
Pokémon indigo league x male reader

Abdullah_Waris · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Chapter 3: Challenge of the Samurai

The clip begins with Mewtwo and a shining Mew floating in space, as the camera focuses on Earth, while the sun starts to rise. (I wanna be the very best) The next scene shows Abdullah (Like no one ever was) alone in a stadium. After that, a Squirtle, Cubone and Pidgeotto are shown quickly, before changing (To catch them is my real test) to a Bulbasaur being caught, to which Abdullah snaps excitedly. Shortly afterwards, (To train them is my cause)the camera shows a Haunter using Lick on Charmander, paralyzing him.

Abdullah then flips his hat backwards and throws a Poké Ball to the camera. In the following scene, (I will travel across the land) Abdullah can be seen running along with his Pikachu and Sylveon, an Arcanine and a Rapidash, who then jumps to the skies, (Searching far and wide) disappearing between the legendary birds, who are flying around. Then, a short clip of a Sandshrew unrolling itself, a Kadabra and Charmander is shown, (Teach Pokémon to understand) followed by Abdullah, Sylveon and Pikachu sitting on a Lapras, as they watch a Gyarados jumping out of the water, and a Dragonair jumping in. After that, (The power that's inside) a Poké Ball is seen trapping a Pokémon who has turned into red energy.

(Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), it's you and me) A battle between Pikachu and Raichu is seen, with the former dodging a Body Slam of the latter; and (I know it's my destiny (Pokémon!)) then, a Caterpie training. In the next scene, Abdullah is seen hugging his Pikachu, followed by a giant Tentacruel, Abdullah, Eevee, Gyarados and Horsea attacking a Resort. Abdullah then is seen holding a Poké Ball; followed by an Onix. Later, (Oh, you're my best friend) Abdullah appears to be looking at the screen, when Misty and Brock appear on either side of him, (n a world we must defend) followed by Jessie, James, Cassidy and James with rising up in front of them in their agenda suits. And their Pokémon's jump up next, followed by Gary holding a Poké Ball.

(Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), a heart so true) The camera then runs across Charizard while using Flamethrower, Blastoise while using Hydro Pump and Venusaur; before Pikachu runs between Abdullah and a Lass and jumps. The next scene introduces Professor Oak, Lorenzo, Agatha, Red, Delia Ketchum, Blue, Green, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, as they nod, (Our courage will pull us through) the camera then shows a giant Charizard using Flamethrower, and Abdullah and his friends hide behind a boulder, later, (You teach me, and I'll teach you) a Squirtle is seen running towards Abdullah, followed by a hug.

(Po-ké-mon)The camera does a close-up on Pikachu, and subsequently zooms out, showing Pikachu standing on a Pidgeotto, a Zubat holding a Squirtle, and a Butterfree holding Bulbasaur. The last scene then shows up, on which Abdullah raises his feet and throws the Poké Ball to the screen, much like a Baseball pitcher, ((Gotta catch 'em all!) Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon!) followed by a spinning Poké Ball and the Pokémon logo.

Abdullah Pov:

I open my eyes Yawn to reach my poke-Dex to see the time.

Abdullah's Poke-Dex: Its 6 am.

I got up to Stretch my arms as I turn to see my right, I can see Misty still sleeping not goanna lie she does look cute when she sleeps, then I see my partner Eevee sleeping with me.

As I whisper to her ear: Eevee wake up.

As I see Eevee moving which she pop up her head as she Yawn, then she opens her eyes, she lifts her head up as she yawns as she turns to her master, she turn her head towards me with Happy smile.

Eevee: (Good morning, master).

Abdullah: Good morning Eevee. Are you and other Pokemon ready to train for Pewter city and training I'll make breakfast ok.

Eevee: (happily nod) (Yes, master).

I got brush my teeth then stretch my body as pick the poke-balls I also left a not for that we when to trained and hop on to my shoulder as we walk open area to training and a pond which Magikarp.

