
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Chapter 1

Hi my name is Finn, and I have no idea what is going on right now. One minute I was in math class and the next thing I know I'm falling through the air holding this animal. I have no idea what I'm holding I can't really get a good look because it feels like I'm falling through the air at Mach 8, but something is telling me that I just need to hold on to this little fuzz ball.


Somewhere a teenage girl is sitting on her couch watching TV.

"Dad, you missed it. This boy lost in the league because his Charizard wouldn't listen to him."

Said the girl.

"Ha, that's kind of funny if you think about it." The dad said

"I think it's sad! Imagine if you made it through your whole journey just for your last Pokémon to not even try. If that were me I would have...…"

Whoosh...… BOOM!

"What was that?" The dad said very urgently

They both run outside to see a spray of water and sand all over. Just passed the vapor is a small crater with a guy who looks unconscious holding a Pokémon.

"Oh my gosh, dad there's a guy who looks hurt!" she said worriedly

The dad then rushes over and picks up the boy and the girl carries the Pokémon. Then they take them both to the Pokémon center as fast as possible.

"Nurse Joy we need help!" said the dad.

"What's going on?" Nurse joy replied

"This boy. I think he landed near our house and it caused a tremor when he landed. He has been unconscious since we found him." The dad explained

Nurse Joy rushed the boy to the back and her Chancey was right behind her with his Pokémon.

"Dad, do you think that they will be okay?" The girl asked

"Kiddo, I think he will be better by tomorrow you watch." The dad responded while rubbing her head.

Several hours pass by and the boy wakes up as he hears a loud ruckus startling him awake. As he wakes up he sees a Chancey and hiding behind it is a nurse cowering in fear. He looks where the two of them are looking and he sees the little fuzz ball he was holding while he was falling.

Finn "What's going on?

As he asks the question the angry fuzz ball turns to him. When he looks at it's face he can tell what this Pokémon is, Eevee. Eevee's demeanor changes to that of relief and then jumps into Finn's arms tearing up because it was worried about him. At that moment the father and daughter walk in to see what all the commotion was all about with their Pokémon out and ready to battle. Finn looks at them while holding the crybaby Eevee to see that the dad has a quite strong looking Hitmonlee, and the girl has a Cyndaquil that doesn't look like it hasn't had much battle experience as it looks kind of scared.

"Nurse Joy are you ok? the dad asks as his Hitmonlee stands in-between her and Finn.

Finn "Woah, lets all calm down. I don't know what's going on, I just woke up and I honestly don't know where I am or even who either of you are."

Andrew "My name is Andrew and this is Hitmonlee. You are currently in the pokemon center of Cherrygrove city."

Hitmonlee then puts its stance down and nods at Finn.

"And my name is Emelia my partner is Cyndaquil" says Emelia with a smile on her face.

Finn "My name is Finn and this is..." Trying to figure out why this pokemon was so attached to him even though he has no memory of ever catching this Pokemon, Finn looks at her neck and sees a collar and on it says "Ace, Cherish her" "This is my Eevee, her name is Ace."

Emelia "The name fits, she is so cute!"

Finn "Cool, now that that is all settled...wait did you say Cherrygrove city? As in like in the Johto Region?"

Andrew "Yeah, do you know of another Cherrygrove city in a different Region?"

Finn "You are right, I'm being silly. Do you know how I got here?"

Emelia "You sort of crash landed into the beach and then we brought you both here."

Nurse Joy "S-since you are awake and...healthy you can leave now."

All 3 of them leave the Pokémon center, on their way out Finn looks at a mirror and gets a shock as he looks completely different from how he thought he looks. He currently has reddish pink hair with a yellow hair tie holding his hair from hitting his face. He has green eyes, and a shorter stature. he is wearing a pink and white jacket with a black hood. Under the jacket is a white shirt with pink lightning bolt on it. He has black shorts with a splatter paint design on it of the color pink with black leggings underneath, and is wearing white sneakers with black and pink on them. he has on a wristband on his left arm and a ring on his left pointer finger. Finn lifts his shirt to check to see if his body looks the same or different. He has a very toned body, not super muscular, but not too slim either. As he is checking himself out Emelia turns around sees him with his shirt up and turns around blushing.

"Put your shirt down" Emelia says blushing embarrassingly.

Finn "Sorry"

This is my first time writing so please be nice :)

Hunter_creators' thoughts