

I spent nearly a week after that just speaking to the kids and trying to glean any sort of useful information from them I missed in my first rounds of questions, and didn't really get much more besides, Pokémon are real dangerous no matter what kind they are.

Rattata could bite through a grown man's leg with little effort apparently, some kid named Richard told me he saw it happen before his parents died and he was "donated" to the orphanage by his remaining family….bit of a dick move if you ask me...…Rattata are considered "non aggressive" Pokémon so the kid said the guy was either trying to fuck with it or had real bad luck running across an outlier

There are quiet a few "non aggressive" Pokémon such as the caterpie line and slowpoke, even pidgey are pretty chill until they evolve…

But ALOT of Pokémon are…..they don't use the word "hostile"to humans, but more often than not still attack on sight, like the beedrill line for example, so going outside a town or city without a Pokémon of your own would be ill advised….But I kinda had a feeling that was the case already…

I'm pretty sure this is closer to the anime rather than the game, due to the kids looking kinda confused when I asked about levels…though a few did mention pokemon had abilities that differed sometimes…

Im not exactly sure of the timeline I was thrown into or even if the anime actually happened or is going to happen here, for all I know this could be an alternative world where all that shit never happened or will happen…but I did learn that a man named Red was champion of the Kanto region a few years back so that kind of gave me something to work with

Not that I ever planned to follow ash or whatever if he even exists in this world, in my old life I was probably one of the laziest people you would ever meet, and I plan on trying to continue that form of lifestyle here…

Before I wound up being unceremoniously thrown into another world without warning I lived a good life of pure laziness, when I was younger my pops encouraged me to buy realestate for cheap to renovate and rent.

So I did, and it worked out real flash for me..by 25 I owned 4 houses (with mortgage) that I bought for dirt cheap, renovated and rented out, and the area I bought had a massive mining boom and all property randomly quadrupled in price…not even mentioning the value out onto the houses by the work done..

So I did the smart thing and sold one of the houses that paid back all I owed on the other three and then some,

Which afforded me some luxuries….mainly not having to work like my life depended on it anymore…and after all was said and done with all my bills paid I still had roughly 500 a week to live off without having to lift a finger….. I already owned my own car and had a decent chunk of savings so I did the smart thing and quit working and lived like a shut in for roughly 10 years with my main human contacts being my family and random hook ups on tinder…. With the odd girlfriend sprinkled in between

It might sound lonely but…..life was fantastic, literally everyday I just did whatever I like, no having to be anywhere I didn't want to be, I got to travel whenever I wanted too, while not having to worry about when I got home….total freedom….i was the king of my own little kingdom

But I guess that's over now, now I'm a starving little orphan boy with not a dollar to my name, so laziness isn't really an option now, and as much as I hate to admit it, 10 years living in self indulgence really left my survival instincts and skills atrophied and me being a bit of a soft pushover, and I imagine that's going to be an issue…

….but it's not all bad, I guess I'm pretty pumped to be in the Pokémon world…always thought it would be pretty dope

I mean the start of my new "adventure" is a little lack lustre but I can change that…..hopefully…..

So besides asking random questions over the last week I've also started gathering some things in hopes of making a move and leaving here when spring hits…

While this "orphanage" as they keep calling it is understaffed and poor as shit, at the same time also potentially a team rocket recruitment centre, I did find some stuff that would probably be useful when I left, but more importantly something they probably wouldn't know someone took or notice missing….

I pinched a few lighters from Miss B's room while she was doing something else and the other wardens were tied up making the children cook the staffs non gruel meals or beating the kids for breathing to loud…. Honestly they make the kids cook decent meals for them with actual meat and veggies and turn around and give us nothing but slop to eat, and do it laughing in spite a lot of the time….

But I digress…

I assume I'm most likely going to be spending a lot of my nights living outside once I leave this place, and nights get chilly, which can be solved by lighting a fire…hence the lighters, keeping a few just in case one fucks up, and she has a whole bunch of them with her being a pretty heavy smoker..

I can't really find any extra clothes to pinch as every kid only has one set….and we really only get enough soap to wash them once a week, I'm honestly surprised they let us shower once every two days, and that's note so we don't piss off our captors with our stink more than them caring about our hygiene….so nicking extra clothes and maybe a bar of soap going to be a challenge

I actually found two pokeballs in Miss B's desk draw, which just rang even more alarm bells in my head due to the fact pokeballs are really pricey…..why would she have two just sitting in her desk?

I didn't bother to check if they were if they were empty or not because there was no point….if they were empty I couldn't take em because there is no way she wouldn't know they were missing and I still had a lot of preparation before I could leave and I could imagine she would be out for blood if she found them missing…

And if they weren't empty and contained her Pokémon, they would most likely just attack me straight out of the ball because I wasn't their owner….so a lose/lose for me….but if those bad boys were still there come game time…..I would be stealing the shit out of em

I also managed to find 3 decent sized green tarps and a good amount of rope in an old garden shed, the stuff was clearly very old by still in tact, and would make for great shelter in rain with a little set up….there were actually a few things in that old shed, but most of it was ruined and rusted….but I did manage to pull out an old iron hot plate that just needed a scrub…

The old garden shed was actually where I started stashing my escape supplies I've been slowly amassing, I doubt I'll be taking everything I'll be stashing, but I'd rather have and not need than need and not have..

I'm pretty sure the wardens or the kids won't discover my stash as I've dug out a little ditch under the old garden shed over the last week and covered it over with junk…so you would really have to know what you're looking for if you wanted to find it..

I honestly should have been able to dig it way quicker but my body is a wreck, I'm weak as shit with basically 0 stamina….

And the food does nothing to help that situation….I have been doing basic exercises to try and get me in semi decent shape before I make my midnight escape eventually but with the non existent nutrition I put into my body, it's going to be an uphill battle..

As I was making my way back to the orphanage from my latest little stash run one of the kids comes up to me

"Gideon, Miss A said that you're on cooking duty tonight and you better be clean before you cook their meals or they will punish you severely…."

The kid looked absolutely terrified when she mentioned the severe punishment, not that I blame her…..being beaten and degraded would never be fun for anyone, I'm certain she's gotten the short end of the stick once or twice going by the reaction..

And while I feel sorry for these kids, it's survival of the fittest for now as it stands, and I'm not some hero who's going to sacrifice himself to save everyone...and spewing empty platitudes trying to give hope would just make life harder for these kids at this point….while also painting a target on my back…

So I merely give her a nod and head off to wash up before I start the wardens dinner and continue planning my escape in my mind..