
Chapter 2 Let’s have a showdown between old enemies


After understanding the intricacies of his system, Gary withdrew his focus and looked at Professor Oak with anticipation.

"Grandpa, do you have any starter equipment for me?" Gary asked expectantly.

"Of course, I do," Professor Oak responded warmly, handing Gary five empty Poké Balls and a Pokédex. "Here are five Poké Balls and a Pokédex."

The Pokédex isn't just a common item; it's a high-tech device that gathers information on Pokémon and can also serve as an ID card. This advanced gadget is a significant upgrade from the simple tools most new trainers have. It wouldn't be another five years before every trainer could get one, eventually being replaced by the multifunctional Rotom Phone.

Having a Pokédex at the beginning of his journey marks Gary as a privileged trainer with direct connections to the Pokémon League. The resources available to him are on a different level altogether.

"Thank you, grandpa. Now I'm all set." Gary attached the Poké Balls to his belt, placed the Pokédex in his pocket, and patted it with satisfaction.

"And don't forget this," Professor Oak added, pulling out a purple crystal pendant and hanging it around Gary's neck.

"What is this?" Gary asked, curious.

"It's nothing much, just think of it as a good luck charm," Professor Oak replied with a mysterious smile.

"Thanks, grandpa." Gary didn't hesitate, tucking the crystal pendant inside his shirt collar. Little did he know, this small charm would play a crucial role in his future adventures.

"So, when do you plan to set off?" Professor Oak asked, curious about Gary's plans.

"Well, I think I'll wait a bit longer," Gary replied with a slight smile. He wanted to savor the moment of becoming a Pokémon trainer and share it with his friend Ash before setting off on his journey.

Just then, a notification sounded in Gary's mind: **Ding: Novice mission released: Novice Duel. Please challenge three trainers who start their journey today and achieve three consecutive victories!**

**Reward: 300 achievement points and proficiency in all Pokémon feed preparations.**

Gary couldn't help but grin at the system's thoughtful timing. As a skilled academic and breeder, he knew how crucial the right Pokémon feed was. Different Pokémon required feeds tailored to their specific species and attributes. Professional breeders often mastered only a few types of feed due to the complexity involved. Mastery in all types of Pokémon feeds would solve many future challenges for Gary, ensuring his Pokémon's optimal growth and performance.

Pokémon growth is a lengthy and intricate process. Even for the fastest-evolving Bug-type Pokémon, the energy consumed during their growth stages determines their future potential. To excel in Pokémon battles, having a good breeder's expertise is indispensable. Even Ash, in his early days, was always accompanied by friends with excellent breeding skills.

As Gary pondered over his new mission, the doorbell rang. Professor Oak was busy in the research room, so Gary took the initiative to answer the door.

"Good morning, Gary!" A girl in a blue dress greeted him cheerfully.

"Good morning, Leaf. Come on in," Gary replied, recognizing her as the only female trainer from Pallet Town starting her journey today, alongside him.

After welcoming her into the lab, Gary called out, "Grandpa, the new trainer has arrived."

"Ah, coming right away!" Professor Oak quickly hid his instant noodles and turned around to greet the new arrival.

"Good morning, Professor Oak," the girl greeted politely, bowing slightly.

"Ah, good morning, Leaf. Don't be so formal. Come with me," Professor Oak responded, leading her upstairs to collect her first Pokémon.

While they were upstairs, Gary slipped into the research room and relocated Professor Oak's instant noodles to the kitchen. Everyone knew Professor Oak's quirky habit of cooking instant noodles in a beaker, a habit Gary was determined to change.

Before long, Leaf came bounding down the stairs, holding her new Pokémon and trainer equipment. As she was about to leave, Gary stopped her.

"Leaf, have you gotten your Pokémon?" he asked.

"Yeah!" she responded enthusiastically, holding up her Poké Ball. "I'm officially a Pokémon trainer now!"

Gary smiled. "As a trainer, you should know that when two trainers' eyes meet, it signals a battle."

"Really? Is that how it works?" Leaf asked, slightly confused.

"Not always, but many trainers on the roads will challenge you. If you don't want to battle, you can decline. Since we're both new, how about a practice match?" Gary suggested.

Leaf thought for a moment and then nodded. "Okay, let's make this our debut battle. Gary, please go easy on me!"

Gary chuckled and pointed towards the backyard. "Let's head to the yard. We don't want to risk wrecking the house."

"Sure!" Leaf agreed, and the two trainers headed to the backyard together. Professor Oak, intrigued, followed them. "Perfect time to sneak in some instant noodles," he thought, only to discover his noodles missing. "Where did my noodles go?!"

In the backyard, Gary faced his opponent with interest. "Leaf, I won't hold back."

Leaf blushed. "I don't need you to! Just wait until you see how strong my Bulbasaur is!"

Gary almost laughed. Facing Bulbasaur with Charmander, he had the upper hand this time!

The two trainers took their positions as if for a street battle. Leaf eagerly threw her Poké Ball. "Bulbasaur, let's go!"

With a flash of white light, the Poké Ball opened, releasing Bulbasaur onto the field. The ball bounced back into Leaf's hand.

"Bulba!" The Bulbasaur greeted them with a cheerful smile.

"Ahem~ Come out, Charmander," Gary called out, releasing his Pokémon.

"Char?" Charmander looked around curiously before spotting Gary behind him.

"Charmander, I'll be your trainer from now on," Gary said confidently, extending his right fist towards Charmander.

As a Fire-type Pokémon known for its formidable attack power, Charmander can be challenging for new trainers due to its temperamental nature. However, upon seeing Gary's confident eyes, Charmander felt a sense of trust and didn't resist.

Charmander trotted over, jumped slightly, and bumped its small fist against Gary's.

"Wow, Gary, that's amazing! You get along so well with Charmander already. Bulbasaur, let's do a fist bump too," Leaf said, looking at her Bulbasaur with enthusiasm.

"Bulba?" Bulbasaur yawned, lay down, and started to doze off.

Although Grass-type Pokémon are generally gentle, they can still be a handful for new trainers.

Noticing Leaf's predicament, Gary smiled and shook his head. "It's a challenge to handle a disobedient Pokémon, but we'll see how it goes in battle."

"Alright, let's start our practice battle. We don't need a referee, let's just begin," Gary said, turning serious.

"Okay!" Leaf nodded, encouraging Bulbasaur. "Bulbasaur, let's do this!"

"Bulba!" Bulbasaur turned over, looking alertly at Charmander.

"Oh, this will be interesting. It seems your Bulbasaur is somewhat attuned to battles," Gary commented. "Charmander, start with Scratch!"

"Char!" Charmander's claws gleamed as it rushed towards Bulbasaur.

Leaf, being a bit nervous during her first battle, struggled to issue commands. "Uh... Bulbasaur, um..."

*Smack!* Bulbasaur stood still and took Charmander's Scratch attack right on its face.

"Leaf, calm down and think about Bulbasaur's moves. If you can't remember, don't forget you have the Pokédex," Gary reminded her.

"Yes, the Pokédex!" Leaf quickly pulled out the Pokédex and scanned her Bulbasaur for information.

Watching her hurried actions, Gary understood why Ash used to consult the Pokédex at the beginning of every battle in his early days. He simply didn't have enough knowledge yet...