Abdullah: Come out everybody "as throw the poke-ball up in the air the ball open 5 Pokémon come out stand Eevee and Magikarp in the puddle of water".

Abdullah: "Good morning, everyone "as my Pokémon.

Pokémon except who already greeted her trainer: Pidgo/Oddish/Poli/Karp/Caterpie (Morning master/Abdullah).

Abdullah: Today were going train because were going challenge the pewter City beat the pewter city gym so I can get the Beg the gym leader.

As my Pokémon cheer as told them what to do I first told Pidgey use Quick Attack to increase her speed and to wing attack, then told Oddish and Poliwag spar each other so they have type resistance, then it told Eevee to learn Iron tail told do it on the rock, then I told Caterpie Stringshot small rock to swing and slam them at the ground and take of my shirt as I told Magikarp swim me then to learn tackle, as me and Pokémon then did some exercise then I saw six thing at field as I when to pick it two stones which is like some kind of marble and it look like Pidgeot and Gyarados color mark on center as pick up to show the professor put in I pocket then saw that shock it was two stone but just any stone it evolution as pick saw that was leaf stone, water stone and fire stone the put it in my were put the stone I when back to see my Pokémon train when train was over and Pokémon's learn moves Pidgey learn wing attack leer and her as increase which pet her head, Oddish and Poliwag are resistance to each then Oddish learn sleep power, vine whip and razer leaves, Poliwag learn bubble, rain dance and water gun, Eevee learn growl and metal claw, then I see Magikarp learn swim and now he knew tackle and Caterpie Stringshot got stronger as head pet which he is happy reached love and from his me then something happened that me and other Pokémon that Caterpie began glow.

I gasp that I know what happening as he smile: "Caterpie your evolving" as Caterpie evolve compete that tell me Caterpie a green Cocoon.

Meowth: That's amazing.

Abdullah: "Caterpie your Metapod now" as me and other cheer for Caterpie new from as pull out my poke-Dex to scan Metapod.

Poke-Dex: Metapod (Cocoon Pokémon) ★ Metapod is unable to move on its own. Its only attack method is "harden."

Abdullah: (happy smile) Great job Metapod and you learn a move harden I am proud.

Metapod as happily close his: Metapod (Thank you Abdullah).

I watch time it is 6:40 am as look at my Pokémon's: "We should probably head back to the camp were Misty" as my Pokémon's nodded as I pull out my Pokémon Poke-Ball except for Eevee and Meowth poke-ball which she climbs back on her trainer's shoulder as I return my Pokémon in their poke-ball as me and Abdullah when back camp with 5 stones.

3rd Pov:

As when back he didn't now a white cat Pokémon with bow on neck saw a human with Eevee who to follows him. As he reaches the camp, he saw misty sitting on log were he and her put their stuff at the log then Misty look at Eevee as she rushes to him and Eevee.

Misty: (*frightened* yelled as she holds her hand to her chest) Abdullah why didn't take me with you on your training you I am afraid of bug Pokémon.

Abdullah: I am sorry Misty, but I left a note at log were going for training.

Misty: (yelled) Then you should you told me and wake me up to take me with you on your training but since were friends I'll forgive you this one time but don't do it again okay.

Abdullah: *sign* Yes, I promise.

Misty: Good.

Abdullah: (smile) So do you what eat breakfast?

Misty as her stomach growl in embarrassed as she covers her stomach with blush look at Abdullah with her eyes close as she: Yes please.

Abdullah start the fire as put a fried pan as he pancakes for him and Misty as he put 12 Pancake batter in pan as Misty see her crush is making pancake as happily thing how is Pancake taste then, he also made Pokémon food then put in the Pokémon bowl for six Pokémon as call everyone Except for Eevee out of their poke-ball the as throw the poke-ball.

Abdullah: (smile) "Come on out everybody" all including the new evolve Metapod as Misty shock and frightened to see Metapod.

Misty: (shock and Frightened) Abdullah didn't Caterpie evolve in Metapod.

Abdullah as he turns to Misty: Caterpie evolve in Metapod when me and my Pokémon's training done that he evolves.

