
Pokémon are scary

There are a lot of people out there that when asked if they could choose a world to live in, a fantasy world that they could start all over in there is no doubt that the world of Pokémon would be one of the top of the list, and why not its full of breathtaking landscapes, its safe enough for 10 years old's to wander the woods and of course it has Pokémon... but what if the world of Pokémon isn't as bright and gentle as we think it is. Meet Robert Leone and how he chose to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon and discovered it's not a PG-rated world. my first novel so any feedback is appreciated. I don't own the rights to Pokémon or any characters other than the ones I make cover art is not mine so if you don't want it there let me know

DoctorDraco · ゲーム
50 Chs

16. Who's that Pokémon

Robert's decision was made, this Eevee had to be saved and he had to do it. As soon as he made the decision, he felt renewed strength flow through his body. Like two parts of a whole were finely linking up and empowering each other. He had no time to think about it right now and with this new strength he shot out in a direction of the Eevee at a speed like never before.

Dennis cursed himself for not seeing something like this happening. He didn't hesitate for a moment and threw both Pokéball's, one to the far left and the other to the far right. As soon as Tauros and Bouffalant came out they could hear Dennis yell out to them. "Tauros swagger, Bouffalant mean look. Distract all those Beedrill and take them out if you can."

Both Pokémon quickly understood their role. They could see Robert racing towards the tree, Beedrill hovering everywhere around it. They both mooed as loudly as they could and used their moves. Four Beedrill paused in mid-air and headed towards Bouffalant. The other six Beedrill were all hit with swagger and went into a crazed rage. Four Beedrill headed straight towards Tauros, one lone Beedrill veered off and violently rammed into a nearby tree. The last Beedrill in its maddened rage saw a small figure headed for the tree that was their nest and immediately rushed at it

Dennis cursed seeing the lone Beedrill heading for Robert. He had taken off after Robert as soon as he sent out his Pokémon but was still a couple of steps behind him. Robert also saw the Beedrill, but he felt no fear or anxiety. The only thing he had in his head was to save that Eevee and it filled with a calm determination. He continued to run at the Beedrill head-on.

Soon they came face to face and Robert could see its eyes had gone red from rage. Robert knew that if he was hit by this Beedrill that was boosted with swagger, he could truly die here. Still, he didn't hesitate for a second. Beedrill quickly raised its lethal cone-shaped piercing arms and prepared to launch a twin needle at Robert! When Robert saw this he surprisingly smirked a little. Just as the Beedrill was launching its attack, Robert still in a mad sprint kicked his legs out and went into a slide. He slid right under the Beedrill who's attack came crashing into the ground.

Dennis was right behind Robert and while he was shocked he didn't hesitate. Dennis already had a combat knife out ready. He knew that while these Beedrill seemed low level he wouldn't be able to do much himself but he would do his best to protect Robert. Seeing Robert slide under the Beedrill and its attack crash into the ground his eyes flashed. A chance.

Before the Beedrill had a chance to pull its arms back Dennis quickly slashed his knife down on its wings. He managed to slash halfway through its wing before the knife would go no further. He quickly rolled to the side, barely dodging a swing from the Beedrill's deadly arm. Dennis didn't look back, he knew that the Beedrill couldn't fly now and its threat was greatly reduced. Instead, he looked at his son and the blood drained from his face.

After Robert slid under the Beedrill and dodged its assault he still didn't slow down. He quickly leapt to his feet and was soon in front of the Eevee. It was currently growling at him but there was something behind this Eevee. It looked like a bundle of light brown, almost golden fur with a white streak. Unlike the Eevee that was covered in dirt and blood, it was mostly clean besides a little dirt. This Eevee was clearly protecting whatever was behind it but Robert had no time to make sense of the situation.

He didn't pause as he scooped up Eevee in one arm, who preceded to bite his arm hard enough to bleed noticeably. Roberts face contorted in pain and he winced a little but his movements didn't slow. He quickly reached out and scooped up the ball of fur with his other hand, who also bit him. Roberts already contorted face couldn't help but twitch a little. It wasn't as painful as the Eevee but it still hurt.

As soon as he finished he felt all the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. At the same time he heard his father yell out anxiously "Roby duck". So Robert did just that. He pulled his body down so forcefully that he almost planted his face into the ground. No sooner than he did he heard a horrible crunch above him. He quickly rolled to the side and looked over and saw another Beedrill with the stinger completely inserted into the tree where he was just standing.

It turned out the Beedrill that had gone off and rammed into the tree came back. Robert couldn't help but feel a little cold and shudder at the sight, that was damn close. "Tauros, take down!!"

"MOOO!" Robert heard his father furiously shout, then an equally furious bellow behind him. He quickly turned to look and saw that all but one Beedrill were on the ground scattered around it. most were barely moving, the rest weren't moving at all… the last flying Beedrill didn't look like it would be for long.

Hearing its trainer's fury, it also quickly became enraged and charged over to the Beedrill still stuck in the tree. It ploughed through the remaining Beedrill facing it and smashed into the tree with a resounding crack. The stuck Beedrill was now crushed against the tree twitching slightly before never moving again.

Creaking and groaning came from the tree right after. It splintered and quickly fell to the ground with a loud crash that travelled through the jungle.

Tauros looked over at the remaining two flying Beedrill around Bouffalant and let out a loud snort and raced over. The two Beedrill were terrified and wanted nothing more than to flee all the way back to Ilex forest.

Seeing his Tauros still ready to battle Dennis quickly called his two Pokémon to come back. Tauros let out another loud snort at the Beedrill and walked over to Dennis with Bouffalant beside it. the two Beedrill finely freed from mean look fled as fast as they could and swore never to come back. As for the Beedrill whose wing was damaged by Dennis, it had long fled into the jungle.

Dennis had raced over to Roberts side the moment Tauros hit the tree. He checked Robert for any wounds but amazingly besides the two bite marks on his arms he only had a couple of scrapes and bruises. Dennis heaved a huge sigh of relief. Luckily it looks like it all worked out.

Dennis then looked at the two Pokémon in his son's arms in surprise. He didn't recognise the other Pokémon and it didn't seem to be injured and simply scared, currently burying its head in Roberts clothes. Dennis looked over at the Eevee and quickly realised it was doing worse than he realised. It had already passed out from exhaustion and some of the wounds looked a little purple.

Dennis looked at his son and saw his pleading look. Dennis stood up and looked at his two Pokémon and said, "looks our return trip to the farm will be a bit more rushed".