yessir." Indra replies.

"Follow me, I remember you saying you wanted a water type what do you think of this guy Mr. Father of Shinobi." The professor asks as he shows him a Pokemon on the screen.

"Is this my starter?" Indra asks with a smile.

"Well you have a starter, but this is your

starter from me." Says Oak with a smug smile Indra is already ignoring him and playing with the Pokeball

"Come out Froakie!" he yells and tossed the ball to see a gleaming Froakie.

" My colleague sent me this shiny Froakie because it was kicked from the group, now what will you do young Indra?" says the professor.

"Hey Froakie, I'm Indra follow me, we will go so far that they can only look up to you not down!" Indra says passionately.

"Froooo" the Froakie jumps and hits a backflip in excitement.

"Well let us start our journey, if we keep saying goodbye we'll be stuck here, Torchic come on!" he yells as his Torchic and Asura's Scorbunny we're having there 1,000 battle, Torchic hits the corner bloody and tattered, but his chest is out.

"Oh you won?" Indra asks Torchic. Only to get a smug smile and a nod.

"Don't start acting like that didn't he beat you this morning!" Indra says with a smile which ends with Torchic chasing him pecking at him, Froakie watches this scene in wonder.

Indra heals up Torchic and heads to leave as he made it to the edge of town he sees everyone waving except Asura.

"Damn brat." Indra says while waving back to them as he continues to walk he sees Asura.

"Im not into mushy goodbyes, I'll be on your heels in a year!" Asura says as he extended his fist to Indra, Indra looks at it and fist bumbs him back.

"You better take advantage of training with those kids or you'll never catch me!" Indra says before speeding off with the body flicker technique.

Indra begins his journey walking along route 1 and whistling aloud, Torchic ran around the area scouting, exploring, attacking random wild Pokemon basically enjoying leaving the lab. Froakie was more reserved he stayed on the shoulder of Indra the whole time. It wasn't long before the spotted someone else a kid who was apparently bug Pokemon hunting the kid saw Indra, but Indra kept walking the kid runs out in front.

"Hey You! Don't run were both trainers right?? Let's battle!" the bug trainer says in a dramatic battle pose.

"Sure I guess, TORCHIC!" Indra yells and the golden little chic runs up from who knows where.

"Very well, go Metapod!" the boy says as he throws out the green quarter moon looking Pokemon.

"Metapod use string shot!" Metapod begins to shout string every where.

"Ember" was all Indra said before the strings were burnt away.

"Now finish this with flame barrage." Says Indra Torchics body gets rapped in flame and he charges and tackles Metapod, while Metapod is of balance he does it again but faster, then again but faster.

"Stop stop we lose!" the bug trainer says running up to his Metapod in care.

"Don't worry he's just fainted Torchic didn't use his full strength." Indra says pointing to the weights on Torchics legs.

"Let's go Torchic, Froakie." Indra says as the trio walk of leaving only the tune Indra was whistling behind .

what do you think ??

The_11th_Divisioncreators' thoughts