Misty: But Metapod can only harden.

Abdullah: (smile) I know when I check the Poke-Dex when I scan Metapod but *as he pets Metapod* but I'll be happy for him to evolve in Butterfree.

Misty: (smile) Fair enough but not gonna lie Butterfree are Beautiful Pokémon.

As Metapod blush at common from his trainer and Misty as Abdullah pick up Metapod as walk Misty as she frightened to see Abdullah bringing Metapod.

Misty:(Frightened) Abdullah please don't get that bug to me.

Metapod was offended but Abdullah didn't give up and smile: I ok Misty just take deep breath *as she took a long air* and come down *as she quickly Exhale, a Pokémon in bush see this that male Human Helping his Pokémon and his friend*and don't move" *as they reach misty who is still frightened* now slowly touch Metapod and I don't worry I'm here for you, plus it time got rid your fear bug Pokémon "as she frightened blush at Abdullah the he helping her as she touch Metapod heat" (smile) now rub it his head "as she rub his with he like it which Abdullah see Misty fear is going away.

Misty slowly frightened and smile as the Pokémon's and the Pokémon in bush saw: I-I am petting him.

Abdullah: Now "as Abdullah put Metapod on her lap as she began to frighten again as he whispers in her ears as Blush" it okay Misty now hug him.

As she slowly hugs Metapod as fear of Metapod was grow with a warm smile: I am touching Metapod, I am touching Metapod *as Abdullah's Pokémon cheer and Pokémon in the bush quickly cheer that Misty touch as she stands hug Abdullah which she also kisses him at check which he blushed* Thank you.

Abdullah blush then smile: Your welcome.

Then Misty look at Metapod: (sad face) Caterpie no Metapod and I am sorry I was rude to you can you forgive me.

Metapod as he happily closes with his eyes close: Metapod Meta (I excepted your apology Misty, I forgive you).

Misty turn to Abdullah to translate: (sad face) What did he said.

Abdullah: (smile) He said I excepted your apology Misty, I forgive you.

Misty turn to Metapod: (slowly smile) You forgive me "as he nods as she Happily smile" Thank Metapod "as she hugs Metapod and put him down slowly and carefully".

As they heard rustling in the bush Abdullah and Misty look at bush and the Pokémon stand by for alert and misty got behind Abdullah.

Abdullah: (serious) "Come out that bush right now" as he a cat like Pokémon with pink bow on its neck come out.

Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon. Meowth loves to roam at night to gather coins and other objects that sparkle, but it spends most of the daylight hours sleeping.

Abdullah band down on his one knee: I am Abdullah this my Partner Eevee, those are My Pokémon *as they say hi to as she waves to Abdullah's Pokémon* and that my friend Misty.

Misty: "Hello Meowth, your so cute with that bow" as she blushes at Misty comment.

Female meowth: *Meowth* (my name is Meowzie).

Abdullah turn to Misty which his Pokemons understood: She said her name is Meowzie.

Misty smile: Oh that a cute name 'she turn to her' did your trainer name you.

Meowzie made a sad face: Meowth 'as Abdullah translate (Yes when I by at viriden city clothes store I insulted a Meowth then she came name also catch me and yes I did went into the Limbo My old trainer' me when she found me and I was so happy with my new Mistress which I found out she was rich wealthy trainer and give me a pink bow.

Misty heard her Abdullah as Translated: (serious) I get it that she names and treat you that, you were mean the street Meowth.

Abdullah: (serious) Antically, Misty "as she and his Pokémon look at Abdullah" greed can come to anyone including a Pokémon if your mayor, president, a celebrity, noble person or royal person with money which it can consume anyone "as she realized as she nods that Abdullah right" plus I am mad Meowzie for being mean to street "as Meowzie is even more sad that Abdullah now what she did as Abdullah smile" but she admitting to herself that what she done which I forgive her *his Pokémon's and Misty also forgive her which Meowzie look at Abdullah, Misty and his fellow Pokémon's forgive* now back to your story Meowzie and were trainer.

