
Pokémon Corruption

This is the journey of Cain. Watch as he travels throughout the world of Pokémon...collecting Pokémon and girls along the way. *Warning* This fan-fic will have a huge harem...so if you don’t like that, then this story isn’t for you.

SinNer · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Cain was surrounded by nothing but white void.

No matter what direction he looked...all he could see was the vast white nothingness.

"Ok...what the fuck is going on?" Cain asked to no one in particular.

To Cains disbelief...a voice actually responded to his question.

"I'm afraid to say that...you have died young man."

"Who said that!?" Cain yelled as he swung his head around trying to find the owner of the voice.

"No matter how hard you look, you won't be able to find me." The mysterious voice said after watching Cain wildly swing his head around trying to locate him.

Despite his best efforts...Cain was unsuccessful in finding the owner of the voice, proving what the voice previously to be true.

Once Cain had accepted that he won't be able to locate the owner of the voice...he started to calm down and start to rationally think about the situation he was in.

He once again scanned the area he was in. He looked to the left...and saw nothing but white. He looked to the right...and still only saw white. He looked up and down, and just as he suspected...he only saw white.

He thought about the words the voice had spoken, and pinpointed on a specific line that bothered him.

"What do you mean I'm dead?"

"It means exactly what it sounds...you died. You no longer belong in the land of the living."

It took a minute for the voices words to really sink in.

'You died'

Once he finally comprehended what that line meant...Cain was a lot calmer than he thought he would be.

Cain felt that if he had figured out he had just died...he would've almost definitely been freaking out, yet he wasn't.

"Hey...why am I so calm? I mean...I just found out that I'm dead...I feel like I should be more emotional than I actually am."

"The reason you are so calm is because I am forcefully calming you. We would be here for a lot longer than necessary if you were to have an emotional breakdown."

While what the voice said was reasonable...Cain focused in on a particular part of what the voice said.

"Be here...I are implying that I won't stay in this void?"

"Yeah...you will be reincarnated."

Cain couldn't believe it. Reincarnation. He had seen many different types of media explore this concept...mainly novels on the web.

Despite how often it came up in the novels he read and the shows he watched...Cain still found it hard to believe that such a thing existed.

While Cain had indeed partaken in the fantasy of reincarnating into a different word quite a few times...they had just been that...a fantasy.

Now being presented with actual reincarnation...Cain simply didn't know how to react.

"If it makes it easier for you to digest...you can think of it like those novels you had read when you were alive."

"So you are saying that I'm going to get reincarnated into a fantasy world?"

"Well not exactly..."

Cain was confused.

"Didn't you just say that it would be like those reincarnation novels that I saw...what do you mean I'm not getting reincarnated into a fantasy world?"

"While yes...this is similar to those novels...there is still a few differences."

"What kind of differences?" Cain asked...even more confused.

"Well...unlike those novels...you won't choose where you go. I also won't choose where you go, but the process isn't random."

"How does it work then?"

Well...I will scan your memories, experiences, and personality to see what impacted your life the most. I will then send you to a world that correlates to my discoveries."

Cain mulled over the voices words until he felt that he understand what he was being told.

"So what you're saying...is that you will find what had the largest impact on my life...and then you will send me to a world based on that knowledge?"


"Okay...then go ahead and do the scan...I want to reincarnate as soon as possible."

"Do you have any questions before we begin the process?...do you want to know how you died?...or maybe you want to know what happened to your loved ones?"

"No...knowing how I died won't benefit me at all. I also don't want to know what happened to them...on that thought...I also don't want to remember them either. I don't want to carry that type of emotional baggage with me into my next life."

"How cold..."

Cain chose to ignore the voices remark and braced himself for the scan. He was mentally prepared for whatever will come his way.

"Well...I'm starting the scan...now!"


Contrary to what Cain thought...there wasn't anything dramatic that happened during the scan. The only notable thing to have happened was a slight feeling of itchiness to run over the entirety of his body. But even that only lasted a few seconds.

"Okay...I have sorted everything that I found, and I think I have the perfect world for you. Congratulations...you will be going to the world of-"

"I'm going to stop you right there."

Despite not having anything to go off by...Cain could still feel the shock the voice had at being interrupted.

"I'm sorry?"

"I don't want to know where I will be going. All I want you to do is send me to my new world while letting me keep any important information that may help me survive and thrive in my new home."

"...haah...fine. You will retain the information regarding important events that will happen within the world you are being sent to."


Thinking that there was nothing left to talk about, I was fully prepared to be reincarnated into this new world. I was very interested in what this new world will be like, and I just couldn't help but get all excited over what the future will good for me.

"Oh one more thing..."


"I have also given you an ability."

"What is the ability?"

"The ability is random, so even I don't know what ability you have gotten."

"Then how will I know how to use it if even you don't know what it is?"

"Don't worry...the information regarding on what and how to use the ability will be automatically implanted into your mind once you reincarnate. Although...the ability will be dormant for a few years."

"Why is that?"

"Your body and mind will need to grow and adjust in order to handle the ability. This is a safety measure to make sure you don't implode because your body and mind couldn't handle the ability."

"That makes sense I guess..."

"So now that all of that is out of the way...are you ready to finally reincarnate into your new world?"

Instead of answering, Cain simply nodded...hoping that the voice had someway of seeing the movement.

"Good...well then...this will be the last time you will ever hear from me. I sincerely hope that you thoroughly enjoy your new life."

Thankfully...it seemed that the voice could in fact see Cain.

Cain started to feel weird, and when he looked down at his hands...he saw them slowly start to dissipate. Swing himself literally start to disappear, Cain felt a wave of panic wash over him.

"Hey...is this supposed to happen?!"

"Yes. Your soul is being dragged from this place, and being sent to your new world."

Even after the voices reassurances...Cain still felt uneasy as he continued to fade away.

Cain looked around the white void one last time, before he completely disappeared...never to return to this plane of existence ever again.

Advice and helpful criticism is appreciated!

SinNercreators' thoughts