
My names Barry

" I thought you said we were going to the Pokémon center to get Nidoran looked at and some medicine?"

"We are but we have to make a stop first"

Walking through Viridian to a specific destination, Becky dressed in warm well fitting cold weather gear and me in my gigantic grey floofy coat that covers most of my face and leaves me with a permanent T pose, with big black mittens, black pants and brown hikers boots.

"We are we going?"

" garden supply store…"


"A cart for Slowpoke"

Slowpoke who's floating next to me just yawns and stretches out midair, looking to be ready for a nap, probably glad he's not in an intense training session right now…

"He can float? Why would you need a cart for him?"

" he looks less threatening being pulled in a cart by a child rather than floating himself around without issues under his own psychic power, and seeing how we are walking into a Pokémon center, the belly of the beast as it were, I need "less threatening" to be the vibe given seeing how I won't be putting him away for any reason…."

"….I think you're being a little paranoid, everything's gonna be fine"

"Becky…..it's like you've learned nothin this last month…not even an hour ago you were given a hands on lesson in the form of a hard whack across the back with big stick.."


"I know we joke around some times and it's fun to just let loose and be yourself, but we are in a very delicate situation becky and I don't think you appreciate that….but you've gotten a little too comfortable disrespecting my opinion lately so let me give you a reminder"


" I've given you a bit of trust being out here with me in town even knowing I'm not strong enough to defend myself if anyone of note learns about me and my spot….which they would most likely learn from you by saying what you shouldn't with your optimistic and trusting way of looking at things "


"But I'm going to tell you right now that if you do something to fuck up my place of zen, my home with that shit I will drop you in a heartbeat….no more Gideon bankrolling your survival, no more Gideon keeping the bad mons and people away, no more warm and cosy place where you can rest you head of a night time without worrying if someone or something is going to kill, eat or molest you in your sleep… I'll be in the wind…. And you won't see me again…"


"So keep that in mind….I let the Nidoran thing slide mostly because of phanpy but that's done now, so you need to start hearing what I say…"


I liked the kid, but not enough to risk myself for her and she seemed to get a little to comfortable going against what I say, I'm not a control freak that needs to control everything or I freak out…but my paranoia is justified I think…and I've already made plans in the scenario someone or something discovers my base

I did a few test runs while Becky was out and with the silph co bags I have hidden from becky, It would only take me 15 minutes to completely clear the place out, food, all

My hidden goodies, fridges which thankfully fit in the silph co bag, generators, stashed money and a 4 room trainers tent I picked up and stashed with my go bag….

15 minutes from being home to being completely gone with my home cleared of everything I need, i would probably head north to pewter city and set up around there…it would be a long and dangerous trip but that's basically a code red scenario…..

"…..I'm sorry Gideon….please don't leave me…"

"It's not my plan to leave, but I'm just telling you to pull your shit together and start listening….you asked me to teach you and I have been, you just haven't been listening…I'm letting you know that if shit goes sideways and it's your fault because you didn't listen then I'm out…."

"I'll listen I promise…."

"Alright make sure you do…..once we get the cart and we get to the Pokémon center let me do the talking and don't let anyone seperate us for any reason to try and talk to us separately….here's our story we're going with when questioned…first is-"

-Police Chief Marvell POV-

"we did everything we could…but I'm afraid he passed away on the operating table this morning at 11:44, I'm sorrry for your loss…."

"…..thank you for trying Ms joy, I just need some time to process this…"

There was an attack on the power plant a few days ago that left all of the city without power for at least the next few weeks…the Toxic Arboks are being pushed into desperation with the speed and ferocity that both Bruno and Giovanni are taking down their operations in Viridian after finding a few members had infiltrated the higher ranks of the police department and have been using their positions to aid the newly deemed terrorist groups in their mission to fight off the league which has cost the deaths of over a hundred league and police officers.

And that attack was brutal and costly….for both sides….so many dead people and Pokémon, and for what? To hurt the league?the league would barely feel it, the only people suffering from the consequences of the attack besides the officers and guards who died or lost Pokémon are the every day folk who are now without power….thank arceus the snow storms are almost finished or it truely would have been a disaster…luckily important league facilities have their own back up generators which really helped save a lot of lives

I turn to try and comfort officer Bensen on the loss of his partner growlithe which is no easy feat as it's been with him since the academy and losing a friend is never easy…

I place my hand on his shoulder

"Take heed in he's in a better place now, arceus gained a faithful friend today, one I'm sure he will care for every bit as much as you did"

The man, clearly weary with black bags under his eyes, which are fighting back tears and general disheveled uniform and personal appearance like he hasn't slept, eaten or showered in days looks back at me.

"….thanks chief….but it's going to take some time for me to pull myself back together…there's just so much….anger….for everything that's happened and I think I need to step away before I do something I might regret…"

"Take your time Bensen, once we get back to the office I'll put you in for paid leave so you can sort yourself out….you're not alone in all of this so don't be afraid to reach out for help if you're struggling…"

I'm met with a weary smile that doesn't seem to reach his eyes.