Meowzie start to cry: Meowth 'as Abdullah translated (she abandoned me) * this Shock Abdullah, Misty, His Pokémon's.

Meowth: What.

Abdullah and Misty: (shout) What she abandoned you.

Misty: (Angry) But why did she abandon you?

Meowzie as she cries in tear: Meowth 'as Abdullah translated (When she ran out money then she told me she can afford me anymore and left me in Viridian city both I when in the forest to search her).

Misty: (serious) Why would you look for when she abandoned you.

Abdullah: (Serious) "It because *as Misty turn to Abdullah* some Pokémon a loyal to trainer" *as his Pokémon come towards him nod then he turns to Meowzie* then what happen.

Meowzie continued to the story: Meowth 'as Abdullah translated (I search for my trainer then I realized she abandoned me then I got hungry then Persian and his gang's they took me in).

Misty: (smile) Then that great think right.

Meowth in his mind: So she gone with a persian

Meowzie: (shout in tears) MEOW 'as Abdullah translate (No it not I thought that Persian was nice but when he and the others Meowth's were attacking a Baby Rattata were his mother defending her babyI told Persian to tell other leave it alone but the little he said that our lunch which got angry and heartbroken that the Persian I love would do that then I jump to defended the Baby Rattata when defeat the Persian attack us then his mother Raticate after she save me and her baby the Meowth's ran away before the pissed Persian he told me I nod one of anymore us as he ran away with his gang then Raticate (smile with sad)thank for her and when I was going to find a trainer "as she said the me, my Pokémon and Misty tears then see continued": (smile) "Meowth (then I follow Pidgey flying in super speed as was with follow her where I find a trainer in the forest as train and caring his Pokemon I saw the Caterpie evolve into Metapod as pet his that found destined trainer and master)" which Pidgey and Metapod under what she talking about as she put her paw on Abdullah lap as she smile: "Meowth (You Abdullah)".

Abdullah shock: Me

Meowzie: (smile) Meowth "as Abdullah translated (Yes Abdullah you show me kindness the you treat your Pokémon's and you a loving so much and that wanted I decided to become you're Pokémon)" as Abdullah smile as turn to his Pokémon's nod and Misty nod with a wink.

Abdullah: (smile) Alright then *Meowzie she smiles as pull out an empty poke-ball* welcome team and family Meowzie * as lower the Pokémon as she happily taps the button which she sucks in the ball wiggle then they heard a ding indicating Meowzie is cought Meowzie Poke-ball* "yes I caught a Meowth which is Meowzie" has his Pokémon's cheer.

Misty as she smiles: Congratulation Abdullah.

in 5 minutes, Abdullah and Misty were eating Pancake which she asks for scrip which happily smile that Abdullah cooking is the beat and the Pokémon love Abdullah handmade Pokémon as Abdullah ask Misty will eating.

Abdullah: (curious) "Misty can I ask you question " As Misty look at will eating.

Misty: (smile) Sure.

Abdullah: (curious) Why do you hate bug Pokémon?

This got Misty shock that Abdullah as that question: "Why did ask that question?" as his Pokémon's look which also got Metapod attraction.

Abdullah: (curious) When I come Viridian Forest, I saw you scared at Metapod when he as Caterpie which I want to but I like to understand.

Misty Hesitate but she Know Abdullah a nice boy how doesn't laugh her fear: No, I'll tell you *which Abdullah and his Pokémon's listened as she sighs* when 4-year-old never dislike any Pokémon type including bug type when I was in the forest I hear a buzzing sound as look around, I saw swarm Beedrill come out as went for a attack which frightened but my family defended just in time and that why fear bug Pokémon "as she smile at Abdullah" but to thank you let touch, rub and hug your Metapod I thought I thing I'll give bug Pokémon chance thank you.

Abdullah: No problem that what friends do.

As they finished as their breakfast, they pack thing and Abdullah put his Pokémon back in the Poke-ball Except for Eevee and Meowth who is walking as she was on his shoulder as they walk to Viridian Forest to Pewter city Misty spook.

