Aussie dropped into the Pokémon world without so much as a ‘how do you do’ into the body of some orphan kid. Let’s see how Gideon tries to pull a life together in a world with more danger and less friendly people than the anime ever showcased. I don’t own Pokémon or the cover picture
This was it, the night I get out of this living cesspool of a building permanently, I'd been preparing for months and even though I'm rushing it due to paranoia of rocket trying to recruit me early from all the freedom those cronies have been given me, I feel as ready as i even could…
And it seems like the stars aligned just for me because Miss A,B and C had been drinking pretty heavily tonight, and I was sure they would be stone cold drunk by the time I kicked things off…
I waited a few hours into the night after everyone had gone to bed and snuck outside to get the petrol I'd hidden in multiple random empty plastic bottles I'd found in my trash heap dives.
I'd spent a few nights siphoning from cars from around the city when I snuck out, and as much as I loved the smell of it, I became far more intimate with the taste of petrol than I ever thought I would be in my little expeditions than I was comfortable with…a professional siphoner I was not…
I'd stashed them in the old garden shed near the border of the orphanage under a tarp and some left over supplies I intended to take with me when I moved on tonight.
I first filled my arms with as many as I could carry and lugged then over to the building, uncapped them one by one and start pouring it all over the walls and into the windows that led to the back rooms..
I absolutely soaked the place making sure I didn't get any on myself to really get this place up in flames when I lit the match.
I was going to start the fire closer to the wardens rooms and furthest from the orphans, as much as I didn't trust and mostly disliked all of them…well except Becky, she was ok, I didn't want to see them burned alive so this should give them plenty of time to get out..
After I finished pouring as much gasoline as i could around the building I waited maybe 20 minutes to let the fumes that clung to me air out a bit and then made my way inside.
Over the months I've been forced into living here I've mapped out everything I needed to know for tonight, from darkest rooms to the squeakiest floor boards….spoiler,most floor board squeaked due to onset rot
I'd made my way through the building in socks to minimise sound, going over in my head what I was about to do.
I SHOULD feel sickness and doubt with what's about to happen but I can't really feel anything but relief, well as long as the kids get out ok that is…
I don't really know what's going to happen to the kids once this place goes up in smoke, I can only hope the league takes over it somehow.
While I have no love for the league after my experiences, they probably wouldn't abuse and torment kids like they do in this place….or maybe they do, who knows? But I still hope they get moved to somewhere nicer where they might have a chance a decent life.
I moved stealthy through the halls and made my way over to Miss B's room to find it shut with no light lingering under the door frame just like I'd hoped for, not to mention I can hear a muffled snore coming from inside..
Being this building was old and rotting you really couldn't expect the doors and hinges to hold up any better, so in my preparation stages of my escape I actually ended up buying a small can of WD-40 which comically enough it's also called WD-40 here as well with more or less the same packaging and decals on the can, except for a machoke with a tool belt giving a thumbs up.
But slowly over the months of a night time I would slightly grease all the hinges of the buildings doors I needed to use to the point they were practically silent…I didn't want something as dumb as a squeaky door to be the reason I get "adopted", so desqueakying the doors was a must…
I waited outside Miss B's room for what felt like hours preparing myself for what was to come, but in fact was only a couple minutes.
I needed what she had in her desk draw and I wasn't going to let anything stop me….and I wasn't going to leave it to chance whether she woke up and ruined my whole plan or not, I had to make sure she didn't wake up….and there was only one real option available to me given the circumstances….
I had to kill her…
I know she's drunk and there's a 50% chance she won't wake up even if I make a few bumps but I wasn't willing to risk it…she would kill me if she found me, it was that simple
Me or her…..that was the choice...and I choose me
This wasn't like some movie where I could just tie her up somehow while she's still unconscious, ball gag her and raid her room before making my get away, because even if I could, she would still know it was me and everything would fall through..
Out of all the scenarios I could think of, the only one where I came out on top is where I sneak into her room and end her with a blade in the throat quickly….
So here i was psyching my self up….I ended up finding an old hunting knife in my new hideout randomly a few weeks ago….it was dull and rusty, but nothing a few hours scrapping on a rock couldn't fix…
I knew the second I opened this door I would have to move as quickly and quietly as I could and get this done…..I couldn't hesitate, hesitation meant death…
The only thing stoping me was worrying about if i was actually wrong about all this, and this was actually just some really brutal orphanage where the staff are monsters and not some gang run operation to recruit new and impressionable blood….but then again, would that really change anything?, maybe it would maybe it wouldn't…
It didn't matter now…this was happening
I steadied my breathing as well as I could and turned the now very quiet door knob and slowly opened the now silent door with very greased hinges, and saw what was inside…
Miss B was laying sprawled out with one arm laying near the floor holding a bottle of rum wearing what looks like to be meowth themed pajama bottoms and a regular white t-shirt, snoring away without a care in the word..