The nurse gives a few more sympathies before heading off back to work and we make our way to the exit before catching the sound of a childish voice that sounded muffled speaking with a nurse at the front desk….begging the question, why would someone so young be in a pokemon center

From all my years on the force and my time spent as a detective before I made chief I found in every strange situation there is always a story to hear.

"Like I said, a Nidorino attacked our farm and was repelled and not even a day later it came back with a Nidorina who we think was it's mate carrying this sick Nidoran….grandpa said it wouldn't survive the cold so they took the chance to try and save their daughter by giving her to a human to heal"

Oh? Quiet the story…and the nurse was busy scanning a pokeball, probably the one with the aforementioned sick Nidoran pup inside..

"Hmmm, it seems to be a nasty bladder infection. Most likely from a poor diet with the lack of food due to these sudden snowstorms….the cold certainly didn't do her any favours… she's going to need a couple of shots and a prescription to be taken twice a day for 2 weeks….but she should be just fine…"

"Oh that's a relief!! Grandpa said something like that too….so how much is all of that going to cost?"

"Well….because you're sister is not a trainer and you're not registering this Nidoran under your grandfathers name….it comes to…300$ for the scan and check up, the shots will be another $700 and the prescription with be another $800, a grand total coming to 1800$….how would you like to pay…"

"2 fucking grand!?….that's!? O-…*breaths in*…..*breaths out* fine…that's fine, I'll pay with cash, just jab the stupid thing and get the meds so we can be on our way…"

I suddenly noticed the kids sister trying to make herself as small as possible, hiding herself behind the kid..

I was about to turn and leave, leaving them to their own devices before Officer Bensen stepped forward

"You need to watch you language and show some respect when speaking to adults kid, it's extremely rude to say what you just did"

By this time the nurse had already taken the "patient" to the back rooms, probably to administer those wildly expensive shots….the whole thing with medication included wouldn't even be 120$ if they were trainers..

"Yeah, well asking 2 grand to fix a toxic rabbit with a bad case of diarrhoea is considered pretty fucking rude too bud"

The….boy?…it's hard to tell with that jacket…even his face is hidden as the oversized coats hoodie ends just at his cheekbone and with his hoodie pulled up it's covering his hair…

The boy seemed to pick at the rather frayed nerves of Officer Bensen with his rude and uncaring attitude, the kid didn't even turn around to speak….he's still watching the door where the nurse took the occupied pokeball for treatment…

" maybe you should look at the person your speaking to kid"

The child lazily turned around his whole body with difficulty due wearing that jacket and gazed at officer Bensen and myself, while I noticed the girl turn around to face us when Bensen first spoke but turn back around quickly after to hide her face….hmmmm

"Oh would you look at that, a crack head in a police costume running around policing peoples manners….hilarious"

"Crack head!? What the hell are you talking about kid, I'm a cop and I recommend you start showing some respect before trouble finds itself heading your way…"

Bensen was at his wits end before this rude child spoke up and started pushing his buttons but if I allow this to continue it may end up with Bensen doing something he might regret….trauma and loss and make a man do things he would never ever dreamed himself capable of, I've seen it before and I don't want to see it again.

"Now now officer Bensen, let's not lose our tempers, I'm sure the boy was just nervous and wasn't expecting a tongue lashing after receiving such a hefty bill….why don't you calm down and take a step back….now what's yours and your sisters name?"

The boy looked both of us up and down, eyes focusing on our belts which carried our pokeballs.

But the girl looked almost like a nervous wreck which in of itself is suspicious but children can get jittery around police officers in my experience…

"Oh, my names Barry… Barry Mcockiner and this is my sister Tess Tickle, it's nice to meet you…"

Odd names? But sibling with 2 different last names? But before I could ask gently and enquire about that to try and get the kids to calm down Bensen came down on them clearly having not taken my advice on taking a step back

"Yeah well Barry, I noticed you had a few pokeballs at your waist….it's illegal for non trainers to have more than 2 Pokémon on them at a time….so wanna shine some light in that for us boy….what's in there…"

The boy didn't seem too phased as Bensens aggressive questions came out like accusations

"See this one here, his name is "none" and this little guys here is named "ya" but there two special little guys fortunately share the same name as each other of "business"….so if we read them out in order it sounds almost like none of your fucking business mate, grandpa told us to tell anyone who tried to inquire about the balls to fuck right off, no matter who it was"

The boy started by pointing at each ball of his waist while naming them with what I thought were odd names until I realised he was basically telling officer Bensen to screw off…the basically dropped away when he told Bensen to fuck off right to his face…..and with Bensens current hair trigger I thought I would step in and try and diffuse the situation again….I could just pull rank and command him to stop but I've been where he is before and I know it's not what he needs right now…

"Hey hey, let's just cool our jets a bit here hey?…why don't you come with me into the back room and talk to me kid while Officer Bensen speaks to your sister in that empty corner over there"

It was only then I notice a rather large Slowpoke sitting in what looked like a garden wagon next to the boy…how did I miss that? That thing stands out with its size alone…

But the boy answered before I could start to question how I couldn't notice something so obvious…

"Yeahhhhh, no. That's not gonna happen, you two probably have other things to do so why don't you mosey on back to whatever the fuck you were doing"

This kid seemly a little flighty….and more than a little combative...at first I was just humouring Officer Bensen, but the more I'm standing in front of and talking to this kid I seem to be getting a couple red flags..