Misty: Abdullah Look *as he and Eevee turn* there another bug Pokémon.

Abdullah and His Pokémon turn to see brown worm Pokémon with single horn on its head.

Abdullah: "It a Weedle" as Abdullah pull out his Poke-Dex to scan Weedle.

Poke-Dex: Weedle. The stinger on this Pokémon's head guarantees that any attacker will get the point right where it hurts.

Abdullah putt out his Poke-Dex then he grabs Metapod Poke-ball: Metapod I choose You.

Metapod Metalized in front of his to battle Weedle.

Misty confuses that why Abdullah choose Metapod: (Confuse) Abdullah *as he turns to Misty* why did you choose Metapod?

Abdullah: "I thought I give Metapod chance" as Misty then saw Weedle was run away.

Misty point to Weedle: (shouted) "Abdullah Weedle running away" As Abdullah quickly see the Weedle running away.

As he look at Weedle who running away

Abdullah: Not on my watch Metapod use stringshot.

Metapod: Metapod (Yes Abdullah) as shot string of to Weedle as it sticks to it.

Abdullah: (shout) "Now use tackle" as Metapod attack Weedle as it the tree which fell unconcern.

Abdullah pull out empty Pokémon he was about throw until he was disturbed by person wearing a samurai armor and has a sword.

???: Greetings. Am I addressing the Pokémon trainer who come from Pallet?

But Abdullah doesn't even look back at the Samurai and Speaks.

Abdullah: "Yeah, I am. Can you wait a minute? I'm a little busy right now" as Abdullah throw his poke-ball at Weedle the ball open then Weedle suck in poke-ball then suck in then it Wiggle for 3 time the He, Misty, Eevee and Metapod heard a ding sound indicating that Weedle caught as Abdullah pick up Weedle's Poke-ball: "Yes I caught a Weedle *cheer with his Pokémon's and Misty as Weedle's poke-ball transfer to Professor lab* Thank Metapod" as he pet his head.

Metapod close his eyes that smile: Metapod (No problem)" then Metapod begin was Abdullah, His Pokémon's and Misty Including the person gasp with smile Metapod to his final evolution form.

Misty as smile look at: "Abdullah your Metapod is evolving evolve" as he nods as Metapod finish his evolution flying at Abdullah was Evolved Metapod with butterfly wing.

Abdullah Happily smile: "Metapod you evolve into a Butterfree" as Abdullah Pull out poke-Dex to scan Butterfree.

Poke-Dex: Butterfree, the Butterfly Pokémon. Butterfree is the evolved form of Metapod. The scales covering its wings help it to shed water.

Abdullah as hug his Butterfree: Congratulation Metapod you evolve into Butterfree.

Butterfree: Butterfree (It all thank you, Misty and Other Pokémon Kindness that evolve).

As Abdullah turn around as Butterfree float around: Now you're saying anything* as the person aim the Sword at noise as he frightened as Abdullah lift his hands up and whimpered.

Abdullah: Mother...

Misty and Eevee then come back running towards Abdullah.

Misty: Abdullah!

???: I have found you at last! I am Samurai! I am also shrewd, fearless and completely invincible in combat. I have been searching the forest for you.

Abdullah: What do you want from me?

Samurai: A Pokémon matches! Let us see who triumphs.

He says while grabbing his Poke-ball. Abdullah smirks and grabs his Poke Ball.

Abdullah: Challenge Accepted.

Abdullah then throws his Poke Ball and Yells.

Abdullah: Pidgey, I choose you!

Pidgey shows up from her Poke ball ready for battle.

Pidgey as she fly's up for ready for battle: Pidgo (I am ready for battle master!)

Samurai throws his Poke ball and Yells.

Samurai: Pinsir, assume battle mode!

Pinsir emerges from his Poke ball in his battle stance.

Abdullah: A Pinsir Huh?

Abdullah pulls out his Poke-Dex.

