
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Rooftop Collision

Archer stares at Finn with a wicked smile on his face. "I'm all yours huh? Are you that confident in your abilities? From what I can see. You only have a little Zubat and a feisty Eevee. The situation looks kind of bleak don't you think? The strongest person on this roof besides myself of course is the injured gym leader. What do you think YOU can do about it little man?" Finn tilts his head and looks at his surroundings, then looks down at his Eevee and gives her a head pat. "Why does everybody call me short? It's not a very nice thing to do." Finn turns to Emelia and rubs his chin. "Hey Emelia, what happened the last time someone from Team Rocket threatened my friends?"

Finn asks his question loud on purpose so everybody could hear him. As he does, Finn starts taking off his jacket. Emelia looks back to him and gets what he is trying to do and speaks up in her response. "Well, if my memory serves me right. We beat them then when they tried to run you sent the guy through a cave wall and beat up the girl." In the middle of the description Finn hands his jacket to Emelia. "After that I think that they got arrested by the police in Blackthorn city." Finn starts rubbing his chin again and remembers something. "Ya know something?" Finn slowly walks to Archer. "I really don't like being called short. So I'm going to ask you nicely to apologize."

Finn is currently standing in front of Archer straight faced. Archer starts leaning on Magmar and laughs uncontrollably. "Do you think I'm scared of you? I'm Archer of Team Rocket after all. Why would I be scared of someone who isn't smart enough to understand the situation he is in?" Finn starts to smile. "Ya know something. I'm not smart, I'm just not stupid." Archer looks puzzled. "What do you mean by that?" Eevee and Zubat are ready for battle but Finn extends his arms and is holding them back from fighting. "I don't have to win against you. All I have to do is buy time for the police to show up." After saying that he throws his arms forward and Eevee and Zubat charge at Electrode and Magmar. Finn also lunges forward and lands a punch to the left side of Archer's stomach.

Archer doesn't have time to defend himself before he gets punched in the stomach harder than he has ever been hit before. The punch sends him back a couple of feet and he doubles over from the pain. As this is happening every able bodied person on the roof is battling. Jessie and Arbok are battling Ash and Pikachu. James is battling Misty, Weezing versus Staryu. Brock is treating the unconscious Michael. Eevee is battling Electrode and Zubat is battling Magmar. Everyone seems to be having even battles except for Zubat who is not that experienced. Zubat barely dodges all of Magmar's Flamethrower attacks except for one that manages to clip his wing making him fall to the ground.

Magmar stands over the fallen Zubat and lines up another Flamethrower but gets hit by a giant wheel of fire. The wheel being Quilava, knocks Magmar back a little bit and stuns it for a second to let Zubat get a way. Emelia runs over to the retreating Zubat and holds him for protection and because he has battled enough. Standing in front of Magmar now is Quilava and Teddiursa.

Finn is squatting next to Archer who is holding his stomach in pain. "I could be a confused but why are you down here? Aren't you "Archer of Team Rocket"? You were making fun of me a few minutes ago. Where did that bravado go?" Finn stands up to see that Ash and Misty have defeated their opposition quite easily. Arbok and Weezing are sent flying into Jessie and James knocking them over. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and that blast launches Jessie and James into their balloon. The balloon gets knocked sideways and flies off at high speed because of the strong winds above the arena. "There goes your ride. I also think the police are here." Finn points out with sirens blaring at the bottom of the building.

Archer looks at how his Pokémon are doing and both of them are at equal footing with their opponents. He stands up when Finn has his backed turned and makes a break for the edge of the stadium. He calls back his Pokémon and that's when everyone sees Archer running for the edge of the arena. Archer grabs a Pokeball from his waistband and looks like he is trying to get away but as he is almost there Finn grabs his right arm stopping him in his tracks. Archer turns around to see Finn holding his arm, he tries to pull himself free but Finn doesn't budge.

Finn spins him slightly and punches Archer in the same spot he punched earlier. Archer gets hit and falls to the ground spitting blood. Finn grabs his right arm again and starts dragging him to the elevator. Halfway there Archer gets to his feet and punches Finn in the face which stops Finn in his tracks. Archer starts laughing and spits a bit of blood into Finn's face. Emelia seeing what has happened starts walking towards Ash and his friends. "I would take a few steps back." Ash and Misty follow Emelia but seem very confused. As soon as everyone is in one area Finn lets loose that deep cold pressure that Emelia has felt once before when he got really mad. Everyone watching Finn gets chills and Archer's heart skips a beat as he realizes that the punch did nothing but make him mad.

Finn in one motion spins around at light speed and grabs Archer by the throat and slams him into the ground causing a small crater and knocking him unconscious. Finn lets go of Archer and starts walking to Emelia. When he gets there he looks at Zubat. "You did a great job today. I'm really proud of you." Finn then looks to Emelia and gives her a hug. "I'm so happy you are not hurt!" Finn lets go of the hug and at this time Officer Jenny is now standing on the roof with three other police officers that could fit in the elevator.

Officer Jenny walks over to the group of people and sees Falkner on the ground injured. "Back away from the gym leader NOW!" She says while pulling out her gun. Everyone besides Finn gets scared by her pulling out a gun. Finn grabs Emelia's arm and pulls her behind him protecting her incase anything happens. Falkner speaks up from the ground while holding his midsection. "Officer put away your gun, the kids didn't do anything wrong. They are the ones who saved me." After saying that Falkner lays back down in pain. She puts her gun away then grabs her radio and calls in for EMT's. Eventually Falkner was able to explain the whole situation and Archer was arrested.