She just looked so...normal, nothing like the monster I've come to know who can, will and has, beaten children to death and thrown their bodies in a ditch…..but I knew I couldn't wait any longer, one moment of indecision would be the end of me
So with silent foot steps and a hammering heat I move toward her with my knife already drawn from my waste as I stand over her…
And without over thinking it I plunge the knife down into the middle of her throat.
She opened her eyes in panic and horror as her hands reach up to her throat while knocking me away onto the ground at the same time as she lets out wet choking sounds and flails around and in fright trying desperately to do something….anything to save her own life…
But before she could get up, I was already back on top of her struggling to get the knife back so I could plunge it again…this was not how it was supposed to go!!!
She was supposed to just die quickly!!…why is she making it so difficult!
But my panic was brief and unnecessary.
It really only took another few more seconds before her struggles started to taper off,before the light in her eyes began to fade with a look for fear and anger plastered as the last expression she would ever make…
And after her light was snuffed out, with me sitting on her stomach with both my hands gripping the knife that was imbedded into her throat, I take a second to listen to my surroundings to make sure no one heard what just happened….
This was the first person I've ever see die that wasn't on a movie….and I was responsible…..and as numb as I felt at the moment, the more logical part of me took control and got to work, getting on with what I had to do….I'll deal with this later
With heavy yet still silent for steps I made my way to the now deceased Miss B's desk and open the top left draw to find 4 empty pokeballs, exactly what I was here for..
Pokeballs can only be purchased legally if you are a "legal" citizen of the league with documentation for around $500, but if you are a league registered trainer you can pick them up for around $150-$200 depending on sales going on at the time and what not..
Of course you can buy them "illegally" from other less reputable sources, but they will set you back on average $700 with the mark up.
I wasn't just selling my stash of stolen cigarettes at shitty bars and pubs, I was also gathering any useful info, and buying info for a pack of smokes was a cheap price to pay in my opinion…
But…. these 4 pokeballs don't just represent hope for me, the represent my first actual step to changing my shitty life in this jacked up world…
Having a Pokémon, meant having power, surprisingly few people have Pokémon compared to the actual population of Kanto due to the leagues iron fist keeping tabs on any and all people who could potentially be a threat to their power..
Your average thug didn't have a Pokémon and wouldn't even try and look your direction if you had so much as even a caterpie….they would try and steal it if they could, but if they couldn't and didn't have a Pokémon, most of the time you were pretty safe….and that's what I needed….safety
So I'll find a way to capture and train a few Pokémon and keep myself under the radar while doing so..
But with the pokeballs in hand I thought it would be a waste not to search her room a little more and found some useful stuff, like a couple blades, a few decent spare blankets, some shirts that will help me out, a couple nice hoodies a little too big for me,her spare pillows that weren't covered in blood, surprisingly a couple of potions, I knew they were pricey…..and I also found her secret stash of money with roughly $800 which was a massive boon…that will keep me fed pretty well for awhile
So after cleaning off my knife and checking I had no blood on me I quickly and stealthily made my way out of the room and back outside with my stolen goodies while not thinking about the murder I just committed…
I made it outside with no one seeing me and no interruptions and dumped off my new blankets and cash off at my little pull wagon I was using to pull the rest of my hidden stash along with my new goods…
I grabbed a little newspaper and a spare bottle of petrol I had on hand for just this moment and moved like a shadow back to where I dumped all that gasoline onto and into the building..
I used the spare bottle to create a trail of my fire starting accelerant about 20 meters away from the building before I ran out…scrunched the newspaper and used one of my many stolen lighters to light it up and thought…..I hope those kids make it out ok….
Before dumping the flaming wreath of paper into the liquid trail as it catches on fire and races toward the building and just like that the building was aflame with a muffled*WOOF!*
And knowing I had a few hours to treck before I got to my new home, I turned my back on the flame pulling my little pull cart full of goods and started to make my escape from the scene of the crime…
This is a new beginning…..
If you read my other novels don't be alarmed at this one, i haven't dropped either of them, I'm just doing this for some inspiration to help with some writers block I'm having
If you're enjoying this little project leave some stones, maybe even a review :)