Poke-Dex: Pinsir. This fearsome Pokémon uses its powerful claws to put the squeeze on its opponents.

Abdullah: Pidgey use gust.

Pidgey following her master command as she flap her wing power full speed that hurl the Beetle to tree hit.

Samurai: You ok Pinsir * as His Pinsir got showing he down* (yelled) "Alright Pinsir use Tackle" as Pinsir try to attack Pidgey.

Abdullah: (yelled) "Pidgey use wing attack" as she understood her as she slams her wing which land on the ground as it knocks out. 

Samurai Pull Pinsir's Poke ball: Pinsir return!

He puts out his Poke Ball away and grabs another one and shout*: Poke ball go!

Poke Ball opens up and come out was Metapod Butterfree's former Evolutionary come out of it.

Abdullah wide stars as he turn to his Butterfree: A Butterfree.

Butterfree: (sad experience ) Butterfree (Just do it already) as turn around so doesn't see his former form in defeat.

Abdullah: "Ok since the Metapod can learn Harden (yelled) Pidgey tackle"

he commands his Meowth who charge and hit Metapod sends Metapod flying backward, landing in front of his trainer unconscious. Samurai is Shocked again and return his Metapod which Abdullah and Meowth fist bump as he stand on a ground and Butterfree in his Poke Ball.

Samurai: That was a great battle! You're good.

Abdullah: Thanks! You too but make sure you train your Pokémon and catch one and two Pokémon to help you.

Samurai nods he took Abdullah advice: Yeah, I'll try to train my Pokemon and catch one to help me. Plus, I better get going. There are two other trainers from Pallet town that I still have to battle.

He was about to leave until Misty stops him.

Misty: Wait! Can you tell us how to get out of this forest.

Abdullah: Yeah... you see... we're kind of lost.

Abdullah admits while sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Samurai: Of course. Follow me.

As they were about to follow samurai Abdullah and Eevee saw something shiny.

Abdullah: Wait *as they stop then turn towards me* there something there.

As he when over there to pick up it was some circle stone.

Misty and Samurai come to Abdullah and his Pokémon, as Misty speak: What did you found "Abdullah shows her and Samurai circle stone".

Abdullah: "I found his stone and I same other two" has he pull out the stones which Misty and Samurai Confuse.

Misty: You found those five and that found right now.

Abdullah: Actually, Misty I found these two stone when I train where I these two with a leaf, water and a fire evolution stone" as he shown to them, they shock Except Eevee because she and other Pokemon know.

Samurai: You found these three stone but I don't know what they are.

Abdullah: I was thinking I should tell the professor when reach Pewter city.

Misty: (smile) "That a great idea, so can we leave now" as Abdullah put stones in his backpack as he nods.

Then 4 follow him. Soon, Samurai and our heroes are at the exit of the forest. 

Samurai: This trail will lead you to pewter city.

Misty: "That's great and can tell professor about the 3 stones" as Abdullah and his Pokémon's nod.

Abdullah: (smile)I hope we can battle again one day.

Samurai: (smile) You too.

Abdullah: Until then, Samurai.

Misty: (smile) see yea!

Samurai: (smile) Farewell.

Narrator: After saying their goodbyes to Samurai, Y/N and Misty leave the Viridian Forest, and set their sights on Pewter City. Where Abdullah's first gyms Badge is waiting for him and plus, he will find out about mysterious stones from professor as the journey continues.

So, guys what of this story yes, I put Meowzie in and their Going to be evolution stone the and will be Mega Evolution and stone, will make sure like, give a comment on this chapter then another next goodbye. 

Abdullah's Pokémon's

. Eevee (F) (partner)

. Pidgey (f)

. Oddish (f)

. Poliwag (M)

. Magikarp (M)

. Butterfree (M)

. Venonat (F) (Professor's lab)

. Rattata (M) (professor's lab

. Machop (M) (Professor's lab)

. Bellsprout (F) (professor's lab)

. Meowzie (F) (professor's lab)

. Weedle (F) (Professor's lab)