Bensen spoke up again

" kid you seem awfully against us being alone with you or your sister why is that?"

The accusation in his voice is actually making this easier, the classic good cop bad cop will help lower this kids guard?

"Why you ask? Because two shady fuckers randomly bumped into us, two young children, dressed in clearly fake police costumes, the very same costumes I saw in a costume store not even 3 blocks away asking about the pokeballs on my waist…the very things my grandfather gave me to protect me and my sister from anyone who would try and hurt or kidnap us for ransom…and after that failed, tried to seperate me and my sister…one wanted to take me alone into an empty room while the other wanted to take my sister into an empty corner with no one around…so why don't you tell me why I'm a little cagey detective dick cheese?"

I mean, that does sound reasonable if you lay it out like that…we did kind of come out of left field and start grilling these kids who were only here to see a family Pokémon healed.

"Yeah, I'm not buying it give me those balls kid!"

Bensen went to reach for the boys belt when all of a sudden he froze with a pink shimmer of psychic energy surrounded him…

"Slowpoke let him go, he won't do that again…"

The boy looks at me

"Will he?"

I was already reaching for a ball on my belt to save Bensen but stopped just as he commanded the Slowpoke to release him to de escalate the situation

"No…no he won't…"

Bensen was released and blew a gasket

"You just assaulted a police officer! You fucked up kid!"

"Officer Bensen! stand down….go and take a walk, I'll finish up here…"

Bensen looked furious but when he saw I wasn't humouring him anymore he left in a huff…I looked to the boy, the girl who was white as a sheet and the Slowpoke that was watching…oh he looked just as dopey as your average Slowpoke if not for his massive and frankly overtly muscular frame, but there was something I his eye that seemed….off

"Well that was a bit unpleasant wasn't it?"

I tried to lighten the mood a little, but I had to turn that around almost instantly

"But you know….assaulting a police officer is a serious offence….I saw it was technically in self defence but do you have anything to add to that?"

"Listen mate, you might be a cop or you might be someone looking to take a shot at our family money…that pasty, twitchy wreck of a human being doesn't do much for your credibility….but here's the thing, times are strange and according to grandpa you can't trust anyone anymore, politicians and police are being put behind bars at almost the same rate as the criminals these days so you can never be too careful….grandpa gave me these pokeballs and made sure I kept them unlocked and left the pokemon inside with a single order…"

"And what was that order?"

"Anyone who touches me or my sister is to be dealt with…his words, not mine….so Slowpoke was only trying to save that guys life…"


With all the political upheavals running through Viridian for the last few months I can't even blame the man for so fiercely protecting his grandchildren or the way his grandchildren reacted to Bensen…he certainly looked like a wreck of a man and with his aggression….it could have been taken badly…in other words….this is just one big misunderstanding..

"Excuse me, Mr Mcockiner, the shots have been administers and here are the two weeks worth of medication…remember to feed it to her twice a day, plenty of rest and fluids with no strenuous training"

The boy faces his still unseen face back to the nurse

"Thanks nurse"

He turned his body away from both me and the nurse while fishing through his waist pouch with great difficulty to pull out a wad of cash, sift through it and pick out the right amount before handing it over to the nurse, taking the pokeball and medicine before giving me a curt nod and making his way out with his sister who looked to be suffering from a sort of panic attack, no doubt from the incident with Bensen..

After they leave I make my way back the office while my mind is running a millions miles a minute thinking about that very large Slowpoke in the cart of all things….I remember I glanced over a reported from the "gas explosion" that was covered up against my will…

There was a survivor who worked at the KFP who mentioned a kid with a slowpoke in a cart he was about to kick out before the first explosion went off and the kid took running with the slowpoke when a group of men appeared…following the child's example he ran and hid inside the cold storage and managed to survive….that's to much of a coincidence….

So without wanting to wait till I got back to the office I pulled out my wireless phone and called my assistant

"Hello Mr Marvell, what can I help you with…"

"Hey missy, I want you to search for a kid….Tess Tickle, in the system"

"…..a uhhh what sir?"

"Just look up Tess Tickle and Barry Mcockiner , see what you can find"

"Uhhhh sir are you ok? Can you smell toast? Do you need me to call someone?"

"…..what are you talking about missy? Im fine, just look for Tess and Barry Mcockiner.."

"….with all due respect sir I don't think you know what you're saying.."


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